HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-20, Page 88 The Zurich Herald, WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK-HMMlli Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. AU work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage A Few First -Class * BUGGIES • Left, which will be sold at and below COST, to make room for the large stock of C'f`bTTERS, now nearing completion. This. is a good chane to secure a Buggy CHEAP. Don't fail .to call, if in want of such. an ar- ticle. F. HESS & SOIL, Zurich, 01taI'io Kai f 1eisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Willi —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. MYYills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P, 0. Just 4e Arrived K The "ALMA" SILK GUARD. for Ladies, (Complete with Gold Bangle 1, l and Snap, up.to.date J Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A COLLIER BUTTON ? ( I have the Ballet top Buttons in sets of four Price 20 cets. per set. watches, Clocks, Jeweiery, etc` MUSICAL .GODS,—PRICES RIGHT. F. W. HESS, THE JEWELER. W.2 NT D A man to represnt " CANADA'S GREATEST N't?RSE.RIEs" in the town of ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Joso Scale. A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stoneellixxgton, I'ONTHILL_ NURSERIES, overt 800 Acnes. 'TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. 3-4m. NOTICE, 13- S' I HAUL ADOPTED THE CASH' System, all accounts must be paid by Sept. est. C. SCHRAG. Flour and Feed, Zurich. Locals continued from page 1. In less than five weeks from this time Santa. Chats will have made his annual visit, - His will be a welcome call to the little folks and possibly some of the Older ones, as well. Good boys and girls general- ly get the biggest plums. We tunderstand that Messrs. Magel & Bender have sold the bal- ance of their cedar posts at St. Joseph, to the Eleetric Railway Co. and are now engaged in distribut- ing then along the line. for fencing Purposes. Mr. Bender has also, we believe, taken the contract of sett- ing them up ready for the wires. Mrs. R. Hamacher left for her home in Sanilne Centre, Michigan, on Wednesday morning, accent.- paniecl by her brother and nephew, the Messrs. 'Wm. and Harvey Weber. The two latter will likely. remain there and resume their trade for the winter, or ns much of it as it is possible to work in that • climate. Special serve is are being held nightly (Saturday excepted) in the Evangelical church ;rch here• this week, commencing at 7.'30. .hhero are also morning meetings (every dose but Saturday) at 10.30 o'clock. The Rev, Mr. Knechtel it helping the pastor with the work, which Will doubtless be continued for some little time yet. The seven gentlemen who left a couple of weeks algo on a limiting trip in the pineries, near Graand Bend. have arrived home safe and sound. They did not get as many ducks as they hoped for but quite a few rabbits and other small game kept their bugs well filled. They report a good time and. enjoyed the outing immensely. Mr. Henry Rupp met with an ac- cident, by failing out of his wagon, in front of the "Commercial," on Tuesday. The horses started sura clenl j when he lost his balance and fell over. So far as we can learn, he suffered little in consequence of the mishap, which. is very singular, as he seems to be a man in the neighborhood of 56 or 57 years of age. Mr, William Slack, of the Bauble Line, Stanley, who has been sawing lumber for Messrs Hess & Delehert, on their bush lots, for some time, has disposed of his old engine and replaced it with a new 35 horse- power one. It arrived on Friday and is said to be uu-to-date in every respect and meet's every require- ment for the work intended. Mr. Slack has started work again after a few weeks' lay off, and will likely rush it forward with all possible speed. On Saturday, Nov. 14th, the Junior Y. P, A. met for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing term, which are as follows : Pres., Emanuel Holtzniann; Vice. Pres., Iva Weber ; Rec. Sec'y, Roxie Eilber ; Cor. See'y, Hamor W. Well ; Treas., Pearl tVnrtz ; Organ- ist, Etta Hartleib ; Asst. Organist, Lilly Faust ; Librarians, Lilly* :Johnson and Gertie Maagel ; Page Boys, Alfred Bender and Clarence Yager. H. W. WELL, Cor. See'y. Miss Anna Beckett, of Detroit, is billed to give a concert in the Town • Hall here, on Thursday evening, Nov. 2.6th, under tbo auspices of the Zurich Lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen. The press notices give her groat praise as as singer and a pleasant evening is no doubt in. store for all who attend. We understand that some local talent will also take part. The Detroit Gazette says : "Miss Anna Beckett is the sweetest; singer we have ever heard and one of the highest in the world." On Monday afternoon, Nov. 16th, the regular meeting of the W. C. T. U., was held at the home of Mrs. P. Bender. The Devotional part was led by Miss Lydia Rannie, after which the business was taken up. In the business part a letter was read from Mr. Leckie, W. C. T. U. Missionary, Muskoka, which was very interesting. He stated that he had received the barrel of Chance to Join a Club That wilt r.2alre and Save Money for You. Everybody should join rho Mutual Literary Mu• e Club of America. There i8 nothing else I1ko tt anywhere. It costs almost nothing to join and tho benefits it gives are wonderful. Itenabtes you to purchasehooka and periodicals music and musical Instruments at special out prices. It mentos re- duced rates at Many b otelo. It answers questions free of charge. It offers scholarships and valua• bie cash prises to members. It maintains club rooms in many cities for its Members. In addition, every me to ber receives the official magazine ehti• tied •• 7:v'ry Month's a publioatlon in a elate by itself, including 6 pieces of high-class vocal and in- strumontal Music (full size) each month without extra charge; 72 pieces 1n one year in all. YOU CAN GET AL'L OF THESE BENEFITS BOB L. 2tosT NOTHING. The fu11 yearly membership fee is One Bolter for which you get all above. and you may with. draw any time within three Months if you 1Wvanttodosoend get your dollar bock. If you iloa'tcare tospend UN, send 23 cents for three months membership. Nobody can afford to pass Milo Rifer by. You will get your money back in value mar ' times ever. Fun, particulars will be sent free o1 charge, but if yen are wise yon will send in your request for membership With the pproper fee at once. The 21 eta. three months meat• beratip ofor will soon change. Write at once ad- dressingyow' letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership or twenty -lino cents for throe' Months to ia$1i17t`17.4.7. Lr x 7 37Ja'I'1 Y mimeo crams ataN o. 150 ) Zu,,'rnu, sat., N. -u. maty« bi r a :i Brat. b�.l + 3lrS clothing that was sent to him. The educational part was devoted most- ly to the 2'ei,)ort•of 'the Provincial (%,nvcntion sclliah was held at St Thomas, Mr. ,label Robinson, IV.I. P., the farmer representative for Elgin West, and President of the Cantt- diatn Grange. in a letter expressing his appreciation of the position tai a. - e11 by the Weekly San regarding the Cattle Guards and Drainage Bills, says " Tho 1\'eekly Sun bads given math aid to myself and other mem- bers of Parliament in our endeavor to secure legislation favorable to the farmer,' of Canada re Cat- tle Guard, Drainage, etc. etc.— We may thunk the Sun for many of the laws that were placed on the Staatntes last session in aid of the farming, community." The farmers all over the country are showing their approval by soh- scribing to the Sun in combination \Vial their local paper. The p1'ice of the Hst een and Tireekly. Sun ('i)Illbiiled 1s *1.75. Leave your ord• • ors at the 1IeessLn Office. • - 'itis. D. Steinbach is in possession of a circular and subscription card from Mr. W. J. Gage, of Toronto, asking him to interest himself in obtaining ssbscriptions for the Free hospital, or Saanitaritun for con aliuptit eti Mr. Gage is malting this his life work and has given largely of his means to this end. The work is a worthy one and every one who can should con- tribute to this laudable enter'prize. The undertaking a heavy financial one and those interested rely :tiolely on the philanthrophy of the Cana- dian people to carry it on success- fully so that any one who has got anything to contribute for charit- able purposes could not do better than give at least a portion to this cause. In Canada alone statistics show that about 8000 persons die annually' of Tabercolosis of the lungs, many of whom could be cured if taken in the early stages of the disease. This hospital is for poor patients who have no means, and itis sincerely hoped that the appeals now being sent out will meet with a generous response by those who aro in as position to give any amount, no mutter how small, will be .taken and thankfully re- ceived, It is the littles that make the muckles. Mr. Steinbach has the subscription list open at his store and will be pleased to have your donation, and forward it to the hospital authorities, who are now mach hampered for' lack of funds_... Born. MCKt1LEY.—At Stanley, on Wed- nesday, the 11th inst., the wife of Mr: John McKinley, of a daughter. Loss u sERrY.—At Zurich, on .Mon- day. the 16th inst, to Mr: and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry. a son. HORSES FOR SALE! I have several 2 and 3 year olds and 1t1::•) a, nntnber of aged horses, which 1 nin offering at reasonable price,. 1 can also supply any kind 1 you. want at short notice. WILLIAM FRE. Lot 37, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O. 17.tf MARKETS Revised 'every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 74 to 75 Oasts 27 28 Barley 40 45 Peas.......... 60 62 Flour1 75 1 85 Butter 15 16 Eggs..;. 17 18 Chickens ib 4 5 Ducks .-.• 6 6 Geese 6. 5 Potatoes.. 30 30 IIENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 74 to 75 Oats 30 32 Barley ..............40 40 Pe .. 65 r5 Flour ..... .2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt.. 4.35 to 4.85 75 Meeting of the Huron County Council. THE COUNTY COUNCIL will meet in the Court House, in the Town of God- erich, on the First day of December next at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Dated at Goderich, Clerk. This 16th of Nov. 1903. FARM FOR SALE. In the Township of Stanley;being lot 20, South Boundary, containing 96 acres, more or less. All cleared but about 2 acres. It is situated 2% miles from the village of Zurich and 6 miles from Kippen Station. There is a good comfortable house on the premises, tLS well as two bank barns and other necessary outbuildings, well supplied with water, well fenced and otherwise in good condition. For further particulars apply to JAMES 1 7 Eft, Blake P. O. iiia -1.) • '1' For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver ar d ' Glas Sherwhi Williams and Hollywood Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of The Famous 0 A 0 aaa uilding Mated s:. Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceiv d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND ZURICH, w .w. ONTARIO. EZ {'n. N' 1' .� 4'! i� noo ' va ' ) :d-10.'um, (1 6 vl e ul ("R .1.1, ,rVi `,. , I 14` t{a ?� S • - ---Come and See !- t�I 2.7.7 l'=TC'✓sl..s.C,T f>l /"5/aI f ! l7 ��^2+'/: + ?E OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS BO TS AN SU' S, RUBBERS AND SOCKS We carry the Peel :' atent Ad= justible LEGGING ; the best Legging ever made, P. BENDER & Co. Zu.rieh. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. III1 III Ip 11 iNd'll` i�ur,� i II. III �calr i STOVE. griftif Mar =1=547. savcrz-nmenn-Yr A Do you need A Cook Stove )This Fall ? tfE ei • -t o •-v,x, •-do •-cs •-t.., • > THE THEI BURN WOOD OR. COAL 'At Rock-bottom In Heating Stoves we have the In Full Lines, Robes, B desats, Halters, rugs etc, • ,'ot.;,,A At Right PriceJtot,„4,,,4 ;t Our Harness are counted the best. Once a Customer always a Customer C. ° ]FIARTLFIB The Big Hardware and Harness House. Zurich„, nOq DOD DOD tipbai?'s AUTUMN DRESS GOODS RECEPTION E are proud to be able to invite you to examine our large variety of New Goods. We do not hesitate in stating that it is the best and largest variety shown by us. Wise buyers will know by coming early they get best choice. Prices ranging from 30 cents to $1.25. Our Waist( Goods are complete. We wish to draw your attention to our Drop Ornaments and Sectional Trim- mings and Pearl Buttons ---a large var- iety. ar-iety. D. EIN -pB ACH Z t..J E IO. I