The Herald, 1904-01-01, Page 2rih USrit) EiUl 'or JklAS.
Tlxo Cleoid;•al Manager Carred Him o'f.
it, However.
iA feww motitirs ago the son of a
railway eirecio.r was, througls his
fatli'ee'ri influence, given a poisruOn of
wales importance oil a large railway.
ITIS Woes .fresh from Cambridge, and in
the orders which lie had from time to
, i;ini!e issued to the xnen under Min,
always made use or the longest, moat
!unused words. This habit led to some
I expensive blunders, anti, the matter
routing before tiro general manager,
, no wrote the young official the fol-
lowingeetter ;
' i'In promu g,it'ng your esoteric
cogitations and in articulating your
• sup'erfi.i it sentim.ntaiiiies and amic-
able pil:loeophi.eai or psycho ogtcal
obeervationa, beware ce piatitudin-
asinine affections. Let your extt n-
sational communication possess a
clarified conciseness, a compacted
comprehensibleness, a .coalescent con-
sistency, and a concatenated cogency,.
Eschew all conglomeration of flat-
Ulent garrulity, jejune bab:ement,and
• asinine affection. Let your extem-
poraneous decantings and unpremed-
jtated expatiation leave intelligibilty
and veracious vivacity without rho-
F' or thrasonical bombast.
Sedulously avoid all po'ysyllabic pro-
fundity, pompous prolixity, psittac-
eous vacuity, ventri_gaolui verbosity
arid vaniloquent vapidity. Shun
[double entendre, prurient jocosity and
leeetiferous profanity, obscurant or
pparent. In other words, talk, plain -
y. briefly, naturally. senelb!y, pure.,
y and truthfully. Don't put on
airs ; sly whit you mean ; mean what
you say;; and don't use big words"
Mho young official took the gentle
Writ and changed his style.—Tit-Bits.
Demands Sound f -torsos Only. w
Lune horses sell at less than half their actual vahm and
aro neither desirable for use or sate. The remedy
is easy. A few bottles of
will work a permanent caro for Spavins, Ringbones,
Splints, Uurbs, etc.. and all forms of Lameness.
It cures thousands of cases annually, Such endorsements
as the one following are a guarantee of merit.
Cured two Clone Spavins of Ten Years' Standing.
Teraina, N.Y„ Mar. xr, met.
I)r. E. J Kendall Co., Gentlemen:—Some years ago I
used your Kendal`s Soavtn Cure on a horse that had two
Bono S;tavina, and it removed them entirely. These
Spavins had Leen on him from birth and were of ten
years' standing. I now have a case of a mare that was
injured by falling through a bridge, and ate going to give
her complete treatment with your Spavin Cure. Please
tend men copy of your "Treatise on the Horse and his
Diseases." Yours very truly, CLARK 0. PORT.
Price 4,1.: siz for $5. As a liniment for family use
It has no equal. Ask your druggist for ltendalra
Spavin Ouro, also '•A Treatise on tho Eorao,"
tho book free, or address
e DR. B. 3. KENDALL CO.. Enosburg Falls, Vt.
Yellow News,.
"What ie news V' Some editor
seem to fancy that anything that
Itappens is news. Otilt,rs go to tbe
of.pOsite extreme and deal wholly in,
[•fiction or i.0 essays. Others think It
' le the proceedings of public bodies of
one -lout; kinds, reported fully and in
• routine fashion. Others hold that it
is only what their backers think the
° people ought to know. Others that
it is whatever has a : alacious flavorc
From the standpoint of the jour-
nalism known as "yellow," news is
whatever is of concern to tho mass -
eat; of the people in their daily life-
ife..'Is there a murder ? If it is a com-
monplace affair among commonplace
• I:eople, it is not "news." If it has
some element of appeal to the im-
agination or to the universal hu-
en;an feelings then it is "news." And
the extent to which these elements
enter in determines whether it shall
be given a column or two pages. —.
'Frank Lane Carter, in Everybody's
Better Without a Stomach than
with one that's got a constant "hurt" to it.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate
the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the
,good things of life and leave no bad effects—
tearry thein with you in your vest pocket—GO
lin box, 35 cents. -48.
[Did Not Know the Kin„.
One would imagine that no Eng-
Ilshim'an or Englishwoman could pos-
sibly heave mistaken the King for
another man. Yet, at the last
Kempton races- a lady, coming
eteross King Edward in the enolo-
eure, mistook him momentarily for
to friend of 'hers, and, holding out
her Band, exclaimed, "Oh, Mr. S.!"
;The Bing took off his hat, smiled
and looked down at this racing card.
'The lady then realized her error.
--London Daily Mirror.
TXinard's Liniment for sale every-
, Where. '
Toil 15 a foil against .temptation.
Jahn that there is such a thing as
seasy work.
SHE 18 A inI R
Dodd's Kidney 'Pills Cured Little
Edith Harris' Dropsy.
Hers was a Terrible Uasc—Lt Proves
that the great Kidney Remedy is
good for Old and Young alike and
Cures all forms'of Kidney Disease.
r rey'burn, .Lasa., N. W. T., Dec. 21,
—(Special): — No more remarkable
cure of Dropsy; h'as ever been put
on record than that of little Edith
Harris, tl:'e two-year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harris, of tide
place. • l
, Tho little girl had dropsy! in' its
worst form• She was swollen from
'Ler feet to her shoulders so ba.dlyl
that the doctor was afraid one of
her feet would burst. Her natural
waist measure was eighteen inches,
but wheen the disease was at its
worst, ,sL.e measured, thirty-four,
incees. Two doctors attended icer,
but after three miantles' struggle
witiJ the disease the child was gra-
dually growing worse and the par-
ents h'a.d about given up all hope of,
saving the life of their child.
At 'this time they determined 'to
try Dodd's kidney Pills. Imagine their
,surprise and delight when under this
treatment the child began to rapid-
ly' improve. By tLe, time 51312 had taken,
three boxes, half a pill at a dose,
the swelling was gone and the help-
less little invalid was transformed
into a merry' laughing healthy child
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure old and
young alike. They euro Kidney Dis-
ease -without regard to where or in
what form it is found. I i j, 1 I
The Horrible Example.
Philadelphia Record.
"Hous' is it business leas so much
improved in th'o side show?" asked
thle man from the main tent.
"I started the 'living skeleton' to
smoking cigarettes," replied thle
hustling 'manager,
"'I don't see w;hy that should
draw people," '
"Yes; every rnothler takes her
boy in and points outl the horrible
Pain Over the Eyes
Headache and Catarrh
Relieved in oO ''',inutes.
That dull, wretched pain in the head
just over the eyes is one of the surest
signs that the seeds of catarrh have
been sown, and your warning to admin-
ister the quickest and surest treatment
to prevent the seating Of this dreaded
malady. Dr, A ;nevi's Catarrhal Pow-
der will stop all pain in ten minutes,
and cure.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment soothes all
skin diseases. gg cents. 18
A Letter Carrier's Keeord.
King Edward has decorated Jams
Eterstock, a Sostman, who in forty-
two year, has walked 25,000 tulles
and delivered 9,000,000 letters.
FRANK J. Cexsrer makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY a
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LARS for each and every case of aamenau
that cannot be cured by the use of HALI:'e
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A,D.,1886.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Senci for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by all druggists -75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation'
An Ancient Mian Tree.
Tere is an elm tree in the Depart_
ment of Ardeche. France, which is
vigorous and flourishing, though it
has attained the patrlerabal age or
793 years. According to official doc-
uments it was planted on thle grave
To prove to • you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itebing,
blending and protruding pilus,
the manufacturers iiave`iguaranteedit. Seetes-
timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh-
bora what they think of it, 'roll can use it and
got Sour money back if not cured. 60e a box, at
all dealers or EnMANsoN,BATEs & Co.,Toronto,
Or Chase's Ointment
More Needed Here.
The widow of a French chiropodist
htiv r`co htiy erected h'nt a tombstone
with the following inscription ; " in
memory of Jean Baptiste,
in life a chirorodist, who died le
fire acme of his talent, Alas! earth
r.eeded Ulm more than heaven."
isi>7�t�a7t,a+„ . ri
book if
Ste Pitls
do not
Gin Pills are called Gin Pills because each pill
possesses all the curative qualities of one and a
half ounces of the best Holland Gin. ' As a cure
for Kidney trouble however, they have all of
the good qualities of Gin, with none of its bad.
All druggists, soots. per box,
6 boxes for $z.eo or direct from
The Bole tortag Co., Winnipeg, Man.
LIow it Fools the Dogs That are Pur-
suing His Trail.
'Lie Will usually go hseme by a
tree -trunk road„ Tbt'ough the open
country on the boundaries of his
range he trots along without mind- '
ink; 'lhlis steps„ Tile dogs may Have
all the fun here watt his train
that they can,, He intends only
that they shall not find his home
tree, nor even thle vicinity of it.
So, as he enters his oven neigh-
ed swamp, his movements
change. The dogs may be hard af-
ter- him. or not., If they are not
Lcloso behind he knows by long ti x-
perienoe that they' may be expected
eious skin as to go straight to his
nestand :treeinet•er so far forgets Ms pre-
' L
.Instead he trots along a bound-
ary fence or in the stream, leaning
the crossing logs and coming out,
likely, on the bank opposite his
home tree, Farther clown he jumps
the- stream, runs hard towards a
big gum l and from a dozen feet
away Makes a flying leap, catcleing
the rough trunk up just out of
• reach of the keen -nosed clogs. He
goes on up a little and leaps again,
touchling the ground ten feet out,
tarns leaving a blank of twenty, or
'more feet in his trail.
The stream or fence has puzzled
the dogs, fbut now. at the tree they
begin to ;worry., They circle and
finally pick up thle scent beyond
thfefirst gap, only to run instantly
into to greater blank, one Cleat the
Widest circling does not cross. For
the coon has taken to another tree,
out on the limbs of this to still
another, and on like a squirrel,
from tree to tree to perhaps a hun-
dred yards, on, it may, bet to hiis
o403 ileegh holio(w.
Messrs. C. C. Rpohards & Co., Yar-
mouth, N. S. :
Gentlemen, In January last Fran-
cis Leclair, one of the men em-
ployed by me, working in the lum-
ber woods, bad a tree fall on him,
crushing him fearfully. Ile was,
When found, placed on a sled and
taken home, where grave fears were
entertained for his recovery, his hips
being badly bruised, and his body
turned ,bla,ek from his ribs to his feet.
We used MINAR;O'S LINIMENT on bim
freely to deaden the pain, and with
the use of three bottles he was com-
pletely cured and able to return to
his work. ' 1 ' ee,
Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que.,
• . , May 26th, 1803. , 1 t, i i t_ e
Training G•ertnarn Girls.
The same methods which have been
applied with such remarkable success
in Germany to .the training of boy ap-
prentices in the industrial and com-
mercial schools of the empire aro now
to be adopted for the education and
training of girls erne) may seek to bet-
ter their coed :tion 1n life. They will
then swell the ranks of that trained
army of experts which has accom-
plished more than any other one fac-
tor to make German commerce and
industries what they are to -day. •
FROM THE FAR EAST.• -Japan is producing
to -day and supplying the world with. a pain
relieving remedy ip the form of a, Menthol,
which is combined with medicinal gums in
the form of "tho D. & L" Menthol Plaster.
It is of untold benefit in neuralgia, stitches,
muscular twitehings, etc., relieving the pain
almost instantly.
A Sensible Mayor.
Toronto News.
•Thle Mayor is down: on signs, and
believes that all advertising should
be, done in the newspapers. This is
once more proof of Mr, Urquhjart's
good judgment.; '
Most people think too lightly of
a cough. It is a serious matter
and needs prompt attention.
re The Lung Tonic
when the first sign of a cough or
cold appears.
It will cure you easily and ccuickiy
then—later it will be harder
to cure.
Prices 26c., 50c, and $1,00
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. to
Napoleon's Hat.
Says a French contemporary:
Napoleon I, like other people, had
several hats of various heights, and
one of these, the one he wore through
the Russian campaign, is again • in
the market. Tiiis hat has a History.
It was given by Napoleon to his
valet, who .died in 1852. After his
death it was sold for $750, to a Mme.
Evrald.i .'"stet it was sold in 1878,
at the Hotel Druot, to Dumniares,lue,
for $1.5, . and now it is hoped that
it will realize at least $1.,000. ,
Minard's -Liniment Relieves Neural-
gia, , 1
f out tines as great' as the Summit -
Ville plant„ After the union has vot-
ed in favor of building thle( factory
thie 'board of dlrerters . of the bot-
tle oompiany will meet and arrange
to 'heave the iworkl on the neve. fac-
tory rapidly pushled, so that the
of in ottttes ins'the
h the
t'ip'ring« i i !.. C t i.
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
Ask for the Octagon Sax, 345
One Redeeming, Feature.
The man in the third rovii-What
do you think of the •quartette ?
The man beside him—Well, it won't
take as hong as four solos.
Mina,rd's Liniment Cures Burns,
• (
Something Worse.
Jdp11n—My; but wasn't that a
sharp flash ? Aren't you afraid of
lightning ?
Berker—Why should I be ? Light-
ning never strikes twice in the same
place, you know. Quite harmless in
comparison with, my friend Jones ;
he strikes me every) time he sees me.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Definition of Greatness.
Washington Star.
"Don't you sometimes think you
would be a greater man if you were
to cultivate the art of oratory t"
"I don't Imow," answered Senator
Sorghum'. "A great man, as you
know, i', one whe gets mentioned in
the school books after be is tread,
iestead of the financial columns of
the ]newspapers while he is living."
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens
the water and disinfects. 28
31 , Worrn Turns.
"You're forever trying to give the
impression that you're a, ,martyr,"
snapped Mrs. Henpeck. "I suppose you
want everybody to think ethat you
suffer in silence."
"No," replied Mr. Henpeck, "I suffer
in the perpetual absence of silence.
A little silence wpuld be a, positive
plenasure to me." ; 1 ' t, t . t• t
In Going to New York
Be sure that your tickets read via Graud
Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black
Diamond Express." This 1s the direct and
best route from all Canadian points. By this
route baggage is now checked in bond and
from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley
has three stations inNewYork, uptownnear
all first-class hotels and down town near ail
vin passen-
steamehfpggdocks, saving p
fer,,s Securer Europe
tick tickets of expensive
agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger
Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont,
Slaughter on tbe llailroads.
Philadelphia Lodger.
"Kilied, 3,551: wounded, 45,477"
This is not the report of a great
battle, but the report of the United
States interstate commerce commis-
sion on the injuries inflicted by our
railroads for the fiscal year ended
June 80th la,st,
Itching, Burning Skin Diseases
Cured for Thirty-five Cents.—Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day, and,
cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head.
Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and
all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and
quieting and acts like magic in the cure of
all baby humors. 35c.-47,
Sending Meat by Mall.
I kno'wi iii, resident of Berlin, says
at writer in World's Work, who has
a. package of meat mailed to him
every Siaturday from a point '150
miles away in Silesia for a little
more than 12 cents—the rate for
a 22 -pound parcel. German name.
chants deliver most of their goods
by mail—the small storekeeper thus
provided with[ as good a delivery
service as thle larger. Germany has
even been permitted to mail 11 -
pound parcels to addresses in the
United Sltatee. •
ISSUE NO. 1, 19O
Mrs, Winslow's boothing Syrup should'
®[ways be used for Children 7eethlnl;;. b i
soothes too child, softens thegams, ourea wia
code and is the best remedy for Dfarnccea.
Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade,
18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont.
• 'Phone Main 3704.
Direct private wires to all exchanges:
May wheat will sell L;1.00 per bushel before`;
this option expires. We handle accounts of
1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margins
Write for our special letter,
Branch. Office, 166 Simeoe St, Peterboro
'PRONE 360.
Stocks Are Cheap!
So. Pae., B. & 0., Un. Pac., Mo. Pac. R. L
Com., Eries, Reading, N Cen• and Penn.
R., we regard as PARTICULARLY AT.
TRACTIVE at present LOW prices, and
trades in these securities conservatively'
handled will, without doubt, show substan-
tial profits lathe near future.
While you are waiting for things to settle
down the quiet, steady accumulation of the
Standard issues is apparent ao the close
student of conditions.
A Word to the Wise is
Our board room is public, make tt your i
headquarters, Exceptional exchange con-
nections enable us to execute orders in 10 1
shares on as favorable terms as 100 share
Write to -day for our booklet: entitled
" Wall Street's Opportunities.'
Special attention given to out-of-town�
Standard Stock Exchange Buildings,:
• ii
r'I .
on the STOCK EXCHANGE without
All losses, if any, reduced to 20 per
cent. A plan placing you on both sides
of the market. $75 enables you to
operate 60 shares. Write for particulars.
P. O. Drawer, 2830,
Iu lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the,
heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt. near'
Grimsby. Steam and electric roads pass
this property, Ali conveniences of the day.
Terms very reasonable. Apply
P. 0. Box ds, Winona, Ont..'
a: business. Population twelve hundred,'
malleable iron factory, good farming coun-'
try, steady trade, up-to-date stock and fix -.I
tures complete ; about $1,500 Will
sell or rent house and store. Proprietor,
going to British Columbia January 4th. Ai
bargain, Act quick. R. E. G. Burroughs, I
Westport, Out.
American vs. German Corsets. `
In his annual report, dated Oct.,
12, 1903, United States Consul I3ugo,
Muonch, Plauen, Germany, saysl'
"Large quantites of corsets are,
manufactured at Oelsnitz, in the;
Plauen district, but no part of theJ,
product is exported to the Uniten
States ; nor is it surprising, since
German corsets cannot compare to
style, durability or pride with thodel
of American make. On the contrary,.
there is every reason to believe that.j
this country presents an inviting.
as Cy Buncomb is."—Exchange. F,
CE(e—By George, hasn't she got at
splendid voice ?
She—Mercy ! Just see how her
skirt bangs!
Wigg—Henpeck's wife says he tailed
in his sleep. Wagg—Well, I suppose
that's about the only chance he gets.
Our Parlor Brands-.
by using any ono of
FOR SAT ! by
Our Sulphur Breads
Is ensured EVERY to
these brands
rE ran "r
1899 $204,0$5,0o
20,917 1900 208,620.00
22,574 1901 238,880.W
28,829 1902 864,012.00,
25,000 1903 400,000.00
Special Inducements to JOIN NOW.
Apply to the Recorder in your own town or W. P. Montague, Grand Recorder, Briars..
Ilton, Ont. or W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton Ont