HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-11, Page 81 lrl !ta e tit cE ata Eg • L1Y isoe llg( ,iT "Is) lhi lha sit ac ran e vi )0)o :n 9r 3u eta tlf xn ;re ro w 3r 1'E rY iv 10 In The Zurich , . . WISMER Horse Shoer and GEEERAL BUCK- i TH. Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each. :week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich C rcia c r A Few First -Class Finished and ready for the road, for SALE Cheap, Also several good Second-hand Cut - Cuts at a remarkably LOW PRICE Call and ,See them. F. NES & SON, tiiirich, Oiltaric K 1 f f kkisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Miff —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. In the ohange of ad.. of R.Pickard Co. they announce that the Piano will bo given away at noon on Dec. 24th. All tickets to be presented at their Hensall store on that elate. They u.re also offering great bar- gains in all lines at both their branehcs—Hensall and Dashwood. Tho bills for. the Public Scheel Concert, to ho 'held in the Town Hall here, on the evening of the 22nc1, instant, are now out, and the prospects are good for a large at- tendance and a first-class entertain- n)ent. No trouble or expense is be- ing spared to make it the Concert of the season. Everybody is invit- ed, and the small sung of 15 cents admits adults, so that none may bo debarred from attending, at least so far as the cost is concerned,— Friends from the surrounding clis- I triet are expected to be out in force !especially the ;young folks. ]3oys, jsee to it that you not only come yourselves but be sure to bring your best girls along with ;you. T1IE 1:I1 nAI.r> would like to secs a little more taste displayed in the dressing of the several shop win- dows especially (luring the holiday season. The sun is not strong. enough now to damage the goods, and besides adding to the smart ap pean.ance of the town,it believes the increase in sales from a judicious aid conspicuous arrangement of the several window displays would re- sult in increased. sales. To sell al- most anything it requires to be seen to the best advantage. A nicely dressed window always draws the passer's attention, and the•sight of some article on view often makes him remember that he needs such thing, when he is likely to step in and purchase it then and there, lest it again escapes his memory. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. I1lills loth Con., Lot 25. C. Kalblieisch Zurich P. 0. YRELLEWEJ Read to top word backward and it will tell you what to buy for a Christmas gift. A fine lot of Gold Rings for all classes.—Some nice wee Rings for little folks. A full line of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery to select from. PRICES RIGHT. F. W. Hi SS, THE JEWELER. WANTED A man to represnt " CANADA': GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town csf ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. S tock true to name and free from San Jo is Scale. A permanent position to the rig lb man on either salary or commission, Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, oven SOO ACRES. TORONTO, - - ONTARIO.; 3-4an. NOTICE, AS. I HAVE ADOPTED THE CASH .+ System, all accounts must be paid by Sept. 1st. C. S cyJHRAG�a �y . Flour and Feed, Zurich. tench with home affairs no matter what you may do with outside oaCes, and help your Editor to make his publication worthy of the place and the people where it is published.— It nests hire little loss than from $25 to ?(30 to get out almost any kind of F sheet, vreekly, and in many cases from $75 to $100, according to the amount of reading matter which it gives, and yon got the advantage of this expenditure for u fraction less than two cents ! Insignificant isn't Oils, it ? Is it, therefore, asking tbo much that yeti take your home pa- per, when the advantages are so largely in roar own favor ? The worst watch "fake" of re- cent times has been perpetrated on the unwary farmers, during the past few weeks, by a wily stranger, who has been going up and down the side lines and concessions wax- ing fat on the innocent tillers of the soil ; and so long as newspaper warnings go unnoticed., so long will these "gentlemen" be ready to swipe the farmer's hard-earned money. In this last case watches that are worth from. $2.00 to $2.25, were disposed of for various sums from $7,50 to $35.00, according as the victims were ready to hand out their oish. Mr. F. W. Hess, the jeweller of this town, showed us several of these watches, and so far has had no less than eight which already required doctoring. The works are stamped 21 jewel, but as a matter of fact 8 is all they con Min, and some of these are not al - .lowed to touch the pivots or the Watches would refuse to go. There are also several idle wheels, or pin- ions, screwed on the works for ap- pearance sake, and have nothing whateve rto do in the mechanism of these wonderful time -pieces. Time and again THE HERALD has warned people from dealing with strangers, and time and again our advice and counsel has been disregarded.. One notorious feet is that in nearly all cases these fakers never try to do 'business" in towns and villages. Why is it—are our country cousins " easier marks ?" Subscribe for your local paper, and be loyal to it first, LAST and ALL THE TIME. It makes your town known abroad : it chronicles your items of interest from week to week. It helps you to sell every- thing you have to dispose of, and aids you in buying everything you have to buy, by pointing you to the best markets. It prevents you from being taken in by fakirs, by expos- ing their methods in advance of their conning. It is constantly striving to advance the price of your property and in this way add. to the value of its own business:— It is your true friend ; it ever stud- ies your interest and how it can bring the neighborhood into greater prominence, and advocates mea- sures calculated to bring the great- est good to the greatest number of people in the district. It draws at - tion to things needing remedying, and keeps everlastingly at it until its aim is accomplished. It gives you the local market reports; it takes cognizance of your friends, the comers and goers ; records your marriages, gives the births in the neighborhood and sympathises with you when bereaved by that grim monster --death. It publishes the society news—tells you what is fashionable end what is out of date —announce the time of arrival and departure of snails, trains, stages, &c. If you lose anything it helps you to find it ; if you find anything it helps you to restore it to the rightful owner. If you are short of Help it helps you to get it, and if you want a situation it is not back- ward ackward in coming forward to aid you to that end. It directs you as to the best grades of stock to raise ; the best kinds of fruit to plant the best remedies for diseases of trees, plants, flowers, horses, cattle, sheep and swine ; and in • a hundred and one other ways aids you in yoa.'ui? business—no matter what that, bus Mess may be. By all means take your home • paper—know what is transpiring in your midst -keep in v For your Hardware, Tinware, and ' Glass Ware „ Sherwin=Willi I ms and Hollywood Portland Cement and all kinds of sun a o e, Granite, Silver SL.ABTOWN S&)eciEtl to Tart, HERALD. Mr. Peter Campbell of near Brue field visited at Mr. ,Tolnn Decher's last week. Mrs, Broderick formerly of Hen - sell is at present staying with her son, Mr. (Gov. Broderick. Mr. Battler. one of the directors of Hay \intual Fire Insurance Company was called to Chiselhurst last week to investigate the damage clone by fire in Mr. N. Horton's dwelling. . Mr. and Mrs. John Decher also Mr. Deeher's father and mother spent 'Tuesday with Mr. Louis Rader. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey started Tnesdav on a driving tour to Inger- soll and other places. Meidinger paid a flying visit to his Babylon line friends last week. PHILADELPHIA. Special to Trrx HERALD. The dancing party held at Mr. John Elhott's was a grand success and all those present kept the tip up till the "wee sma" hours in the morning. 1![r. John Schilbe killed a very large pig if not the largest in some little distance it dressed. 705 lbs. Some farmers here hauled home some wood already for next winter. Mr. William Schilbe spent Sun- day under the parental roof. Miss Laura Wagner is at present laid up with a severe attack of cold and sore throat we wish Ler a speedy recovery. F. Snell was the guest of Mr. Wm. Klopp on. Sunday last. Mr. Jess Geiger was in our Town on Sunday last. Very few women can detect the difference between being made love to and being loved. Born. ZETTEL.—At Zurich, Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Zettel, a daughter. NOTICE All taxes of the Township of Hay must he pail by the 14th day of December; or 4 per cent. will be added. 17-3 CitAn Es TRurmt, Collector. NOTICE to CREDITORS. 1n the matter of the Estate of John Koch, lute of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. cap I20 that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the said John Koch, deceased, who died on or about the 7th'day of Augtst; 1003, are requested on or ,.before the 31st day of December, 1903, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Henry F. Weseloh, at the Village of Zurich, one of the Executors of the Will of the said John Koch, deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the .statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take Notice, that after such last mentioned date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim, notiee shall not have been received by them of such distribution. Dated the 1st day of December, 1903. ,Henry A, Weseloh Executors John Weseloh 10-3 MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon, Wheat , Oats .. , . Barley, ' Peas Flour , . , .... • Batter �n Chickens lb Ducks.. • .. Geese Potatoes: I•IENSALL MABJ ETS, Wheat ...... .. 74 to 75 Oats.,,,.. ,,.,. ... 30 32 Barley .... , .. 40 .40 Peas....... 65 75 Flour,,..'.;�, ... 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per owt.. 3.75 to4.25 74 to 27 40 60 ,,.,,.1 75 1 .. 15 17 „ 4 6 .. 5 30 75 28 45 62 85 16 18 5 6 5 30 The Famous • uilding Materials Most durable Fence on the • market Don't be deceiv d with a Fence 1lachinc-You will not be if you buy a LONDON • ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND OH ZURICH, EB, ONTARIO. `; a t. ['',i 1 ti� .' I _ .j' ,. ` pig ' �I'i� 4 yy .l ,fl',, ' i t . 'V.. '� Vi. ' � "'I ri ' ir r1 tx ll' i - ?�, �i • .ti t5, ft G + L r7� v' ^ 1. 4 ry¢ YF]' 44 Come and See 7.-44.-- v -4. - OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS OTS AND Sfi,.14, RUBBERS AND SOCKS We carry the Peel Patent Ad= justible LEGGING ; the best Legging ever made. P. B EtN D E R & Co. ZuricI2.. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. • ,r, Vieet nl llI, lIII 11I� Ii�III 1101111 E H.aiVE THE;a,'! srJV E. Do you need A Cook Stove 'This Fall ? . .—LI .-v .—kJ .—Li • �.. It Lt THE)' BURN WOOD OR COAL In Heating Stoves we have theme In Full Lines. Rous, Blankets, Halters, rugs eta, a¢,, ,.4. .3tAt Right Price,t, ,.;.tot,2t Our Harness are counted the best.. Once a Customer always as Customer C. HARTL N IB, The Big I3are'l.ware and Harness House. Zurich, Cla NOW IS THE TIME to be thinking of what Presents you will make 1 We can help you—our splendid new stock will help you. Allow us to make a few suggestions. How about 'a beautiful Toilet Sett, Writing .Companion,. Travelling Case (leather,) Shaving Case, Glove Box, Etc. ? Or The above are in Leather and Celuloid Cases and Satin Trimmings.,,, FANCY CHINAWARE — Beautiful Selection.. Handerchiefs and Linens. Fancy Embroidery. --Silk See the now material—EXCELDA—fine as Silk ; cheap as Linen. TOYS—DOLLS—BOOKS—DRUMS See the Ohatterbox and Ohaterwell Stories for young readers. GENTS' 6s I n®T ' FURNISHINGS -0' Nei lilies in SHIRTS, COLI,HRS, TIES, GLOVES,, Mti f f leis, (Satin.) e zot,Confectionery. An entirely Fresh Stock of CANDY, BO.iv-BONS, CREAMS, NUTS, ETC,, ETC, A 11 Christmas Goods at Rock bottom Prices. D. STEINBACH,