HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-27, Page 5The Zurich Herald. umm 11. 1 i 11. 1111- 11 1 1, I .'r6MI IIyVU i '1IIlVUUUvvI� ' I VI.'LAMSn /► ia..4 I •' rLfou -.-+- EXETER FLOUR. Rye and Buckwheat Flour. Breakfast Foods, ekc. international Stock Sc. Poultry Imperial Stock Food. Oil cake I reseed meal Oyster Shell and Poultry Pone ALWAYS * ON *�HAND. C. SC S E RAU, Zurich, Ont. 'Pp ne Is buying all kinds ==of== 9 either dressed or Undressed. Dant fail to call and get MERNER'S graces. T. NOTICE.! �jOMMENCING AUGUST FIRS T, J wilI adopt the CASH SYSTEM ()1 DOING. BUSINESS. ti.r All Old Accounts owing me mn't bo settled by the FIRST 1)A1 OF SEP- TEMBER. JOHN SCIrAFER, Butcher, Zurich. DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE leTTIpcpgraMMOCCTONCII We have uow a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to elate. 'In time of need, give us a call. 'PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD .- ONTARIO Farming �r r Profit.. Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. I3y reading TILE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE Sex's market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you, Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE St x has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE Srx in giving voice to . the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send Tar. W x- v SLN from uow to lst January, 1905, in combination with The Weekly Herald, for $(.15 SUBSCRIBE 1TOW SAMPLE FOR THE ASEING. Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is per. lnanently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day 'Tuesdays excepted. Gee. Taorr, 13.tf Photographer. HEN$AU— Special to Trn HERALD. On Sunday evening, the TSth inst., it was expected that the Rev, Dr. Henderson, associate Mission- ary secretary would preach in the Methodist church. At the morning service it wags announced that he 'had taken suddenly ill in Toronto and had sent a returned Missionary from Japan to take his place. nevertheless chairs had to bo placed in the aisles at the evening service. On Thursday of last week Miss Murdock entertained about twenty young ladies to afternoon tea. Rev. Dr. Smith, a returnee] Mis- sionary from China preached very acceptably in the Presbyterian church on Sunday.. The sympathy of the community is extended -to Mr. and Mrs. Levis in the sudden death of there baby on Sunday mornin.r. The funeral took place on Tnesday to Clinton. The merchants are beginning to get their stores in holiday shape. Business has greatly unproved as a result of the cold and stormy weather and it is to be hoped that the snow will stay. On Monday evenintng, Dec. 7th, Rev. Dr. Medd -will deliver his celebrated lecture on Courtship anti Marriage, in the Main St. Metho- dist church, Exeter. On Sunday morning he preached ttl the Cana- dian Order of Foresters, who attended with our band, Sunday was anniversary day in the Kippen Presbyterian church and on Monday they held their annual fowl supper, but the even- ing was very rough so the;; held a social in the school room on Tues- day evening. Suddenly there was a crash and a "blaze and the acety- lene plant had exploded severely burning seven or eight and eoln- pietely destroying, the school room. After the disaster at Ritlgtown the escape of so many is marvelous S. T. Hopper, our popular drug- gist, has lead such a :the of sou- venir goods that he now makes them. A China Souvenir of your village will be ready for you in leas than five minutes. Get one. Miss Wiggins will hold a meeting in the Methodist church on r'hurs- day afternoon for women only and address a pubiie meeting in the evening in behalf of the W. C. T Tv . It is hoped tbat a society will be organized here as a result of her visit, as there is work for' such an H. J. Pettypiece, TSX, P. P.' for East Lambton, who is advocating a change in the law of this Province whereby the tax on railways will be equal to those on the farm, in writing The Sun regarding the amendment secured at Ottawa last session says ; The much desired amendments to the Railway Act which were passed at the last Ses- sion of the Dominion. Parliament are to a great extent the result of the able manner in which The Weekly Sun kept up the agitation in their support. I have found in The Sun my greatest support. In every possible way it has hrought this question of equal taxation of the railways to the attention of the people, and has thus aroused them to the importance of the measure to such an extent that sooner or later it roust find a place on the Statute Books of the Province For this alone The Sun deserves the hearty support of the farmers of Ontario." The readers of The Weekly Sun each week receive the latest and most accurate market reports. These are worth many tines the subscription price to up- . to -date farmers. Every farmer in, this district should take TnE a HEn.ALID and at the sante time sub- scribe for The Weekly Sun, the farmer's business paper. The price for both is only $1.75. It is a wonder some beauty doc- tor hasn't offered to remove the spots from the sun,just to show us. i It never requires a field glass to be able to see the finish of the man who is always looking for a I soft shap. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir culated and Only National Agricul- tural and Home Paper 1n Canada." After January 1st. 1904, PRieE 5? ••� Numbers New snb'crilters . t balance of this year ' free, including magnificent Christmas num her. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss• a single issue. .At*'uts wanted everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample opy free. The ►Wm. Weld Co. .Limited organization. London, Ont. '-r''ti'a .:r :+il.K'SICrtPM1'd. 'kta'11fCA Ate e Victoria Cross F+ For Valor In Teri Colors We {snow what all good doc- tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc- tor and find out. He will tell C'x. e r ry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. "flyer's Cherry Pectoral is, well known in i,ur family. We think is is the best medicine is tho world for toughs and colds. KATIE PETERSON, Petaluma, Cal. :5c:'S0e., }31.00. 7. C. AYER CO., ,Alidnti efsty fo=ssanr Lowell, and Coughs n. o ff .RVV .w..,. 41,A, 3../T. M• ..'h/✓rnv.1.K✓4.14,,...1 nrli One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. Notice. THE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 30 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. Chas. LINDF.R, Ieaier, or. tlr. A. Mc v, Secy., Hensall, Ont. EI)AR POSTS FOR SALE: --lire have a large number of First Clads Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph. which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48.tf JLcwar, & BENDER, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE— The undersigned offers his choice 100 - acre farm for sale; being Lot 31), North , Boundary, Hay Township, •L?, miles North of Zurich. The farm is in,good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to 6•3mp JAron MErmt,Zurich P. 0. Weekiy Mai For News and E ire 24 Pages HE picture shown is one dear to every man, woman, boy and girl, on account of its meaning—" The Vic- toria Cross," given for conspicuous bravery. If only the soli of South Afri:a could voice the deeds performed upon it, how many Victoria Crosses would have been found to have been earned by Canada's sons! It is hard in the heat of action to notice every act of valor, and therefore only those which take place under the eye of superiors of sufficient rank can be noted. The picture shows one of such deeds. Two troopers are closely pressed by the enemy. The horse of one is hit. Under the withering lire, the man whose mount is unharmed halts, and, risking everything, waits to get his comrade safely mounted behind him and carry him back to the Canadian lines. It is h desperate deed, and one often performed but seldom noticed. When, however, such an act is seen, the reward dear to soldiers' hearts above every other is the result. This picture is from the brush of Mr. W, 13. Wolien, an artist famed for his war pictures, oa;; whose work appearsin all the leading illustrated periodicals of the Empire. It is a forceful subject from the hand of a strong man. The Mail and Empire has obtained the exclusive right for this picture in Canada. It is a perfect ten -color reproduction, and will be given FREE to readers under the following conditions:— With The Weekly Mail and Empire New and old subaeribers may secure nue copy of the Artogravure on ordering ONE YEAR'S subscription, payable in advance, mailed to any address in Canada, Great Britain or United States for $1.00. es For samples of piper and Further particulars, write to— CIRCiJLATION DEPARTMENT, MAIL AND EMPIRE, TORONTO. ho has a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF .ANY KINI) GET YOUR TIRES RESET OX ONE OF HENDERSON'S Tire Setting Machines 1 it sets them Cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It Rikeepht s the Dish of Wheels just g It does the work Perfectly. 1 fix' It is a wonderful improvement over the oltl method. more guess work, but tires are reset rtt accurately and , luiekly, without any chance of giving too much cli.h to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. living one of these Tire Setter$ in prac- tical operation, the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited. All work thoroughly war- ranted. John We Selo,, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Zurich, Ont tv k Ii o f m a til' s Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION H. HUFFMAN AZEZI7 Wit' i7:7i'. f: t, i. f.1.I.YA5FN 50 YEARS' S' EXPERIENCE' `J RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRInh'TS &G. Anyone sending a skctrh and description may quickly nsrert•tin our opinion free whether au tnventinn is probably patentable. Coinntuutee- t tons atrict1yeonddenttai, handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ag�ency for seeming patents. Patents taken through „Bunn & Co. receive aperiat notice, without °hese, in the dent Jimericatt. A hnnetRernely illustrated weekly. Lnrrest eh, mignon of nnr metallic journal. Terms. $3 a rear; four mo0ths, $i. Soldbyall newsdealers. MUNE & CO,361nroadway, New York Branch Onlee. r ." l;G. wasltinctOn..D. C.