HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-27, Page 6RAILROAD 1\ ET GET SURE RELIEF They Use Dodd's Kidney Pills far the Troubles Brought en by Their Work. They Profit by theEsperienee and Ad- vice of air. Lew Dake, of the Dakt House, St. Thomas—Dodd's 6iid- ney Pills Cured Him. St. Thomas, Ont.. Nov. 23.—(Spec- tab.—Mr. 3.—(Spoortall.—Mr. L. Dake, .the well-known proprietor of the Dake House here and one of the most popular men in this railroad centre, is oampletely '.cured bf Backache and Kidney dis- ease of five years standing and he has ho hesitation in stating that the cure was effected by; Dodd's Kid- ney' Pills. "Yes," Mr. Dake say's, speaking of his cure, "I am perfectly satisfied that the two or three boxes of Dodd's Kidney' Pills clued me, and nave not been troubled by my, Kidneys since I tpok them. "I had been troubled with my Kid- neys and palms in my back for over five (years and nothing' I used gave nee any relief, till I took the advice at a friend, and tried Dodd's Kidney! Pills. I advise all my,' friends to try. them" • Many lot the railroad men have tak- en lelr. Dake's a'1vice, and are using Dodd's Kidney Pills. This work is particularly, hard on the Kidneys and they' find Dodd's Kidney Pills bring them erre relief. . The Whining Nuisance. Medical Talk. ¶ ere isn't anything in the world more disagreeab a ti.e.n a whining person. He whines' 1f it is hot. He whine.i if it is cold. He whines at this, he whines at that, he whines at everything. Whine, whine, whine. It is just a habit he has fallen into. Where le nothing the matter with him, It is just a bad habit. The whiner is generally an idle person or a lazy one. What he needs is to be fret to work—at real, bard work, mental or physical. eome work that will interest him and engage his Whole attention, and he w.li not have time to whine. Get the whine out of your voice or it will stop tbe devel- opment and growth of your body. It Will narrow and eihr!nk your mind. It will drive away your friends. It will hake you unpopular. There i1= no thug the matter with you. Just quit your whining and go to work. DR. A. W, CHASE'S CATARRH CURE %SO. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Pointing Out the DIM renes. Washington Posf. Son of successfvi editor—l'upp, what be a journalist ? The Father—A journalictt, m.r sort, Is a newspaper man out of a jo'b. I Believe MINARD'S LINIMENT well cure every ease of Diptheria. Riverdale. MRS. REDDEN BAKER. I Believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will produce growth_of hair. MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON. 'Stanley, P. E. L T Believe MINa1RD'S LINIMENT Ls the best household remedy on earth. efieTTEIIAS FOLES:. Oil City, Ont. No Cajolery About it. "Why; did you let teat girl cajole you into subscribing for her book?" "Cajole me ? She didn't cajole me. She just looked lgto my: eyes and drew one or two long breathe(." The President A Slave to Catarrh Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Re- lieves in 10 Minutes D. T. Sample, President of Sample's Instal rent Company, Washington, Pak, writes : " For years 1 was afflicted with Chronh" catarrh. Remedies and treatment by Spee taltste only gave me temporary relict until 1 was induced to use Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost,itns Cant relief, Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure is for the Nerves, Heart and Bi..od, Obtuse Brilliancy. Detroit Free Press. Jnlla—Is Clementine really so in- tellectual ? Aurelia-0h, yes ; she never can tell .you p thing any, other woman bee on. HOW'S THIS ? We oiler One Hundred Do11n•rs' Reward for eny case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ltall's Catarrh Cure. F. J'. C1i1CNlt]Y & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe hire perfectly honorable to ill business trans. actions and financially able to carry out any obligations trade by this limn. WALruno, IttssAN & "¥.4.nvCN, .WhOleaate Drugglsts,Toledo, 0. iiall's.Catarrh Cure is taken lnterually,aet. leg directly upon the blood and mucous mu - tares of the system. Testlmontals sent free, Price -45e p , per bottle. Sold by all drugeteu Cake D'an'a Fatntlytelle for conotlpatlon. LOOSEN THE BED CLOTHES. A Nightly Duty for the Welt -Instruct- ed Chambermaid, When the cbainbermaicl makes ,her firal rounds in the bedrooms for the night, lighting the gas, turning down the bed clothes with an inviting tri- at gular turn, and removing the heavy white spread and Willed pil- low and bolster tops, wiy'icilare the glory of the bed toilet by daylight, the bas other duties yet to perform. She has deposited the pitcher of drinking water, with its tinkling cube of ice. on the becibid°e table, where in old times pistols arid a 'nightcap" were once in order. She has laid out dressing gown and slippers, candle- stick and matches, or electrical supe statute within reach, and she has opened the window by lowering the upper ash behind the closed inside blends. itut all is not ready if she has for- gotten to Icemen the heavy bedding, upper elmet, blanket and coverlet from the strict folds which have made the bed smooth by day. An invalid or old person Id some- times made to feel like a prisoner 'when engulfed In a tigli.ly made bee. It takeb some, strength to pull out and loosen the bed clothes which have been dragged tight and folded by a vigorous chambermaid. The well -instructed ' chambermaid should loosen ilte clothes gently at the sides, leaving them well tucked in at the end,, so the blanket may not be jerked off the feet by an inquiet eleepe". Attention to this detail makes a bed more comfortable. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take Shiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic at once. It will strengthen the Iungs and stop the cough. Prices 26c., 60c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. s Tax ing " and Giving. New York Herald. "You can't," said the philosopher. "take from a thing without making it less." "Oh, I don't know," the fool re- plied. "Iiave you ever tried taking •t light from one candle with an - attar ?" Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly •eoommended by the medical profession as '. safeguard against infectious diaeaaes. Getting Too Near Home. A. Yorkshire Socialist, explaining to a friend the principles of Social- ism, remarked that all possessions should be shared equally. "If you had two horses," said the friend, "would you give me one ?" "Of course," re- plied tno Socialist. "And if you had two cows, would you do the same?" "Of. course I should." ''Well, suppos- ing, now," said the friend, slowly. ''you had two Piga, would you give me one of them ?' ' Eh 1 that's getti,t' ower near home," said the other, slyly ; "tha knows I've got two pigs." —v. C. ilawspopersV Cid Country ,rid MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS: etc., ,spatched to subscribers by first mails by Vel. DAWSON 8t SONS, Limited, Cannon -louse, Bream's Buildings, London, Eaglaod. I'he largest Subscription Agency in the world. end.Jor our list. Fire on application. rEst. 1809. Prompt and reliable. orreespommoom Free l,'ood Story. Buffalo Courier. '11lie British workman. asked by Mr, Chamberlain to surrender his cheap food for certain problematical ad- vantages, may be reminded of the fate of the baker confronted by a smart little girl. The little girl came into the shop and asked for a penny roll, w,hiott was given her. "No, I think I'd rather have a bun," site said, handing back the roll. Having eaten her bun, site was laving the Atop when the baker reminded her that he had not got hie pet:ny for the bun. "I gave you the roll for the bun," said 'the girl. "But," said the baker, ''you didn't pay me for tl e roll." 'Of course not ; I haven't eaten it," was the reply. Why Swimmers Drown. A long-dietanee swimmer, correct- ing popular errors, states, according to Itealtit, that accidents to swim- mers are seldom due to cramp, hut to apoplexy, resulting; from sudden cooling. Title sinking three times is a curious error, as some persons swal- low water and strangle on fleet im- mersion, sinking but once, while oth- ers may sink and rise fifty times. A man wit tuts saved sixty-five lives has found that ,the drowning person cannot be stunned by a blow In the fare, but that he can be handled by pressing the thumbs under his ear's and duckinghis head until manage- able, this being dote from behinde- EXehange. The Deadly Automobile. Statieties for the year endlaug Aug, 31 show that automobiles halted as many persons in England in a week as railroad trains did hay a year. The accidents enumerated in 19ngland and Wales during the period news - Honed were 3,981, and the deaths 411. The figures show an average of 76.75 accidents par week, with 57.52 personss injured and 7.9 killed every week. During the last twelve months the total numhwr of pass- engers and railway officials killed by accidents to passenger trains on British railways was tight, the in- jured being 224.—Kansas City Joezr- net. Don't pay a Washwonnan who takes all day rubbing the life out ofyour clothes to get them clean, you can do the washing yourself— sitting oursel —sitting down—with a New Century Washing Machine or you can make the washw'man's work easier and better— leave timefor other cleaning —and save the wearon your clothes. Buy a New Century and throw away your useless washboard, ask your hardware dealer to show it to you— or write to us for booklet. THE DOWSWELL MFG. Co., LTD.. HAMILTON, ONT. Go/'s Sunshine. Nark Guy Pearse. The Hey. Mark Guy Pearse, during the course of an eloquent address in Trinity M thet'1t Chureb, Toronto, yesterday afternoon, said : "Canada is a wonderfully beautiful coantay. Never have I experienced such a cli- mate, I speak without exaggeration when I say thattin the six weeks of beautiful fall weather I have en- joyed hero, I have seen more suns/sine than In any tw'o years in England. You speak of the 'lady ofettle Snows,' wily it's 'Laxly of God's Sunshine,' you should say." In. the Parlor, Too. N. Y. Weekly. New Baarder—What is tire Lend - lady's daughter playing? Old Boarder—A mixture of ming from a lot oaf old operas—a sort •of musical brash, you know.— Minaret's Liniment cures Colla, etc, Little Brawn Eyes. N. Y. II'erald. Little Brown Eyes from Baby'land Is winking and blinking at me. I feel a thrill from his -ting' hand As he clambers upon my knee. His tiny fingers tug at my heart Is I fold him in my embrace. The sweetest picture in all this world Ie Grown Eyes' dear little lace. ASSESSENT SYSTEM Purely Canadian MEAN DDDE NE CHOSEN EDEENEJ Bt's a Good Thing. Better Take It Preseat membership 26,000 Present number of connate. 4TP Present Surplus Funds- e400,00a.00 Anemias of claims paid $1,482,090.00 Sick benefits if you vrant theca. Write either W. F. MONTAGUtf6, firmed Recorder, or W. F CAMPBELL, Grtvad Organizer, Hamilton,. Ont. Inactivity of the Filipino. active the native Fiiipino some bam- boo and a bolo (which takes tbe plane of saw, axe and knife), and his requirements are practirally filled, for with these he eau almost entirely build his .house. The team - boo gives him his timbers for the frame : he eplita it for the floor and walls, and then [finishes his house with a nipa-paine roof. The bamboo also furnishes his bed, if be has one, and his chairs. tables and single` other furniture as he may need. It oven supplies many of his dishes and kitchen utensils, as well.as his hat, and nese p:'ovides him with food, for bamboo sprouts make a very pala- table dish. Trait in sufficient quan- tities to satisfy his needs grows readily without cultivation. Dies and fish constitute the rest of his diet. The former must be eultivat- ed with care if the best results are to be obtained, but It is needless to say ghat as a rule the beat re- sults are not obtained. Time it can easily be seen that the average na- tive's simple watitei are readily sup- plied by Mother Nature, and teat the necessity for a strenuous gfe does not exist.—Southern Workman, in Going to New York Be sure that your tickets rend via Oraud Trunk and Lehigh Talley ronteotthe °Bleak Diamond Express." Title Is . the direct and beet route from an Canadian totnta. Bythis route baggage is now Checked In bonand from Canadian points. The Lehigh, Valley has three stations in New York, up town near all first -elan hotels and down town userali European steamship docirs, savingpassim- iters Europe a lone aniexpeu.tive tnaat� fix•. secure your erects of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Onhadleu Pai,ae,eger Afoot, Yovge street, "Toronto, Oat, 'dine bunagrit way of wasn- irlg requires' little or no rubbing. You should try Sunlight Soap. Will not injure dainty fab- rics. 8B The Discoverer or ice Create. A French chef, svito prepared the dish for the Due de Chartres in 1774o is said to have made the first ice e'reaet. Itord Bacon was aware of the process of congelation by means of snow and salt, but to him it was a Scientific fact of greater or lees interest; and he had no idea of the delightful possibilities of this pro- cess en various eatables. Iced drt ks and water ices were known to the Persian epicures a century and a half earlier, the dain- ties having probably dome from the Far East by the hand of some trav- eller, who had tested sherbet. The English knew or cared nothing for b'ueh artificial retreehment tfii the present century'. Elven now they do not regard the "iced pudding" with especial favor. Minard's Liniment cures Diply-, Iberia. The Lady and Lhe License. "I want a license." "A. lioense to get married, ma'am?" "Do you think' I want a Lioense to catch fleh ?" "No, ma'am. You have evidently caught your fish." "What's that ? Let me have the license without any further words. How much is it ?"' "But there are certain preliminar- lee, ma'am." "I'll pay for those, too" "You don't understand me, ma'am. Xou want to b emarried, don't you?" "Who said I did ?" "I inferred you did. At least you You want to be married, don't you ?" yon?'" "Well, I don't want to wrap up nails in it." "That's just what I thought. And now, give me the names." "What's that? Whose names?" "Yours and the gentleman's." •'Say, have I got to give the names ?" "Certainly. And your age." "My age t You want my age 1 My age, and the names, too ?" "of course." "Weil, you don't get them. If there's going to be any cheap notor- iety about this affair, young man, you cats malee up your mind that its' alt off 1 Good day."—Phlladeiphia, Telegraph. iPS EASY re LET (tepid hang on. Finally Mae cough becomes harid and dry. Eveathen alien's Lung Balsam will check its advance and reatore health. Sexithers' Mistake. Exchange. "Smithery is sore at the weather forecaster." "Well, he Ls''n't alone. Every one knows that the forecaster doesn't pre- dict the weather right once in a thousand times." "That's the trouble, Smithery bet Smuthers 05 that the latest predic- tion would be wrong, and it wasn't" —Exchange. Minard's Liniment cures Distem- per. Shylocks in the Capital. Philadelphia Record. Official Washington, comprising acme 25,000 government employees, upon whom are dependent about about 125,000 poisons, or nearly half the population, is said to be suf- fering under the grip of the money leuder. Thee average rate of inter- est ea loons by the Sbylocks is not far from 120 per cent. Sciatica put him on Crutches.— Jas. Smith, Dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont., writes a "My Limbs were almost useless from sciatica and rheumatism, and, notwtth- etanding my eeteem for physicians, I must give the credit where it belongs, I am a euned man to -day, and South American Rh umatic•Cure must have all the credit. It's a marvel, -84. ISSUE NO. 48, 1903 Mrs. Winelowe boothmg S should always be used for Children leeteing. It soothes the child, softens thegumee cures wind collo and is the best remedy for .Dlarrh so.. 50 GIRLS WANTEb IMME'f9Yri9 NT.,Y for coufectlouery and blecniA depart- ments; good wages. D. S. Perrin & Co., Limited, London, Ont.. WANTED AT ONCE, Gt3N'18LBAL servant for family of two ' must be reliable. Apply to MISS FLftr0HER, 5 Walnut street north, Hamilton, tent. AREYOU UNOCCUPIED? WD Willy' alt Or at least part of someone's Arne in every locality. It you are making $20,00 per week don't write ns. We onty guarantee 012.00, though smite of our representatives ars making "Thirty." Of course they are hustlers, that 1's tate kind we want, want have mbkecmoneyl that us a' If Post card glitkk,, onto Canada. L (Mention this ppered, Tor- onto, paper.) M ERERS • Iy1HE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERIA , 1 Ontario for the treatment of all forms of SPEECH DEFECTS. We treat the cause, not simply the habit and therefore produce natural speech. Write for particulars, Extra Vgadue By the accompanying illus. tration we can but suggest the exceptional values offered by us in Brooches. N.. 913 -Price. 04.00 In this beautiful Sunburst Brooch there are 65 Pearls. mounted in 14k. Solid Gold. Order by mall. If you are notprr- fatly satisfied with it your money will be promptly refunded. Write for our handsomely illustrated new Catalogue. Ready for delivery Nov.rrth. I2Y1 IE BROS. JEWELERS i 18, feta L22 and I24 Yon3e 51'., Toronto Not a Matter of Money. New Orleana Times -Democrat. Ethel—What dowry did the Prince do Rataplan receive from Gweudo- lyn's father ? Jean—Not more than a million dollars. You see it was almost a love match. Minard's Liniment sures Garget in cows. The Speculator's Idea. Lite. Mrs. Tickerly—Don't you thietc we ought to buy a pew la church this year, dear? Tickerly—Do you think they°tt go up? Deafness of 12 Years Stardltng.— Protracted Catarrh produces detalneik k, many cases. Capt. Ben Connor, of'loronto.. Canada, was deal for 121 years from Catarrh All treatments failed to relieve. Dr. Agneyr'e CatarrhatPowder gave him relief is one r}tiy, and tat a very short while the deafness deft him entirely. It will do as much for you, 50 cents. -88 Great Crawlers. Chicago Chronicle. Thlere is a 'toad -eating element •ln New York city which has no couant- erpart elsewhkore in America. Waren it is not attempting to lick the boots of persons of wealth' it be in- dulging its envious assaults upon persons of wealth.. It cotrein acid it hiates, but it crawls just tile name. GRAY'S Indispensable in Winter. There's a need in every home for YRUP OF RED PRUCE GUM A few doses, at the, first sign of a cold, will allay all throat irritation -•-take away hoarseness—check the inflammation— strengthen the lungs—ward off the cough. All the healing, soothing, curative properties of Canadian Spruce Gum—combined with aromaties. Pleasant to take. 25 cts. bottle. ALWAYS SEE THAT THE •i'!.'.',.:,•.4:.I4•4••.., ,ret.'. .. Our Parlor Brands— "KING EDWARD" "HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" "Telephone" Alin. SURE LIM ly using soy one of Dealers Heerywhere