The Herald, 1904-01-01, Page 1The official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township.
V01. 1'tl., Nos 23.
ZURICH, ONT.,, FRIDAY, JAN, 1, 1904.
(Late with Garrow t'roadfoot) Barris-
ear; Solicitor, Notary Pul)lie. .
Hensel], Ontario.
ia. STA:i'Ri;RY, It. A. P. W. MADMAN.
G1adl=a13. & Staxtbtiras.
ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on
Village and 1?arra Property at lowest
rates of interest Documents in . original
toe inan read and advised upon. ;
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Irensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store
'Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Public
etc, etc. ` Cor. Square and Nortlx Street,
Goderieh, Ontario
sill. PROD DFOOT K. C. • R. C. HAYS
Village and Farm Property bought and
sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing
of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the Leading 'Fire and Life
Insurance Companies and respectfully
solicit your patronage.
Special attention given to collection. of
Notes and Accounts.
ZELLER Ontario.
ZoiriCh, BLOCK
(L. V. BAIT ND, Notary Public)
c/ Vet. Surgeon and Dentist
• Treats all diseases of domesticated
Animals. ' Veterinary medicines of all
kinds always on hand. `
Day and night calls promptly attend-
ed to. OFFICE— In' Wm. Bender's
Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Out."
• Fire Insurance effected in all loading
companies. Accident policies issued.
Confederation Life represented.
Mr. John Prang, of Goderieli, is
in. town, renewing acquaintances.
Mr, Chaster Steinbneh, of Water,
loo, is spending his Holidays in
M ses'Maggie enol Emma, Wese-
loh acre here from London visiting
their parents.
Mr. Robert McAllister, of Miele
grin, is visiting his grand -mother,
Mrs. Conrad ,Soldan.
Mr. 11. ,J. D. 'Cooke, Barrister, of
Howell, called on seine'friends- in
Zurich, on Wednesday. -
Mr. Gideon Bechtel and family,
of Baden. Spent Christmas at his
uncle's, Mr. S. Ronnie's. •
The Schools will reopen, after
the Xmas �h holidays, on* Monday.
morning next. the 4th. of •Januarg.•
Mr. John Wagner, of Guelph,
gave his friends here and at Wag-
ner's corner, a call over the holi-
Mr. Edgar Magel, of the Fa,tlst esa
tablishment; is in Detroit this wce'lia
visiting his brother and other . laa,-
tives. ' •
Dr, R. H. Steinbach, of Rieht'ille,
Mich.,is enjoying a short visit With.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S ein-
Mr. Fred. Howald, wife and child,
of Hensall, were. in town over Xmas
the guests of Ins father -iii -law, Mr.
P. Bender. - -
At the School meeting, on Wed,
nesday, Mr. John Pfaff was re-elect
ed trustee for another terns,• with-
out opposition. •
The regular meeting of the W. 0..
T. U. will be held at the home of
Mrs. S. Ronnie, on Monday evening
Jan. 4th, at 7.30.
Mr. Jno. Knorr is again in charge
of the Dominion House stables and
all seem to agree that he is a ;oocl
worker and a first-class hosteler.
THE HERALD 'wishes its numer-
ous readers a Happy New Year and
prosperity during 1904, as well as
many returns of the festive season.
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
' Torouto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality.
At Dominion House, Zurich, every
Mf on racy. 1-26
LicensAuctioneeredr Hur-
on County, respectfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who intend having sales.
Satisfaction aaiaranteed.
pEULIP SpPPLFneer for the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to eall on me.
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed. Your patronage solicited.
**** ic3 3a'3a'v 3*s'Jsli'*I 'a3e"•vr3GYQaiat'd*0)
* f3 k? * t3 THE Qt'"i cis
• 3 0 is 0 ZURICH e'v sJ W aL
$ • Strictlyup-to-date in modern imp
• provements. Dining rooms is sup-
0) plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ +
tib Bar contains choice liquors and $'a
n) Cigars, IT II II i II i"'
e, Excellent Sample Rooms r$1
Cha for Commercial Men.smemesawatermunuessamwerAm
.�� �.
:Get one of your new year's re:sc
hitions-be to tale the first oppor-
ttnity to pay your subscription til
THie E:intaLp. We need the money.
In Toronto the ether day a elan
waalked,outof the soednd storey of
a building end broke his shonidea.
Some people.Would stumble off the:
earth, if it wasn't round.
Miss Mary S\rc selob and—i.137.
Daniel Hippie of Wtit aloo and the a
Mises Fitzpatripk, of Buffalo, are
Visiting with. Mk. and Mrs. John I
Weseloh, ducting the holidays.
Now thatwe -;rite it ] 90.1, how
eould you celebratetlie. advent' of
the new Year better' than to get
your neigh, or to subscribe for TRI
;EliLicaL1r, your home. 'paper? Will
you do it?
Mrs. Wm. I3oltzmttn, of Mildrtitay,.
arrived in town on Saturday even-
ing, and is visiting relatives in and
around Zurich.. She will i•enuiin
foe a few days longer, before return
big home.
Mr. Erwin Modder,, of the Hart-.
Ieib establishment, Left last week
for Detroit; to, visit relatives, and
see the city. Emirs is one of our
'steady young inert, and deserves his
vacation and trip.
Mr. Wm. Appemail, of North Da-
kota, formerly , a resident of the
Bauble line, is ,visiting friends in
vicinity. Ile informs us that Sun-
day's snow storm here, has never
been equalled in his adopted home.
Mr. John Weseloh wants a good
stout boy to, learn Blacksinittling.—
This is one of the best trades now
open to the youth of the country—
the demand or stieh being always
good- and the wages•atbove the aver-
age paid mechanics.
Mr. F. W. 'Hepburn, of St.
Thomas, the district;.• agent of the
Deering implement Co , of Hamil-
ton, was in town last week looking
after the prospect of ''trade in the
firm's line. Mr. Hepworth is a
genial fellow and rnacle many
friends during his stay.
Mr. Melville Harness spent Xnr a s
and part of the next day, with
friends at Exeter, Mr. John Knorr
attending to his business during his
Mr. J. B. Dennis, who has been
at Galt for some months, is in town
and as he has a permanent position
there he intends moving to that
town shortly.
Mr. J. D. Merner left for Detroit
on Christmas morning to join Mrs.
Merner, and spend a portion of the
holidays with her parents. He ar•
rived back on Tuesday evening.
Mr. J. Wagner, V. S , of Tavis-
tock, is spending a few days in this
vicinity. We do not. think Mr. W.
takes these trips for his health, but
that something interesting may re-
sult soon.
A merry load of some 23 persons,
comprised of both sex, from the
village, attended a dance at Mr.
Adam Albrecht's, on the 14th, on
Tuesday evening. About 60 per-
sons were present, and all enjoyed
themselves immensely.
The Rev. Mr. Yager's many
friends will be pleased to hear that
he is now rapidly recovering from
the effects of the accident which be-
fell him a few ',veeks' ago; in the
in the Flour Mill. He has not been
able to be in his pulpit for the past
three Sabbath's, and we are sure
none regret it more than does the
worthy pastor himself, for we be-
lieve the welfare of his congrega-
tion to be his chief desire.
Mr. Julius and Miss Ern ua Thiel,
were at Mitchell last week, attend-
ing the marriage of a cousin, which
took place on: Thursday. Mrs Thiel
and Freddie visited friends, near
Clinton, the same day.
Trade during the holidays season
]las, we learn, been exceedingly
good this year, the merchants re -
tiro porting. vastly increased salesd as
• .rOO *" i' € 4'r'� 5' "` "' '* *G. compared with the same time, in
former ;-ears. This is satisfactory
o ddnton
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
a Tcttcr Table in the 7;<eminicar.
R. R. Johnston & Son,
P:rt01y1tTnT011 S.
news, as it shows that fewer peo-
ple now go outside to inaake their
inportai t parch ises,
A large crowd greeted the young
folks of the Lutheraan ehurch at
their entertainment on Christmas
Eve. The church was nteely rloeor-
atect, and two large and handsome
Christmas trees graced the front of
4 the chair ch on. each side of the
altar. A short pr'ograIli was ren -
tiered by the scholars and some
appropriate songs were interspers-
ed. The entertainment was most
successful and the management are
to be congratulated on the success
of this,anntt�tl. event. .
. Per Year.
���•v'•G'•tai'•�%'•c/•✓�•:�•r./',✓"•c>°�'c:•'•ca'•cyOri'CG•�"a•'�.,'c Q
Our Xmas Stock I
i0 largest
'arV e have the a
Complete. ap
range of �Va
"*.Z:10-,7, v 6Z, :Trelz.a„C,.�77 ,,,�„i;)vc:;C , Vic;,!
...1.110•04.1 ,.
n,n,ria •41,.1miu,o,nrrawcsa:rr.uc m^ •. •- a rysmz, '. ••+San ;`• D
And we can conipate with the larger places in
We extend a :hearty invitation to one and R11
to Corrie and Examine cur Goods. We ex- Ogp
pect to- be 'Ready to Silo1& all our Xrrlas tS
Goods by tyle 30th November, alld lay
zvieu..•• .. w-.ea.Ws 1 ,.sn_ -..a
before you all the rle2 arrangements,
A$• r Prod:ice taken in Exchange for. Goods., and ace
Highest Prices Paid for it. ooh
• 00..0.0.. ... .,,.o.o.o•o.d000.o..�ao./i•�l
'Daring the latter end of last and
the fore part of this week the maul
arrivals have been away .uncertain,
owing in large measure, to the
trains not being on tine.. We look
for bettor things in the near future
as the holiday travel this year has
been something enormous, and the
service was taxed to its utmose ca-
Mr. ,Tohn Truemner,, who served
his time with Mr. Jno. Weseloh. as
aL Blaehsinith, has secured a situa-
tion et the trade, at Dashwood, and
intends leaving for the sister vill-
age so as to commence work on the
2nd. of January. John is a gond.
steady man and like hitt instructor,
a gnoct workman, and those who
employ him will have no cause to
regret it nnless he changes wonder-
fully, anct this we believe hint in-
capable e•f doing.
We night say for the informa-
tion of outside readers, that anoth-
er big snow storm—which partook
somewhat of the nature of a blizzard
—visited this locality on Sunday
and kept most of the inhabitants of
both town and country, indoors.—
It lasted all day, and as it was ac-
companied by , heavy winds. the
roads were considerably drifted.and
travelling on -Monday—Nomination
Day—was not an easy matter., al-
though quite a few of " the free
and independent" from the sur-
rounding district, managed to get
here for the event.
During the heiivy storm oil bun -
clay, -the Flour -Mill smoke -stack
carne down again and a great part
of it was destroyed, and as a, conse-
quence the town was in d rkness
for a eouple of nights. Tuesday,
however, a short piece of the best
of the collapsed one put up tempor-
drily and the town lighted as usual.
A new stack arid, in all probability,
be tilt up ,as soon as its can be prti-
cured. This is the second time Mr.
Williams has suffered loss in the
salve way, since the beginning of
the fall and winter months, and
these stacks are costly things, to
say nothing of the trouble and • ex.
tense of putting them up, or the loss
of time caused while down.
Tho citizens should see to it that
they walks are properly cleaned after
each snow storm. It is very un-
pleasant,*as well as very nncomn.
fortable, for ladies to get rotind on
such walks as we have in this vil-
lago just now, and in a, town of any
size elsewhere, would not be toler-
ated, for if those responsible would
not clean them, the town wet -11d set
nen to work to do it and charge it
tip in the tax -bill. Surely there are
none so busy an town that they can
Locals continuant page 8.
For good Fal Water -proof
Boots anShoes,
Rubbers and Overshoes,
i r
Legging Fah Shoe;
— ANi .1T ?ACT —
Any and AD kinds of Shoes 1
' ° At RIGHT PRICES, Go to tl
OHAS.F 1' T ate.., e
Butter and Eggs taken in exchanges
..,.N =1 -IS
Imo" Call and see us ; we will be pleased to explain how to get a Dinner
Sett FREE. We give coupons with each 25 cent cash Sale ; you
can get it piece by piece—tiny piece you want.
Our X as Stock is now comp
, ,L4 IN ALL LINES. .A , ,,
+ii''i' all your Xmas .'wants. Clive us a call and you will be pleased
Highest Prices paid for Farris Produce and Clover Seed.
E , Zurich.
•116'lyt `ii",St4i.;r 3+,i+r•.b :' CI,�' ni'ttvattlec ooti�a
_ � lo:'i •s
We have rt number or 1.41 c1 Farms
also some property in. filw
Good+Agen't Wanted isi ev. it ' ws".iia vr2 acid
in' -the -(kunnty., to tale th.itS last the ,ROYAL,-
, •
-:.�.• L11Et.