HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-13, Page 88 The Zurich Herald. H. WISMER Norse Shoer and 'GENERAL BLACK -WITH, MCI,Uralr.(41.31,1/ ISI*11 Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each -week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage Worhe, A Few First -Class BUGGIES Left, which will be sold. at and below COST, to make room for the large stock of CUTTERS, now nearing completion. This is a good chane to secure a Buggy CHEAP. Don't fail to call, if in want of such an ar- ticle. F. HESS & SON, Zurich, Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILL S. i1011•11•011MIMI0/11•111,111•••• Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Xalbfieiscji Zurich P. 0. Just (1' Arrived The " ALMA " SILK GUARD, for Ladies, f Complete with Gold Bangle and Snap, up.to-date Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A C011 -1./2.R BUTTON? { havethe Bullet top Buttons 1 in sets of four Price 20 cets. per set. watniins, C1c1, Jolioterv, eto ..us1CAL (1(10DS.—PBICES RE;HT. F. W. HESS • THE JEWELER. A. man to represnt " CANADA'S ORP.:Args'r NURKERIEs" in the town of ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed. Potatoes, &c. Stook trao to name and free from San ,Tose Scale. .A permanent position th the right /Tian on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington, FoliTHItt NURSERIES,. ()vim 800 mints, TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. 3-4m, NOTICE:. ( $ I RAVE ADOPTED THE CAST:I System, all accounts nmstbe paid hy,Sept. 1st, C. SCHRAG. ' . Plour and Feed, Zurich, Locals continued from page 1, Mr. Jake Gingerich of St. Agatha has been visiting his cousins, the Gingerich boys, Bronson Line, the past week. Mr. Alf. Bossonberry, :formerly. of Zurich, was married in DeitrOit, last week. THE l'IRIZA.LD extends best wishes to both bride and groom on such an auspicious oceasion, During Wednesday night's' •wind storm. Mr. David Schnell's wagon rack was lifted from his wagon and deposited up -side -clown in the top of an apple tree. Fences in different parts of the country also suffered considerably. The total amount collected for missions in the two charges over which the Rev. W. J. Yayer pre- sides, viz :—Zurich and the 14th con, Churches—is $262 10, $197 60 of which is credited to the fOrmer, and $64 50 to the latter. This is a. showing which ought to be alike gratifying to both pastor and peo- ple, anct is justly entitled to be classed in the " well-done" column of the records of the Association. A shooting match took place Greb s field on Monday last, t King's Birthday, between the u dermentioned gentleinen. Ea shot at six birds and the score shows that Messrs. C. Fritz and Sa/11. Faust carried off hignest hon- ors, each hitting 5 out of 6. The others receiving the following points, viz: W. Clark, 3; R. Tur- ner, 4; J. Preeter,2; ,Tno. Deicher 4; S. Worden, 1; C. Fritz, 5; Sam. in §.1 1,7P °dal to THE HERALD. 11- Miss E. Ross and Miss Bryn of Seaforth, were the guests of Miss Dollie Ragan, Sunday Mr. Gordon Young of Colborne, is at present visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. Y. Love. the past few years,and although about eighty-five years of age; he was rip to about a year ago u hard- working farmer rising early and working late, day in and day out, Mre Koehler is survived by his second Wife (Mrs. Jacob Walz) wb Om he Married a year ago, and st. v& g g by several sons and daughters, 4,:,/kci:-Will=4 VY ignams those in this section being Jacob, Henry and Peter the sons, and Mrs, a d Hollywood William Schwalm and Mrs.. Jacob Brown, all living in the vicinity of Oils, Zurich. The funeral took place on Wednesday, from his lute residence to the Goshen line Cemetery and en t:,` was largely ettended. Rev. W. J. .LliFamous Yager of the Evangelical church officiated at the service. Tho de- ceased was a, native of Germany and came to this country many years ago, and by hard work,which is eharacteristie of the old-conntryi Germans, ne beeame quite wel140- Don't be deeeiv- d with do, but through his kind bearted-1 ness in helping others, he met with as number of losses which he never 1 recovered iind which had some- what impaired his finances, HILLSGREEN r 0 0 0 0 For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver aad Glass Ware OA Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials Most durable Fence on the market A number from here took in the t, Fowl Supper in Kippen on Monday and report a. good time. Faust, 5. Mr. Tom Kyle, of Dixie, was mar- ried to Miss Nancy Kuepfer, last week. the ceremony taking place at Hensall. We wish the happly cou- ple much joy and a prosperous jonrney through life. Others should go and. do likewise. There are many charming young ladies in and. aroundZurich and we hate to have it said that our young men are not, as a rule, as bravo as they are hand- some. Gentlemen, get a matrimon- ial move on. Messrs. F. Hess & Son have 25 Cutters nearing completion, five of which are Portland style, and the balance square -boxed. The mate- rial used is the best available and the workmanship up-to-date in every respect. They are certainly beautiful pieces of mechanism, and although seemingly light, are re- markably strong and durable.— Most of them are now in the hands of the finishers. They will make a creditable display, if not sold be- fore reaching the ware -rooms, A collision occurred in the vil- lago about two weeks ago between two rigs, resulting in the death of a driving mare belonging to Mr. Henry Weseloh Jr. From what can be learned Messrs. Weseloh and Kochems were returning home from their work some time after dark on fa Saturday evening tinct when near F. Hess & Son's Car-, riage Works, a rig owned. and driven by Mr. John Voelkey;- the genial and. corpulent 'Maxwell agent of Dashwood, came around the cor- ner and although there is an elec- tric street light nearby, the two rigs collided resulting iii. the shaft of Voelker's rig being driven. into the other horse and penetrating the left lung. The injured anima lingered for two weeks" or so, when death ended its sufferings. Mr. Weseloh has sustained a loss of about $75.00 through the accident. The street is quite wide at this point and why the accident occur- red is a mystery as both parties claim to have been driving a very Irv:Aerate gait. We understand W that Weseloh bas made a demand fin. payment of the horse, but up to the present no settlement has been made between the parties. When we see the boys on the street corners and. public places we often wonder if they know they o re watched by business men, In every bank, store and office there will soon be a place for a boy to fill. Those who have the management of the affairs of business will select one of the boys, They will Ea se- lect him for his ability to swear or smoke cigarettes. Business men nay have a few loose babits them- selves, but they are looking for boys who are as near gentlemen in every sense of the word as they can find, and. they are able to give the character of almost every boy in town. They are not looking for rowdies. When a boy applies for one of these places and is refused they may not tell him. the reason they do not want him, but the boy can depend upon it that be has been rated according to his behaviour.— Bovs cannot ifford to .adept the habits and conversation of the loaf- ers and rowdies, if they want to be called to responsible positions or expect promotion unless they con- duct themselves in Rich a manner as to earn the respect and esteem of the best people in the community in which they live. Death has removed another . pio- neer Of this section on Monday, in the person of Henry- Koehler, Sr., of the Goshen line. The deceased had. been :in delicate health for seine time, and it was nothing /tit his ektroadinary. grit that held him The funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Ferdinand Stelek, preached at Hillsgreen on Sunday, was, -we learn, very largely attended, the edifice being taxed to its utmost capacity. The cause of the sleeping sickness has at last been discoverel So it is said. The prospects for the re -organiza- tion of the Lake Superior Consoli- dated Company are improving, and it looks as if the new financial agreement will go throigh. There is joy in the hearts of rural postmasters. -The minimum salary has been raised to $25, which will help to pay for scrubbing the floor of the P. 0. and. for a few extra cords of wood to keep the fire burn ing briskly.f or those who are wait- ing for their mail. copy of the German Almanac published by Rittinger and Mots of the Journal office, Berlin, has been received at this office. This fine Almanac, which is a book of about 80 pages should be in every Ger- man home. The price is 12 cents or wil/ be sent free to every paid- 111 advance subscriber of the Journal, the best Gorman Weekly published. in Canada. Subscriptions may be left at THE Ilkna.knn office. The following business was done at the. Registry office of Huron (lur- ing the year 1902. Total Instru- ments registered 413S, with fees of $4651 01 accruing therefrom ; gross, amount for fees and searches $ile35,- 70 amount reeeived D. O'Con-1 nell ct lug registrar as salary $28:36,- 61, other charges in connection with office $1500 65. There are 25 muni- cipalities in this Division of Huron and these registered 1 patent, 3361 1 Deeds, 102.1 Mortgarres 1129 Dis- charges of 11.1ortgages, 16L Wills, 5 leases, 110:1 abstraets, and 12 Mech.- ' Liens. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and Horne Paper in Canada. eta After January lst, 1904, PRICE t1050 52 Numbers. New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnificent Christmas num her. Send in your subscriptions at enee. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Win. Weld Co.,Liinited London, Ont. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 73 to 75 Oats•I' 27 20 Barley ..... , .... , ... 38 ' 40 Peas., 60 05 Flour „ . _1 75 1 85 Butter „ „ .., .. 14 15 .Eggs _ _ „ . _ _ _ .. 16 17 Chickens lb .. 4 ' 5 Ducks „ 6 6 Geese, „ . - , 5 5 Potatoes .. , . „ .. - ., :30 30 IIENSALL MAXKETS. Wheat . 74 to 75 Oats ... . 30 32 Barley.. „ .., , _ . _ „ 40 40 65 75 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt.. 4.60 to 5.10 • ALL 01 Z 0 H, Pence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND Ac". GRE ONTARIO. Come and See 14 - OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS BOOTS AND SH ES, RUBBERS AND SOCKS We carry the Peel Patent Ad= justible LEGGING-; the best Legging ever made, P. BENDER, & Co. turie12. Eggs taken. in exchange for Goods. STOVE. 4 P. (D] Do you need A Cook Stove This Fall ? •-t"" .7-1 • -1-1. caurre=svms="vmarAvveaccue !COW annytunness I11.11.1. HAVE THE THEY BURN WOOD Oft COAL -t *At ittek.bottom ElISEMEMEIELMOZEI=MMIEMEMEM /' V' t 1 In Heating- Stoves we have them In Full Lines, Ms, Blankets; Halters, rugs eto, ...Aatat,.,4,AAt Right PriCe.A.4.4.,4w4.4 Our Harness are counted the best.. Once a Customer always a Customer C. ILA_RTLETB, The Big Hardware and Harness House. Zurich, .51011:bacli's _T e e VP AUTUMN nR. SS •=1,1• e. • DS latommer....eaaneakretentn:Ecrionamactognoreemerx• E are proud to be able , to invite you to ex -amine our large variety of New Goods. We do not hesitate in stating, that it is the best and largest variety shown by us. Wise buyers will know by coming early they get best choice. Prices ranging from 30 cents to $1.25. Our ,Waist Goods are complete. We Wish to draw your attention to our Drop Ornaments and Sectional Trim- mings, and Pearl Buttons—a large var- iety. - Di STEINBACH, zUtRa01-3C-