HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-25, Page 4The Zurich Herald. ",• ' I E IS PUl11a1SHED EV I111T 'i`ITURSDAY 7.177, SX E. ZELLER TEBM.S OF SUBSCRIPTION:—$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be diseontinned it will be sent until such older is given and arrearages paid, $1.50 to he charged avllen not paid in acivanee, 'ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran s i e n t •lvertisements, 10 cents pox Brevier line )r first insertion and 5 cents per lino for soh subsequent insertion. Small Advs. ach as"Lost" "Estrav" or "Stolen wid be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 .Dents For each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of •(dvertiseanent must ;be handed in not later Ilan Tuesday night .of eamh week to insure change in foliow- 'ing issue. Local notiees in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- lertainnients or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Oontrarts for column half -column, and quarter- e()limn rat ea(for spy*eiffi cd periods will be cheerfully givt:n. Atltli•Na all 'communic'ation to The i lc H. ZELLER EplTOn, ZUIFLNl, P.C) FRIDAY, 1)L(.•EMBER 2•)th.. 1903 The Chief Weeds in Clover and Timothy. The Herald wishes its readers t1 merry Xmas and a Happy =�; ew Year, andtrtl is that the year 1.904 xray be evenmore prosperous with thein then the year '03 which i:• now fast nearing its close. The spread' of noxious weeds can be attributed to no single cause. They seem to be naturally adopted to rapid spreading, and besides there are various natural and. arti- fioial agencies which aid in their dissemination. • Not the least im- portant anion; • these agencies is the seed grain trade. Almost every fanner purchases yearly seed of grain or grasses and clovers with thought of introducing weed seeds in this way. As a matter of fact however, he seldom gets seed per- fectly free from weed seeds of some kind. Oeeassionttlly these are not particularly injurious, but not fre- quently they are most undesirable, and being introduced unconsciously gain a strong foothold befogo their - presence is suspected. In this con- nection some particulars of the analysis of seeds from the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa should be of interest as they show to what extent these conditions prevail ()Eover I:wo hundred. samples of Timothy analysed during 1:103 only four had no weed seeds in thorn ; in the others over thirty different kinds of weed seeds %ere repre- sented. (.)f these Cinquefoil, Pep- per+*sass Sheep Sorrel, Ribgrriss, NISHTER GROGAN, • AI,1SWZG1(S TO CORRESPONDENTS. In ole last litllerary etl'ort I ko.ind iv hinted that a small remittance from me corrispondents wad not be out iv place, an' I tun plased to 'say that me appeal has not bin in vain. Sivinteen anxious inquoirers viry :ginerously responded to me poloite requist, an' now, I am happy to slitete, that I• have received alto- gither the sum iv forty t'ree cints, lnoshtiy in shtanps, I have not, as yit, deootded What to (10 aid Inc money. but it's altogither loikely that th' most iv it will be invistedin in Ohrissyus prisints wan way an' another, ` : was • lukin at the shop windys th' other day, an' rainy there's so nlanny purty ar- ticles displayed that a felly foinds it hard to pick out what he don't want. M.' Ell i Ell n )t into th' habit iv -� , st htangrin' up hur : t.O0kin' whin she was boordin' Friel hur fond parints n' she has kipt up th' same prac- tice iver since I. tuk hur under me protictin' tvin::'. Last ("prissy inns I filled hur stookin' wit.' a box iv hair pings, a pound. iv celiTlleitd can- dies, a. big o0,11,:CO'Dunk, a, pair iv noitc, roomyr•arpit slippers; th' slltufffor a Sae : dris, an' a shall table litnp, an' 1 tilt sorry that I �, hadn't more to putt in it. False Flax, x, Launh' ;-(lnatrter , (gaud -I haven't math! up the moil( cit. was light'. clad Thistle and White e Cockleware what I`ll 'fill it wid this • -near. She Where are the children that climbed on my most co111xnonly present, often at has been t'r()\% 11out hints ieca knee? the rate of sev>tiral thousand per signally wid 7 i)ect to a sit iv � B wk, ltowt1eg tidoi! bring tern once snore pound. In Red Clover and Alsike. ()lar)in ' dishes an' ••tan xuzlberilly W. C. T, U, Backward, tarn backward, 0 Time, in your flight, And make me a man again, just for to- night ; Let me shake off these vile rags that I wear, Cleanse me from all these foul stains that I bear O let me stand where I stood long ago, Freed from the sorrows, unknown to this woe ; Freed from a life that is cursing my soul Unto death while the years of Eternity roll, Backward, turn backward, 0 fast• flowing stream, Would that my life could prop -e only a dream ! Let me forget the blank sins of the past ; Let me undo all my folly so vast ; Let me live over the dark life that is gone. Bring back the dark. wasted years that are flown ; Backward, turn backward, ()lime in your flight, And make Inc a man again just for to- night. Back ! Yes, turn backward, ye swift -rol- ling years ! Why does your memory bring forth these hot team? hl'hv comes this vision of life lost in sin1 Whyain I thinking of what might have been? Where is my home, once so happy and bright? Where is that presence whose own presence of each of which there were several clltaild, but 111 We how I'm fixed . - hundred samples analysed, • there AIOout that tui:ua. were upwards of forty species of 1 take notice that ye. ro apt to weed seeds, those being commonest feel a troifl'e, ,.e i e ginerous at this wh se sire approximated that of iistive saiSon lean ye aro later on, the t:.over seed. Thus in red clover an', what's mere, 1vr$wan ye plate were commonly found Curled Dock, seems to be in t11e same fix. Fur Cantata, Thistle, White Cockle and instance. 1 mate (-1 LII( r, we 11- say, Ribgrass ; while in Alsike: False Chrisemus nxernin'• an' 1 buy some - Flax., White Cockle. Sheep Sorrel, thing, an' thin he buys something. Eie:tric Line to Stratford. Cinquefoil andBlack 1k[e(diek were an' we mate in wid a lot of fellys prevalent. from McKillop, we'll say' an' its ,\c;u?;Ts (')t'' NEW '1ORI C.1PIT:1r.t5T5 The primary cause for this pre- "Have something," liere,an' Have MADE CITY .1N OFFER. veiling condition is no doubt the something„". there, re, till th' furst growth of weeds with the crop for •i ting ye knowye have nothin.' Stratford, Ont., Dee. 18. 1le�sa+rs, N. M. Cantin, Buchand and Thos seed, and. the tendency of farmers yi:; 9nrlaule: ('llrissynlus is th' 'Tonibvll, of St. ,lnsrl)li, and F. M. to bay improperly cleaned i;eocl;1-,cion fns inirry gatllerin's, fur HaL111elce, of Ottawa, representing,' 1 happy 11011xe L,)i111n':+, fur turkey, capitalists in New. York, Buffalo, Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa, are in the city to -(lay, proposing to build an electric railway from St. Joseph, on Lake Huron, to this city through Zurich. Hensall, Chisel - burst, Cromarty, Stafa, Russclrla.le. rlrn to l ci tl c 1L c)n c n llttl t, 1.'Lt �t t and A` ontoil. They ask exemption of taxes on plant \.itllin the city for "0 years, and the right to faint- ish light and power and a 50 year franchise. The work to lie com- menced on May 1 and finished on Der. 31. liUt)-l. The Railway Conulrittee of the City Council and of the Board of Trade will meet the promoters in conference. The Proposed Radial Railways, The decision of the ;joint commit- tee of the city council and board of trade 1() try and bring about an amicable arrangement between the promoters of the Stratford and St. .Joseph and the Stratford, St. Marys end Mitchell lines of radial'raailways as to division of territory is a good -ono. There is room for both lines without injury to either. Mr Sloan when here, did not lay mita. stress on the city service, and was loath. to give the road equipment and .ser- -vice the citizens required. Mr, Can lin, on the other hand, says a city franchise is vital to his undertaiki aitt and is willing to meet the wishes of the eitizens,both as to road egrtip- inent and extended service, bank- ed up by a deposit of $2,000. Un - tier these circumstances there should net be much difficulty exper ienced in bringing the two parties to an ag,reenient. If the citizens -were fully assured as to Mr. (%tn- tin's ability ro carry through his uniformly' over ninety per. cent. '1'c can't g;et at it properly wi(t you project there would be 110 two Opin- •Th(. ar'. )IL! n quality war therefor ! 1(nt)ife un' 1)(++niclel, that, ii;';+ eon• funs as to it; superiority, it beuig considerably better than that of yltilelt d it .,1•loc11 iv xtyquit.t'e. Til.' through a rich country not nowsery the seeds retailed in our Oral ' (1 - fork i 11.10 4ic + nn' r can +,ick two' •ed by a railway. Doubtless he will l:c)ls. It. should always li t.l t'r e tt t•;ll at t all aa)1' th' same be able to give this assurance -- bet•ed, llotve1(r., hs, bl',t'c r..i tita.t i t!)il:);' al yt• practice c1 bit. som6 1 There is this 711ueh to be said in fa- while t31() average quality of r+1:1 ), ,i:e t .t, t xit-.' 1) (5s, but' toot' • vor of his proposition and it is tll(Lt seeds may be low, the i . 1 „•:, ; ,_•,,h.4:.; D1aoney ,.1n' they're atilt I hitt company has something like grades (((0 (1111 I.\"4 t?il(1('tl'ec;!' n!(' ;) )'['i'al: al:f din' (:aaliti( 11'Yitilt'1,)n 11' half a million (1911ilrs invested at St and this c'lnn.11ty i:) 111 the end th' til' 5..ei,,)tY.ir. Always 1'01(1 y(r clap-' Joseph, which requires a railway most profitable. ;:1 1::rely :lilts' t;1 tllii it e ,r 1f r(111 collection Of some kind to snake the ' ' • --`_.. r... 3T+ ;sir a �,[ •t ll t12 (Yilsll+,l 7 7�J1I/ ' it. Th lent the ed lino success wool ed cif t the Rev'. Irl R ;Risks 1004..a:1c .1 isn't wa' (lll,i'. It may °+ )111) , It'. The propound lino wont( Ccr---,_,„ - t , 1t !it fn1il `• c (0 I.(11' 'Minty be tilt'. making ()f Vit. ri0�e1)11' The Rev. lid R. Diel.:-. el e 11 .' In the 1 se ( a ! end the cl.1111i iatt; ‘7, -ho are at the for 1904 is 11c.'•11 ready. It i+ s•? , t+ s )(1.` ri Can 1 1tt1' back of the development of that mailed t 1 lire': for "t , sat t itit a, '1' . (ltc,i1i). ,l;, littit, l)aa1' must recognize h c It is snrprisinc, how such +t, . li ' ; + �•ert t.h°nlselv(,, 111 ltti 1)e- ,r, g g ! cosily book Nat liilr �t:i.1 al ti l �� cis_ %i r ty,;'dif �.��{:, �t� Al,4i�rYL 'Sevens° they tire oiled )er than, and to a casual examiner, equally as gond as dearer grades. It is usual- ly safe to regard cheap seed as of inferior quality and on this aceount to avoid baying it. Dodder was present in twelve saxnples of red clover at an average rate of 418 seeds per poun8. ; this is cansidrrablo more than the cage tL year ago and was no donbt due to more seed being imported from the south. where this parasite thrives much better than here. The analy- sis of several samples obtained from Chili showed that Dodder is a very common impurity in seed from bans thimsilves th' could in that that country, one stiMpl0 haying eenneert is not so chilly as it is in. an' stuf in', an' short bled, an ginger cordial tan' Pain hiller, an' it makes wan fnrgit. for as toil= such vixin' gueetions as • SVho'11 be th' nixt ?iayor?" or "How ould is Ann?'' But lin furgittin' inc corrlsponclfxlt.cid me blatherin. Q. E. D , Ai1)uguerque, New •; ;l rue �'t'. thrue B.lixico «ants to l,.nOty a� x that they taonl t feel th' could in Mtannytoliy. • Now I've niver had til' 1)1isure iv a visit to that far- famed Province an' I can't shake front ix1)111'1orae°, belt fav we are to belaavt' til' repoorts iv th' 13anite)- upwards of 700 seed per pounce and others somewhat, less. There is no 'probability of Canada ever having to import seed from Chili, but as both countries halve ra common market for their surplus supply, the presence of this impurity in the Chitian seed should afford the Canadian product a considerable advantage. Were it not for this circumstance the Chilian red clover seed would prove a dangerous com- petitor, as it is well coloured, til' sate. :Now, I don't doubt this plump and of high vitality, .and htaattnnint. beea'iie ane informant with few tittle/ objectionable 3m- wee a go') d i frit, an' 110 good (Grit purities. wild tell a deliberate falsehood un - Several samples of 'exported lis:; there was something in it for Canadian Alsike and Red Clever him. It wed 500)11 that the Many - were obtained from English seed to.!0- et'tn+)-i)haaire i:; dry and po1�(w- mer(�hnnt$. All these showed tL dere' NU. it +:l't i11t(irfere Ivid ;yet• uniform quality, none of them free :eft-, titst tho • snappy att11Cspllair(: fro)u weed seeds but lead apparclitiy r?!` ',,'atv ti n.:- i1 or Qttabic. Shrill 1. been :v(ill cleaned a(:( there wag t`. don't t'ilxk . t inytoby will iver be notable absence of such impurities 5 tile, i) e,nnl)eLte wid F1(r'i,(ly or as light seeds, chaff, or need :ends • .i laic t as, a wintber raysort, an' either larger or smaller than the l 1-, !.i,. it tired be jist as well fur ye bnlk of thesainil)le. •tlt)1a11 numbers t:r, 1-1 10.1 where ye are till ye hear of Cocltle, Black Medici:, encs False ft'or.1 1111 a1:;in. FIal' still remained in the Alsike, '1'. l' 13raceficicl.—N0• ye shad and of':S'oxtaal. and Ribgrass in the Hirer pick er• teeth widser knoifo Feel clover. The gernlina,tion was at th' table. Altvay s use, yer for1:. i"et the tide ruches on, this wild flight of • the years, And the days only deepen by sorrows and fears, I call, but no answer comes back to me now, Naught but an echo as weak asitny vow.' For 'neath the sad cypress tree, low in the sod Lies the body whose soul, laas gene back to its God, And out of the silence no child voices, come As in the days long ago in my sweet, hap. py home. • Backward ! Nay, Time rushes onward and o11; 'Tis the dream that comes back of the days that are gone ; I yielded my strength when I could have been strong ; I would fly, but alas ! I had lingered too long. The hell hound had seized me—my will was not mine. Destruction was born in the sparkling of wine ! So, in weakness, I tottter through gloom to the grave, A sovereign in birth, but in dying—a slave. PRESS Sark. Pope Leo's Fortune. (7A1(DINAL (+OTTI DELIVERS $6,800,000 TO THE PRESENT PONTIFF. Roane, Dec. Kith:—Cardinal Gotti delivered to Pope Pius X. to -day- 34,000,000 francs ($6,800,000) which the hAe Pope Leo XIII gave him, in trust for -It s Successo1•, to be deliv- ered within four months after the late Pontiff's death. About nine millions morel• were found behind the books in the private libraay. Since the above was put in type. 1t has been officially denied that any money has been found secreted as stated, and that even the faaots are•not just as stated. in the former part of it. THE Hnlx 'Ln has no desire to give` currency to anything nntrue, lienee this explanation. A GREAT COMB NA1'1 N !. Trti: HeatseD, your home Toronto Daily News American Farmer Weekly Globe paper, .... 1.00. . ..... 3.00. .50. 1.00. Weekly Montreal Herald 1.00. ()UU PRICE FOR THE ...... LOT, ONLY..... Address or i Call at once. 6.50. We have also Low Rates on other Daily & Weekly Newspapers. $290. THE HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. motet piers. They tell ane that whin th' tiltrrmenlletfr is stir/1r1Ilin' round forty +)x fifty below Zurich that th' iuhubltantie do be trettin' rollntl teed t1,'. sweat drippin' aff their fur cork's an' snigghin' fur th' cool braises of Juloy. Wan good eiti.•.+l) informed me that whin he lived in Manytaby he usc.el to droive • forty tnoiles to market, whistlin' allth' way v: i(1 th' thurluometur (;o low that it :',ot ::caul•' down under TAN T NSTG. a>M7t OJM1avat mn.c>mE.yrs ax -ntm=„`3soc'>� Hereby give Notice that they will present �y Notice their beautiful new :S 1:IEINTZMAN PIANO to the person presenting the card with the correet number thereon. Or in ease this;, the cor- rect card, is for any reason not presented. Whether on ac- count of being lost. or for any other reason whatsoever.— Then the person presenting the card' with the number near- est the correct one will be presented with the Piano. The presentation of this Piano will bemacle at our Hensall Storr at 12 o'clock, noon, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24TH, 1003. And we hereby give notice that only the cards so presented at the above named time, will be so considered by its. THE R. PICKARD CO. Direct Importers. --mom, c , ,�•.L u' 'g— Photo Holders, T Pictures, Jac:di.11ere Stands. �. rands, .els, Cabinets, i"il'c' ��a.';'eens, Cr'okino]o Boards, Dolls' Cabs, �` 11 ` 1 ') *rill+ this 'tad be ail t iI °� � y�•i �'•( � Tl. �v'V "1��{� "( . carat, < t {�r W 1 hairs) I-doa c l'i+]:, there nce(1 be no huareIIS" Rockers. 'Organs e' :nu 'It for your Home. em -.tLid t;•o cn(•apll': "va i•i•)•: ('(Ynflict between the two lines ; j)cr;rn) z, px':•para?d to .,t,t++i tl,. (etre,.•+ , working agreement nt would be aetvan heavens, I cr the storms and �, e tageons to both, and if the commit- } )Dol tali t^( aL ti 1 ,t 1t ' 171 1 without this. e ell tee secures s this the interests of lc .s , 1:Yr)tI) parties nri(t the, va1`lOLlti ])11x11T- 1 Word l al' t t ;11;i, t' Y s $ t .'t Lisi..6 ALL er eiiralitiCS the lines will traverse, Both care sent for only <)n(, done.. .( 1f ,1.• Ahnttil•a0 and .Pio' 1 - Fancy Bookers 9 splendid paper, ()r( and , t )l .{ ' , t Tee ,tete l.:l.( eiesitee.. Leather (-i0o(1, , Wrist Bags, Chatelaines, be) wort tient Qa.—Stratford Bea. i3t,1111Ditj', lJt'.('. 18,-440n, DL)lalt'V.%m eon, Doc. 'Ist. year. Word and Works is among 1 �g H of li)estAnlelican Mai�;Lazine.,. :lii.kt ,;,ul' " 1 to iPan y Kegs, .lises9 2 e�. 9 Sleighs il, i) the above appeared in print rho Iiicics ....em anae, it is too wall apt Ailn k.+fin :tor, rind" succeeded e dee , 1 """ Rugs, ■Y: *1 • 'S o have ;learned that at Monday' known to need further CO71:1111()ndaa in p(' ,nailing, all hilt tett of them tt), Das ors School Bags, Lunch Cases. evening': meeting, th, City Council tion. Few Iden have labored more sten the oath of allegiance) to Great found a t4 dal znel place In the, 11 �1a1 L , . ate, -` Si• , Joseph project the city franchise se "' and Will allow the Sloane lino run- W d d tiY 1 Publishing C ning rights over. the city streets, of Stratford has decided to give idle fait y good. or Britain. Gen. Delary. spoke for 5 • �..,, of the people. Send orders to Word. .a,n Works :s ( o„ 2201 Locust St., St. LOtlis,.IVto, lxfu11 for the public e• hours, Two H111t L1 ---Newsy and up -to • date, Subscsibe now, ,