HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-11, Page 6HOTTEST PLACE ON EARTH. !islands in Which a Breath of Cool Air is a Luxury. Undoubtedly the hottest place on all tete earth, if the testimony of travelers is to be credited, may be tound on the Aval Islands, which cover a fairly extensive area of the Persian Gulf, lying off the southwest coast ( Persia. It is the largest of them wench enjoys the doubtful lis- ' tinotion of leading all perspiring competitors in the matter of heat. The mean temperature of Bahrein fur the entire year is 90 degrees. July, August and September are unendur- able save for the natives. Night after might aa midnight comes the ther- memeter shows 100 degrees. By 7 in the morning it is 107 or 108 degrees, and by S in the afternoon 140 de- grees. It is stated by veracious travelers that 75,000 Arabs inhabit the Aval roup, fuily 25,000 living on Bahrein, In wench connection Sir Henry Lay - and adds : "It would seem that a man ban accustom himself to 'anything." ',1'the following are the temperatures at some of the hottest places in dif- ferent countries : Hyderabad, 105 degrees; Lahore, 107 degrees; El Paso, 113 degrees ; Mosul, 117 de- grees ; Agra, 117 degrees ; Death Val- ley, 122 degrees ; Algeria, 127 de- grees; Fort Yuma, 128 degrees; Jan- ;obobad, 122 degrees ; Bahrein, 140 degrees. C e t c, Run ring 8aJ1 Bearing New Century Washer. /ena / Runs easy becnuse it is ball • ) beariag like a bicycle. )1 Washes all clothes clean— / even the heavyouts thor- oughly_ even the daiuty ones without harm. 1(1 oak pgowur hardvfounredor sensl lerd to choit to for booklet to (( Thz Dowswwll Mcg. Co., Ltd. 11(s Hamilton, Ont. Snared. fa MrSmalltalk—Ir:nt's see. I believe ri,hen she married him he was a frtruggling young man, wasn't he ? seMrs, Littlebit—He was. He strug- edled as haled as he could, but she got im. thStop the Pain but Destroy the stomach —This is sadly too often the coke. So many nauseous nostrums purport- ; Urg to cure, in the r nd do the patient immen- .MEly more harm than good. Dr. Von Stan's ' mtiiaeapple Tablets are a purely vegetable gly:psitr preparation, us harmless es mill; Diane after eating prevents any disorder of the ingestive orem tie 60 to abox. R6cc•nts,-40. lea mt Wiest and Eternity-. '•f°'For 'what is it 'that Dr. Wallace .wicks us To believe, and has written whole most parulogistlie of books in tn'he .attempt to prove 7 It is that, Putt some distant period—and Dr. Wal - aa+ce makes much of its distance, as 'non 'argument in his favor—this peersriwas'rralied into existence by the I'ivillof a Creator, for a specific pur- ti ce se, the production of man. Assum- 1 tsng the initial fact, we must agree aleeth Dr. Wallace in assigning bun- tl redo. of millions of years' to the age raxf Mite universe. Then there arrived main• He has (been here for a few iundreds of thousands of years. He aae Milli a few—a very few—millions tai years to ran. It is true th'it in mane plaice Dr. Wallaiee speaks of him fxs "Permanent," but elsewhere he ®peastedly admits that there must dome—and that 'comparatively soon Pl-a period Ito main's existence. But gale has apparently never asked him- : t1'04', "Wh'lit them 7" We know that rnrinitter and energy are indeetruetible. ° Vo have every reason to believe that &S:he mniveree will exist 'for ever, and tli)r. Wallt.Uee esuggeJts no alternative. ofiCet he ibelievee that :the hundreds serf miiilane of sitars Were called into taxis'te ice aeons ago and will continue treo exist for a quite Indefinite period of:o home, in order that roan might cofve upon 'the earth :for a fele mil- erione of years --a fral3ition of a second in:en an elternity.—Loudon Academy. ce e°Catarrh is dura le It OR NOT CURABLE Just exactly according to the way it is treated. Let alone, doctored theoretically pr'throunh the stomach—it's a Stayer! °4 Attacked directly with Dr. Agnew's crCatarrhai Powder, it is first alleviated; hfthen eradicated. Thousands say so, from glad experi- ence. s In an acre, more or less, of the strong- Ieest testimonials. es Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves Heart eS Disease in 3o minutes and. cures. " arl The English I', opie. ' t0 Our English counties, says Nature A:Notes, are rapidly losing their die- etinetive charaeterist:es. The phys- gical features of the inhabitants are becoming hopelessly merged in a coin - mon type. One finds an increasing number of Sussex people who are not .bltte-eyed, acs were their forefathers, The Cumbrian daiosmen are not so tali and stalwart as formerly, and no . ager is the proverb true—if more tan the latter half ever were true. ,-"Cl ashilre (born, Cheshire bred, 'Tongg .1' tl'e arm, weak 1' the head." !.TREAT WORK IN NEW BRUNSWICK. !Todd's Kidney Pills iiade F. W. Harris a Welt Man. Ile Suffered from Kidney Disease for two and a tialf Years—Only one of the Many Cured by the Great Cana- dian Kidney Remedy. Central Waterville, York Co., N.B., Dec. 7.—(Special).—The case of F. W. Harris, of thie place, is one more evidence of the wonderful work Dodd'.s Kidney Pills are doing in New Brunswick. Mr. Barris makes tionne following: ,statement for publica- ti "I suffered for two years and a half from Kidney Troubles, being un- a,ble to attend to my work the great- er part of the time. I tried many medicines without getting any bene- fit, but actually grew worse. "I took three boxes of Dodd'e Kid- • ney Pills and they cured me. I think Dedd's Kidney Pills are a wsonder- ful remedy for Kidney trouble." Bright's Disease is the most ad- vanced stage of Kidney Disease. Dodo's Kidney Pills aro the only rem- edy that will cure it. Batt it is wiser and safer to guard against Bright's Disease by using Dodd's Kid- ney Pills when your Kidneys give the first symptoms of distress—pain in the back or slight urinary dis- order.' Progress. Chicago Record -Herald. A man who was rather athletic Won a maid who was somewhatt aesthetic, But the stork brought dellght To the couple one night. And they both became peripatetic. MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & L0.: Gentlemen,—I euffered for years with bronchial catarrh. I comanene- ed in January last (as an experi- ment) to use MINARD'S LIN1MEN'll, which gave almost instant relief. And two bottles made a complete cure and I have had no symptoms of a return of thte trouble since Marcie _ Gratefully yours, MARK BURNS. Va.nkleek Hill, Ont., Oct. 3, 1901. !Cloth Were Musical. SomervUteJournal, Smythe—I have two very musical. children. Brown—Is that so ? Smythe—Yes. My 4 -year-old daughter plays on the piano, while the baby plays on the rug. AN INHERITANCE OF WEAK LUNGS is a serious handicap, Care of tate health and a few doses of Allen's Lung Balsam taken In time wig ensure Immunity from this dangerous defect. What Santa Does. Toronto Star. Wille Santa Claus much pleasure brings To those with lots of rocks, Tho rascal seldom puts the thing We want into our socke. Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on? Try Shiloh's CO:' sem.:; ptiOf Cure The Lung Tonic It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prices 26c , 60c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. Not Much of an Improvement. Washington Star. "Do you think that man descend- ed from monkeys ?" "Some descended," answered Miss Cayenne, "and some merely dress differently " Misunderstanding. Buffalo Commorelnl. "This is the chicken salad," said the caterer's boy, as he delivered the package, "I guess it was your hus- band that ordered it sent, ma'am." "Yes," said Mrs. Ntiwed. "Here's money. Now !tow do you make it ?" "Why, I don't know, Ma'am." "You don't ? 0 ! but my husband told mo if I paid yon you'd give me the receipt." kidney Cry. -Wain in the bade is the cry of the kidneys for help. To neglect the call is to deliver the body over to adlseaeo, cruel rutleess, and finally life destroying. • South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the nerdy kidneys out of the mire of disease. Tt relieves it six hours, -88, Loxton Divorces. Of the persons married in 1001, 416 h'ad been previously divorced.. This is an 'increase of 26 over 1900, 63 over 1899, and 40 over 1898. Of the 416 divorced persons who were lientarriod, 210 were men, of whom 168 married spinsters and 8.4 wa- evX06 were women, 156 of Ivdoal'oms ; married bachelors and 42 wid0werS. In eight cases divorced men mar- rie divorced women. Of those married in 1901, 50 per 1,000 of the husbands and 160 per 1,000 of the wives were minors, this being the lowest proportion of minors for both' sexes since 1851, with the exception .of 1899, when 00 was the proportion of husbands who were minors: Peopl eseem less averse to stat- ing their ages than in past years, the proportions of unstated ages in 1901 geeing lower than ever before, only 1.09 per cent. of husbands and 1.17per,.ent, of the wives de- clining to divulge their ages. Un- stated Ages are most common of all in (t'h'e eases of the remarriage of widowers. Pilho eaverage age at which hue- bands .marry in bachelor -spinster marriages has increased from 66.39 in 1900 to 26.48 in 1001, and the average age of their wives from 24.71 to 24.77. In all marriages for the year, the average age of the husband works out at 28.55, and for th!e wives, 26.39, ae against 28.41 and 26.29 respectively for 1900. During 1901 two bachlelors, 197 widowers, one spinster and 93• wi- dows of thle age of 50 years and over entered into matrimony.—Lon- don Express. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to Iearn that therein at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to tate medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con- stitutional disease, r"bquires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors havesomuch faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it faits to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The Neighbor's Hope. "I'm the dealer in pianos, ma'am," said the man at the door. "But I don't want anything, re- plied the lady. "I have a piano." "Yes'm ; the man next door said he hoped I could induce yon to sell i.t for a. trifle." . OR. A. W. CHASE'S On CATARRH CURE LUC. 15 sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the. throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Penalty Enough. Town Topics. "In your Bachelors' club what is the penalty for marrying ?" "Marriage." Minard's Liniment cures Diph- theria. laypc•t ietical. News, i 'i ty Journal. rBouciller—If. I borrow a dollar tron>i you. will it be necessary to hand it back to -morrow or can you wait until next week for it Frost—I'm too busy to discuss pure- ly hypothetical questions. Ask some- body wire likes to argue." Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc. The E: itish War Office. Three years ago, in time of need, the city of London raised, equipped and sent to Soutib Africa 5,000 City of London Imperial Volunteers, free of ail expense to the War Of- fice. The War Office to -day is not able, or is not willing, to provide the Lord Mayor with the usual es- cort of 100 regulars., Diamond "Diamond Hall" --!eyrie Bros.—Toronto, is one of the largest retail jewelry stores in the world. From its magnificent stock of Dia- monds, Jewelry, Silverware, Leather Goods, etc., you may select with guaranteed satisfaction et year home. A request will bring to your door—free of cost—our handsomely illustrated new catalogue. Ready for deliv- ery Nov. 15th, The great magnitude of our business permits of our sell- ing at money -saving prices. We return your money in full with- out question if on receipt of articles ordered you aro not perfectly satis- fied. IYRIE BIROS. JEWELERS "a* 120, 122 And I24 Vonds SL, Toronto Sunlight Soap your blankets or will make them fleecy. will not injure harden them. It soft, white and "T? Making Choice of Luxuries. Judge, Mr. Jones—I think I am going to have appendicitis, Mrs. Jones—Oh, do you ? Well, I think I'm going to have a new hat and your appendicitis can wait. • In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets read via Graud Trunk and Lehigh Valley routeofthe "Black Diamond and beet route fromiall Canadian po18 ints. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three stations inNew York, up town near all first.ciaes hotels and down town near all European steamship ducks, saving passen- gers for Europe a long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewle, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Always a Chance. Detroit Free Press. Clara—Do you think there is any chance of his asking 'me to marry him ? Maud—Yes. I never saw a man yet who wouldn't make a fool of himself. Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels,—you'll like it. 32 Less Painful, Chicago Post. The doctor got out his instruments and the patient watched him inter- estedly.. "Doctor," said the injured man fin- ally, with! a whimsical smile, "don't, you think this is a case for absent treatment 7" fl Minard's Liniment cures Distem- per. Just the Clock Ile Needed, Philadelphia Record. Customer—You say this alarm clock le 50 Dents more than the other. What is the difference ? . Selesman—Well, this one isn't guar- anteed to go off every time. Customer (gleefully)—I'll take it. Minard's Liniment cures Garget In DOWEL Of Men and Women. Man admires woman, but loves himself ; wioman Iovos man, but ad- mires herself. He who thinks $o please by taking her at her word, is either a born tool or a !self-made one. Man is logical, but unreasonable; woman, irrational, but convincing. it a man ooservos a woman care- fully, he will learn everything about her—all that tithe wants him to know. The best cure for a. man's conceit is -woman's laughter.—L. de Mat- theman, in Smart Set. ISSUE NO. 50, 1905 Mrs. Winslow:a Soothing Syrup shonld always be used for Children Teething Ib soothes the child, softens thegums. cures wind colic and. is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.. M. 1 CUMMINGS 8b CO Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade, 18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. 'Phone Main 3704. DEALERS IN STOCKS, OOIVD%, GWIIII' AND PROVISIONS. Direct private wires to all exchanges, BUY WHEAT May wheat will sell 81.00 per bushel before tlris option expires. We handle accounts of 1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin. Write for our special letter. Branch Of flee, 166 S St, Peterboro 'Pnosr, 860. Stocks Are Cheap! So. Pac., B. & 0., Un. Pac., Mo. Pae., R. I. com., Erica li and Penn. R R.,weregardas'PARTICU'LARLY AT. TRACTIVE at present LOW prices, and trades in these securities conservatively handled will, without doubt, show substan- tial profits in the near future. While yon are waiting for things to settle down the quiet, steady accumulation of tite Standard 198008 is apparent so the close student of conditions. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient. Our board room is public, make It your headquarters. Exceptional exchange con- nections enable us to execute orders in 10 shares on as favorable terms as 100 share lots. Write to -day for our booklet; entitled " Wall Street's Opportunities." Special attention given to out-of-town orders. JAMES & CO., Standard Stock Exchange Buildings, Toronto. CATCH ON! THOSE DESIRING TO start a lucrative, easy business (no canvassing or fake scheme). Address L. Hurley, 1933 79th street, Brooklyn, N.Y. VjANTED -- AT ONCE, GENERAL servant for family of two ; must be reliable. Apply to MISS FLETCHER, 5 Walnut street north, Hamilton, Ont. AR_ E YOU UNOCCUPIED? WE WANT all or at least part of someone's time In every locality. It you are making $20.00 per week don't write ns. We only guarantee $12,00, though some of our representatives ars making 'Thirty." Of course, they are hustlers, that Is the kind we want, we hare the goods that self fast. II you want to make money write us a Post card quick, quick. The T. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Tor- onto, Canada. (Mention this paper.) STAMMEREF(S ernmoien $1110118111=1411113111110110 r oaE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, I. Ontario for the treatment of all forme of SPEECH Ontario, We treat the cause, not simply the habit, and therefore produce natural speech. Write for particulars, One of its Use. Chicago Post. "You believe in dignity, do you not ?" "Yes—that is, a little for all, and a great deal for some." "Why a great deal for some ?" "There is nothing that conceals ig- norance better than a properly cul- tivated air of great dignity." tolemsrarsyrbanottn IALWAYS SEE THAT THE MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR IRE NAME Our Parlor Brands-. "KING EDWARD" "HEADLIGHi" '"EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE CO&IET" A QUICK, SURE 11611T by using any one of Our Sulphur Breda "Telegraph" "Telephone" is ensured EVERY time these brands :: Dealers Evergwhere 1E 1114 V --irtmirvi CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS FIVE YEARS' PROGRESS Members. Year. Surplus. 18,288 1899 $204,025.00 20,917 1900 208,620,00 22,57.4 1901 238,880.00 23,829 1902 864,012.00 25,000.. 1903 400,000.00 Special Inducements to JOIN NOW. 110 Apply, t. orhe W. P. Recorder le Organin zer, lr 'iamiltonaOnt; Grand Recorder, Hain D n't Neglect A Cough Many a case of chronic Bron- chitis, Pnetitnonia and even dreaded Consumption itsel f,inay, be traced directly to " only a cough." When the first cold crimes, start in on ORAS SIRUP OF RER. -SPRUCE GUM IT CURBS COUGHS --heals the biflans neo surfaces strengthens weak throat -- puts the Tangs in the strongest possible condition' to ressst>the *An affects of w Canadian winiter.