HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-12-11, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., NO. 20, ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1903. $1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. Re J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris - r, Solieitor, Notary Public. , Ilensall, Ontario. STANBURY, B. A. F. w. (41,<WAIAN. GladMaP. & Stambury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - re', Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at, lowest rates of interest. Documents in original german read and advised. upon. HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES-- Hen:mil—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. , pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notariec Public ete, ete. Cor. Square and North Street; Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. ----)ACHAND & CO., O.) REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE AGENTS "Village and Farm Property, bought and sold.. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, zjEW Ontario. (L. V. BACITAXD, Notary Public) fl R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. 0.FFICE— In Win. Bender's 010. Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. . • ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY 9 Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every aionday. E BOSSENBERRY) • Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pHIL1P SIPPLE • Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaetion guaran- teed. Your patronage solieitA. HOTELS. 4pt41****0040$100:40**ef.A?*****: 4 O $00**THE* * O COMMEHOI IL HOTE ra * * * 0 * ZURICH e 0 * SStrictly up-to-date in modern inal ct provements. Dining rooms is sup - O plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 0 Bar contains ehoiee liquors and 0 et$ cigars. If ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ * 19 Excellent Sample Rooms * for Commercial Men. at 0.1 0 LOCAL NEWS Miss dabel Hardy, of Dashwood, Wag in town last week, calling on friends. Hogs are down in price again this week, and the quotation IlOw only 84.25 per cwt. Read ournew Story, "-Violet's Lover," commenced in the last issue of Ton HERALD, Mr. Mae. 'Vincent. of Exeter, wus in town one day last week-, renew- ing old tteqttintances. Miss Vere'y Witwer was in Exe- ter, visiting friends there, for a couple, of days, last week. Mr. Philip Cook, of Dashwood, was in the village on Sunday, visit- ing at the Hurtling residence. Miss Freda Schilbe, of the 14th, was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel's, of the west end, on Satur- day. A pleasant dancing party was held at the residence of Mr, William Shank, in town, one evening last week. Masters Lorne Weber and Edward Bossenberry were in Dashwood and Hensel this week, on business for Mr. P. Lamont. Messrs.Melville Harness, J. Knorr and Tollie Wnrm drove over to Exe- ter, on Sunday, and spent the day visiting friends there. Mr. Henry Guenther and family, of Dashwood, spent Sunday, in town, as the guests of Mr. Samuel Rannie, of the west end. Mr. and. Mrs. C. Bech.ler and fam- ily, and Mrs. Schrag, of Tavistook, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 0. Schrag and other friends, in and around Zurich. Miss Edna Holtz, of Blake, was in town en Friday and Saturday, the guest of Mrs. Chris: Eilber. She was on her way hemefrom London, the less. ti 0 0 0 vreoruanusemormaanenverriatanseemem 0 0 ia J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 40• 0001* weaseramommenomeneseromma. THE VOMillItOrt House. This House has recently changed hands, andis now one of. the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. No getter able in the ;cm Men. R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPEINTORS. Mr. W. H. Roffman; was in cram_ ton, on Wednesday, tm. business. A couple of bad . eases of Diph- theria are reported from the neigh- borhood of Drysdale. The neces- sary precautions Lave been taken for the purpose of isolating the fam ilies and guarding .against the spread of the disease. A number of the yotrogfolks of the village visited J.1r. and Mrs, J. Hoy Jr. of the ;..GoShen Line, on NVedneshay evening, and spent a pleasant thfie in ganies, and ether amusementS. It is a boos place to go to to have a good thee, at least many of the ..neighbors who were also present,. seem to think so. The rogalar meeting- of the. W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. Magel, on Moncla,y, Deeamber 7th. Mrs. Fritz led the devotional part, after which -the educational part was taken up, 'the "Pledge" being the subject, in which.most of the members•took part. The business was then taken up and proceeded with. The following pupils .1 the God- erich Model School have secured positions in Zurich and the neigh- borhood, for the coming year, viz : Miss P. NiCholson, .Junior Depart- ment Zurich School; Miss M. Mc- Donald, near Zurich; Miss B. Mil- ian, near Lonesboro ; 'Miss Olive Turner, S. S. No. 6 Stephen; Miss F. Sturdy, near Varna, and Miss R. Carter, No. 11 Hay, . The youngsters of both Churches —the Lutheran 'and Evangelical— are still in training for the enter- tainments to be given under the. auspices of the Sabbath Sch.00ls, on or about Christmas time. These events should be borne in mind, as members and adherents are expect- ed to be present ana help to make them not only suocessfitl, butpleas- and, and enjoyable, as well. Read our clubbing list in this is- sue. We have made some very fa - vorable arrangements for next year and We would like you to send in your choice early. A couple of sleigh loads of young people from Dashwood, were in town, one evening last week, and attended the special meeting in the Evangelical Church, then in • pro- gress. Mr. C. Hartleib sold no less than twelve stoves, the week before last. This is not too bad for an old settled place like Zurich and•vicinity, and where so few marriages have been recorded of late. 20 Mr. K. N. Fenwick, of Toronto', was in town last week, in the inter- est of the Daily Star. He is on a business trip through western On- tario, Manitoba, the Territories and British. Columbia.. The Misses Clara, and Helma Koehler arrived. home on Tuesday evening from Detroit, where they spent the summer. Their many friends here where pleased to wel- come them back to Zurich again. The dates of the Huron Poultry Show at Goderich, have been set for February 2nd., 3rd.., 4th and. 5th. The reason for a change in dates was that no suitable judge could be obtained. for any other dates. Mr. D, Burns, agent for the Mass- ey -Harris Co., and District Agent Thompson,. of St, Thomas, were in this vicinity yesterday, in the inter ests of their firm. Mr. Burns has worked up a good business in these well-known and popular imple- ments, Mr. P. Lamont last week purchas ed a fat steer, which turned the scales at one ton and 40 lbs. It is intended for the Toronto Xmas market, and should bring a very fancy price, as it cost him away above the prevailing market quota- tions for live animals. Zurich merchants are making an exceedingly tine display of Christ- mas Goods just now. It is a good time to buy; later on stocks will be more broken and the choice eon - sequently more limited. Make a mental note of this and. govern yonrselves accordingly. • Mr. P. Lamont is in Toronto this week; with three more carloads of -fat cattle—shipped on Tuesday. Mr Lamont is certainly one of the Zur- ich hustlers, and we regret that his enterprise, this year, has been any- thing but well rewarded. This is accounted for largely by the great influx of western cattle, which kept prices low in the Queen city, and on more than ono shipment he return- ed lighter in pocket than When he left us. s;j"' TATIO. lirrn DI; 04 • - qo 8 . O') Our Xmas Staid( Is Complete. 9 8 ceoxtursatroraszatun,1=ameimarszererr,—...... \\70 have the 'largest rmae of VO 0 VP dr, :s,...--7:11--Lc:9 0 Ever Shown in Zurich. 3 d'' 01.11.0221Y=s1S=JOU=11.1.2.MOV=0100.211t....1=EM11211111.1,343191:10 q).P a.p . g. And we ean compete with the larger places in P -411.01.31=611.11.1..K.: BOTH PR/CES AND QUALITY. 61.02101.1161...4 VP g2 T We extend a hearty irivitatiori to orie arid All w to Come arid Exarritrie cur Goods. We ex- p. pect to be Ready to Sliov,.) all otir Xmas qo Goods by -ale 30th November, alid lay 0 Q. before yott all tl-ie rleW arrarigements, gp a oil ,,.• (). CV to •.J.,- Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, and thee Pi • a'`....a:::•.ara.o....:7-..a:ay..4:7-.....eaaa::a.,&a.o.o..o..ata...ay-o•..a7-..a7-• '' T'.•‘''Zr••%':a"T,-;'Faaa....a•aa,S=',•<•?1=',•••eal'ata•--:::: . Highest Prices Paid for it. • Owing to the accident which hap- pened to the Rev. Mr. Yager, the special services which -were beim,` held in the Evangelical Church, (and which had:been going on for more than three weeks) Were dis- eontinned onTnesdpaa aveiaing,(;jt: was not the will of' the worthy *La- ter that they should be terminated so abruptly, but this is one of the things, over which he had no eon- trol, and where he was forced to yield to the inevitable. Our readers are requeStea to look well over our advertising columns, more especially at this season of the year. Our businessmen aro all enterprising and up-to-date and ads are all likely to be changed so as to convey their anuounetnent and re- cord anything which they aro mak- ing a specialty of. It will be to the interest of consumers to read every advertisement in our columns from week to week. Therejs where the bargains are most likely to appear. The County Council commitee vis ited the House of Refuge on Tues- day, the 1st., and. as usual found everything in good, shape, and re- ported so at the meeting of the council, which met at Goderich, on that day. It issaid there may be a change in the management before a ''()Teat while. Mr. French is said to have been an excellent manager, and should he decide to retire , it will be hard to fill his place especi- ly the coining year, when largo additions aro to bo made to the building. • Dr. J. Hamilton has sold his Con- fectionery and Restaurant business to Mr. Fred. Witwer, Who will place his daughters—Addie and Vercy— in charge during the day, and pro- bably render Some assistance and oversight himself during the even- ings. This should. be one of . the best months in the year for taking up this line of business, and there should be no question.as to its be- ing a profitable investment. Tug HERALD wisheS the new proprietor success in the undertaking and trusts that his highest anticipations may be more than realized in re- gard to it. The Rev. Mr. Yager met with am accident on Monday last, which we regret to say, may result in confin- ing him to the house for two or three weeks to come. The Rev gen Nem= was in the Flour Mill at the time securing a piece of wire screen for some part of his furnace, and when descending from the upper floor to the Engine -room, by means of e, ladder. slipped and. fell to the cement floor below, spraining one of his legs badly. It is nnfortun- ate, as he was remarkably busy, be- ing engaged in holding special see. vices, which he has had to give up, at least for some little time to come. Locals continued on page 8. 1 ia i .,. .1 i: J For good Fall Water -proof 0 ts andel Rubbers and Overshoes, Leggings, Felt Shoes, 40, *al *MS 17421 OEM — AND IN FACT — CA° esu id AH kinds of Shoes At RIGHT PRICES, Go to AS F .47 I T THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. M rti 0 ITEeS7Z-7172'..1: IVASPNINWEIMM:02321W061*. Stletat. s'4.ff : ,:.‘,?,-, ,.:s.V.. It. " ....:S4,'..e....r.-• •-•.#7,.:*::‘, ,,I ) • ., .A.,, '-'1,,..., 114,44.$ ,oge4 "nil!, \ k., ( WITH CASH PURCHASES °"--- For Call and see us ; we will be pleased to explain how to get a Dinner Sett FREE. We give coupons with each 25 cont cash Sale ; you can get it piece by piece—any piece you want. Our Xmas Stock is now complete IN ALL LINES. <44 VVARE BETTER PREPARED THAF EVER BEFORE to supply all your Xmas wants. Give us a call and. yotr will be pleased._ ro- Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce and Clover Seed, PREETER Zurich gcal 60tatt uad `',4nottrenneg :fAiltittO ZURICH -- ONTARIO We have a number of Good Farms for sale and also some property in the Villag. of Zurich:: Cod Agent Wanted in every Town and Village in the County, to take risks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA LIFE