HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-13, Page 4The Zurich Herald.
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They. ,
FRIDAY, NOVEMBR 13th., 1003.
Notice of Seed Control Act.
A copy of bulletin No. 15, entit-
led " Bill No. 200, Reprinted us
Amended: An Act Respecting the
Inspection and Sale of Seeds with
Explanations and Comments" hes
been received. This pamphlet is
issued for general distribution, for
the purpose of serving as a notice
to the interested public, and also to
provide means for closer study of
the Bill in its relations to the oper-
ations of seed producers, seed mor -
chants and seed consumers. The
Bill, as amended by the Committee
of the Whole, during the recent
session of Parliament, provides that
seeds of cereals, grasses, clovers or
forage plants which contain nox-
ious weeds named. in the Bill, will
be prohibited from sale. It further
provides for uniform methods of
, grading, according to fixed stand-
ards of purity and vitality, the
Timothy, Alsike, and Red Clover
seeds offered for sale in Canada.
A copy of the• pamphlet may be
had free on application to the Seed.
Division, Branch of the Commis-
sioner of Agriculture and Dairying,
Ottawa. Letters addressed as i
above do not require. postage.
over the whole mass and then agai
mix, thoroughly. Put this Inixtur
into the self-feeding boxes, an
place where hoes of all gages oat
eat of their contents ttt . pleasure.
The charcoal furnishes the x'e
quir ld mincrel ]natter wliaich ma
have been lacking in the food, an
is also an excellent eorrective fo
digestive ttoubie,,whilo the copper
nae, is a valuable tonic and stomaohie
If the charcoal is at all ]lard to get,
its place is tn.kon almost us Well by
sods on earth rich in llunttl' . It is
gemetic)ntible, indeed, if there is
anything hotter than sods or vege
teble mold taken frau the woodiot
If a small <.lnatntity he thrown into
each l t'n daily, it is netoni;;.iin:.f to
see how much of it the hogs will
c+al1"Sivlle. ; and the improved health
and thrift of the animals will be a
revelation to the feeder that has
clover before tried it.
Ground bone, wood ashes, sof
coal, old mortar. rotten wood, etc
are also aJt1e11g the substances Ilse..
incl re e.ommende;l for this purpose
Prof. Henryreports solno intros
ing experiments to test the vale
of bone meal and hard wood ashes
wbOil given a- a snoplelmeat tel en
enclusive earn ration. None of the
pigs showed an entirely satisfac
tory growth, but the difference in
favour of those getting bone mea
or ashes was very marked. The
pigs fed exclusively on corn were
most plainly dwarfed. When
slaughtered the several lots showed
no difference in the proportion of
fat or lean, nor was there any dif-
ference in the size or character of
the various internal organs. The
bones, however, were a most inter-
esting study. The table given
below shows clearly the more econ-
omical gains and the greater
strength of bones in the ease of the
animals furnished. with " ashes or
bone meal. It is quite evident that
corn meal, salt and water do not
supply all the elements essential to
building a normal framework of
bone and muscle.
Result with pigs living on corn
meal with or without bone meal
e.nd hard -wood ashes in addition.—
Wisconsin Station.
When bone When When
meal was ashes neither
fed. were fed was fed
Corn meal requir-
ed to produce 100
1bs. of gain, lbs, , 487 491 520
Average break-
ing strength of
thigh bones, lbs 680 551 301
Average ash is
Haigh bones,
grants 106 150 107
Special to .'III. —HERALD.
y On Sunday some of the people of
cl the village went to the Methodist
r eheirch to hear Rey. S. 3. Allen
- preach anniversary sermons. On
Monday eveningthey had their
annual fowl supper. Addresses
Were delivered by Revs. Sowers,
McLellain, Wilson and Dr. Medd
and music was tilrnished by the
I-Ioneall choir. 1Jver rthing twigs
• first plass, even the receipts 11120.00,
Rev. Mr. Shaw took Mr. Allen's
work in'Londnn on Sunday.
' PON. H. 11. C)nok, of Smith Falls,
was well liked. in Carmel church on
Sunday and the :people will 1)e
Ple..ased to hear ling again next
t Sunday.
al Supplies Have been ordered for
our Carriage Co., the directors are
having a busy time of it just; now.
t, Next s1;r.ing they expect to enlarge
o the building.
On Wednesday evening Dr. Medd
and wife were at home to the mem-
bers of the official board and their
- wives. A very pleasant time was
1 After a rest of three years the
young people of Exeter had a dance
on Monday evening. A number of
our leading people attended and
report a good time.
Mr. Mayor of the Molson's bank,
St. Thomas, was here for a few
days visiting friends.
!f r 'c ponidtizA°k.
Canada the Wealthiest Country.
Sir Robert Gifen's figures show
that we are the wealthiest people in
the world. The eminent stetistie
an estimates that were Canode's
wealth divided. en ch incliviclual
would have $240. Britain per head
can only show ,;210, while the Unit-
ed States wealth averages bet $1.75
an individual. Britain's wealth is
placed at 1i75 000,000.000. He este-
nates the wealth of Canada at $1.-
350,000,000, and the Australian col -
mins are rated at 1,050.000,000 —
ndia is put down for; ;3,000,000,000.
which is certainly a small anionnt
or a pnpnlation of 300,000.000, but:r
he averae income over there is
et more than x,25 a. rear for n fem-
lr; of five persone. The South. A.f-
lean e.oloniee are raitedat t�ee0.000,-
00, which is reseed to F i;'2 50 per
ase to of white population. anal t•he
P.O. of the. orlon rs et $1,005,000,000
uli j '<* the ac e ro5;atr wee t:11 of tbo
ia'itt h en:piSe 1;<`il„`i O,t?ilt,,e.,;,),
Condiments or Correctives for
Hogs that are closely confined 1
• and highly fed require a corrective
of some kind to maintain the di- c
gestive system in a normal condi- I
tion of health, and the fatter the
pig the greater the necessity, says f
Live stock Commissioner F. W. t
Hodson. When the adigesti -e or.- n
"ons Lk Ix;e c.lcaggetl with fat their 1
al7i]ity to dieeet and aesi,:allute is r
t;•ea.iic:llcia1. When a hog is running
at largo, he does not root up the e
1>usturo for fore love, of exercise, r
nor dn. o d.; it because of iniac' n
C 1Ms''litasa, '_e roots to ol)t:a'n
v, anctlling 1• which his systelaa
a•.a.tivns. It is this ca•rt-ing twat
.. r"r1' rlee0 slier tel ?nal`- :17111
En t•i:'•1:i neaers t7ea inlnllegrniinn
ntn ('o'lala has increased (?Itrl1�-
lee fecal ye•+r einlr,i ivith
' the arrive l'3 t•ilti111 11
+1 Enr<)' r !enrol e]. 10se
'•iris of the influx, De-
• e1 1 c•ro yin ever.,
Mr. Hopper is agent for Stewart's
Backnohe Kidney—Pills and during
November will sell two boxes for
the price of one, 50 cts. Ile has
sold thecal before and knows that
there is nothing better.
The concert under the auspices
of the Bend on Saturday night was
well attended and we feel sure they
made well by it.
On Sunday evening a young lady
of the concert company assisted
the choir of the Methodist church
and sang a solo which was very
much appreciated. The choir did
remarkably well. The sermon was
listened to with marked attention
by a large audience. After the
service a large number partook of
the communion, Nett Sunday
morning, Rev. Dr. Henderson, Gen-
eral Missionary Secretary, will
preach at Chiselbllrst and in the
evening here, IIe is considered
the best orator in the Canadian
Methodist church and is sure of an
The Miller Carriage Co. has
appointed the following officers.—
President, Geo: Brown ; Vice Pres.,
'Geo.Me,Ewon, M. P. ; Sec., W. C..
Davis ; Tres., A. Brandt.
Last week large shipments of
.Dutch, sets were made by our local
Hog Cholera is prevalent in Kent
Co. Feed yon hogs Hopper's Im-
perial Stock Food.
Special to TES HERALD.
The citizens of Dashwood were
aroused from their slumbers by the
cry of "Fire" at about six o'clock
on SIUId0y morning. On hearing
the cry everyone rushed in the
direction in which the smoke and
fla.71)os could bo seen, and found
that the barrel-faactory, owed by
big . rl'iccletnann, \aS 011 fire. Every-
thing., peessine was done to save
the fact<)ry but to no avail. '1'lle
baileiit,7 wee entirely destroyed.
'.riga) m use'• 14 the fire is tlnknlwn.
nf7 1 le"'•r977;01n has the sympathy
rl,' 111, ;a ll:a,c. •it;Golly as, 'WO ):ander:
thele ;1•aa `,, 110 insurance on
the buntline.
Mr. end 5-11•.3 Liao Hall of Exeter
kited With NI'. algid heirs,'George
Reilly o71 Stinal:al'afternot1T1.
and il.l3s Burn. Merrier of the
ioneessi1)11 epeilt Srun,lay with
rnior's brother Jonathan.
Misses. Loretta and Stella
ek and Mabel and Jennie
took t1 pleasure trip to
r on Sunday afternoon.
1. Eden, of Crediton, has been
ng her niother,'tho past week.
Les Williams and him sister
were the guests of Miss
1 Hardy on Sunda.y afternoon.
.1lefe:Isa ac's now furniture store
ng lap rapidly and from. 1)re-
tl,mearance willsoon be ready
er-Milking is • at present the
of the day• A great many
eking advantage of the low
of apples and a aro making a,
supply of apple -butler fora the
()young, people, of Dashwood,
t a very pleasant evening husk-
orn at Mr. C. Finkboiner's on
is generally understood here
Mr. S. Hardy and family in -
remaining iii. Dashwood for
to pupils of our school are busy
tieing for a concert, which is
3 llelci, in the near future. .
ADPL1 s.—As-soon as the apple is
pared it should be cut into • quer-,
tors, trirnniecl and thrown into an
ordinary sized pail which hue been
about half filled with water in
which a hanclfnll of salt has been -
stirred.. As soon'ts enough apples
have been prepared, drain off the
water, Which can be used again,
and dry in the usual manner. The
effect of the salt water is to whiten
the apples very and prevent
thong from turning dark. Try this
way and you will he pleased with
result and proud of your work
with really no more trouble.
Dried apples are saleable from. lot
October to 1st of April, but exper-
ience has proved that it is the
wisest plan to market the goods
early while the demand is good.
The Police magistrate at the Soo,
fined a would -bo personator at the
recent bye -election $400 or three
months, -
In the Township of Staeley,boing
lot 20, South Boundary, containing
06 acres, more or less. All cleared
hitt about 2 acros. 11 is situated
214 males from the village) of Zurich
and ti 311110s from KKippon Station.
There is a good comfortable house
on the premises, as well as two
bank barns and other necessary
outbnilcdfngs, well supplied with
water, well fenced and otherwise
III goo(1. condition.
For further• particulars apply to
JA:llrs ESLER,
Blake P. 0.
47rn r.. .-aa 7lso base
Are now loaded with choice
up -to. date
and have already got
Beautiful new Dress Goods, in assorted
colors at 37.4 -cents, worth far more lrloney
New Flannelettes 20 and 25 yards for
$.100, beautiful Wrapperetts 10c., ladies'
vests and drawers 25c. 35c. and 50 cents
each. Mens' New Overcoats well worth
,$9.00, you get thein for $7,50 Ladies'
new mantles at all prices, and are taking
well. Nov is your opportunity for bar-
gains. Coble and get your share. I-Iigh-
est prices for Farm Produce,
Ilensail and Dashwood
T >T Ts
Direct Importers
1O'A 1 trge stock and variety ofeeti
T R, U N S
"7-1,ises, ..Etc.
Mens' Wallets and Bill folds
Ladies' wrist bags, Chate-
laine bags, Finger Purses,
Goat Skin Robes.
Plush RLTOS—fine quality. :
Leather Working Mitts.
Leather Sa,penaera,
Shawl Straps.
•. Sask ateheviran_ Robes . -
Indian Tanned Robes.
.... Blankets
,sm nx.rasa,ear.o„ea nem F U f7 `A II 4Y / TU 6 9 E , •mw+nxum.nnrm-scnne.w
-i c,,
.r4'AS.i•iii ilfs%f: '.'.1�Ii'll Y .inii`n..i..Ram`.4?""'. kfTSEL.fwtit,+l•:SalwAY#31MailM::e)PtN,Rso
To preserve or restore it, there is 1'1r. better
prescription 't'oi' 111t'll., 5V`0111011 Lind children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. Theyare made of a combination of medicines a1)'l ram o\ vCl
and used by every physician. Ripans Tubule's
are Widely used by all sorts of people— +,ut to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritablefriend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They •ar'e a dependable,
honest remedy, with a long and successful record,
to Cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath- heartburn
dizziness, palpitationof the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
achs, build up run -clown systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and - sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
them. The fife -cent packet is enough ' for an
ordinary occasion. • The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.