HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-27, Page 1THE The Official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township, Vol, IV., No. 18. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 1903. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. d'.. STANaiU] T, B. A. F. W. CLADMAN. Gla.dinan & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest.. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT IIENSALL— every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES--- Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. ROUDEOOff' & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. JACHAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, zE CE{R Ontario. (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, 1J(J Vet Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident .policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mlond+ay. 1-26 E BOSSENBERRY , Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaetiou guaranteed. �I3l lIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaetion guaran- teed, Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. 4a9 i** *i Gl*0** *** *GAQ141s,'a(;aQii **a 0 U 0 G O THE g 5) COMMEOCIIL iiOTE * ZURICH Strietly up-to-date in modern im 3 .» provements. Diningrooms is sup- + plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶' 0 @ Bar eontains choice liquors and cigars!. ¶ ' ¶ ¶ ¶ If Excellent Stemple Rooms FSA • , • for Commercial Men. 0 0. J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. ta 4x000*(i* Ba a**o +*0c3)*eaoa*tic THE rOmint0n This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the • Province. ago Vetter trine in the oininion. R. R. Johnston & Son, PR.OPMET011S. ounamirammasianzawksmeocesaaceumamazzatelotirsawaii LOCAL NEWS ®a If you want a lovely Dinner Set call on D, S. Faust. Miss Alice Johnston has returned home from Clinton. Hogs have dropped, in price, this week, to $4.65 per cwt. Mr. Jos Brenner, of Grancl Bencl, was in town on business, on Satur- day. 11Ir. William Fritz, of Crediton, was in town, on business, yester- day. Mrs. Peter Woolley is quite ill at present and is under medical treat- ment, Messrs. Henry Brown and Jacob England, returned from Dakota, on Satiu'clay. See Preeter's Fur Coats for men. He is selling then. at remarkably low prices. D..S. Faust is ready to buy all kinds of Fowl, for which he will pay highest prices. Miss Laving El]enbaum, of Pigeon, Mich, is visiting at her Uncle's, D. S. Faust's. If you want an up-to-date Over- coat, call and see Faust's, they are dandies and right in prices. Mr. W, C. Collfas has moved from Dashwood to Zurich, and now oc- cupies part of the Kerner Block. Mr, James Livingston, of Baden, did business in town yesterday, in connection with the local flax mills. Mr. Morris Hamacher left for, Seaforth on Tuesday, -where he has secured a situation for the winter. D. S. Faust has a number of large Fur Coats, which ho will sell away down gown below cost, call and see them. Do you intend to buy a Xmas present for your sister or somebody Glee's sister? if so, call at D. S. Faust's. A very pleasant dancing party was held at the home of Mrs. Mc- Cormick, on the Bronson Lino, on Wednesday night. Parties having business with the County Council, the informed that it meets at Goderich, on the 1st. of Dec. at 3 o'clock, p. lhl. Mr. J. ]i reeter is paying 12 cents per lb. for dressed Turkeys, to be delivered at his Store on Wednes- day and Thursday next. Mr. George Appel .has moved to the house recently vacated by Mr. Fred. Rummell, who is now snugly located in his new dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Randall, of this vill- age, spent part of Saturday and all day Sunday, at Grand Bend., visit- ing the latter's brother, Mr. Bren- ner. Hog -killing is now the order of the day, almost every family in Zurich having at least two, or more, for the slaughter, at'thia season of the year. Mrs. Henry Ortwein has been ill for a few days recently and has been under the doctor's care. We are ,pleased to hear that she is recovering. Remember the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the Lutheran church takes place on Sabbath next the 29th. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Another husking bee was held at the home of Mr. John Hey Jr., of the Goshen Line, last week, at which a very enjoyable time was` spent by those present. Mr. Walter Dumart, of Berlin, was in town this week on his usual periodical visit. He is looking re- markably well since. joining the ranks of the Benedicts, The people who do not pay their Township taxes on or before the 14th tidy of December this year, will have to put up an additional 4 oo .— See Collector's notice to that effect, in this issue, The school entertainment, given at Dashwood on Friday evening, was well attended aid highly spoken of by those present, which reflects credit on the teachers, who spared no efforts to make it the success which it was. A young gentleman from Exeter. named Harness, was in town this week, trying to buy the Barber business from Mr. Knorr, or failing that, looking for a site to open an- other shop. He slid not Succeed in either attempt, Upwards of fifty persons attend- ed a dance party, at Mr. Louis.Fos- ter's, on the Babylon Line, one night last week, and a very enjoya- ble time is said to have been spent. The dances were continued well on. towards morning, and good music was furnished for the occasion. Mr Foster is said to have been a most excellent host, entering fully into the fun with both the boys and girls present, Mr. Fred. Witwer and daughter, Vercy, went to Hensall on Stinky, to be present at the Forester's Church parade, which took place there on that day. Mr. Witwer is a member of the organization. Between eight and .ten inehes of snow has fallen here so far this fall, but not until Wednesday, was there sufficient to make sleighing. It is now fairly good for light loads, but hardly enough for heavy ones. Don't miss the lecture, in the Workmen's Hall, this (Friday) af- ternoon. at 2 o'clock, and evening at 8. Miss Wiggins, Organizer of W. 0. T. U., Toronto, will be the speaker. A collection will be taken at each meeting. During the Christmas trade, commencing Dec. 15th and continu- ing to Dec. 26th, stores will be open every evening and after !that date they will close on the usual nights, at 6 o'clock. Shoppers please make a note of this. Miss Tillie Johnston has been quite a sufferer for several days past with a severe attack of sore throat, but is now,we believe, 011 a fair way to recovery. Miss Tillie has hard- ly time to be ill, and we .hardly ever expect her to be so. Mr Frank Denomy,of St. Joseph, arrived home from Duluth, on Sat- urday evening after spending the summer on the lakes, as a mariner. He quit the ship at the last men- tioned place, where she went into quarters for the winter. The Concert, in the Town Hall, last night. under the auspices of the A. 0. U. W., was well attended, but as TRH HERALD went to press about the hour of its commence- inent, any remarks about it must be deferred until next week: Mr, Robert Stelck attended the school concert tt aDitsfakecyd on Friday evening and reports a very creditable performance. The sever- ity of the weather on that occasion was the only drawback to an other- wise agreeably spent evening. Horses have been anything but plentiful in this section for some time past, and the fact that Mr. Wan.. Fee has a number to dispose of, ought to be welcome news to those needing equines. They are advertised in this issue of THE HER- ALD. The Division Court will he held in the Town Hall here, on Wednes- day horning, commencing at 10 o'clock. Judge Bolt will likely pre- side, and judging from the number of eases on the docket, the sitting i5 net likely to be a very lengthy one., Mr. A. G. Ehnes, of ;the Zurieh Road, .has sold. his farm, to Mr. Robert Porterfield, of Clifford, for for the sum of $7,500. The farm is considered one of the finest in the Township of Hay, Trim HERALD is pleased to welcome Mr. Porterfield to this section of the ootintry, Mr. AbraIhanl Geiger, who purch- ased the house and lot from Mr. P. Hauch, some little time ago, •moved in last week. He had the interior completely overhauled, papered and decorated in first-class shape. We welcome Mr. Geiger and family as residents of Zurich, and trust that they may long be spared to enjoy their home, and the leisure which the retiring from the arduous lab- ors of the farm, bring them. We are this week inreceipt of an- other monster Baldwin Apple, from the Orchard of Mr. Wm. t ohwalrn, of the Blind Line, which is much larger every way, than that of Mr. Hey, noticed in last issue. It_ is a beauty, and measures a !.trifle over 12X inches in cirsunference, be- sides standing about % of an inch. higher. Botch aro now on view at the office of this paper. Next ? Mr. E. Bossenberry bad a run- away on the track, recently, while exercising one of his flyers. • The rig was badly damaged, and the horse, although colliding with and. breaking a 12 -inch codas post, get off without serious injury. Ed's gait, as a result of the scrape, re- minds one of a, anan with a wooden leg on one sidle and a jack spavin on the other. 'Mr. P. Lamont took another shipment of Butcher's cattle to Toronto on Saturday. ay. 'While in the city the took in the Xing Edivarcl Locals continued on page 8. $1. Per Year, o•va•o•.�•000•©•oo.o.�.� 49 DOO- _. .. .. -. ,, .. yaLJi2. 9i . ^' S,.,..Sb.�..a�.L__:J b 4 Y • 4.g Our Xmas Stock is Complete. 4.0 ev We have the largest "auge of Gn & . " rid- r 2D1rsJ%g2!'M 00 Q� D.0 D D.? re- Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, and the�p� .' 44� Highest Prices Paid for it. ak •o.o�. OD �o g�.�g o oho Ever Shown in Zurich. And. we can compete with the larger places in BOTH PRICES AND QUALITY. We extend a hearty invitation to one and R1I to Corrie and Examine our Goods, We ex- pect to be Ready to SnoW all our Xmas Goods by- the 30th November, al -td lay before you all the weal arrarlgerr<erlts, For good Fall Water -proof oots an 6 Leggings, .0 Any and Ail kg oesPERIC, i0 W▪ att pp�. Eta Rubbers and Overhoes, Felt Shoes, _— AND IN PACT — ds of Shoes At RIGF-IT PRICES, Go to CHAS. '6T THE SHOE A AI ZURICH, ONAR Gutter~ and Ergs taken In exchange. ' MO 9 r irz• ;~7�,r' Ir.r�Tl:b'r3 of' success. r� is F T R S .,S tock is very, Preeter knows This and is constantl,, trying to give h customers the best value for the least inoney, and does not spare himself to accomplish his purpose. ii, } COITIplete * This I I .� dt.; New ?1rress O000ds, New ver -Co is (Up-to-date colors, styles and Prices.) (All kinds, Styles anis prima!, New Furs all kinds Ladies & Gents. Including Coats, Tippets, Ruffs, Gauntlets, Caperines, caps,, &e. akia All Iain ds of Gents' Furnishings.-----"- Inclnding Shirts, Collars, Cuffs; Ties, Kandkerchiefs, Under -wear,. TRIMMINGS.Suspenders, etc, etc. Flowers, Feathers Tweeds, Worsteds, Beavers Ribbons; Laces, Corsets Small -Wares, And MILLINERY, rY, Trimmed or untrimmed. MENS' 85 BOYS' SUITS. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETA''.. Goods are good & Prices right ar Farm Produce taken in exchan e and highest prices paid. J. PRE TER, Zurich era. 6tatvand jIA aIr'a1%ce jieitt ZURICH ori'rARRIA e have a number of Good Fa1171s for sale and also some property in the Village of Zurich ::::. Good Agent Vtira.uted in every Town and Village in the County, to take ri; •ks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA LII+.'K.