HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-18, Page 6WALL PAPER VOGUE. A`;•es•.ftr.l Designs Should be 'Bused \ix) the !Bedroom, Ili repapering (bedrooms It is wise to consult individual preference as far as possible. The man or woman who is to sleep in 'h room should have a voice in regard to how the walls therof shall be covered. . If the room is small, avoid large patterns. The huge rose in brilliant colors, is a favorite pattern. This IS seen In handsome "moire" paper, and would look well in a large room with high ceilings. Brut in a small bedroom, with low ceiling, it's entire- ly too overwhelming .for its allot- ted space. ]Patterns which Ioolc well in the J•Ispaeleus shops or wall paper dealers •fose their effect in a contracted froom. Above all, he careful not to paper 'bedroom walls with an involved pat- tern suggesting the idea of Ilerpet- Mal. motion. It is ell very well to let,' the nurse eery walls show a pattern of red - fixated English hunters following the hounds. Children often like that wall eeoveri.ng. Brut a restful wall paper %is far more agreeable to the adult, 1.,who often feels fatigued when be or she reaches the bedroom. Paperhangers describe some wall Tapers as "busy," when the lines of Iran arabesque coil upon themselves, suggesting spiral springs or inees- . sant motion. There are some involy- -ed designs which seem to have no beginning, certainly no end. They re- produce the design incessantly over .the wall, wearying the eye and brain. .A; single spray, or a trellis, or small Cfset patterns, which is spaced off, is much more restful than a "busy" leaper. Among the cheery wall papers net- ted ot=Ied recently is the sea -gull design. ,Gray -winged gulls spread their "sails" Jen a light blue background, 'suggestive of a bright day near the seashore. The gulls are not too large to be andersirable as repre- sented on your wall spaces, nor are they too close together. With the nervous invalid or con- rvalescent the use of a "busy" wall 1.paper is particularly to be deplored. The .pine tree wall paper is delighti- l;§ful with its branches laden with stiff reen needles and rough looking r'brownish cones. This can be had on !Jae white background, also on one 9f a pate sky !blue. r Wall papers, being pretty and cheap, and in sufficient abundance, there is seldom difficulty in obtain- ti3ng variety from which to make a l choice. Yow,can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. of °�t3 �Y.76 �1 tai,% 'acs nsumption Gyre The Lung Tonic is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices 25c., 60c. and S1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. 8 Right in Line. Catholic Slaanaarn and Times, Hicks --He's trying berry, culture pow, you know; and he says he's i !'having considerable success. Wicks—Yes. Hicks—Yes, although he admits the tit'eturne are small as yet. E �i'ioks—?Fell, that emends natural. You might call that Success, With Small Fruits. ID To prove to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment is acertain and absolute cure for each • 11 and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, 'the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think of it, You can use it and got your money back if not cured. 60c a box, at all dealers or EDMANSON,BATES & Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chase's Obe'llt er * USED FOURTEEN YEARS WITH G000 RESULTS. E, 184 St., New York, Sept. 8,1902. DR. D. J. KENDALL CO., Gentlemen :—I have used your Spavin Curo on my horses for the past fourteen years and it lute always given me good results in every particular. I also him one of your books that l have found very useful. If you have any later edition of tho "Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," will you kindly send mo ono. Respectfully yours, B. P, SRISBIE. Itis an absoutely reliable remedy for Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ringbones, etc. Removes the bunele and leaves no scar. Price $1; six for $0. AM•aliniment for family use it has noegnal. Ask your druggist for IIENOALL'S SPAVIN OHRE, also "A Treatise on the Rope,the book free, or address e DR. 11.3. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURG FALLS, VT. SAT NIGHT AND BAY IN A CHAIR Till Dodd's !Kidney Pills Cured his Rheumatism. William Does, of Strong Township, Dale and Hearty after !Four Years of Torture—The Story of his Sick- ness and his Cure. Sundridge, Doc. 14.—(Sp-c'al)--sifter four years of torture, during which he was scarcely an hour free from pain, William Doeg, a farmer, living on Con. 8, Strong Township, and well known here, is a hale and healthy man. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. Speaking of his cure, Mr. Doeg says: "The trouble started in my back, and the pain got Iso bad that I could not lie down to take rest, but had to sit night and day in a chair. "The pain would sometimes move to other parts of my :body, and when in my kneesi I was unable to walk. "I was treated for rheumatism by several doctors, and also tried dif- ferent medicines without receiving any benefit. I fealred I would never again be free from pain. ' My attention was called to cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I start- ed to use them. Before I had fin- ished the second box I was a new ran entirely free from pain. It has et come back since." Uric acid 111 the blood is the cause of Rheumatism. If the Kidneys are working right they take all the uric acid out of the ;blood. Dodd's Kidney Ellis make the kidneys work right. Drug Store Wines. "That doesn't look like sherry," remarked th'e man who was loafing in the drug store: "Wbfsl&�the fact is," replied the druggist`jt' " it was originally port, but it was poured into the sherry bottle by mistake and we let ,},t go at that." The C'Ty Like Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Cures All Creeds. It Relieves in 10 Minutes Here are a few names of clergymen of different creeds who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to "live up to the preaching" in all 1t claims: Bishop Sweetman, Rev. Dr. Langtry (Episcopalian); Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers (Methodist) and Dr. Newman, all of Tor- onto, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. Dr, Agnew's Ointment relieves piles in a day King Got a Spartan Training. The young King of Italy Ls sup- posed to owe not a little of his phys- ical activity and hardihood to Col. Oslo, a grim old soldier, to whom he was turned over at the ago of 12. Previous to that time ho had bean in charge of nurses and governesses, Col. Oslo put him through a course of sprouts designed to counteract his delicacy of health, his nervous ir- ritability and his whimsicality. If he had a cold he had to rise at the usual flour, bathe, and go through the ordinary grind. The colonel din- ned into his head that if he were a donkey lie would not be less a don- key for being a, king's son. Most of his precepts were in this spirit, and his young charge has developed into a rather unusually seriously -minded sovereign. I was Cured of a bad case of 'Grip by LMINAII:,D'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C. B, 4 I. LAGUE. 1 was cured of loss of voice by alINARD'S (LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS. PL1MIMER. lI was Cured of Sciatica R.heuma- tlsm by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Burlin, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER, Where Storks Do Not M'tv- If there were any legends once current in this country, ,similar to tlior.e which prevail on, the continent, relating to the superstition that the etorl}s bring the new-born babies, they do not appear to have been roted by folk-lorists. This is pro- bably because they had no exist- ence, for the stork rarely frequents these shores, and was even rare in England when the tens were un- drained. We have the cruel eagle that carries babies off, but not the kind stork that brings them. The white stork (Ciconia alba) is, for I:a actless as well as for sentimental reasons, regarded with reverence in those countries which he makes his tereporary home. This le so in 't2.u.s- sia, Poland, Denmark, $olland,Spain and the Provinces of Alsace and Lor- raine, where he is protected, instead of eersecuted. The fact of his not meeting in our own country with this forbearance at the hands of the man with a gun has 'perhaps engen- dered in him a shrew notion as to what a shield he would be to cross the Channel when he is eo well off where he is. At all events, ‘no fn. Stanceis, I thhfeik, known of the mi- gratory stork nesting fin England. Not a t.'o,•Y un.,. 11„u,t• ,. Bow the ,Duke of Roxburghe could be described as a fortune hunter it is Impossible to understand, in- asmuch as his estates bring in up- ward Of £80,000 a year, and the per- sonal property left by $9s father (be sides funds in settlement. mut op. ward, of £120,000. GLASGOW'S NEW PARK A Munifleient Gift to the Clyde City 4Y A. Cameron Corbett, A new public park, extending to about; 186 acres, is to be presented to thecitizens of Glasgow by Mr, A. Cameron Corbett, til, P., for the Tradeston division. The new ):nark is situated on the estate of Thornlie- han1k, five miles south• of the Royal Exchange, and it will he the second of largest park in tlx'e, possession th eox'xoration, the Bellahouston Parke, Which extends to about 170 acres, having the distinction of being the largest. That rortion of the estate not suitable for public park purposes is to bo purchased by the H'utche- sons' Hospital Trustees for touing. The mansion -house, on which Mr. Cameron Corbett has spent a Con- siderable sum, is included in his gift, while the price paid by him for tht; ground will be £24,000. For several generations thio estate bas belonged, to the •Cruors of Tllornliebailk. Mr. Cameron Corbett held a lease of it for some years, but he is now build.. Ing a new house at Rowallan. The purchase by the l:futehesons' Trustees extends to about 170 acres, and the price is stated at £22,000. • Mlnard's Liniment cores Colds, eta. Disarmed. An old clergyman has a son whose habits of unpunctuality and indolence are a sore `trial, but whose ready tongue secretly delights his father, says the Youth's Companion. One one occasion the young man appeared at Sunday morning break- fast 15 minutes before the appointed time. The clergyman took out his watch, looked at it with a sorrowful face, and turned to the transgressor, `My non,"' he said, reproachfully, holding the watch sd that his son might see its accusing face, "do you think this is right ? Do you honest- ly think it Is right?" "WeII, sir,' replied the young man,' regretfully, "I wish it were about 15 minutes fast, but as you ask me to say honestly, I am afraid it's just right.” • Ruby Lips and a clear complexion, the pride of woman. Have you lost these charms through torpid liver, constipation, billiousness or nervousness ? Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills will restore them to you -10 little "Rubies " in a vial, 10e. Act like a charm." Never gripe. -29 A11 Scotch. Toronto Globo. The 'Governor-General of the Do- minion, the Lieutenant -Governor of the Province, the Premier of the Province, and the Mayor of the city —what more could even a Scotsman ask ? The Governor's Wife a Prisoner.— Mrs. Z. A. Van Luven is the wife of the governor of the county jail, Napanee, Ont., and was a great sufferer from rheumatism. When the beet doctors in the community and "specialists" failed to help her, she burled her scepticism of proprietary remedies and purchased South American Rheumatic Cure. 4 bottles cured her --42, An Impossible Situation. Flipper—Whe does he object to his wife going out alone in her motor car ? Flapper—Because he can't see how one unmanageable thing can manage another. Catarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes—Ono short puff o1 the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew'sCatarrhalPowder diffuses the powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and dellght'ul to uee. It relieves instantly, and permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsilitis and deafness. 50 cents —41. London in 1700. London 200 years ago was a com- paratively small city of about 600,- 000 inhabitants, the rough and 111 - kept main roads to which had been but slightly improved since Tudor times. The ghastly spectacle of many of the trees on the Southwark road bonding under their burden of hang- ed men, had indeed been e.ightly mod- ified, but none the less the decom- posing heads of "traitors" still filled the atmosphere about London bridge and Temple Bar with millions of baneful microbes. $800 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper 1011 he pleased to learn that there is at least one d reacted disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being s. con- etitutionel disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature indMug its work. The proprietors have so much fel th in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, UPTURE CURE 61e rltesnarkeJ,10 fiancee®,r lbw a C®Ilmlarait©c1 Toronto Spooleslist Rupture has always been core szdered incurable., but is can be cured at home, ithoutoperation, pais, dangeror woof time. MR 1Hr. 3 NIt ill , 71 Locomotive St.t H'nan!ltnn,Ort.. whose ,por- trait olitrate hero appears, suffered 3O years with two rupturesand now 'rejoices in &radical euro by this discovery, and never lost.a WO. meet from Work. Free lost I?it. W. S. RIGS, Quell Vit.11., (Dopt.t0a %, Treoutail Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. Ask for the Cefeegon Ear 237 Please Shut the Door. Toronto Star, Tho chorus swells and swells and swells Into a deafening roar, As everybody at us yells: • "Go back and shut that door I't In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black Diamond Expreee." This is the direct and hest route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian pointe. The Lehigh Valley has three stations in New York, up town near all first-class hotels and down town near all European steamship docks, saving passen- gers for Europe a long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, :IP 3. Out of His Class. Chicago News. "And did you feel at home at' your wife's 5 o'clock tea?" asked the horse reporter. "DIU I!" exclaimed the snake ed- itor. "Say, I felt like a bald -beaded man at a football game." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 Good Advise. Buffalo News. Do ty!our Christmas shopping e'arlyj —then you will have time to think what Christmas reailyj means when it comets. Minaret's Liniment cures aarget in Cows, Not a Small Undertaking. Tit -Bite. Cash --It's easy to win a woman's love. Just give her all the money she wants. Nocash—You don't call that easy, do yon ?" Mlnard's tlieria. Liniment cures DIp9- An AIarming Discovery. Los Angeles Times. IDlptheria germs have been, discover- ed on the hand of a Los Angeles milkman. Boit your milkman WILL YOU SLEEP WELL T04IIGHTT Not if you have a rasping cough. Take Alien's Lung Balsam, it relieves the pain In the chest, the irritation in the throat and the hard breath- ing. Both Taking Chances. Chicago News. "But" said the heiress, whose beauty+ wasn't evan skin deep, "how am I to know that you are not mar- rying me for my money?" "It is an even break," replied the young man, who was addicted to theclove baoit. "How am I to know that you are not marrying me to reform mer ISSUE No. 51. 190 hire, Wineiow s boothing' Syrup should aiwaye be need for Children Teething. Is soothes We child, softens thegnme, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, M. J. CUM (NGS $& COI Rooms 48.49 Victoria Arcade, 18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont." 'Phone Alain 3704. DEALIIIOS IN STOCKS, 't NDS, CRAW P.I"� i�i'Y 1���t%l !'MVS. I Direct private wires to all exchanges. alt„ May wheat will sell $1.00 per bushel before this option expiree. We handle accounts 01 1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin -1 Write for our special Ietter. Branch Office, 166 Simeoe St, Peterboro 'PaoNE 360. Stocks Are Cheap! So. Pace, B. & 0., Un. Pac., Mo. Pae, R. L. Com„ Eries, Reading, N.Y. Can., and Penn.' R R., we regard as PARTICULARLY AT. TRACTIVE at present LOW prices, and trades handled will, hi sithout doubt, showy ubstan� tial profits in the near future. While eyafcthings n theatadcumulaionothe' Standard issues is apparent to the close i student of conditions A Word to' the Wise Is Sufficient. hoaadquartere, room xcceptionallc'excchange your con- nections as favoraus ble terms as 100 share lots, Write to -day for our bookfel entitled " Wall Street's Opportunities." Special attention given to out -of -towns orders. JADES & CO., Standard Stock Exchange Buildings, Toronto. STAMMERERS r THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN 1 Ontario, for tho treatment of all formai of SPEECH DEFECTS. We treat the cause,' not Simply the habit, and therefore produces, natural speech. Write for particulars, A'TTTENTIONr' On receipt of twenty cents—no stamps—L will send to any address, my Musical Album. contalng 50 of the latest songs, words and music, also a beautiful colored engraving.. Write, FLYNN MUSIC CO., 8 St. Patrick's Square, Toronto. A Solemn Fact. Geneva Advertiser -Gazette. The ,small ills of life are what wear us put ; we can all face a great sorrow with resignation, but we cannot flgLt flies without losing patience, 1 , � t Minard's Liniment cures Distem-i per. it She Supply is Limited, Too. Philadelphia Press. "Some of the young girl's now. adaye," said Miss Ann Teak, "are pos- itively terrible. The idea of a girl being engaged to two young men' at once. It's shameful." "And," sggested Miss Pepprej?. " ao It' s aggravating, t , Isn't It.?' ALWAYS SEE THAT THE Our Parlor Grande-. "KING EDWARD" "HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" MATCHES YOU BUY HEAR THE NAME A QUICK SURE UHT by using any one of FOR SALE by 21120211•2 Our Sutphtir Snouts "Telegraph" "Telephone" is ensued EVERY time those brands :: Dealers Everywhere ANAD A(#41! ;t IR *, ER OF CH r SEN NUE FIVE YEARS' PROCRESS Members. Year. 19,283 20,917 22,574 1901 28,829 1902 25,000 1908 OS. Surplus. -»-....1899 $204.025.00 , 1900 208,620.00 ' 238,880.00 j 864,012.00 400,000.00 • Speci&0 Inducements to JON NOW. Apply to the Recorder In your own town or W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder, R&M. Ilton, Ont. or W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ont, 1'4 !POO ,u •,. Off- et G visitaltt ea, Gr.Mi i, y's Sy U a Spruce Gum 1 , ili''ai„;. int) 't p,tidrd+1;11g1PeilNif ,fella , ",r} Cures Coughs GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing, and does it well. It's no "cure-all,” but a CURIO for all throat and lung troubles. GRAY'S SYRUP 018 RED SPRUCE GUM stops the irritating tickle — takes away the soreness--sooths and heals the threat—and CURBS COUGHS to stay cured. (None the fess effective because it is pleasant to tyke. 25 cts. bottle.