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The Herald, 1903-12-18, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 21. LEGAL CARDS. . J. D. COOKE9 Kin(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensel!, Ontario. O. STANIlURY, D. A. F. W. CeLAD11AN. Glathnan & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest, Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL— every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. ROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. JACUAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zfllt'IC171ccounR. t OI3t .r io. (L. V. BAClt.t:D, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, a Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on band. Day and night calls promptly attend. ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERS', Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 EBOSS { NBERRY, • Licensed .Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ' ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pfILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. • COMMERC19L DOTE y"I Ca Q et ZURICH p p 4) '0 W• Strictly up-to-date in modern iml • provements. Dining rooms is sup- 0 up- Bardwith en tains ychoicethe 03liquor's and t© cigars. ¶ Q if if if © Excellent 'Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. cy ®.,..tee �....... • J• P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 4) 4) 0 4) 0 ser 40*0Gv+;DO ek1Dks3u"•'.:ooce teceet1tsec;oatti 'O THE E)ominion House, This house has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o Vetter in the pominion. R. R. Johnston & Son, VROPRTtnToRS, AviipMmemermentattennsmummen ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1903. 1911 LOCAL NEWS Pair grey gauntlets found. Ap- ply finutALD office. • Mr. Willie Gates of Uensall, was in town on business, on Tuesday. home at • y. Her at first initiat- edof the Workmen, left the Merner, Ls taken r. Blake, junior Klapp, sties. ci l met aft the slate, to her coi- fs cold sold no weeks. He eat this 21 ber and Gascho Ham- burg,tha at e W. C. home of evening, inivtecl installed e, last congratulates ease of sect of John Rau. This Mrs. Mc- Cormick atten- tion both fancy ties r, llaLlicl see them both hand Baldwin alfOrtll, Berlin Douglas, of Tasker Mr. John O visit town and next, him a Remember r, and d cheer home evening, nclergo- lclnose from the d, and Physician eats in. Lutheran per on .and the t to the the 31st be pro e Sab- bathes. TLSO as mistake the last busy to would y you re, but tlent]y from leisure. we go to of the cl this Wednesday. less for heart the satire neighbor- hoodd was know Messrs. Hess & Deichert have dis- posed of all their hardwood lumber to an implement manufacturer, at a good advance over their summer sale, The price of this class of tum ber is steadily advancing, ancl, if anything, is harder to obtain than than pine or hemlock, of which they still have soave little quantity on hand, both in town and in the woods. Mrs. Weir left for her h Manatowaning on Tuesday. stay has been shorter than intended. _sour new members were into the local Lodge Ancient Order of United W on Friday evening last. Mr. George Appel having Peoples' Store, Mr, Wesley brother of the proprietor, has his place behind the counts Miss Pearl Nicholson, of who will take charge of the room now in charge of. Miss visited the school on Wednc: The Hay Township Council ,here on Tuesday, and wiped business off the Municipal date. See report in another Lunn. Fur coats are moving this weather. Mr. C. Hart]eib less then 14 the -last two svee received another big shipment week. Mrs. Ruby Schwartzentru daughter and Mrs. Joseph are visiting relatives in New Baden and St. Aga present. The regular meeting of th T. U. will be held at the Mrs. Rannie, on Monday Dec. 31st., at 7.30. All are to attend. The Seaforth Expositor a new type -setting machin week. Tran HERALD contra brother McLean on this evidence prosperity. Mrs. McOoranick has disposed her dwelling to Mrs. Jot Tho price paid is $825.00 Price includes one lot. Mr Cormick retains the other t. d''P.reeter� desires to call tion to his extra large stock gentlemen's and ladies' and other kinds of neck -wean kerchiefs, etc. Go in and when in town, They are some and cheap. Mr. R. 11. Peck, of Geo. B & Co.'s music emporium, Sc has sold an upright grand Piano to Mr. George Doug Blake ; a Bell Organ to Mrs. and a Dominion Organ to M Consit, of Hillsgreen. Santa Claus is expected t every house in both country on Thursday night therefore be on hand to.give night royal reception. Rel Xmas comes but onc'e a year, when it names it twinge, good at least to the little ones. Mr.' J. •hn Dttmart returned from London on Saturday after a four weeks' stey, undergo- ing treatment for the eyes as He derived much benefit several operations perforins speaks highly of the whose care he was under. Remember the entertainments the two churches --the and Evangelical. The fors Christmas eve., Dec. 24th., latter (owing to the accident Pastor) on New Year's eve., instant. Entertainment will vided by the scholars of th School, in both instances. Make your Xmas purchase early as possible. It is a to put off shopping until day when clerks are too give you the attention they like to. 13y shopping earl will not only get better service, a more varied and conseq larger assortment to choose besides doing it at your We learn with regret as w� press, that Mr. John Horner, Bauble line, Stanley, departs life about 4 o'clock on He had been ailing more or several years past, with disease, which is given as of death. He was in the of 70 years of age an highly respected by all who him. $1. Per Y r� 'Owing to the inclemency of the weather and the iMpassable state of the 'roads a number of the mem- bers' of the Hay Insurance Company were unable to reach town; on Mon day, and the meeting ,set for that day had to be declared off until a date to be announced later. The Fall Millinery (Season is now closed, and the Milliners in the dif- ferent establishments in town, left this week for their sOveral homes. Miss Steinbaok's home being here, she is still on deck; and will clieer- fully wait en any who may have neglected to supply themsely es with this highly necessary piece of fe- male attire. The Financial Statement of the Township of Hay will be in the Prin'ter's hands this -seek and will be -pushed through as expeditiously as possible, so -as to beready by the time appointed by law, in order that those iuterestad in its affairs may see•how the money was spent, as well as -the present financial standing of the Township. The Trustees of the • Village held a meeting one evening last week, passing several accounts and. wip- ing off the business for the year, made preparation for the nomina- tion of Candidates at the coming municipal election, the taking of the vote of the electors &c., should there be more than the requisite. number . of candidates :desiring to run. There were no •services in the Evangelical Church on Sabbath last Rev. Mr. Yeager being unable to officiate, and a supply not being available. It was a day hardly fit for either human beings, or brute creation to be out of -doors, and not a few were, we believe, really glad that it was not a. -duty to face the inclemency of the weather on that day. Sabbath School 'was held as usual. • The nomination of Trustees for the Village, :will be held in the Town Hall on Monday the 28th, at the hour between 7.80 and 8.30 in the evening, and ehtltdil there be t' contest, the election will take place on the following Monday. So 'far we have not heard of any new as- pirants for the honor of Working ing for the village for nothing and boarding themselves at the saine time. Mr. U. Sehrag reeentiy pnrcilased the dwelling next door to Mr. T. D Merner's store, and one of Mr. Mer- ner's lots, at the north .end. The house will he moved to the new site as soon as v eather Permits.— The w nits.— The present site is not at all suita.- b e for a. place of residen •o owing' to the low nature of the land, and being cramped by various outbuild- ings, is considered an unhealthy location for resid ntial purposes. Nom'nalion of Reeve. and Coun- cillors to c onduct the business et the Township or Vie year 1904, will be held in the T. wa Hall here, on Mondey the 28th instant, at the hour from One to Two o'clock p. m. and in,ca,se a contest takes place by reason of a poll being demanded the election will he held on the fol- lowing Monday, which will be Jan - nary 4th, 1904, when the poll will be open and votes taken from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Mr. Williams -will soon have his Mill yard as full of wood.as former- ly, having closed a contract with Messrs Hess & Deiehert for all the soft wood on the L 'anent place, as well as the tops and rough parts of the hard wood. This, it is expect- ed, will foot up to between. 700 and 800 cords. Hauling ha; already commenced and not a few loads deposited on the site, which �v'11 he tared to its tamest capacity before Spring opens. The publication by the Toronto News on Saturday last of a holiday number consistirg of 52 full sized pages, was a uique accomplishment This is the largest one -cent paper ever published in Canada. It was too big even for the mammoth Hoe sextuple press which the News re recently installed, and which will not print more than 4S neves, Over 14 tons of paper was consumed in the issue—an evidence of the rapid- ly growing circulation of the News. At the popular price of $1,00 u. year the News now finds its way into all parts of Canada.. It is not so n'iuch the price of the paper, however•, which is giving the News such a lead over its competitors as the fact that the public are discovering the merits of the paper. itself, All who have not seen the Naws in its new dress should write to Toronto for a sample copy, Locals continued on page 8. . �aoao��.Go•�4.•0•�•0.0 0 0.0 o v o.ov.o' OO.4.0•4.O•J•O P O �� �•4 d O O d Q'�O•�1•C�•',v� . Qd� G,C a. o Our Xmas Stock Is Complete. oq Q 4 �;W e have the .... , • .. DOS 0.4largest range of Off`" M b, .c QQ� a. a. a. Ever Shown in Zur ...:ammo. . And we can compete with the larger p1 sea BOTH PRICES .AND QUALITY. We extend a hearty invitation to one and R11 to Corrie and Exarrlirle otir Goods. We ex- pect to be Ready to Si1oln) all our Xmas QQJ a • Goods by tile 30th November, and lay QQk ,/a,R� 'before you all tlje r)eze) arrangements, QQ O0 I6'.".lillS°2 l.gIt ' it • 0 .- Produce taken in Exchange for Goody, and DIV44� Highest Prices Paid - for it. . Ur gi 6;1 For .good Fall Wt tzr-proof ots Sh es, 1:3 c.;wbbers and Overshoes,al a' !r g Any and AD ��ufds of Shoes R AZ Legging ;.'.:;0 1. Shoe: — ANI rr FACT — At RIGHT PRICES, Go to CHAS. F R I / Lica w ,, THE HE SHe EMA 4 ZURICH,ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Z1INTT.= --N. WITH CASH PURCHASES I°°°-- rar Call 'and see us ; we will be pleased to explain how to get a Dinner- Sett FREE. We give coupons with each 2a .s'nt cash Sale ; you can get it piece by piece—any piece'you want. Our Xmas Stock is now complete a .A . t ,, IN ALL LINES. .4 't 75 V7E ARE BETTER PREPARED' THAF EVER BEFOI'E to suppll - V all your X.tnas wants. Give sm 1L call and yon will be pleasea'i. Highest Prices paid for Farm Prodnce and Clover Seed. J., P LE ETIF P, Zurich A r�y�t Nati i ii'aatc mut ; �1� �a otte !lo Z U Icki We have a number sof G1'vc.141 also some property ir}i t i Viiils; Goocl Agent Wanted in trelr :rig in the Clottnty, to take rir,Itl.a •i rrr the }Z Ya• 10 Lily