HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-20, Page 6FAST RUNS, Reported on the Daily Trips of Trains in Great Britain. 'Ilhie Great Western Railway Com' - patty's new express train frons Lon- don to Bristol, which is scheduled to cover the distance between Padding- ton and Baths, at 'the rate of sixty Mlles an hour, yesterday made its first run, and succeeded in running from Paddington to Bath, a distance of 107 miles, in 105 minutes, or at the rate of 01.14 miles an hour, says the Loltdon Express, just received. At Bath the train slowed up and slipped a carriage, and then con- tinued its journey to Bristol, accord- ing to time -table. ;I'dvis daily run, if regularly, main- teired at the rate of sixty mi:es an hour, will take its place at the head of the railway records for regular long-distance runs. Faster long- distance runs have been recorded —on June: 14th, this year, the Great Western Railway Company carried the Prince df Wales from Padding- ton to Plymouth, a distance of 245 5-8 miles, ie 232% minutes, or at the rate of G3 n'.ites an liou.r. But even this record is not quite equal to that wli:clf the West Coast train from Loudon to Abel dean achieved on One occasion, when it ran 5.10 miles in 512 minutes, or at an average rate of 03 1-4 miles nr. hour all the way, with a section —Preston to Carlisle, 30 miles in 79 minutes—probab'y the test long- distance run ever made. Worry won't cure a cough. When you find a cough holding on —when everything else has failed—try - S Holes C•• su ptio Cure The Lung Tonic It is guaranteed to cure. Try a bottle— if it doesn't cure you we'll refund your money. Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. For a Thoughtful Moment. Jealousy and love cannot live long In the same heart. Soon one must be annihilated by the other. Th•rt lie that is subetanttal is mare valnab!e in a court than the fact that it is not corroborated. r Put n beggar on horseback and he'll ride—to the first place where he r.nn sell the horse,. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs,—A few day'n ago I was taken with a severe pain and con- traction of the cords of my leg, and had to be taken home in a lig. I could not seep for pain, and wan un- able to put my foot to the floor. A friend told RIO of your MINAllee'S LINIMENT, and one hour from the first application,, was able to walk, and the pain ntirely disap- peared. You can use my name as freely as you like, as I consider it the best remedy I have ever used. CHRI'9TOPITT1R GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. A Wonderful Clock. The Grand Palais in Paris pos- sesses a wonderful clock, which was shown in the Paris Exhibition of 1555. It was the work of Collin, and h'as just been overhauled. It is claimed for this chef d'oeuvre that it does not vary more then the hundredth part of a second in a year. It is four and a hielf metres In height, and indicates tee time in thio 12 chief cities in the world, each, city having its own dial. The clock not only marks the year, months and day of the week, but its pendulum forms a barometer of singular precision.-Debe,ts. KENDALL'S SPAVIN ..CUE tbeeld reliable remedy for 8pnvinn, Ringbones, Splints, Curbs, etc., and all terms or Lameness. It works thousands sfeures annually, Cures without a blemish, as it dsesnot blister. Complete Cure for Bono Spavin. Russell, Manitoba, Jan, 20. 194 Bendall Co., Gentlemen: I had to treat a young horse of mine four years ago which had n Bono Spavin and Qot kicked on the same leg and was vary badly swollen • so bad Nati had to bathe it in warm water, then applied Kendnll's Spavin Cure, I itid Typhoid ',ever the same winter end only ,gave the Kendall's 8pavtn Cure half a chance, and it only took ono and a half bottles to cure his leg with very slim Iron, anal end it did so emnpidtely thaCg on world never know that he had b spavin t he never has gone lame silted, d. ,. Very truly yours, GEO, S. HARRIS. Such 'endersenlents an the above are a guarantee of merit. il'rioo $1 t six for so, As a liniment for family use it feat no squat. Mk your druggist for XLendall'o Spavin Cure. silo "d 'l'reatfoo Ott the ,Vorao/' the book free, or idtlrese OR. B. 1. KENOALL IAI, ENOSBI1RG FALLS, VT. w GRIM B WORK IN NEWF[)D NDLAND Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Clear. ing Out Kidney Disease. Richard Qnir]c, One of a Score Cnred in One Neighborhood, Tells How Pains of Twenty Years Standing Vanished Betore the Gireat Kidney Remedy. Fortune Harbor, Nfld., Nov. 16.— (fSpecial.)—There are a store of people in this neighborhood who suffered from Lame Back and other symptoms of ;Kidney Disease and who are now sarong and healthy, thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills. One of the most seri- ous teases cured is that of Mr. Richard Quirk, and In an intervierw he says: " I suffered for more than twenty years from Lumba,ggo and Kidney Dis- ease I almost always had a severe pain in my back, so severe that dur- ing 'intervals for years I was totally unable to 'work. Doctors and medicines gave me little relief, 'and afLer ten or twelve years I had almost made up my mind that my trouble was incurable. Then reading of cures by Them led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I had not taken half a box before I experi- enced xpertencetl relief, and after using seven or ,eight boxes I was a perfect sure and a ,few man. The cure was per- manent," Cure 'your Backache with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you will never have Bright's Disease. Same Sulphurous Brand. Brooklyn Life. " I really must send this cook away, George. She uses such dread- ful language, sometimes!" , " What kind of language, dear 7" " Well—oh, the same as you use, you know." The Backache Stage mvy be lust that lncipent form of kidney disease which, if neglected, will develop into stubborn and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't neglect the "backache stage " of the most insidious of diseases. South American Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours and cures. -30 Written the Morning After. • Stunting the brain at the flood tide of its bloom, King Alcohol, that prince of demons, cuts down the tree of manhood and hurls It into the everlasting fire, where it is consumed, and the soaked and rotting wreck of the once swarthy tree lies where it falls as a horrible example. BOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for Try case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans. actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by this iirm. WALDING, FINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken tnternally,act. Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Testimonlale sent free. Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for eoustipation. Not the Same Thing. Puck. Ethel—He has promised to give me ever dollar lie earns. Papa—Better make him promise to give you every dollar he gets He has a political job, yon know. Don't muffle You make people stole — you keep yourself sick. Secure relief in 10 minutes from Colds, Catarrh, Headache, or Influenza. Cure that cold, you can do it 1f you exer else common sense and use only Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It relieves colds and catarrh and cures headacEe In a few moments. Rev. L. McPherson, Buffalo,N.Y., says: ' Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal Powder re- lieved me in 10 minutes and is a blessing to mankind." Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are better than others and cheaper, lOc. 12 Utmost Deliberation Necessary. "Do you moan to tell me that you would deliberately buy votes?" "Of course," answered Senator, sorghum, "That's the only waxy, to buy them. The man who buys votes impulaivelyt es almost sure to get the horst of the bargain." NoiNspaperer Old Country and MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOORS: etc., dispatched to subscribers by first mai1S by WM. DAWSON & SONS, Limited, Cannon House, Bream's Buildings, London, England. 1'he largest Subscription Agency in the world, Send _for our list. Free on application. "Est. 1809. Prompt and reliable. ASSESS ENT SYSTEM Purdy Cahadian CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS It's a Good Thing, Present membership Better Take It. 26,000 Present number of councils Present Surplus Funds Amount of claims patd $1,482,000.00 Sick benefits 1f you want them. Write either W. 1''. MONTAGUE, Grand Recorder, or W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand Organiser, Hamilton, Ont 470 $400,000.00 Where ignorance is Bliss. Philadelphia Press. Miss Inez Sentz—It's true I'm en- gaged to lee Rounders. The other night he told mo I was the only girl .he ever toyed, and --- Miss Truster—Where's the ring ? Didn't he give you one? "Ohl yes, the very next day; but I sent it back to the jeweller to be fixed. The stupid engraver made The inscription, 'J'ack to Gwendoline' in- stead of 'Inez.'" In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets retul via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three stations in NewY ork, up town near all first-class hotels, and down town nearall European steamship docks, saving passen- gers for Europe a long an -1 expen-Ivo trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert 5. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Giving Baby Oil. Dr. Jeidhan, a Spanish physician, has suggested a good method of giv- ing cod liver oil to children. The nurse dips the tip of her finger in the oil and theu places it in the in- tant's mouth, the operation being repeated several times during the day. Given in sueh minute doses the oil has no disagreeable effect and the child seems to like, it, sucking the oil with apparent pleasure. It is said that this method of adminis- tering oil to children•suffering from defective nutrition will, in a short time, make them healthy and robust. Finley Lips and a clear complexion, the pride of woman. Have you lost these charms through torpid liver, constipation, billiousness or nervousness ? Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills will restore them to you -40 little "Rbbies " in a vial, 10c. Act like a charm." Never gripe. -29 For Her N. Y. Herald. For her we steal, for her we die, For her we bathe our hands in blood ; But 'tis for her our hopes mount her. Forwe pass through flameand flood. For her we plot, for her we slay, For her we fail, for her we grieve, Ah, but for her we strive alway. 'Tis still for leer that we achieve, Minard's Liniment cures Distem- per. Advertising Manulactarers. There is a.Yallaey that newspaper publicity could not serve the manu- facturer as well as it does the re- tailer. The manufacturer of a cer- tain dress goods says he has found this to be a. mistake; that retailers have been •forced to give a prefer- ence to his products because of hie newspaper advertising, which has also given to his goods a ,popular- ity to which no retailer could be in- different. Ile can trace a great in- crease of profits to his daily news- paper advertisements.—Philadelphia Record. A FEW DOSES of AIlen's Lung Balsam cause a free discharge of mucus anal so loosen coughs. It heti s tha enflamed air passages anp effects a permanent cure even to deep- seated coughs. Mian Who Struck the King. The Earl of 'Wemyss, who, though an octogenarian, is one of the most fiery members of the Upper 1 House, may boast of being the only mien wihlo has ever struck the King in public. It tlocurred whlen His Majesty was Prince of Wales, and in the House of Lords during a de- bate. The Prince, as Duke of Corn- wall, attended, and sat immediately before Lord Weymss. The nckblo lord made a speech, during which he, as usual, became heated, and, in the course of a gesture, brought his fist down bang on His Royal Highness' hat. The Prince, appre- ciating the force of the Earl's ar- gument, retired to a place turtle- 1 er from hlim. Lord Weymes was well known, before succeeding to the earldom, as Lord Eloho, an enthusiast of volunteering and ri- fle shooting.—Pearson's Weekly. Piles To proveto yon thati Dr Chase's Ointment is acertain and absolute cure for each and everyform of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed% Seethe. timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think of it, You can use it and gob Tour money back if not cure&. Boo a box, at all dealers or F,DMAZOSON,BATES & Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chase's Ointment Her Impression. Washington Star. 0`Doee your daughter play Mozartl'' Inquired the young man with gold glasses. "I think she does," answered Mrs. Cnmrox, affably, "but I think she prefers bridge w'hist." The Sons of Garibaldi. Italian journals recently announc- ed that Ricciotti Garibaldi, the younger son of the eminent war- rior, was planning an extensive trip of exploration lye Patagonia. Has brother, Menotti, wllo died the other day, took little interest in polities, although he accepted the place lei a deputy for a time, roost resigned and devoted himself to ag- riculture in the Gainpagna Romana. His relations with the royal family were pleasant, and he is even said to have received financial aid from that source, His death recalls the feet that in 1840, a few months be- fore he was born itis mother follow- ed her husband into the midst of a battle, and fought her way, revol- ver in hand, until her horse was shot. She was captured, but man- aged to escape three days later. What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. GUT REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Eur. e2r Paste. Chicago Post. Miss Bragg—And when he gave me the ring he said; "There is only one woman in the world worthy to wear this diamond, and that's you." I thought that very flattering. Miss Speitz—yes, they do say that, imitation is the sincerest flattery. Minard's Liniment cures Garget In cows. How She Found Out. N. Y. Herald. "Yes, for a year and a half she was in doubt as to whether she loved him enough to marry him or not." "And how did she succeed in find- ing out ?" 'Then was another girl who got to acting as if she wanted him." Lever's Y -Z ( Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softeee the water and disinfects. tb A Family Affair. Cleveland PIa[lt Dealer. " Prisoner, why did you strike this Haan ?" "If you please, your honor, he came to me suddenly and said, 'How old is Ann ?' " " Well, what hurt did that do?" "Well, you see, your honor, Ann is my !wife." 1 ENOtLISII SPAVIN LiNIMENT. Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat coughe, etc. Save 00 by nee of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. As She Figured it. - N. Y. Herald* .,say. ma."f t _j "What Is It ?" ' ' "What Is the height of the ridicul- ous?" "Well." said Mrs. Henpeck, "your father is about five feet eight, I be- lieve." leinard's Liniment cures Colds, eta. Overcome by H.is Surprise. "I asked Titew.add to lend me a five yesterday." "Did hie faint ?" "No, but I did." "Halw was that ?" "He lent me the five." ISSUE NO. 47, 1903 Mrs. Winslow, boothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. It soothes tea child, softens thognme, ones wind colic and 14 the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. 5OGIRLS WANTED IMMEDIATEL1 for confectionery and biscuit dopart- ntents; good wages. D. S. Perrin & Co., Limited, London, Ont. ANTED — AT ONCE, GENERAL t be reliable. Apply to eenS8 fFLETCHER 5 Walnut street north, Hamilton, Ont. FIRST-CLASS OFFICE MAN WITH A few thousand dollars can secure Igcra- tive position in thriving manufactory. Must be strictly temperate and reliable. Apply at once to box 324, Galt, Ontario. ARE YOU UNOCCUPIED? WE WANT all or at least part of someone's time itt every locality. It you are making $20.00 per week don't write us. We only guarantee $12.00, though some of our represontattvee ars making "Thirty." Of course, they are hustlers, that Is the kind we want, we have the goods that sell fast. If you want to .make money write us a Post card quick, quick. The J. L. Nichols no., Limited, Tor- onto, Canada. (Mention this paper.) Silver Ware A selection made from our Catalogue will be delivered at your door at precisely the same cost to you as if pur- chased in person at our store. 111 Gr No. 11 -Price, %M.ee This handsomer-o!eca Tea Se— am-heat-conducting handles, finest quality silver plate—is a marvel of good value. Our new Catalogue will be ready Nov. teth. Write for a copy. EYRIE. BROS. JEWELERS 118, I20, 122 and 124 Yon$e St., Toronto Her Only Occupation. Buffalo Express. Adele—How does Marie look in her new gown e Estelle—In the mirror all the time, Minard's Liniment cures Dlph-• i heria. Nerve is required to manage a lion and diplomacy to manage a wo- man. ALWAYS SEE THAT THE MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME Our Parlor Brands— "KING EDWARD" HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" A QUiCK, SURE LIGHT by using any one of FOR SALE by Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" "Telephone" Is ensured EVERY time these brands Dealers Everywhere Reliable Jewelry by . Mang 14 We make all our Jewelry in our own factory, hence the reason for our extraordinary values. We mention a few items : 4181 Amethyst Ring, $2 50 4276 Ladles' Signet Ring, 14 k, Gold, 3 00 4247 Opal and 6 Fine Pearls, - - ' - - - - 15 00 0 00 4222 E4 k. Ring, 3 whole Pearls, - - - 4062 14 k. Ring, 3 Turquoise and Pearls, - - - 10 00 3959 Diamond Ring, 3 Fine Diamonds, - - - - 25 00 SEND FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LILT. OSEKENTESONS afe YoNGE 5T °!% le/YR# �/EJ4'fLfR3a TORO ta>rsre.Lritatasttnata�aa +.(err.rr *0 eters Prat mox 6 notes $2.50 Gin Pills are sold under the strong -est possible guarantee. Your druggist has explicit instructions to return to you the purchase price in case they fail to cure any case of Kidney trouble. If Gin Pills did not possess tnerit of an exceptional order such a guar- antee would not be possible. All druggists or direct from TIM DOLE DRU() CO.. WINNI1Pi G. Mein. le el tai ''a'e,