HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-25, Page 2THE STORY TELLER'S ' 3 PERS:S ENT ASSISTANT. ccCyto'=cact.' ,f4ca ?wnwr...o0'e"ococ A good ,sSory hes been said to con- tain the accumulated, wisdom of the vane, and the man wlio makes it may be only tatting together the labor of thousands who went before him, says Yout,h's COSI pailion. But in telling a. story one voice is better than sev- eral. ;\lost persons have had, at one time less another, the sort of expert- CMCe 1111 ch this dialogue embodies: "We were down town last Mon- dka.y," b,cga,n the husband, "and--" "Partial' me, dear, it was Tuesday." "Ye!s—er—yes, last Teesday we were down on High street." "It was Cannon street, dear." ".Thank yau, darling, yes. i thowxht it' was cold, and pat on my over- ! coat--" "But it wasn't very cold, Henry, at lust not so cold a s you said it !would be," "Ic tvas pretty coach, anyhow. We ,hard just pabsscd Clora,u & Piper's 'Wore." "It isn't Moran & Piper's any more, Tau know. It is Moran & Co. now." "Yes, of course, since the failure." "They didn't fail. Piper sold out. Bat go on with your story, dear ; I l;.ir.now Mr. Barney wants to hear it." "Well, I hasi my pockets full of 'things that Margaret had bought "'My, Hc!nr; , I didn't buy many Things. You know we had just paid 0e rent, and I didn't have my' Mon- day ,shopping allowance at all. That's telly I waited till Tuesday." Henry is silent far a few seconds, with a weak, concave expression on his face Margaret waits in smiling t+exp'ectation, then says; "Go on, dear." "Ah -h. oh ! Wasn't it at the corner I!that we met Timkins? That is, it was ;est theao1•ner that we met Timki ns - 1 sand—we met Timkin's at the e,orner." • As there were no objections. Henry regains the courage of the declare- ; tine sentence. • e "Timkins was carrying a big bag lot 'things--" "Not a very big bag, Henry : that I is, not big for such a huge man as i he is." , "To be sure, he is a large man, my I -dear. You are quite right. How are your stocks panning out, Barney ?" "Pretty well. Come in and see me I MO -morrow. I must run along, 110w." So sorry, Mr. Barney ! I'm sure 1 Flcrlry and I have enjoyed your call." i "I think he might have let you. fin- i;Sh your story," said Margaret, when i Barney had gone. rPill-osophy.--There are pills and pills— but Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 10c a vita idead in demand. The sale borders on the iphenomenal. Sluggish liver, constipation or irregnlar bowels are the precursors of • many physical disorders. T11ese little won- ders remove the cause. 40 in a vial for 10 cents. -45. )punishing a Cranky Bride, Atchison, Kan., Globe. • A wedding occurred last night that the Globe haat concluded not to men - mention. A reporter was sent to the bride yesterday afternoon to inquire the particulars, but she acted like j a crazy Terson. So we have con- cluded not to make any reference Ito the wedding; the bride may shoot the editor or set fire to elle office. We never saw a woman act as she 'did.. If she wants her wedding no- tice printed let her get out a ihlar;dbill. Twitchy Muscles and Sleepless- ness—The hopeless heart sickness that settles on a man or woman tdhose nerves are shattered by disease can beat be pictured M contrast with a patient who has been in the "depths" and has been dragged frcm • them by South American Nervine. George Webster, of Forest, Ont„ says: "I owe my i fe to it. Everything else failed tocure."-44. Curiosities of Cut Glass. The process or glass cutting res quires great skill and care. A: de- sign is first lightly copied on the glass and the cutters take it in 'hand. A tine 'stream of sand and water falls continuously on a rep - idly revolving steel wheel. To this the glass is applied and the cutting , is really accomplished by the Eric- ! tion which the, sand sets up. Then another workman with another I steel wheel and plain water brings I the cutting up to a sharper edge. A third workman with a softwood- ; en tool takes.off the cloudiness eaus- ed by the friction of the steel., a i fourth polishes .the glass, • a fifth :with a preparation of oxide of tin I gives to it that iridescent lustre (which makes us Value cut glass so , bigbiy. I'wax cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINAII•D'S LINIMENT. J. M. CAMPBELL, Bay of Islands. I was cared of Facial Neuralgia by MINA1ID'S LINIMENT. WM:. DANIELS, Springhill, N. S. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. GEO. TINGLEY. AIbert Co.,'N. 13, . marmunoniamm Our Forefathers. Arguing on the sublet that man is desended from the monkey, the Bos- ton, Globe cries out to know what ;the monkey wad descended from, and !'blinks maybe plant life is the an - ewer, Well, then, what was plant life descended ;ram ? Slight as well have ;this question of ancestry settled. , A SOUTH AFRICAN 'TRIBUTE. At €i, practical test of self -binders held at 1S2ooresuurgs Cape Colony, South Africa, on Nov. 5 last, under the auspices of the Western Province Agricultural Society, the 1llassey- Harris Binder was awarded the first prize of £10. There were seven com- petitors, three Massey -Harris, three McCormick, and one Champion. T11e judges, in determining their awards, amongst other points, also took into consideration the length of the stub- ble .end the tightness and compact - nese with. whie;, the sheaves were bound. , About s1x hundred agriculturists, some of whom came from a consider- able distance, witnessed the interest- ing competition, which was a co.u- plete victory for the Massey -Harris Binder. , Uses of the Sermon. Philadelphia Ledger. Teddy and Mary bad been taken to church for 'the first time, and on th!e way home they discussed what they had heard and seen., "Well, now," said Teddy, with! a a frown, "I'd like to know what the sermon was for, anyhow." "Why, Teddy," said little Mary. with a superior air ; "don't you know 'thlat yet ! It's to give the singers a rest, of course." La grippe, pneumonia and influ enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with Shiloh's .\"' . Consumption Cur The Lung Tonic The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices 25c,, 60c. and $1.00 5. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. 9 But Think of the Teacher. Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Surenuff—Gosh. I wish I want to school in Russia. , Satysfied—Why? 1Shureenuff—It must take all day to call the roll there. BIood is Worthless UNLESS CIRCULATED. Health Is assured by the new pro- cess of curing disease. RELIEF IN 30 MINUTES. Sick headache, indigestion, loss of vigor, failing memory, nervousness are ail Infallible signs of weakening nerves, and indicate that your nerves lack rich blood with which to build up their broken tissues. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure heals and strengthens the heart and gives it the power to send rich blood coursing through the veins, when most diseases disappear as by magic. It relieves heart disease in 30 minutes and is a wonder- ful euro. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures piles In one to three days. 35c. 17 Not Quite as Bad. As Reported. Boston Transcript. Midge—They Nay your mother takes in washing? Marge. --No such thing ; she hasn't come to that yet. She only goes out washing. , Vakes Womans Work Spenallaallanitela Childs Play INSONINIOMINP With the !' New Century Ball Bearing Washing Machine and a couple of five year old children— the washing need not stand over. Five minutes to a tubful and you will have no u20 for wash boards. It clean- ses perfectly. Von cannot afford to be without it. Order through your dealer. We will mail you a booklet on application. The DOSWELL MFG. CO., Limited HAMILTON, ONT. And So ;He Did Not Say it. Philadelphia Lodger. Mr. Elder—There is something I want to say to you, Bessie—or—that is, Miss Iiuteley. Miss Kuteiey—Call me Bessie 1 fyou wirgh. Mr. Elder -011, may I ? Miss Is.uteiey—Of course; all old gen- tlemen call me Bessie. Dolls blade of Steel. There is a big factory in the Uni:ed States now—in New Jersey—accord.og to Good Housekeeping, which makes dolls, very perfect and durable ones, of sheet steel. They are light an strong, so strong they cannot be broken even if stepped on. Their smile is the kind which Will not come off, for their com- plexion is of baked enamel, not to be . WEDDED Di MODERN STYLE. How the. American Heiress and the Foreiga Lora Wer.•e Linked, There was a wedding yesterday In Graceless Church. Lord Baldknob, of i(i1tshire, Eng., married Miss Sallie Panhandle, of. East Pittsburg. The bridal party, inoluding the at- torneys for both sides, fot'ined in the alcove promptly at 11.30. At 11.45 the real estate in the bride's name was transferred to bis lordship. At 11.50 a million dollars in legal tender en:sa •ed hands. At :High neon all the railroad first mortgage bonds known to, be the bride's possession,., were handed over. A vote of thanks was then passed to his lordship for leaving the bride's father enough to live on comfortably until the next dee in Wall street, which Is predicted for next spring. At 12.15 two bishops, four clergy- men, two real estate lawyers and a barrister, representing the plaintiff, pronounced the benediction. The groom will pass the next three weeks with his bride at his estates in England, after the roof has been repaired. After this, it is understood, they will separate, and enter society.— New York Life. 'Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 Odd Litigation Over Body . A case came up before the Supreme Court of New York the other clay for which no parallel exists. A rich man, who all his lie had been a Protestant and •wlro ha.d buried a wife and child in a Protestant cemetery, recently marred a Catholic woman, Last week he died, and his wife had the body sent to a Catholic receiving vault with the purpose of subsequently having it interred in a . Catholic cemetery. The dead man's son ap- peared and demanded that his fa- ther's remains be buried with those of the deceased members of his fam- ily. The case went to court, and the decision is foreshadowed in a remark made from the bench by Justice Scott, who said ; 'When a man pro- vides himself with a graveyard it seems to me he has a, right to be buried there." t ; DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c5CATARH CURI is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. Alt dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Riebest or Beggars. In the Austrlanaournals is record- ed the death of °tie Sinton Op'pasich, who was, it appears, the richest pro- fessional beggar in the entire world. He was born without arms or legs, and for more than half a century he exploited this terrible infirmity for the purpose of; making money. First he begged in Tienna, where he was born in 1832. and afterward he plied his calling in all the cities and most of the towns and villages in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with the result that in a few years he acquired a considerable fortune. After his death the authorities found among his papers account books very well kept, in which he had entered each evening his pro- fits for the day, including the result of his stock exchange transactions, much of his money having been in - visited in this way since 1880. Up to that time he had received as alms from charitable souls in the streets of Vienna, Budapest and other places $115,000, and of this sum he had invested $60,000 in foreign securi- ties. The exact amount of the oid man's wealth at the time of his death is unknown, but that he was very rich is certain. PTURE CURET A Remarkable Discoverer Celehrates3 Toroaatto Specialist Rupture has always teen ese. sidered incurable., but it can be cured at home, without operetion, pain, danger or loss of time. MR. 11Y. KNIGHT, 71 Locomotive St., Hamilton, Out, whose pos. trait here appears, suffered 10 years with two ruptures and now • rejoices in a radical cure by this discovery, and never lost a mo- i mens from work. Free trial. DR. W. S. RICE, 2 Quecn St. E., (Dept.200 ), Toronto Defiicient in Sense of Value. N. Y. Sun. Mrs. Knocker—So your husband has no idea of the value of money? Mrs. Bocker—None whatever. He absolutely doesn't . realize `what a lovely bonnet $50 will buy. ! $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper will bo leased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In alt its stages and that is Catarrh, Hall'e Catarrh Cure 113 the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con- stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in c ulng Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by ail druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. While living on hope it is weld to ?hustle for a nneal 'ticket., The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of, Sunlight Soap. 1073 Before and Atter Marriage. .Atchison, Ilan., Globe. 'An Atchison bride had printed on her calling cards, "At home Wednes- day afternoons:" After six month's' marriage she has had added ; f`And every day in the week and ean't get' the work clone then." Minard's Liniment cures Distem- per, ._1.t Below the Age Limit. Chicago Tribune. Dickeys and bbs younger sister had quarrelled, "I'll 'go to heavens when I die, and you won't i ' she said, making a face hat him. 1 "That's eau you cango any - !where you want to, 'th,out ha.vin' ito fpalyt a,nylt fare," he retorted, can* emptuouslyj, , Minard's Liniment cures I411k theria, • i I :I44, - .. Can't Tell, Chicago Record -Herald. ' "What are you going to give'your wife for Christmas this year ?" "1 dunno. She locked it away in a closet before I had a chance to see Vit" In Going to New York lin sure that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage Is now checked in bond and from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three stations in New York, up townnear all first-class hotels and down town near all European steamship docks, saving passen- ger s for Europe a long and expensive trans - your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Always in the Fierce Light. Life. Queen Alexandra has just celebrat- ed' her fifty-ninth birthday. This is another one of the unpleasant bits Of publicity that is in the list of penalties for being a queen. Birth- day ,juggling is impossible. Minard's Liniment cures Garget la cows. • Quite a Boom for the Poor. It may comfort the consumers ot; meat and butter and eggs and coal to learn that a German scientist claims to leave discovered a process by which the price of radiata man be reduced several thousand dollars an ounce. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc. No Other Course Open. "It's a very old plot." "Yes, but whlat is a plagiarist to do ? If he steals a new plot threre'll be twice as mach com- plaint." 1 . RAILROAD MEN and others subject to severe exposure find the greatest relief In the use of "theD. & L." Menthol Plasters for all mus- cular pains, whether in the chest side or back, which aro he fore -runners of chronic rheumatism. It stops themalmostinstantly, ISSUE NO. 52, 1903 Ctrs. Winslows boothing Syrup should always fro need for Children Teething. 14 soothes ton child, softens 'legume, cures wind: code anct is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. w.......,...--11„.0.1... it J. CUMMINGS 8 CO. Rooms 98-0 Victoria Arcade, 18 Victoria Street, Toronto, OM. 'phone Main 3704. nr]ALrns rN TOCKS, BON,' S, GRAIN AND P."'OI/ISIOf1S. Direct private wires to all exchanges. Bt ,: v,.- VWHE z May wheat will cell $1.00 per bushel before this option expires. We handle accounts of 1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin. Write rite for our speclat letter. Branch Office,166 Simeoe St, Pe terboro 'PnoNE 360. Stocks Are Cheap! So. Pac., B. & 0., Un. Pae., Mo. Pace R. L Com., Eries, heading, N.Y. Cen., and 'Penn. R R., we regard as PARTICULARLY AT. TRACTIVE at present LOW prices, and trades in these securities conservatively handled will, without doubt, skew substan- tial profits lathe near future. While you are waiting for things to settle down the quiet, steady accumulation of the Standard issues is apparent +.o the close student of conditions. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient. Our beard room Is public, make it your headquarters. Exceptional exchange con- nections enable us to execute orders in 10 shares on as favorable terms as 100 share lots. Write to -day for our booklet: entitled " Wall Street', Opportunities." Special attention given to out-of-town orders, JAMES & CO., Standard Stock Exchange Buildings, Toronto. HOW SUCCESSFULLY SPECULATE on the STOCK EXCHANGE without margining. All losses, if any, reduced to 20 per cent. A plan placing you on both sides of the market. $75 enables you to operate 50 shares. Write for particulars. MILLER & CO., P. O. Drawer, 2630, TORONTO, ONT. FRUIT LANDS In lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt, near Grimsby. Steam and electric roads pass this property. All conveniences of the day. Terms very reasonable. Apply J. CARPENTER, 0. Box d8, Winona, Ont,.,, TOR SALE—ESTABLISHED TAILORING. 1' business. Population twelve hundred., malleable iron factory, good farming coun- try, steady trade, up-to-date stock and fix- tures complete ; about $1,500 Will, sell or rent house and store. Proprietoty going to British Columbia January 4th. .ea bargain, Act quick. R. E. G. Burroughs, Westport, Ont. STAMMERERS rT UE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, J. Ontario, for the treatment of all forme of SPEECH DEFECTS. We treat the cause, not simply the habit, and therefore produce natural speech. Write for particulars, ALWAYS SEE THAT THE MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME Our Parlor Brands-. "KINA EDWARD" "HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" A QUICK, SURE LIGHT by using any one of Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" `°Telephone" Is ensured EVERY time these brands :: :: :: 250 Dealers Everywhere That Cough which ordinarytremedies have not reached, will quickly yield' to GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCEOUM It cures those heavy, deep-seated coughs—takes away the soreness—heals the throat—strengthens the lungs. None the less et ,:tive because it is pleasant to take. Just try one bottle and see how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your druggists. 25c. bottle. 250 is►a ms fni E NSI rv s"r IM M C ta. NADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIEN FIVE YEARS' PROCRESS Year. Members, r1 Surplus. e�. 18,233 1899 4204,025.00 20,917' 1000 208,620.00 22,574 1901 288,330.00 i 25,829...., 1909 364,012.00 25,000 1908 . 400,000.00 ,;Special Inducements to JOIN NOW., Apply to the Recorder in your own town or W. R. Montague, Chinni Recorder, Haut ;-0i iiton, Ont. or W. 5'. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ont, , yl