HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-25, Page 8. 1-1 WISMER Horse Shaer and GENERAL CLACK- SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs ways on hand„ al - AN work promptly alluded to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs. day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zuricb Carriage A Few First -Glass * C Finished and ready for the road, for SALE Cheap, Also several good Second-hand Cut - Cuts ate, remarkably LoW PRICE Call and See them. F. HES & SON, Ziiricli, Eatariq Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water' - Tanks for . Wind -mills and Water Troughs, Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. . C. Kalloileisch Zurich P. 0. Y R E L L c• YYY E J .Locals continued from page 1, up. During this part, a chorus. " Handle not the tempting 'Wine" cup, was rendered In the business part an opportunity was given to sign the pledge, by which. we reoeiv ed two signatures. The meeting was closed with singing- the Tent- peraaice Doxology. frielnds: will r. be. pleased to oan's nuClea n that he is around town again, as lively as a Bee and seemingly little effected by the severe ordeal through which he recently passed, He is now able to attend to profes- sional calls as formerly, and will be pleased to wait ..tion any who may have sick animals on their hands, Tho' reported dead and buried, Har- ry is alive --for business. Several of ottr merchants this n oek. have quite showy, and tive window displays. Mr. Steinbach has two which doe credit, and which took no little pains to complete, one shows a nice assortment of Chinas -are anti the other gent's and ladies' furnishings and novelties. Mr. J. D. Merner has lits two very nicely dressed,one of which is guarded by one of the ',Soldiers of tlao Queen"—or rather TYS 19—Dialog. Little Boy in ]31ue.. 23—Song, g. ,, eSiberian Inquest. How Santa Conies," 21—Tableau, The New Woman" • urich school Promotion laxatn- inatiora. Tile following are the successful pupils, at the recent examinations of the Zurich, Pablie School in order of Merit e •t 9 il.. ty e 0 0 0 For your Hard' are Tinwaare, Grante, Silver ro' nd blase Ware_ ;, S4erwin=WIH.f la s nd f-lollyw Gd ortost stg on W TO JUNIOR Iv, Offs Portland Cement and a Ceuta Hess, Ada Koeher, Cornell �'1l kinds of hloltzmtann, Arno Brenner, Lizzie Welland, Haor Wetll Josepl. Ran- The a u i 1 d 1i ,y , to ° j� a Ham or Leonard. .'W urns, Arletta ,Wal - per, �L211t)tt a Iatie Tdo*iald. moss . susuon iii TO SENIOR ITS. Erwin Greb, Melvin Smith, Eva William -as, Lee Hoffman, Harold Ap- pel, Alfred Bender, Henry Fuss, aurae- Harris Si<ahilbe, Roy Faust, Nora Garnet Schnell, EIenara fl'artleib, Pearl s him johnston,,iMorris Rau, .credo. Thiel pi-toi£ SENIOR Ti To JUNIOR ITT, ng — with drawn sword. Mr. Sant. Faust has a good, display of toys and fancy goods in one of his windows and fancy furnishings in the other, both are attraeti17e and in season and even the ever popular holly occupies a place in the decor- ation, as it does in some of the others. Mr. Preeter shows a win- dow full of fur caps and the other of fancy furnishings and nic•nacs. This is the season when those who are blessed with abundance should remember "the poor" not only in their prayer,but with some- thing more substantial. There are few of this olass,perhaps in Zurich., but there are thousands elsewhere even in this prosperous year, who will lack comforts in many f the larger cities, where high rents,dear fuel and perhaps sick children, render it impossible to get more than a frugal subsistence from day to day. Then there is the sick children's hospital, and the free sanitarium for consumptives, both of which are worthy of support, and are getting it in sorne measure at least, from the charitably dis- posed and without which these institutions Would be forced to close their door. 'Tis a very old saying that he who gives to the poor is but Iending to the Lord. Public School Concert, The public school concert took place, as advertised on Tuesday 'evening last. It was not only a success in every respect, but a grand success, at that, every avail- able inch of space being occupied and dozens standing during the whe two -and -three-quarter hours of the performance. That the entertainment was a good one was fully borne out by the applause spontaneously accorded .ahnost every one of the 21 pieces on the no programme and although the hour was bate at, the finish—nearly 0 Read the top word backward and iwOtl it will tell you what to buy haci for a Christmas gift. thro secs A fine lot of Gold Rings f wry --- for all classes.So,rne cs , tht�In nice wee Rings. for pc little folks. A full line of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery to select from. PRICES RIGHT. - d W. HESS, ti F-6EJEWELER. NOTICE. e 5 I HAVE 1DIOPT3 ra THE CASTI' � System, all accounts anus. 1.0 paid be Sept. 1:,t. C. Flour caul Peed. Zurich. Afit RIC Revised every Thurimn y afternoon. Wheafi tea 7 osats.. 27 2t, Pc LiElarls,, . ' `. 40 45 1T`Icattr .1 7 5 1 85 Butter 13 16 Eggs-- 18 Chickens ib 4 5 Ducks , ..... 6 6 Geese .,.......... 5 r Potatoes. , .. , .. 30 30 HENSA.LL MARKETS. Wheat 74 to 75 Oats.. 30 32. Barley, ... , . , ,• .. , 40 40 Peas •65 75 Floor. .s ��2 00 2 10 /logs (live) per cwt, . 3.75 to4,25 clock --most of those meseld willingly have stayed long occasion required. The ord ughout was good and every o zed Co be .well pleased with t in which the scholars acquitt selves. The tableaux, we cially good Land the colored lights were well handled to produce the best effect. The dialogues, fan flag drills were also special as well as pleasing features,. and the songs from the "Tiny -tots" down to "How Santa Conner," the last on the list—were well rehderecl, those of the "Indian" and "Good OIcl Summer Time," beim, especially well received. The drills "Dumb - Bells," ''Pan" and "Flag" wore themselVes worth the whole price of admission, The music: by ?iiia Doan was all that could be desired, • and .Mr. Stelc'k and his able atwsis tants have therefore good, reason to be proud not only of -the way in I. which they had tho scholars' tratin-- ed, but the hearty response they Viet with from the. public, on this, their first concert, Although every child attending school received a free ticket, and the adult: adtn;s- mean, (with a few exceptions) only ...a cents, the receipts were.ovcr the half hundred, following is • t he program.. PAwr rogranT.t'ARr T. 1—British to the CJore,7 2- f ialogne; " Cored.`' 3 ---son;;, " Tiny—Mts."— 4 --Drill' " Dumb -bells." 5 -„Song, " Xnnn Sleigh Ride,' ti•—Reieitat. '''iiTlien l'a Shaves" 7—Song, "Indian.'" y--Recit."' Ten little lazy' 'Boy's," 0 --Tableau, 'Two Flower Girls' 10 ---.Song, '" Pity the•Poor," 1.1,- •:bri1I, ", Flags.'' • 12 --Dialog., 'Marrying a Poetess. .(Five minutes Intermission.) PART II.' 1.3 --.-Drill " Fari and 13urles;tltte." • •14—Song, "Good old Snni. r.ISiitzo,'' 15—Ret. " The Minister to Tea" Mary Thiel, Ariclrew Thiel, Clay- ton Bossenberr.y, Lorne Weber, Ger tie MVlcagel, George Fess, Theodore Weseloh, Ahzaa:Ti Brenner, Clara Bloch, Thomas Davison. F5Ott1 JUNIOR. IT TO SENIOR II. Lillie Weber, Ada Wurm, Elgin Hess, Lillian Johnson, Norman Truenaner, Esther Zettle, Alvin Wurrn, John Thiel, Laura Hilde- branclt, Wilber Rummel, .Alexander Fos"er, Elton &knell, Annie Hilde- hraa.ndt, Harry Fisher, Luella Therm Pete Randell, R. r, STi,7Go8, Principal SLAM -OWN Special to THE HERALD. ' - Fire : -- On Sunday afternoon about half past three fire was dis- covered in the dwelling of Mr. Robt. Kidd. The neighbors were quickly on hand but the fire bad gained such headway that nothing Could be done to save the house. Some of the furniture was saved but most of the clothing, fruit and other things were destroyed, Al- though Mr. Kidd had the building insured for a small sum in the Hay Mutual, his loss will be consider- able. Miss Annie Bell, daughter of Mrs. Kidd, lost her trunk, con- taining most of her clothing. She had just returned home from. Lon- don a few days ago. Mr. Isidd and family are staying with Mr. Rennie at present. Mr. Earnest and Miss Clara, Racier visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. John Docile; on Sunday, • Mrs: Broderick, mother of M. Geo. Broderick, left Hensel'. on Tuesday morning to spend Christ - mos with her brother. Messrs. Arthur and .Tarries Rennie returned from Illinois last week, wherry they -haw, been working for a year, They will spend the winter f with their fat.hhr. • 14ir. Arntstrontr, raf ace ter. ivas on the Bxla.;-1,arl line. this week, ons basin ess. Mr. and Mrs. John Dechpr drove to the home of Air. Julius Bloch, near Zurich. on Sunday. nt sor. and Mrs, John Eley returnedI e.r asst. week from a very pleasant 1 so r 1.3• a to Ingersoll and t ininity. ne ‘....,,,oRia f On,' H S. ho. r II4X, he .-- t; 6 .Iolni Buie.Ic k ; Class eel o....,„ John Rennie, Jacob Battler. re n�rend,aaah Bissnh, ch, Pranka5R .Mlle e. Tillie Her ; Class 11 Eft`.--titilt(,n Baugh, Arthur Haugh, Moses l3aechler ; Class II Jr., -Clara Eisen - bath, Nettie Poster ;' Part II._ Cornelius Foster. Lauretta Decher; Part I, -Albert Hey. Speciel to Trrr liERALv. ' ('utting strew and opening roads is anent the; order of the day around our burg. Qnif•et a lolly tiiaio was spent at MrsHenri Stalks ono e-Yening last. weplt Srhen a load of young €'.silts from the Goshen line South, drove clown. The evening was spent in (lancing, singing and other social : The young sports drove tin—wash tial town at a very lata hour the T113t, morning, which gave us to ttndcasta.nd that they. made good nse Cd the night. Mr. John Retarrch -who had for the past few years been Working in 11at tttcakt,a, arrived hotue again and Onking well, but John segs it ;ns not that country- that made hint lank the tway. It iS the goad. j old font fecnth. . '1 Mt Writ; steinhaeh wlto has for the past fa^'w months been working in the flax mill intands leaving for Parkhill in the near future, where`. he is engaged with Mr. Chas, She 1 Miss Lizzie Albrecht, who has for the hast few days been t'i.siting friends near Kippers returned horny, again. s Miss Maggio Stelek has returned home agtain after a few weeks' visit near I-Zensali, A few of our young men 'intend ng a trip to Detroat,Port'Hrtran some ether yanitoe points along the„. 1,6*Song, < .folly Good Sohg” and " Sak 1:7' -Tab, e F Joan of Arc ' T and i t Iver, ar Most durable Fence on the market Don't be doceiv. d with a Fence Machine ---You will no be if you buy a ALL KINDS OP PENCE WINE ON I1AND ZURICH, LONDON O T i m. RI t Come and See !- - OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS BO TS AND ES RUBBERS AND SOCKS Arigra .40".4 We carry the Peel Patent Ad= justible LEGGING ; the best Legging ever made. P. BENDER & Go.. Zurie j. • `b Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Wishing- you 365 days of wood lack, with health and prosperity for /9o4. Yours for Business ' MARTLEIg. like BHardware and Harness house, Zurich, - _ O a Llirorri rsotOW 15 THE TIME to he thinking of .what Presents you will .nape a 'We can help fart --our splendid new stack will help you. Allow us to snake a few suggestions. How about a beautiful of .et Sett, Writing Companion, Travelling- Case (loather,) Shaving Casa, Glove Box, Etc. ? FANCY he�atbove��aarype in� Lenbe Otr ICI loicl (lases and Statin Trnuminas...,Xj. J• �•✓ .G C J'..L A y V avetimm=masannier i L i 1=.,.,m-^"'^ Cin*.a trtvn Beautiful Selection. i{aiiclex chiefs and :f,i.iens.. ----„ . Fancy- Etnhrof deafir:--Salk Sea, the now .material--EXCE LDA --fine as Silk ; cheap as Linen. �dti TOYS—DOLLS— O =5.=. U.5 See tho Chatterbox and C'haterwell Stories for young readers GE TS' FURNISHINGS Ne ::a lines .±r SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES, 27;ufflers, 'SCit;iri) An c ntirely Fresh Stock of CAND"i.; Bial -BONS, CREAMS, ETC., lit Chriittuas Goods at Rock bottom Prices. D. STEINBACH