HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-11, Page 5-•- Open for en this purpose addressed to Mr. Notice. ,�II1; HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - St, Joseph to Stratford, �' posed of about • U pieces, are now €•agernent. Applications for should be i • , •� (.ilAs. LI -Dim, leader, or 11r. A. McKay, bee)-., Hensall, Ont. CBDAR POSTS FOR SALE: -We have �i a large number of First Class Post* at the Lake F rout, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 45 -If Mama, St BENDER, Zurich. ARM FOR SALE -- The undersigned offers his choice 100 - acre "'arm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, ? miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further, particulars apply to 6-3mp J.lc on ;,1fi•rvsn, Zurich P. 0. ho l as a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY 1C N/Y GET YOUR TIRES RESET ON ONE OF HENDERSON'S Tire Selling Machines it sets them Cold. ft does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of Wheels just Right It does the work Perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old niethod. No more guess work, but tires are reset accurately and (pinkly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Raving one of these Tire Setters in prac- tical operation, the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited. All work thoroughly war- ranted. . John WeseIoh, GENERAL BLAC1iSMITH,. Zurich, Ont 1 Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. N. HOFFMAN , The Zurich Herald. NOTICE!: 6AREPTA n0:1TIVENCINCT AUGUST FIRST, I Special to Tree Hr1 AL1), LJ will ,adopt tho The Shooting match at L. Krafts on Vednesday last resulted Its °� � follows : OF DOIti G BUSINESS, .T. 7a'.i?ssell A_S All Old Accounts owing me nun t be settled by the FIRST DAY 0% S.E['. TEMBER. • JOHN SCHAFER, ' Butcher, Zurich' DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking'I, LSC NOTICE 1111011111-0 P G. Bustard ...1 :1. •0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-8 7'. 13o„zlPt .0 1 1 1 fl 1 1 1 0 1-7 W. H. Martin, , ..1 O. 1 7 1 0 1 0 1 1-7 L, ]'Craft. . 1 1 0 0 1 1 (1 1 1 0.-0 B. Piet•, cuicr., .1 0 p 0 d 1 0 0 0 1-3 There was also a sparrow match after, but the sparrows are as num- emus as before, parties 'interested could no dub( receive a dnpliee to of the score by applying to Mr, Kraft. STORE n..:v su Sa rig as een taken from the )1•e� )TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the . public cautioning thein not to neg3 fiat° a certain Note, nmde by me to Henry Bowler, and dated in the full of 1800, as the L n i it i k 1 1 .•eat owner. - I his CONRAI) X VOLL:INU Zurich, Nov. 30, 1003. Mark. '(Fitness ---.T. W. AIDiU5o_,. I9.34) We have DOW a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low gP�rAice.. .. j UNDERTAKING ? HONES FOR SALE! I have several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horses, Which l 1Lni offering at reasonable prices. 1 can also supply any kind you want at short notice. Our Stockis Large and up -to o� WILLIAM Fem. p Lot 2, , (,on. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. 0. 1 17-tf HENSAL.et. Special to TiE HERALD. Mr. Close of Seitforth is our new band master, Mr, Q. C. Petty is over til Eng- land with 40 head of cattle. He is M partnership with Hugh Me. Donald and Will be home shortly after New Sears, On Sunday evening, Nov. 20t1 Rei-. Dr, Medd preached an exec, lent sermon. to young n)e11 '1"h male choir and queirtcitto olid mei lent service. Miss Anile Becket of Detroit sang '.The Hole- ('ity and "Tiley Ovneiiied Hint" to th delight of the audience. :'ie'edlps to say the congregation was ver large. On Monday evening, under 1:11 anspicei, of the Epworth League e MIS* Becket gave aconcert in tli Methodist church and was .a. siet-r. 1- e l• , Clerk of Court "Thoinpsoii" spent Tuesday in Brumfield.sDon't forget St. Anthem -Church .5. X1111114 Tree, Xmas eveuing. A grand -program hes been arranged. Reserved seats on sale. Court BayfieldI. 0. F. are ar- t; ranging for their annual hall, When they do it, they de it well. Mrs. (neo, Hanley, of Clinton. was visiting friends in the village on Tuesday. "Dixie Bailey" is at present rabbit hunting Mr:.. Parson and daughter, bliss Mary, 'were visiting Rey. Mr. Yel- 1 ' welaneekd a„nti wife, at Benmiller, this of ming Edward Hotel, Gilderich, spent Sunday in the village,- guests of Mrs. Cowie, Harveys Sparling left for bonne to Georgetown, Monday morning, eve are very sorry to lose "Harvey"he SMS very popular and obliging. Mrs. Alex. Brown returned home froln Montreal on Saturday eVen- Special locating of C. O. F. next Tuesday evening, 15 Met: All members are requested to be pre- sent. cl by hued talent. The p' een. of Hensall were delighted with her singing. On Tnesday Rev. Mr. McLennan of Rippen, was in the village, look in; none the worse for his neei 1felt The congregation has cLt)peeoed a eO,n111itteo t.o gee what ('inti- tell get front thea Insurance C enpany By request en Sitnday lust Rev Dr. Medd preached on Stewurilsliil and next f±clnday evenia preach on tithing or pavin', the tenth. In the evening the e•,nn;re {ration was unusually large. Rev. Mr. kihalz is holding rc,vival services at the 0hi;,elhurst appoint pent. Mn;. Scott, Mrs. Shaw's sister, is visiting there for the win- ter. Nearly all the stores arc' in holi- lay trine waiting, for the great rush. Shop ahead of time and avoid the hush. The curling club has been or:ran- zed for the season and will hold a. oncert on Thursday evening. 17th. illy Goetz is again on the war path and tickets are selling last. The hockey club is again ready for ice. Do not srng "L rhere•is my Wan- dering Boy To -night"? bat make it possible for him. to sing ,.There is no Place Like Home" by seem- ing a Crokinole board at Hoppers, each board. ean be used to play twelve games. Directions with, each. Be sure you go to" Hoppers drug store. On Monday evening Rev. Dr. Medd lectured in the Main St, IIethethst church, Exeter, on Court- ship and Marriage. • Mr. E. Rennie accompanied hxin. .nom ossonessocrof For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all Binds, you cannot take any- thing better than Ayer's. heirs Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so.. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. "1 had ,i terrible cough for weeks. Then I took Ayer's (Sherry l,elor:,1 and only one bottle completely cored me.' I'laa. J. 8, L -i oxide, St. Joseph, l%iich. ir 1n., 5%., MOO. .1. C. AYE)(QD„ All drnvelste Df,+ev jAix *"� £O�° .4.2-1..a..sn,l+alf, Coughs1, C .ds Yom will hasten recovery by tak- ing one of Ayer's Pills at doo(3timO. date. In tune of need, give ns a call. PRICES RIGHT. C 1�ASHWOOO Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business ,tee every day Tuesdays excepted. 013a. TROT^r, i O N TA R l r'? 13-tf • Photographer. c B 00 ORM EXETE '- FLOUR. Rye and Buckwheat Flour. Breakfast 'l:,iods, e% tzissmaTmosmagemowszsmo international Stock & Poultry �'CJ MC.7 .mss- Imperial periai Stock Food. Oil cake car, Linseed �L ww Oyster Stull and Poultry i oiie. ti �tl _1r *ALWAYS* ON * HAND. *- C. -C. SC H RAG, Zurich, Ont. JN Mr. Meyer Is buying all kinds ..of== POEIL either dressed or Undressed. 9 Don't, fail to cai and get MERNE ' .rices P `i lll&'aa ' I ire Mr. G. 0, Petty's meat shop has been moved one doer east as our popular produce merchant and apple buyer, Dave Cantelon, has rented his old stand. Mr. J. C. McDonnol has returned very 11111th benefitted in health from his visit across the sea. BAY F!E4.D. Special to Trir; Hl.R:1Li). On Friday last N. M. Oantin, of St. Joseph, accompanied by his en- ;ineer, :l'. wv. Hamel, :and his solici- tor, G. (4. McPherson, K. 0,, of Stratford, met a ecnlnlittee of the Strlttforcl city Council and the Stratford board of trade in connec- tion with his scheme for an electric railway from St. Joseph to Strat- ford. Mr. C'antin is buying out the Ontario Sj est ~]lore Ge. rs rights between Et. Joseph and Hensel], and lie waits the Stratfort people to back hint up in obtaining a charter from Hensall to Stratford. He also asks for a franchise for his line in the city. He Promises to commence work at once if an agree • - ment is come to. The Stratford people asked for a definite proposi- tion, which Mr. Oantin is expected to submit tomorrow. --Signal, Clubbing rates. ,Pe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HviRALn : Daily Globe . $ 4,25 Mail & Empire 4.25 'Weekly Globe . 1.130 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German): 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 - Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and dome Paper in Canada. Misses Nita and El'ua Green spent Friday last with their aunt, Mrs. F. Walker, Clinton. Miss M. 'Valu tone who has been visiting her s`ster, 1i1:;. T. King, returned to hc.r Motile in Bennliiler, Tuesday. Mr. (.4 o, llobtrui 1,11(1 son mot of S aiicrtll were callers Sat urdav last. 11. Peek spent a few dans in Guelph last '(.eek. D. T. Gard ne r spent Friday. last at his home in Clinton. • Mr. J. Falconer and Miss .P. Fal- coner and Mrs. J1ls. Ferguson spent a few days in Goderich last week Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Snell spent Tuesday in Clinton. Dr.,S?nith and Mr. John Fergu- son spent part of Tuesday in God - cried). Varna 7",, ,.1 131r.:1ler cath+) Off Mcnldat- (' ' 1 1 g. 1:iti treat 81:10- ce< , 15,' 1'l:1 as W -r, :'.1 represented no less than thirty five attending from. the villaaze. Hayfield gener- ally does her share g(ol)ly in well- ing the crowd when our neighbors are having anything out of the ordinary, lunch better, we think, than they assist 11s on similar occa- sions, Thos. Wiley very ably filled the char.•. The family of Murdock Russ were entertained at the home of Mr. S. Huston, Stanley, on Wed- nesllay even last. E. T. 1'w iteilell 1I Clinton spent Monday in the village and took in Slipper at Varna in the evening. D Hall icon spent two days in Godoric•1(last. week. The members of the Ladies Aid met at the hem' of Mrs. J. 'Watson, Stanley, a large volume Of business an transacted, tecl and after it hearty. Inr'ui, all drove heel " well satisfied. Mrs. Cowie was a Goderich visit- or last week. Mr. and MrsA.datn, Thompson and family, of Godeeich, spent Sun- day in. the village, the guests of Mrs, Cowie. Mr. and Mrs, R. King and family p 1 After January 1st. l96-1, ICE tI.so 52 Numbers New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnitioent•Christmas num ger. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. TheWna. Weld Co. ,Limited London, Ont, Chanoe to Join a Club That Wall sake and Save Money for iron. e Yvaerybodyy shouldloln the Mutual Ltteraxy 1 u' c Club 01 Amerios. Thera as nothing +)iso like it anywhere. It Costs almostnotbing to loin and the benefits it gives are wonderful. It enables you to purchase books and periodicals music and musical instruments at special cut prices. It secures re- duced rates at many hotele. It answers questions, tracer charge. It offers scholarships and valua- ble cath prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in m any cities for its members. In addition, every member receives the official magazine anti- tled.' Lv'ry hlanth,'a ubileationInaclass by itself, including 6 pieces of high-class vi,oai and in. strumentai music (full size) each month without extrra (Marge; 72 pieces in one year in alt. YOU CAN GET ALL OF 1RESE BENEFITS FOR AL- MOST NOTHING. Tbo full yearly mombersblp foe Is OnoDollar for which you get ail above, and goo may with, draaw any time within three months If you want to dose and get your dollar bock. If you 'don't care to spend $I.60, send 25 cents for three mouthsmemberahip. Nobody can afford to pass this offer by; You will get sour money back In vain many times over. Full partieularrs will be sent free of charge, but ff you are wise you will send In year request for membership with the pprope& fee at once. Tho 25 eta, three months mom. berehtp offer will soon change. write at once ad- dressing your letter and enclosing $i.af0 for tali year's membership or twontyfive cents for three months to 1Vil 11 2 14.00 n8t,,'1d, I?. �)tfa M.iss Carter and family of Dr. Atkinson; have returned to Detroit after spending the summer and fall here. Miss Ina 1! owlie spent a few days with her friend, Miss Weston, in Goderich township. IMIIMSIMMINISIMIMMOF 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS a %C. .Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly liacortahi our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents pent free. Oldest agency for aeeurang pateute, Patents taken through hiunit, & Co. receive special notice, without charge, to the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air. oruatiort of any scientific journal. Terms. t3n year: four months $1. Sold byull neirsdenfers. MUNN & Co3 elfroadway, New York araneh Office. F.. et.. Wath ngton. b, C.