HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-27, Page 8The Zurich Herald. J. H. WISMER Norse Slloer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. • Zurich Carriage • o t'bz. A. Few First -Class * BUGGIES * Left, which will be sold at and below COST, to make room for the large stock of CUTTERS, now nearing completion. This is a good chant to secure a Buggy CHEAP. Don't fail to call, if in want of such an ar- ticle. F. HESS & SDN, Zurich, Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —Ali kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. 14 albt.eisch Zurich P. 0. Just 4 Arrived The "ALMA " SILK GUARD, for Ladies, f Complete with Gold Bangle and Snap, up.to.date J Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A COLLAR BUTTON ? I have the Bullet top Buttons 1 in sets of four Price 20 cets. per set. watches, Clocks, JEwelcry, etc, MUSICAL GGODS.—PBICES RIGHT. F. W. HESS THE JEWELER. 'ANTED A pian to reprosnt CANADA'S Giu ATnsT Nunenaine" in the town of ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stook true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commissiou. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, oven 800 Aeuis. TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. 3-4m. NOTICE, S I HAVE ADoPTBD THE CASH 2i., System, all accounts must be paid by Sept. 1st. C. SCHRAG, Flour and Feed, Zurich. Hotel, Toronto, million . ccollar hostelry, where the prices run from ,$3 to $35 per, day, It is just a trifle too high toned for Tris HEaAL) Man to put up at,unless his patrons should insist on paying in advance for their papers, when he might enjoy the luxury of an "upper room" for a few hours some time. An explosion of Acetylene gas took place in the School house of the Presbyterian Church at Rippon, on Tuesday evening, when a child - rens' entertainment: was in full swing. Spino eight or nine persons were more or less injured, as well as the pastor and care -taker. Tho school house is said to have been compiotoll-'wreekecl, and darkness prevailing after the accident, there was much confusion before all were extricated and removed from their perilous position. This is the se- cond explosion and wreck of build- ings, from the sante cause, within a month' or sit week, the other being,. an hotel at Ridaeton'n, where at least ono person was killed outright and several injured. It would seem high time that such dangerous il- luminants should be discontinued. Mr. Tom, Kelley, of this village. helped install this Kippen plant, -at the time it was put in, and it was doubtless well done, but wear and tear since, caused a leakage which resulted in the unfortunate occur- rence. l3AYF1 ELD, Special to TRE HERALD. Owing to the heavy storm, the Evaporator was shut down for a few days and stopped peeling for the season. The stock of apples still on hand will be chopped and dried and shipped. This Evapora- tor has done a large business this season. The School Trustees held a meet- ing on Friday evening last, and en- gaged Mr. Will Robinson for Prin- cipal and Miss Flossie Stanbury for assistant, for the next year. Mrs. Vanstone and Miss Maggie, of Benmiller, are visiting Mrs. Vanstone's daughter, Mrs. Thomas King, here, at present. Mrs. Simons and Mrs. James Reid, of Goderich, visited friends in town; last week. Mrs. John Ferguson is visiting friends at Goderich, this week. Tho Presbyterian and English Sunday Schools aro busy practicing for their Xmas entertainments— dates later on, Mr. Ab. Vanstone, of Detroit, at- tended his father's funeral, at Ben - miller, last week, and spent a few days here before returning to the city again. Messrs. Sandy Brown, Ed. Reid, Fred. Baker, Wm. Elliott, Benj. Spencer, Wm. Turner, John Spen- cer and Thos. Burnsides returned home last week, after spending the summer on the Government survey Steamer, Bayfield, at Port Arthur and Fort William. The steamer was laid up at Owen Sound for the winter. The late frosts and storms have reduced the wood piles considera bly, also raised the prices. Mrs. Story and son, of Thames - ford, visited her sister, Mrs. Thos. King, here, last week. The Cider Mill is doing a rushing business this fall, owing to the abundance of apples. Dr. M ktcalf's house, on the hill, is almost completed. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Chas. Parker. who has been ill for some time, is not recovering as fast as friends would like. • We hope soon to see her round again. Mr. Charles Kegan, of Alpena, Mich., is visiting under the parent- al roof, at present. Captain Thos. Pollock, of Selkirk, Man., is visiting friends here, at present. Mr. Jas. Sturgeon has moved into new abode, whit:h he bought recently. Ile has had it all neatly repaired and it now makes a com- fortable dwelling house. Mr, Harry Darrow, the genital proprietor of the Commercial House is having the roof of the Hotel re - shingled, but owing to rough weather has had to stop. Dr, Freeman, of Clinton, was in the village on Monday. F. A. Edwards has bargains,' Miss Jennie Erwin entertained a few of her friends one evening last week. Mr. Joe' Brown has moved into his new house, and is now almost settled. Bev. C. Gaircliner and Miss Gair- diner, were Goderich callers, one day last week. Mr. NormanUaaneron, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his fath- er, Mr. Jas. Cameron. Miss Grace Cameron spent a day at Clinton, last week. Mr. W. Brandon spent a, few days recently, at Belgrltve, and returned. Saturday last. Mr. Thos. Burnside Jr.., of Varna, is visiting here, at present. Mr.i. King and wife, Of Clinton, spcnt Sunday in town. Mrs. Dr. Smith was a Clinton caller, Saturday last, Dr. Russ, of Sea:forth, made a business call, last Friday. • Mr. F. A, Edwards is in London, at present.. • D, T. Gardner has returned for a short while, • E. T. Twitchell of Clinton, spent Sunday in the village, with his friend, D. T. Gardner. Revs. Snell and McNeil exchang- ed pulpits, on .Sunday. .Dick Peck, of Seaforth, spent Monday in the village. Messrs. John Pollocic and A. E. Erwin were a delegation to a big railroad meeting, at Guelph, last week, with a view of securing a line of the C. P, R. to our village. Court Bayfield, No. 1143, I. O. F, are making arrangements for their to red 0. . For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver acrd 'Glass Ware .� Sherwin=Wjllgams and • Hollywood Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of uilding Materials ICS The Famous E Most durable Fence on the market annual Ball—date later on. This Don't be deceiv d with a Fence Machiuc—You will not be if you Cont t is in a thriving condition, haring added a great. many new members during the past two years DASHWOOD Special to Trn HERALD. Messrs. G. Brown and W. Tiernan have returned hone after working in Oscdda for some time. Mr. A. Brenner is putting up a new barn on his premises which he lately purchased from Mr. W. ','Palper of _Exeter. The Misses Lily and Theo Hartleib who are attending high school at Exeter spent Sunday at there hone here. The Misses Mabel and Jennie Hardy drove to Zurich Friday afternoon. Mr. E. Boswell has gone to High River, Alberta, where he has secur- ed a situation. Mr. Adams has taken his place in the R. Pickard store. The school concert given on Fri- day, Nov. 2Oth,was a grand. success and all (present enjoyed the pro- gram. The scholars taking part are worthy of the highest praise. Mr. S. Hardy and wife spent Sunday at Mr. W, Pfaff's. Mr. Oliver Grabill, of Exeter High School, was home over Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver,of Crediton, attended the school concert here on Friday night. Mrs. F. Ilse has been numbered with the sick the past two weeks. Born. Smm ox.—At the Bronson line. Hay, on Nov. 16th, the wife of Mr. Conrad Sienron, of a daughter. DUCHARMis.—At Drysdale, on Nov. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Ducharme, a son. Foltrsr.—At the Purr line, Hay, Nov. 25th, the wife of Mr. John Forrest, of a son. HORSES FOR SALE! 1 have several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horse,, which I tun offering at reasonable prices. 1 can also supply any kind you want at short nottco, WILLIAM FEE. i Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O. 17 -if !MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. 'Wheat :. 74 Oats .... 27 Barley 40 Peas 60 Flour .1 75 Butter .. 15 Eggs ... , .. 17 Chickens ib .. 4 Ducks .. 6 Geese ... 5' to 75 28 4i 62 1 85 16 18 5 6 5 Potatoes ............. 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat •74 to 75 Oats Barley , , , , , , 40 40 Peas 65 75 Flour ..., ....,. 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt4.10 to 4.65 Meeting of the Huron County Council.' rilHE COUNTY COUNCIL will meet in the Court House, in the Town of God- erich, on the First day of December next at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Dated at Goderich, Cletk. This 16th of Nov. 1003. FARM FOR SALE. In the Township of Stanley,being lot 20, South Boundary, containing 96 acres, more or less. All cleared but about 2 acres, . It is situated 2X miles from the village of Zurich tt.ncl 6 miles from Kippon Station. There is a good comfortable house on the premises, as well as two bank barns • and other necessary outbuildings, well supplied, with water, well fenced and otherwise rn good condition. For further particulars apply to Jn.Mns EsLTtrR, 1ni-1) Blake P. n, ALL buy a LONDON. KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND ZURICH, int 4 Ii t ',� 17 GSA' ti f r p i+ i,,� A 13 > I t�v,`��y> % .. f �f i ,, ti ft k '{1�., P: -444-Coyne and. See ! ® + OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS TS AND SHOES, RUBBERS AND SOCKS We carry the Peel Patent Ad= justible LEGGING ; the best Legging ever made, P. BENDER. & Co. ;a ZurieYt. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Ili I�l4.n I 11-1131 E ��. J, rrn ts�ti x Rb iii ,r,•`-` STOVE. Eld Do you need A Cook Stove iTrhis Fall ? E THEM ! THEY BURN WOOD OR COAL 4t Rock bottom. Prices emmozzamsEmmEmmamaxa In Keating Stoves we have them In Full Lines, Bolles, Blankets, Halters, rugs etc, .4 ,„4.4,,,tAt Right Price, -4,.4,. ot.,4, t Our, Harness are counted the best. Once a Customer always a Customer C. I-IARTL1IB, The Big Hardware and Harness 1 -louse, 7Znriciz, COQ 9Q? ,�terubacl�°$ AUTUMN i1 REBS GOO s E are proud to be able to invite you to examine our large variety of New Goods. We do not hesitate in stating that it is the best and largest variety shown by us. Wise buyers will know by coming early they get best choice. Prices ranging from 30 cents to $1.25. Our Waist Goods are complete. We wish to draw your attention to our Drop Ornaments and Sectional Trim- mings and Pearl Buttons ---a large var- iety. 'D. STEINBACH,