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The Herald, 1903-12-25, Page 5
The Zurich Herald. NOTICE! ,C1OMMENCING' AUGUST FIRST,. will adopt the OASH SYSTEM Or DOING BUSINESS. to* All Old Accounts owing me must ,be settled by the FIRST DAY OF S>aP- "rE11xBER. -JOHN SCHAFE1, Butcher, Zurich• DASHWOOD Furniture and UnAdefl to n t g STORE mintroartinalailiaaMararna We have now a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and tip -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. tF Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTAR1n Clubbing .rates 'we have made arrangements to offer the following low- clubbing rates with Trnka IIBALD i .... . Daily Globe . $ 4,25 ,, Mail & Empire • 4,25 Weekly Globe . -, 1.60 ;, • Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (Gerr:ratio) 2.50 Falnily Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1'.75 Fari'r'rer's Advocate 2.25 PUBLIC OTO E. NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN to the .0 v public cautioning them not to nego- tiate a certain Note, made by me to Henry Bender, ..nd dated in the fall of 1899, as the same has been taken from the present owner. his CO N RAI) X VOLLAND Zurich Nov. 30, 1903. mark. Witness—j. W. ANnz soN. 10.14 HONES F -SALE! 1 have several 2 and 3 Year olds and triso a ntntber of aged horses', Which I ani offering at reasonable prices. 1. can also supply any kind you wa.lt at`short notice. .,. W ILLIAN FMK. LEA 27, Con. 10, Ilan; Zurich; P. O. 17-tf Mr. Geo. Trott, cf Hensel., is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. UEC. TRtOTT, 13-tf Photographer. I ETWNJ' O r J J1 I U1' l t'' 1 !�;J'! )'' J�J�NR P' r i --+-- ' E ET �iR FL x' R 1 S1LA E U } Rye and Buckwheat reakfast Foods, cke. EIIYIrIYTJL.IFEitf'.� }�•-tiir ,K .1x:'rr,A'''''-g,t;tg" international Stock az Poultry Imperial Stock Food. cake Linseed meal l Oyster Shell and Poultry Bone 1 *ALWAYS* ON HAND.* . r 1 C.SC A 9 Zurich, .ii"lUh, Ol`1t. :LANAL NW UKaWC <%LEIR;l's � LYZELLl..'1.O,% 1�1�iUN4 Noiric CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of John Koch, late of the Township of Hay, in the Couxity of Huron, 'Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R., S. 0. cap 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the, said John Koch, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Auatsb, ' 1903, are requested on or before abs 81st day of December, 1903, to ,end by post prepaid or deliver to Henry F. Woseloh, at the Village of Zurich, cite of the Executors of the Will of the said.John Koch, deceased, thoi r Christian and Surnames, addresses andidescriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ao- counts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thein. • And further take Notice, that after such last mentioned elate, the said. Executors will proceed to distribute the .Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors„will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose cheitn, notiee shell not have been receivedby tham of such distribution. Dated the 1st day of December, 1003. Henry A. Weselpl, Executors John Woseloh 1 10= :3 A 'BBem.arkable Offer. SVe this week make to .sur readers one of the most remarkably liberal offers. ever ''lade to Canadianjleitspaper buyer:;, By special arrangements With the pub- lishers of the Weekly ,1lnutreai Herald., we are enabled to offer it and our own paper at the extraordinary price of $1.1:' for the year 1904. `!.'his special offer has been made possible only by the determination of , the publishers of each paper to gain a great increase of circulation in the shortest pos- sibls space of time. It will possibly never be Macre after this year. The Weekly Montreal Herald is known as The Magazine -Newspaper,” and it well deserves the name. It is printed in magazine form, and its -24 pages contain a vast, amount of interesting and valuable reading, not, usually found in a newspaper. At the sante time it carefully covers the news of the world, in summarized form, -- Its special departments for the Housekeep- er and Farmer :ire conducted by special writers. its serial stories are the best that can be procured, while its fund of general informatfon makes it the equal of any of the popular monthly magazines. A sample copy will he sent to any add rees on postal card application to The Herald, 003 Craig Street, Montreal. - o n .N Is bu��T 7 kr1l eft • h; tt�j }I•}�yrs licS.;1111.i.d1.0 t" iy In. k? ,r Don't ft n,a.iyjll `L 1i vc°try and gat MP h° GY 9 d ' 2 rices. 'EONS EIRIFiMMITRAMikV11,, iii ILVW;� . "<is :aihii.'L.`2`u.''' *ai alit; A 284on Christmas. Box. We are to -day in receipt of the Christ- Inas Farmer's Advocate and l'1oino Maga- zine, of London, Ont.; and, upon examina- tion of its beautiful cover, and contents, 'have no hesitation in saying that the for- tunate readers of that ever -popular periodi- cal are receiving a veritable treat, The Advocate people certainly uso'their readers 'well. Besides all the good things of the year, they receive this superb number complimentary. Among the various holi- day publications, this one stands in the very first rank in regard both to matter and illustrations. In ,short, the number is not only an entertainer, but an educator As usiial,.it is an exponent of the highest type of Canadian art, being illustrated by over 100 photogravures and reproductions of paintings by eminent Canadian artists; while it contains over 60 especially -written articles, all of exceptional merit, of which some deal with subjects of practical agri- cultural value, no department of the farm being overlooked, some with scenery and methods of .fie in different parts of our great Dominion, while others appeal to the nature -student, tho educationist and to the devotee of literature. For its publica- tion no less than over 28 tons of paper were required. We heartily congratulate the Farmer's Advocate on its success, and are glad to see that it is about to add still more to its efficacy in advancing the farm. int; interests of the country by ;being issued henceforth as a weekly. Its Home De- partment isalso being greatly strengthen ed, which popularizes the Advocate more than ever with the - home -makers of our country. For the home life, as well as for our agricultural and live -stock interests, the Farmer's Advocate continues to render; ' the very best,kind of service. BAYFIELD. "Statistics of Huron. From the report of the Bureau of Industries for 1902, we collect the following ststisties of this county ;1 Acres of land in the county, 798,- l 889 ; cleared, 039,263 acres ; fall I wheat, 48,830, producing 1,347.7081 bushels ; market' value of fail. wheat, 3952,830; spring wheat, 1774.acres, 34,303 bushels market value, -$24,077 ; barley, 32,532 acres producing 1,177.6558 ; oats, 132,518 acres' with 0,042.821 bushels, brin- ing *2,102.902 ; potatoes,4,12S acres; producing 433,440 bushels, Worth x;244,204; Huron has 163,764 acres of orchard ; horses, 27.236, valued at $2,608,157 ; horses sold. in 1002, 3,537 ; average price, $107; milch cows, 32,731 ; total cattle, 134,120 valued at 53,454,746 ; there were sold or slaughtered. in 1902 42;436 cattle, worth ;;1,756,002 ; sheep in Special to Tnu HuuALD. the county; 33,1.15 ; swine, 67,9.7, Dr. Smith returned from e1. twovalued at 8488,694 ; sold or killed weeks visit with. Lotion friends, on 1902, 9.3, 83:3, worth th 970.'174, or Wednesday last. an average pri•10 of 1110.47. The farms -in Huron county are valued Ed. Weston is home from Dakota at $13,3 085,143 ; the farm buildings; x:1,001,587 ; impioinents • at )62,760,- 629 ; the live stook at 57,076,0.6 ; live stock sold during 1902, *3,338,- 486 ; cheese factories, 8: value of cheese made, $65,46:1. There were in force in Huron vomits, in 1902, 307 chattel mortgages, covering $216,603 ; of these 166 were against fanners to secure $56,::::).. where he spent the Summer Miss E. Cameron and Master Har- ry were in Clinton, on business, on Friday last. Principal Robinson left to spend his holiday at his home, in Seaforth on Friday. Mr. S. Erwin and W. Sanderson were Clinton visitors on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Graham of Goderich, occupied the pulpit of the Metho- dist Church, Sunday evening. His sermon was enjoyed by,a11. Don't forget St. Andrew's church Xmas tree, Xmas night. - Mrs. H. Richmond, from. Mar- quette, Mich., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Parke. Mr. G. W. Hewson was in Lon- don, on business, Thtzrscbay. • Mr. Jus. Atawooel is .home from Bay Mill's, Michigan. Mr. R. Bailey spent Monday in Clinton. ISiss Dalpriotple, of Model School staff, loft to spend holidays at her Home, in Lakeside. Miss Parke, from Detroit, is visit int, undo r the parental roof, at pres- ent. Mr. J. Bailey arrived home from ittilwankce, Saturday evening. D. J. Gardner spent Sunday at. his hone, in Clinton, • The members of Stanley Church surprised their pastor, Rev. Jen- nings, on Friday evening last, and presented 1iin't with a large load of oats. A pleasant evening 'CvaS Ed- wards spent. Rev. Mrs. Snell and Mrs. R. Er - Win, were shopping in Clinton, on- Vr t dnesdty . Wm. Davidson, frein Dakota, is i1 renewing acquaintances in the 'vil- 1)t atria. r? ;. ( .1. Smith and Monday in i C• linton. - •I • !i1.,. \V. Mustard t+. elltnitzlin^:i. ai fear of her ft »t ilii rl'ittit ,ci.i•y eve.?- • t,. Rim E tin attd.. - \Vi11 aroF1 irom: 11.1:1nce*l- • +',?t t . i i r11i to 11)(110. Si lt5 1 (r tt t '1t1 and . ter in -1, tr, Tt tt lldl; o'' l? iii tl, I 1 : (t t evcaing t a pl'n:l. 1.».:" S, l : ; the .f o:'1k1t r rt .111'1 datg rater Tis. llri t1h'unit I] ' Agritvo, -th1 nn!git the village on Saturday • their way to attend the funeral if Mr. John Horner, Drysdale. Mr. John. McLeod, of t4rav'On- hurat, returned on Tuesday' to • spend. his Xtnas holiday's :with ▪ • his family; You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks herry ect< ral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep iton hand. "The best cough medicine money can buy' is .dyer's Cherry Pectoral. For the coughs of children nothing could7�oasih)y be better."' Jaco0 SWILL, Saratoga, Ind. 25r „50c., St.05. J. C. AYER CO., mile ;:g iats�o for logewell Mass, ThrOat +.��"...'Y"mate^'S1i6s llGlG asmoseite,, Ayer's Pills greatly_ ale] the Cherry Pectoral in breakang Lip a cola.. Notice. SHE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM- elL posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagetnent. .Applications for •this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINDER, leader,. or 111r. A. McKAY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. EDAR POSTS FOR SALB:--We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will bo sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-t£ 111s.uzL & BENDE1t, Zurich. 'ARM FOR SALE— The undersigned offers his choice 100 - acre faun for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, 2}- miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition; with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to JACOB M>,rii, Zurich P. 0. 0-3cnp t'a Hoffman's Jubilee' Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION . OFF AN Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and Horne Paper in Canada. Chance to Join a Club That Will Sake and Save Money ti r on. p Everybody should join the ltutnta Literary Mu- sic 0100 of America. There is nothing else like it anywhere. It costs almost nothing to loin and the benefits it gives are wonderful. It enables you to purchase books and perio d icals,music and musical instruments at special out prices. It secures re- duced rates at many hotels. 12 answers questions tree of charge. It offers scholarships and value. ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in 311 any cities for Remembers. In addition, every member receives the official magazine esti• tied" Ev,ry liWonth'" a publication in a class by itself, including 6pieces of high-class vocal and in. strumcntal musio(fuil size) each month without extra charge; pieces in one wear in all. r0U OAN GLT ALL OF THESE BENEFITS FOR AL - HOST NOTHING. The full yearly membership fee is OnoDollarfor which you get all above, and ;roar may with- draw any, time within three months if you want to do so and get pour dollar buck. If you 'don't care to spend $1.00. send 25 cents Tor three months membership. Nobody can afford to pass thin offer by. You will get your money bach in value many times over. Full particulars will bo sent free of charge, but if you are wise you will spend in your request for membership with the bership offer offer once. ill soon change. three a atths moni. onco ad- dressing your letter and enclosing 51.00 for full, year's membership or twenty-five cents for three months to No. Nassau St.. N. "T. ©try. a,31 50 VEARS' . EXPERIENCE 1 W�tjw tf _ I COPVI is .^r , An•Il vt ori ,x a aketeh and c , , t r ti 1ld.ly 45525'tt't1tr OUP 01,1111011 <r t. 'kwon' inn 14 1 -. oOl paten± b (rt u tfunts.rtLil)c crltIontlul 1L,nd, rknnl 4 5014 fnen L! c t t .try S,it' c•ctit t '1> F P1i0lat4 lal i 5ht a •h \1u, a i:.,. tc .::'�: ey!Vial Titit s. it ut charg0 i 1 t t S49 i'' l•=]� �'Cy 1 v' .5.hanleo,'rl ilneFrnre,wcti `t•' ' culatictt of a ^r Ir title nt r t, d a.. ye; t'ouc ru ,.. Vii. ,St olid t t t . iY."�,irV dH Yci. 1::0,8G.Intoad ! ve �;tl H:anc11 U..tl ." 't xwa+.i...a . rt. , . C. Imarn,-Inmatom Y .,,,..=,.r,,.f,�• the People's Newsy Paper Tell your friends about it. After January 1st, 1904, PRICE 11.50 Numbers New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnificent Christmas nuns ber. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss a single issno. Agents wanted. everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co.,Limited London, Ont, tbnewnwinrecaremery READ D TRIS. In order to boom ollr al- ready large list of subscrib- ers and to encourage the so in arrears to pay up, we will l (i the end of the month, only, to all who pay up and a yearn). advance give them the choice of two papers free for ono year; -either the Weekly .Montreal Herald 01' the American Farther; for1..20 we will club the t ,turn --T :. E HERALD your Moine paper . and the two above mentioned. Remein- ber the above offers are for this month only. Samples. of papers, may be seen at our office.