HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-25, Page 1Vol. 1V„ No. 22. The Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC, 25, 1903.. 1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. He J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. • Ilensali, Ontario. U. STAN3tl1RY, B. A. V. W. MADMAN.. Madman & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ----AT HENSALL— every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— • Hensall—Over •Stoneman's .Teivellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. ROUDFOOT et HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ere, ete. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderieh, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. ACHAND & CO REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. • Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, BLZELOCKLER Ontario. (L. V. BACHANn, Notary Public) IW. J. HAMILTON, J Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire•Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. R.. F. A. SELLE ,Y, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Moniley. 1 -'Di E BOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auctioneer for Iinr- on County, respectfully ;solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having safes. Satisfaction guaranteed. -f3ILIP SIPPLE Licensed Anetioueer for the. County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. f (y 0 € 0 THE c e;•i els COM EOC! IL HUTE 0 ZURICH fit ey v 0 ci( +:G Straetty up-to-date in modern inr' .:0 provoments. 'Dining roorusis sup t. v plied with only the -very hest. sl ¶ 0 3 �a I3ar contains choice liquors gIIiquors and * cigars. I� li t * Excellent Sample Rooms •,e• .a cat for Commercial Men. 00 c. 3 J. P. R A U, F R (: P R I ETO 0 i1'v-. skee eeeteie eis heftier ens .elle: tm:4)thki0^,4 THE House. This Htmse has recently chosen( hands, and is 11o1v one of the Insist orderly and beat von- dncte(1 Utilises in the Province. o Ilettea Table in the Dominion. wurnrserab R. R. Johnston & San, pRop]trlurores,. • LOCAL NEWS* Shake Mr Merry Xmas to all. Miss Lydia Ort, of the,. Bronson line, is visiting friends near Elkton, Mich. Miss Mary Wurm is home from Chicago to visit • relatives and friends. Mr. Geo. Stewart., of the Buxton Brewery, Goderich,, was in town on. Wednesday. Miss Clara Buchanan, of Toronto, arrived home on Monday to spend the holidays. Mr. Frank Wilson returned home on Friday last, after an absence of 20 or 21.years. Miss Ida Sipple left for Detroit on Monday, where she expects to remain for some time. WeaeTreri.—Good strong bay want- ed to learn blackslnithing. Apply at once to J. Weseloh, Zurich. Several from Zurich and vicinity attended the Scotch concert, at Hensall, on Thursday evening last. Remember the Sabbath school entertainment, in the Evangelical church, on Thursday eve, the 31st inst. Miss Ida Ortwein returned on Friday from Pigeon, Mich., where she had been staying since last spring. Mr. and Mrs. Isfenno Steokle, of the Bronson line, Stanley, are spending the holidays in Waterloo ;County. Surveyors were at work this week between Zurich and Hensall, in the interest of the Electric Rail- way Co. Get your New Year's Visiting Cards printed at Tin HERAD office. We do them in up-to-date style and at low prices. Mr. John Gies, of the Blind line, who left on one of the Western excursions last summer, returned home recently. Maggie, Mabel and Milford Hoist. from Caro, Mich.. are here, visiting theii-neles; Messrs. A. G. Ehnes and 3h A. Williams. Mrs. Voelker accompanied by her daughter, from near Pigeon, is in town the guest of her father Bir. Henry Ortwein. Mr. Fred. Leibold's danghter, Es- ther, has been quite ill the past few weeks, but we understand she is slightly better at present. Mr. John Shcrritt, M. • P.. for North Middlesex, and the prospec- tive conservative, candidate for this riding, was in town on Monday Last on bileiriess. The pulpit of the Evangelical church was again vacant on Sun- day iat. t. Prayer meeting was held in the morning and Sabbath school at the neuaal hour. Mr. J. D. Merner and wife drove over to Dashwood on Sunday and attended the funeral of the late Catherine Kellerman, widow of the late Leonard Kellerman. Mr, C..Eiartleib intends building a couple of houses next summer, if suitable lots can be secured. Par- ties having lots to dispose of should make themselves known to hint. Mi•, Sam. Rennie visited Honles- ville on Sattirclay. "The • ponies started off at a tine clip. Though not large they get over the ground about as quickly as most equines, Mr. Barra Eilber, • of Crediton, M. L. Aefur this; riding. was itt town nn wtlonday in cnnnc(•tit)n with the Hay I•tlsur'Inee Company, e Teich Ile id its meting here on that fray. ricers. 1',in Kehl•. Garnet Magee and N(;rtican i-Ioltrinann drove to Hensall c'.tl ittardily evening to enjc)S- illi- t)leaa .nrt' of a skate on the rink. wlhieli :s new op'n to all lovers ire the ;part. ,It ..loaf n Kaeri•l,er, who spent' the past iiler'ti.,Itt]as in North Daa- kotie rr * ,z•i;ird en :Friday. Ile speaks well of the a'(}nnt:'r and, most of the Ca•oa.diaaas scent too his doing 1;. i. ' ' ,rding to his report. I]1e(?iac.1i•ii, . if"hall lot::l tr(•ek. rl o- west ',1 :•illy 'ri lrc't's with a : splendid .(lltristas Supplement gilt` ten up in veery ntztt and attractive :.t5 l( 011 gond paha it ie cert ainiY 0 credit to t!u'. publish:9.'s • of this Ad reliable paper. Owing to the (treat weight of:1 •Start the New Ycar by adding yotir naive to TiioBrenton list. Our butcher, M:. John Schaffer,° has the usual nice display of Xmas meats. The price of Hoge are tending up- wards again. They. are quoted this week at $5.00 per cwt. Mrs. T. b. Merrier, `left Wednes- day fey Detroit, to -spend the holi- days with her parents in that city. Mr. Wes. Sohoollig. left on Wed- nesday, for Detroit, Michigan. He is gone partly on bw iness and part- ly on. pleasure. J. F. Rickbeil, . the courteous Implement Agent, bee his right eye in a sling—or something else—from the effect of infiamnita;tion, produced by getting .cold in it. Mr. Jas. McLean, Architect, form erly with the St. ,Joeeph Co., and who has been engaged at Goderich for the past few weeks, was in the village on Tuesday, `renewing ac- quaintances. • The annual meeting of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society, will be held in 'the Town Hall here, on Wednesday, the 13th. day of Janu- ary, 1004, • commencing at One O'clock p. m. Next week the business places of this village, will resu'ne the early closing movement. The evenings of closing being Tuesday, Thursday and. Priday,at sex o'clock, as formerly. Mr. Eldon Ronnie, of Naperville Ill., accompanied by his wife and child, arrived in town on Sat- urday on a visit to the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Saain. Rannie, of the west end. A shooting contest,- at birds and bine rocks, will take place here, on TueSday, the 20th; commencing at One o'clock p. m., sharp. It is in connection with the "Commercial Hotel," of which mine host Rau is the proprietor., Mr. Garnet Steinbach is just now engaged in nursing n felon on his finger and waiting of ouetomers at the same time. Hei$lbokingpleas- ant and acting as p(ilitely to ladies a t though he were Suffering- tite tortures of the — Mr. and Mrs..Chris. Gaschn and several children, now residing near S'ebewaingeMich., are vi siting here. They were former resid nts of the 14th Con. Mr G is cloi g well in his adopted home tine has gone extensively into raisine of sugar beets, which he infnrn £ us is a money -making erop. Remember the nienic hien of candidates for the Tewnshin of fHay will tulle place in the Town I Ball here on Monday the 28th be.- tween the honrs of 1 and 2 o'clock ; and that for Village Trustees the same day between the hours of 7.30 and 5.30 p. m. Amon;.; others mentioned the following ere here for the holidays: _John ..lbrecht, .lube Pvne.hxig, Adolph Steinbach, Sinn, • Ziminei'- man, Mrs Rickbeil,Jcrry Kfercher, Menno Surerus aracl Chester Bene- dict, all from North Dakota, Ben. Geiger of Michigan and Fred Bene- dict of Toledo. The preacher who can preach to please every hearer. the school teacher wl10 can tonch to please every. parent, the dressmaker who Can please every patron, the Mer- chant who can please every bnyer and the editor who conA please all' lois stxbseriliers, are till dead and c'arrying harps. A meeting of the Hay Fire Ili;. Co, Board Was held in the Dominion Hefei parlor. here, on \tunday afternoon, when a temple of losses wore inquired illi' i and c'hegtlCS i ent]I(11 i "'(l to be teemed to the c'laihnan :;, beeides all other busi- ness ?wine transaeted requiring to , be attended tt, 1.n' file balance •of the 'rear. 'snow and ice til:ii 11 itad accumulate ed on tile shed to the, easstof the flour Ilhill, it collapsed on Sunday Morning about 12 o'clock. It, invade t quite a rocket in its fall. It was not an expensive .,41.,ir and well 1. j Mre. that' in Kelle,rmun, for many years n rc•':.i(let:t of Dashwood,.; died at ll''et •'n, tI1('it., on Thursday evening last, reaching tlieaage of • about ct_,bty-t',vt }(ars. Her re. a;lulu t,, ri) lmntl„iat to Dashwood.; end 1h' funeral took piece un grin-' ileyneei i 1 • the infi m'nf t skin„ i>1ac'& at the, 131 ,riser lin(. Cemetery.. `Pit' dee i itserl'1t•.i.. ive11 known in Zutivlh and was highly respected, I S1fe loaves a. grownup faintly to 211ottrn her 1(445.' The regular meeting of the W. U, T lY which vvas+ held at the home C Our Xmas Stock Is Complete. o0 000 14 We have the tariest range 'of Ener Shown in Zurich. And we can compete with the larger places in BOTH PRICES AND QUALITY. 1%- a'-'7'4 Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, i* Highest Prices Paid for it. �•'%4 4 4 4.4 d•'�4 d .,. 4 d•O x•4.4 Q Per aialp.xttamaZavira...ccesaranualsommamoramarmaxereram=e141111.[MO.411:93 We extend a Hearty invitation to one and Fill to Cope and Exarriine our Goods, We ex- pect to be Ready to Slime) all our Xrtlas Goods by the 30th November, alld lay before you all tyle riew arrarigerxlerlts, QP. CT' VP and the9�. OD For good Fall Water -proof z moots F�I h P1■i Ego s Shoes9 Rubbers enc Overshoes, Legging °xa ruhh Shoe — AN] 1.1.FACT — n Any and An kinder of Shoes g At RIGHT PRICES, Go to 1111.1 II THE S HJO MI4 N ZURICH, f A RCD. Butter and Eggs taken hr exchange. MTH CASH PURCHASES can fan,: n es.: \ve `e 1 ee ))1iee4:(to explain how to itut a Dinner Sett 1'I1.T \ it•, c ,.n 'mill each 25 (rent ca:11 ball' ; you can ;;'•t it It (+ ••�7i'i'+:.-tray piece Yon want. Our fpmma Stocks his now corm) ..,t :t -•t' IN ALL LINES. .'» 44 �0 �, ARE ,�';r fr1. ') THAW EVER BEFORE tos rpplyr al? � , er fate \,a('. . .•i: ,e tt'.si a Call aan1 you will be pleased, ra: .r'" Hi::llest 1:iri"es rni Produce ttn(l. Clover Seecl. PREE'-M ER. ••••. .1••• m n.s. mw"-, ...Arne . . 1=011 LIT Neal �' atlt �i at1U. ^17 itgatr'Ut1 , Fa �, lu , a Zi;llrieh • of :ars, Ronnie niI 1i inlay even- ' :is sa. IC ---------_ -_ r-tr .c 24 ing, Dee. :l: t., •teal`; v a 5 interesting: '\V e have a number ' (ill t.''"l, .i!llarill'- r 'i'l d Thepraiid int led the devotional part I 1,. ,;. , after t'llich.'the, edueetion(Ll part, an also SOIne property ty iii lie \;7i11ag' ( n'tneerniented Wine,- WILS taken Orli '", �ocid A.er�t �I.xxtec� in e��<is i .,�s:.>�rcrxe and t: I ptlt 111) 50011. :Locals continued on )ale 8. in the (1omity, to take ris1:e'hie': the ROYAL.LIFE.