HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-18, Page 5The Zurich Herald, NOT CIE! rryOMMENCING AUGUST FIRST, wl.J will adopt. the CASH SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS, tar All Old Accounts owing me must 'Ere settled by the FIRST DAY OF SEP- 'TEMRER. JOHN SCHAFER, Butcher, Zurich' DASDWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE \\Te have now a large and up- to-date Stock of house Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price:— UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need,. give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac OASHWOOD - ONTARIO Clubbing rates. p ''We • have Made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE Huatat,n Daily Globe . :$ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4,25 Weekly Globe . . 1.60 • „ Mail & ,Eliipil'e 1,75 Berliner Journal (Gernitut) 2.50 Fki,inily Herald & Star. 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 PU; `LIG N°TICE. 1TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public cautioning them not to nego- tiate a certain Note, made by me to Henry Bender, and dated in the fall of 1399, as the salve has been taken from the present owner. his CONRAD X VOLLAND Zurich, Nov. 30, 1903. hark. Witness—J. W. ANDERSON. 19.3tp HORSES FOR SALE! I have several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horses, which I am offering at reasonable prices. 1 can also supply any kind you want at short notice. WILLIAM FEE. Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O. 17-tf Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is, per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. GEO. TRorr, 13.tf Photographer. MMICOMMT 0 I 1 MPJY INOMMWRIM -*EXETER FLOUR. -44- Rye and Buckwheat Flour. Breakfast Foods, &c. isamszszencimussozwaszeimi international Stock & 'Poultry Imperial Stock Food. Oil cake & .Linseed. meal Oyster Shell and Poultry Bone ALWAYS * ON * HAND. * C. C U RAO, Zurich, Ont. sumannummummoomiiiama eau 101 ;111 FAIMSICEIMIIEM r is buying all kinds ==of== PLTY•.J.,„ M ei$ her dressed or Undressed. Dont fall to call and get / E NER'S' prices. e?Y SOO Co. ASSETS SOLD BY PUB LIC AUCTION. SPEYER Sc COMPANY THE ONLY BID, r. ERs. .New York, .Dec. 15.—The assets of the Consonsolidated Lake Super- ior Company, held by Speyer & Co. for a loan of :$5,000,000, were bought in. at public auction by Speyer & Company to -day for $1.500,000,_ Theirs was the only bid. The sale was hell in spite of several protests by representatives of other credi- tors. The sale took place in the pres- ence of a large crowd, which in- cluded former President Clergue, of the Consolidated Lake Superior Company, and Director Hay of the Imperial Bank of Canada. Objec- tions to the sale were submitted by a lawyer representing Francis C. Davison, of this city, owner of 100 shares of Lake Superior common and 50 shares of preferred, on the ground that the Speyer loan had been contracted without the know- ledge or consent of the stockhold- ers. and was therefore illegal ; also by the Stanley Electric Company. of Pittsfield, Mass., which recently filed a Mechanics' lien for $60.000, for machinery ; another by the leg- al representative of Receiver J. G. Caruth, of Philadelphia, and still another by Foley Bros., Potter & Whalen, of Philadelphia, who claim to have a lien on the Algoma and Hudson Bay Company, one of the Lake Superior's constituent com- panies. Just before the auctioneer asked for bids, he was served with a no- tice that suit had been begun in the State Supreme Court, to set aside the sale. Mr. Speyer declined to say what disposition the syndicate intend- ed making of the collateral now owned outright, but a meeting of the members will probably be held later in the day and some statement will follow. Messrs. Speyer and Tweed were asked what interest if any, the United States Steel Cor- poration /night have from now on in the property. They answered that to the best of their knowledge the Steel Corporation would have no interest whatever. REORGANIZATION STILL POSSIBLE. Toronto, Dec. 15th.—The result of the sale of assets of the Consoli- dated Lake Superior Co., to Speyer & Co. to -day, was not unexpected by those in touch with the com- pany's affairs here. They have known all along that there was scarcely a possibility of anyone bidding. on the securities when auc- tioned by Speyer & Company, but Speyer & Company themselves.— James hemselves—James Conmee was asked what ef- fect the sale would have on the sit- uation. " It will have no effect at all," he said. " They have been in possession for two or three months now. This may strengthen their legal position somewhat, or they may think that it strengthens it somewhat, but it won't." From Mr. Conmee's remarks,' it must be concluded that the whole question of the legality of the Speyer mort- gage has yet to be tllreshed out. Other gentlemen prominently identified with the company ex- pressed themselves similarly, and agreed if it had any effect at all it will be to still further complicate matters. "How will it affect the the plan of re -organization ? " That will go ahead," said one of the legal light, " Here's where the trouble may come in. Now that the formal sale has been made it may be harder to obtain the re- lease of the property when the $8.- 000.000 is raised. But I think (and others think with me) that a sale made without the :unction of the Canadian Courts, in the face. in- deed, of the order made yesterday by the Canadian Courts, can. have no effect. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD, Miss Lydia and Mr. John A. Deoher were the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert on Sunday. Slabtown school was closed on Monday on account of the storm and bacl condition of the roads. The following of interest to our readers was taken from the report of the Huron County Council pro- ceedings of last session :— TER HOUSE OE REFUGE ENLARGEMENT The report of the building com- inittee in reference to the enlarge- ment of the House of Refuge was the subject of a lengthy discussion in committee of the whole. Finally it was decided to report recommend ing that the report be amended by adding to the last clause that the committee ask for tenders, and have the same ready to be placed before the council at the next ses- sion in January. In council it was moved by Mr. Spaokman and seconded by Mr. Lamont, that no action be taken far the erection or addition to the House_ of Refuge at the present time. This motion was lost on division, by 7 to 8, and committee's report sustained and adopted. THE ANATOMY AOT. Moved by Mr. Miller ancll second- ed by Mr. Loohart, that this coun- cil memorialize: the Legislature to amend the clause in the Ontario Anatom"v Act,wherein, after death the bodies of all inmates of the Houses of Refuse in this Province and unclaimed by friends after a oer tain time be handed over to the School of Anatomy, as this has a very depressing effect with the in- mates of such institutions.—Car- ried. Stephen Council. The Council of the Township of Stephen canvened in the Town Hall itt Crediton, on Tuesday, December: 15th, 1903, at 10 a. m. All members were present and minutes of the previous meeting wore read ancl I adopted. Yearley—Wuerth--"That Gottlob Brown, collector of taxes, is hereby instructed and authorized to con- tinue the levy and collection of the unpaid Taxes In the manner and I with the power provided by the Law for the general levy and col- lection of Taxes." Carried. Yearley—Anderson -- "That the sum of one hundred dollars be set aside from the township funds for the use of the Board of Health of the Township of Stephen. "Carried. Anderson—Yearley— "That By - Law No. 7 for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers and selection of polling -booths and By - Law No. 8 of 1903 to appoint audi- tors for 1903, each having been read the third time, be pissed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk." Carried. Orders to the amount of 41481.19 were passed. The Treasurer's Annual Report will contain a state- ment of each order. Council adjourned sine die Nomination will take place in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, December 28th, 1903, at 1 p. m . HENRY F., TIMER, Tp. Clerk. Mrs. Rose of Stratford is a pre- sent visiting at the home of her I father, Mr. ;1. Rennie. She intends to stay until after Christmas. Miss Bertha Hey has been unable I to attend confirmation school for over a week on account of illness, Mr. and Mrs. John Decher called on Mrs. Decher's father in Dash- wood on Tuesday, Miss L. Nestle of London has I been visiting her sister, Mrs. G. { Broderick, and other friends on the! Babylon line. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and Home Paper in Canada. After January est, 1904, PRICE°5 52 � � Numbers New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnificent Christmas num bet. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co.,Lianited London, Ont, READ THIS. In order to boom our al- ready large list of subscrib- ers and to encourage) those i.11. arrears to pay up, we will to the enol of the month only, to all who pay up and a year in advance give them i.the choice of two papers 1 free for olio .year; either the Weekly MvIontreal Herald or the American Farmer; for $1.20 we will club the three–THE HEVALD your home paper and the two above mentioned. Remem- ber the above offers are for this month. only. Samples of papers may be seen at our office. N All taxes of the Township of Hay must be paid by the 14th day of December, or 4 per cent. will be added. 17-3 CHARLES TROYER, Collector. Ners Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured 0 ry j1,1? 1•�1. •,iY k�, •YIgOr x ATi the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over 40 years. I am now 91 years old and have a heavy growth of rich brown halr. duo, I think,en- ttrely to Ayer's Flair Vizor." Dias. M. A. KEITH, Belleville, $1.00 a bottle. .r. e. AYER 00,, Alldru sta.• for -+ Lowelh Mese.. 0 0 .art.:,,m Notice. THE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - .LL posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINDER, leader, or Mr. A. McKAY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which wilt be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 43-tf I1IAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE - 1 The undersigned oilers his choice 100 - acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, 2t miles North. of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to 0-3np JACOB MEYER, Zurich P. 0. who has a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY KIND GET YOUR TIRES RESET ON ONE OF HENDERSON'S Tire Setting Machines I -,R • ^ '! x.:.; . t +=, „ w It, sets them Cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of Wheels just Right It does the work Perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work, but tires are reser, accurately and quickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in prat.. Beal operation, the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited. All work thoroughly war. ranted. John ?ese1oh, GENERAL BLACKSb1ITH, Zurich, Ont 541,e417,101'4'-'f•4?i NSM':: Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry.. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION WOFF A M1�zS .sL '. n . 50 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n sketch and description army rinicklynseortn n our opinion froo whether an Invention 19 probably patentable. Communion, bone strietly envtidentl,tl, FUnndbnolr on Patents sent free. Oldest rummy for Scenting patents. Patents taken through ,Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scittitific A handsomely illustrated Weekly, Largest clr. eulation of any scientific lournat, Terms, $3 e year ; lour months, $1. Sold by all nowsdealers. MUNN &Co 6t8radwaNewYork3,i ltob