HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-01, Page 8The Zurich Herald. . WIMi Horse Shoer and E EBAL BLACK -SMITH. 'Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. MI work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. , uttch Cattia6e: A Few First -Class C"': * Finished and ready for the road, for SALE Cheap, Also Several good Second-hand Cut - Cuts at a remarkably LoW PRICE Call and See thein. F. gE S & SOIL, Minch, Ontario Kalbileisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and sav- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Locals continued from page 1. not spare' the time necessary to make itcomfortable for the passage of citizens from one phare to anotia- or. In the larger places there is:a friendly rivalry between citizens as to tiw hcican keep their waits most. free from snow and ice. Why is not se 1'Iere? On Monday Manager French of the House of Refuge received $134,- 21 from the Berlin Sugar Beet Com-, parry for two carloads of boots,-. The shipment wva.S grown on two acres, and after paying $4.50 for. seed and 22,50 for freight,nettecl the above amount. Tho grsater part of the work was clone by the in- mates of the house. Manager French has ,oven acres of land iii, good condition for beet growing and it is expected the output will; be much. increased nest yeaar. He alone no longer, a;s they are one by one Massing away into the holy bonds. of matrimony, Miss Mary and .Emma Drysdale at oompauied by Mr" H. Howard called'on Mr.'A, Murray and family one ovc?ning recently. Miss Belle Thompson who has been engaged as teacher of the. Drysdale public school, will:com- mence. ditties on Monday, the 4th o1 Jan. The trustees of this sec- tion certainly deserve praise as to their choice of Miss Thompson for no doubt sho will prove a successful teacher being one who, always headed the list in her ° examinations. • Mr, ,Tohn Drysdale of Toronto spent Christmas under the pare,ntal roof. Miss Celina Durand has secured school near Grand Bend, -where 1.. c For your Hardware, Tinware, and 'Glass Ware gm, Sherwin=Willlarns and Hollywood 0 0 0 Granite, v x e'< - PAiT Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of ildlig Materials. This 1i�anious dam E N Most durable Fence on the market she will commence duties shortly. , Don't bo deceiv• d with a Fence Machine—You will not complains, 'very justly, that men Mr. Thomas Johnston, Jr.. was .able to (lo some work are sent tothe guest of the Dr'ysdalde family Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. . C. Kalbfl.eisch Zurich P. 0. I have much pleas sure in wishing you a Happy & Prosper- ous 1904. F. W. HESS, 7 HEJEWELER. the House in the fall and are allow-• one evening of late, ed to leave when the warm weath- Quito a number of the friends of 1 or comes, when they could make Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan.assembled I some return for their keep during at their home on Christmas where the winter months.—Clinton Maws- they spent the day in games and Record. other amusements. The following, persona comprised. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bln.ir,of Min- a jolly load of our citizens who. visited Dashwood on lerid ay even- ing and took in the entertainment in the Evangelical church. there, At the close of the concert they visited Mr. Sol. Hardy and family, who received them right royally and would not let them depart until they Bad satisfied. the "inner man" by partaking of a sumptuous repast and they all thins: brother Hardy and his .amiable family just the "stuff"—to use a more expressive than elegant phrase :--Misses Haist, Minnie Doan, Ethel Williams, Dora Eilber, Melvina Koehler, .Addie Witwer, Phoebe Rickbeil, Agnes Kaercher ; Messrs. John Dumart, John Deichert, Dan. Boehler, Tom. Kelly. Les. Williams,Fred Rickbeil, Garnet Magel, Norman Holtzmann. NOTICE, ASI HAVE ADOPTED THE CASH -+ System, all accounts must be paid by Sept. 1st. C. SCHR AG. Flour and Feed, Zurich. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. ° Wheat.,.;,. .. 74 to 75 1.,,h a.f i . ° . 27' Nal Barley 10 45 Peas . , .. 00 6.1 Flour" . " " " .... 1 75 .1 2;5 Butter . 15 1.6 .. IR (thickens lb 4 • 5 Ducks 6 6 Geese 5 5 Potatoes.... , .... 30 30 HE1 BALL MARKETS.- Wheat ART PUTS.Wheat 74 to 75 ' Oats .... ;iu :i2 Barley ..... . . ... 40 40 Potts Flour ...... . . ..:..2 00 2 10 ' Hogs (live) per cwt., 3.75.to4,25 .10 i:ga.u,who have been visiting friend, and relatives in this vicinity for the past couple of weeks, intend 'leaving for their home at the be- ginning of the new year. Quite a number of our young people intends taking in the party to he held at Mr. J..Johnstons on Wednesday night. For a good local paper try TEL Herald. Shooting fliatch. The match on. Tuesday in connec- tion With the Commercial Hotel was not very largely attended by outsiders owing to the bad state of the roads. The scdpre for the ten bird event was as follows :—J. Dodds, 10 ; Wm. O'Brien, ` 6 ; J. Preeter, 5 ; E. Zeller, 4; J. P. Rau, 8 ; C. Fritz, 10. Mr. Rau has a number of pigeons still on hand and will likely announce another match shortly. Financial Standing of the Township of Hay. We take the following footings from the Treasurer's financial statement, for the Township, just issued, which may be of interest to readers in this section. The sum- mary gives the receipts $23,267.91 and the payments at the same amount $913.05 being cash on hand and in bank. The statement shows Township assets to be $4,379.32 and liabilities $1391.09. In this state- ment is included the Town Hall, grader, cash in bank, non-resident, uncollected taxes, etc. The Sec- tional liabilities foot up tb $7' 830 63 BAYFIELD. Special to Tun HERALD. For Reeve—Geo. M. Smith, M. D. and Mr. James Thompson. For Councillors—Messrs. P. A. Edwards, A. E. Erwin, John Frazer .Tames Donaldson and George Lind- say. Trustees—by acclamation,' Messrs William -Brandon, William Elliott and John Ferguson. Arthur Townsend, of Hamburg, is visiting. friends. in the village. D. Dickinson, Clinton, Wyss in the village, Thursday last, on buS'ineas. _ H. Erwin, Clerk of the village, was a Clinton caller. on Thursday. Miss D. falconer. of Goderich, is spending her holidays at her home, in the village. Geo. Scott, of Goderich, spent Xmas day in the village. Mr. Brown, of London, is at pres- ent the guest of Mr. John Whiddon • Mr. and Mrs. J. Geminhardt, of Detroit, are spending the holiday's with their parents, in the village. St. Andrew's Church Xmas Tree entertainment cavae off Xmas night with howling success. the crowd being so Marge that the hall was packed to its utmost capacity, and large nrnnbers were turned away— could not gain admittance. The re- ceipts anaottnled to abont $60. The cry in now that we need. a larger hall, which is very true. Mrs. Boyce and grand -daughter, of Parkhill, were the guests of the The old Hay Swamp Drainshow former's daughter, Rev. Mrs. Jen - receipts of 51,350.15, and payments l nings, at the Rectory, over Xmas. of 51128.84, with 5221,31 balance. on I Mr. Will. Bing, of Winnipeg, hand.' East Branch North H. S. D., I who has been away a great many receipts $439.99 and payments $412,- years, is at present visiting his par - 84 and a balance on hand of 524.15 ents, Mr and Mrs. Win. King, of West Branch North H. S. D., re- tine village" ceipts $1,41.3°66 and payments of Robert Blair made a business trip $1304.15. with a balance $109,53 in to Clinton Tuesday. bank. Zurich Drain North, shows W. W. Whiddon arrived home receipts of $101:58 and payments of from Cleveland Tuesday evening. $81"00 a.nr balance $20.58 in bank. A pleasant event took place at rise Zurich Drain South gives receipts residencnce of Mr. !Daniel MoDon- as 5227.15 and payments is 5118.118 ald, on Xmas eve, when his eldest and a balance of 5108.57 in bang:. East and West Branch South H. S. daughter—Carrie—was united in D., receipts 5334.32 and payments the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Rob - of 5275,01, with 550.31 in bank. erts of Berlin. The ceremony was Logan Drain, receipts 5514.73 and performed in the presence of a num 02 5494,51 with a balance her of friends, by the Rev, J. Mc - of 520.22 in bank. Schwalm Drain Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left shows receipts of $1808.78 and pay for Berlin, on Tuesday. May their ments of $1292.14' with a, balance in future be bright and prosperous. bank of 5516.64. Dashwood villager Mrs. J. Sturgeon and Miss Ruble shows receipts of 5226.06 and shows payments to•Treal,s, of Stephen of a like amount. Zurich Village shows receipts of 51021.66 and payments of 51010.86 rind'a balance of $10.80 still on hand. ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE be if you buy a LONDON ON HAND) IA S ZURICH, .. ONTARIO. �avIR.c.rt . IB - yb lift' e ,I Neap �i�'"`+"' hr.:: ;�,r4N 3' xfa1� 4 I4c'i'� 'ER.S BLAKE Special to Tr4n HRRALD, Owing to the recent .snow storm, brlsiness has been very slow in this bore;, which .• is very unusual at bhristmas time. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. J. Drysdale one evening last week when the members of the Sabbath tirhool presented their organist, t'fi 5 Emma,, with a. beautiful' cap- erien, after which a .lengthy pro- gram wyaU given. Messrs. I'L • Allan and R, T Toward and ladies attended the Zurich Public School concert on the evening of the 24ncl inst, and report a good time, In consequence of this cold wins ter, it seems as though our young bachelors have deoided to live -*Come and See OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS OTS AN s1tSH S, RUBBERS AND SOCKS .�7 zTns7 We carry the Peel Patent Ad= justible LEGGING ; the best Legging ever made, P. BENDER & Co. Zuric Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Fisher, of Kincardine, and Messrs.' Burnham and Geo" Fisher, of Ber- lin, were the guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards, during Xmas. holidays. Miss. Dolan, Toronto, is at pres- ent attending her sister, Mrs. Jas. Johnson. Balance crowded out this. week. Born. STuc.n iui-:--At Stanley, on Dee. 20th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckley, a slaughter. CAL1O;ws.—.At Zurich, on Dec.. 31st, to Mr. and, Mrs. William Callas, a daughter. Notice. v1 OTICE IS IIERET3Y GIVEN Ti1AT the .20th Anneal Meeting of The Flay Tow n:,Jiip Farmers' Mutual Dire In- surance Company, will bo hold in the Town Iran, Zurich, 00 ,Ianmtry 12th, A. D., 1004, at one o'clock p.• an. 1 USJNI,SS Receiving the Directors' and Seel ofary-`.T'reasurer's Annual Reports, election of Directors and the discussion of other business for the good and welfare • of the company, All ineanbers are recluesbed to attend. Wit. Col stw,. Esr�.; . Ia Y, Emma, a, . • President, • • . Secretary;, Wishing. you 365 days of good luck, with health 'and prosperity for 1904.. Yours for Business, C. HARTLEIB. The Big Hardware and Harness House, Zurich, = = Ont a W119 ear 0 NOW IS THE TIME to be thinking of what Presents you will make We can help you—our splendid new stock will help you. Allow us to make a few suggestions. How about a beautiful Toilet Sett, Writing Companion, Travelling Case (leather,) Shaving Case, Glove Box, ]Etc. The above are in Leather and Celuloid Cases and Satin Trimmings", FANCY CHINAWAR -- Beautiful Selection. ]ETanciierchiefs and Linens. Fancy Ettnb'roider° Sill Seethe now material--EXCELDA—fine as Silk ; cheap as Linen. TOYS==BOLLS-=BOOK=S= RIDS Ste the Chatterbox and Ohaterwell Stories for young readers, GENTS' FIJ N! HI GS- ' Fe -so lines in SHIRTS, COLLARS, :TIES, GL,OV4S,. Art f plers, (Satin.) Cot ffeetior erY. •. ' An entirely Fresh Stock of CANDY, BON -BONS, CREAMS, NUTS, ETC., ETC. All Christmas Goods at Rock bottom Prices. D. T INB.0-A CH, r.�