HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-13, Page 3Oa. Mairalate0.114314.....61.44:11.1.1014.alataftogir 11113.1.1. Girls, .o you wish to earn a beautiful Bisque Doll, also a lovely Brooch ? If so, send us your FULL name and address and we will send 15 Collar Buttons, postpaid, sell them at 10 cents each, and return us $1.50, and we will send you, all charges prepaid, one of the most beautiful Bisque Dolls ever given away, together with a beautiful Brooch. This Doll is nearly one-half yard tall, Men�ai nilly dressed in latest tyle : ; ith 1 at to match and looks a perfect beauty, with Bisg6.� bead, lovely curly hair, pearly teeth, natural eyes, real slippers, stockings, etc., and is completely dressed from head to foot. Understand this is not a printed cloth or rag doll, nor cheap plaster of Paris doll, such as some concerns give, but a real Bisque Doll nearly 9� 9 �g il'ldl���,1t1'. LF 1 _' 111 T ILL together with a beautiful brooch. Positively these presents given for selling only 15 Collar Buttons. Take notice : We prepay all express and mailing charges on MOO 3 jQ) REi•4l Ann t h e oto premiums. %v aD who can prove that we are not giving these premi- ums described above, for selling only 15 Collar I3uttons. Write to -day and be sure to send your FULL name and address, if you wish to ,-tun these beautiful premiums. BERMAN DULL CO., Dept. 13, Toronto, (;e.,.:ida Biqa ill �;git overflowing vup suggests a ruthless or r. blessing. .febovadl Is a bountiful provider and' is able to abundantly satisfy. $. SureIy-"Only,,,-1t• V., margin. "Nothing but goodness and mercy shalt pursue me. What a contrast to the lot Of the wicked man, pursued by the angel of judgment (Pea. xxxv. 6) 11ia'nted by calamity" (eel, 14 Goodnese and mercy -Goodness and mercy are the staple viands of the feast, anal give a flavor and virtue to all the rest. Sha11 follow else - This goodness and mores, of God shall follow him during his entire Urethrae. "Through all its changes its shade and sunshine, its perils and deliverances, its sorrows and joys, to its close. Will dwell -These words are to be understood figuratively. The psalmist expected to dwell in God's immediate presence forever. Forever --Here is a suggestion or the closest intimacy With God and the ceaseless enjoyment or His favor. PIIIAtCTIC1AL SURVEY, Soul transformation. "Ile restor- eth my soul." At the very threshold of our study we meet with the doc- trine of regeneration. Naturally, we aro goats (Matt. xxv. 33) ; and He shall set the sheep on His right hands, but the goats on the left. Tbere are only two classes pf characters known; to God -the "sinner" and the "saint." w ither sheep under the ten - Supday School. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. VII. NOVEMBER 1.A 1903. David's Trust in God. -Psalm 23. Commentary. -I. 'hire shepherd and his sheep (vs. 1, 4). 1. My shepherd. Christ is the great Shepherd and his followers are the sheer;. To appre- ciate t'he force of the Image it Is necessary to understand the differ- ence between tire modern sheelieru and the Oriental shepherd of olden tinnf�s. In that land there is a stroni< attac'htment between the shel;herct and iris flock. Equally tender rela- tions exist between the good She)_- hlerd and his flock. Shall not want. 'Ihe language is partly of experience in the present and l:,artly of the confidence or the future. When John Pletcher was asked by George III. if he would ac- cept preferment in the church as an acknowledgement for an able: and timely paper Ise hast written on Am- erican affairs, he returned the res- exectfnl but characteristic reply, "Sire, I want nothing but more grace." -Watkinson. 2.PO lie down. The divine Sher- hk.•rd gives rest to the weary. The and staff seem to be tivxa! names wicked are filled t with miutisetil soul:Isrest fdr one instrument, which was used t, ros but o'li.ist promises to drive away wild animals, 'tel di to triose !Gro come to elm Matt. 11, rect the sheep, and for the pur- e8. udd Green pastures. Pastures ; pose of a staff on •whelk to lean. of budding a tees the grass.d The or- 1 sheplheld walked before his incl •mord denotes the tender shoots flock ready to protect them from tDent. 32, 2) as distinguished isg.x red from assault, and thley follotwed gladly anotthe tier .grass. Hen:h is grassi byafand fearlessly wherever he led. Porde to lie o. Elanee, thisxgrass lets- I. The host and his getest.-vs. 5, forded delicious and luxuriant rtus- ture.-Wheclon. IIs leadeth me. The 6. 5. aged. Je a Table -The figure -ib Oriental SIir 1ier,l never thrives ilia is changed. Jehovah is now clescrfb- ed as the host who bountifully en - flock as we do, but goes before them, i tertains the psalmist at his table, Jesus never asks us to go where he !and provides him a lodging in his does not go, or to do or to suffer ! own house, as oriental monarchs en- anyt.h:ing he has not done or suf- tertaincel those to whom they wished retest. "Jesus thus leads his t iscil:� to ,slsow sepcial favor. -Cam. Bib. les. His lIoly Sririt will guidr, into Maio emirates -Jehovah hail preps red all truth. No one Is wise enough to ti banrluet to David as a mark of tticose his own life for h'mee'f. Hard, special honor and favor, and this, Iy any xen=on in old age i, just where In the presence of his enemies, who in youth he planned to be, but ,Tesue ; looked on but were not invited to known, and he will guide aright all ' partake. This was David's answer who trust in him to better Places ' to those who, in his affliction, had than they know or dream." ! said, ""There is no help for him in "1 know not where I am going { Goa" ; "God bath forsaketh him." - Bet well do I know my Guide_." ! Whedon. Anointest-The reference Is Still waters. Literaily, waters of the anointings which were the regrr- rest : not gently flowing streams, bet lar accompaniment of an oriental streams where rest and refreshment banquet, not to the kingly anoint - wily qtr round 'Ica. 32 181. -Slam. Bib. In for which a different word is t . Restoretl>I my soul -Tao bring- treed -Cam Bib. Anointing with oil tette back my soil, as 0. sheep that lead strayed (Matt. xviii. 12-13�; I. Peter, ii. 25). The word for "`restor- ethl" means "to return," "bring back," or, figuratively, "convert.'' Paths of righteousness - "Right paths are opposed to intricate and unsafe ways, and to ways of diso-' bedience and perversity" (Pse.. cxxv. 5). 1"or His name's sake -"To dis- play the glory of His grace, and nolo on aecee nt of any merit in me." "Tale sheep are ever being led to one place, and when the hot day is over they are gathered into one fold, and the sinking sun sees them safe, wieere no wolfe can come, nor any robber climb up any more, but all shall rest forever under the shepherd's eye." 4. Sbiadow of death -Being so near to death! that its shadcty falls Over hilin, for he is not far from the substance that has come up n;iihl the shadow. The ""valley oaf' tiro sheutdw of death" seems to have been suggested by those deep mount�nin gorges thh'o'ugh which David was sometimes d'oliged to lead his flocks, though at the haz- ard al death' from the wild Ibeaste. Pear no evil -Mite soul fears not to enter thle sunless gulfs of sorra'?" wlhen •stssured of the supporting presence and protecting care of the good Shepherd. The darkne is of death' is but a shadows after all. Rod and ... staff-"T,he emblems of the office of the shepherd fund his protectiOE l of the sheep." The rod e are e der an.d constant care of the Divine Shepherd, or hell-derserving, or hell - (Rom. viii. 9 of sinm subjects ) bound Soul rest. "He maketh mo to lie down." This is suggestive of rest, and restfulness, which is assuredly what the soul comes to realize as its bur- den of sin, condemnation and guilt is lifted, and the peace that passeth all understanding is imparted (Matt. xi. 28 ; Heb. iv. 3). 8o"ul satisfaction. "The, pastures of tender grass" suggest a plentiful sup- ply of nutritious food. Green pastures imply an experience in the grace of God which is ever new and hence al- ways fresh. The business of the shep- herd is to keep the sheep in the green pasture. In order to do this there must be variety,, as to scenery, and location. This is true of our experi- ence under the great Shepherd. Sometimes to climb the myntratatin flaking steep, at other times to descend in-• to the valley; of seeming gloom meal be necessaryt in order to our being kept in "pastures of tender grass" Soul leadership. "Ire leadeth me." The Christlnn life is one not of lux- uriant idleness. The reclining sheep illustrates one phase of salvation's work, viz., "eoul rest," This part of our lesson emphasizes another please, Viz., the earnest activity and posi- tive aggressiveness in spiritual fife under the unerring leadership of our Divine Guide. Notice, "He leadeth," not "He driveth or draggeth" It requires loving, prompt, earnest and continued obedience to lcnep close to our Guide in Christian living. Soul anointing. What oil is as is. lubriea.tor to the machine, the Spirit's anointing in its gladdening effect is to the soul in its arduous hattors for Christ. To be well amdinted is to save wear and tear. and prevent cessation of operations.. Very many Christian workers break down pre- maturely because they are without the anointing. Again, oil int used as n. polisher. We need it to make our faces saline. Remember the face of Messes as he descended the mount whence in commnnion with God he had been anointed, also Stephens face, which shone as an angel's while he was suffering violent assault from an angry mob. A missionary on the foreign field was once asked by a. native what medicine he took that caused his face to shine. The soars perpetual supplies. "1 shtall not want," "goodness and mercy shrill rendes me." The divine Shepherd has Itis hands on the sup- plies of the world. No smatter how rugged or steep the way, or how hot the conflict as the poltvers of hell "in cruel assault their fiercest rage do vont," the "supply Wagon," laden With! '"rations" of viands rare, was an emblem sof the baptism ot the is always close at Mand. t"MV !god Holy Spirit. Cup runnet over -The shall supply all your need" (Phil. sit R hile C FOR CEYU N NATURAL GREEN ,tea when it costs 110 more than the commonplace Japan and is infinitely superior, being absolutely pure and es delicious as the famous " Salada " block tea. Sold only in scaled lead packets. )ly till grocers. IV. 10). Gad is able ;to do exceeding i abundantly above all t'blat we ask or thank (Eph. ill. 20): The soul's triumphant exit. "Though 1 walk through the ,val- ley." Having lived in fellow;ship with; Jesus, now, as the things of Leaman life begin to recede from the Christian's vision and the eter- nal World looms in sight and the "death struggle" is on, there is nought to fear. "Me good Shep- herd" has fought and conquered deaths, its sting has been extract- ed, the grave has been robbed of winter at 82 1-2c. Barleyis steady, y , its victory. This Conqueror its nowt with sales of 447) taishets at 46 to the guide and defender of his fol- ! 50e. Oats, are unchanged, 400 bushels • loiw,er, and upon His strong arm sailing at 33 1-2e to 34c. dolthr he lean. ",Cis a (gentle ;v.tlk l Hay in lair •supply, with sales of clear theeugh the fertile •valley to thirty loads at $10 to :$11 a ton for the "sweet fields of Eden." timothy and at $7 to $9 for mixed. James A. liarslti• Once load of loose straw sold at $6. Dressed hogs are unchanged, with sales or heavy at $7 •to $7.25, and light at $7.50. Wheat, white, bushel, 82 1-2e; goose, 74c ; , 1-3cng, 3 to ; peas, Gas:red;8e oats ;, 38spri1-3 to7'S4c; SOobar- ley, 46 to 50a ; hay, timothy, ton, $10 to $11 ; bay, clover, :+7.50 to $9; straw, $10 • to $11 ; seeds, alsike, bushel, :$4..25 to $6 ; do., red clover, $5 to $e ; do., timothy, ;31 to $1.50; apples, bushel, 7.ic to $1.25 ; dressed hogs, $7 to $7.50; eggs, dozen, 26 to 30c ; butter, dairy, 111 to 230; do., creamery, 22 to 25c ; chickens, lb., 8 to Jc ; ducks, lb., 81-2 to 9c ; Estimating the population of Can- geese, lb., 7 to 8' ; turkeys, lb., 11 a .da at 5,::00,000, and allowing five to 12c ; potatoes, per bag. G5 to 7.1e ; persons to each family, this figures cabbage, dozen, 40 to 30.: ; eauli- out more than one anit one-lsch boxes flower, dozen, 75c to $1; celery, for each household throughout the dozen, 35 to 40s ; beef, forequarters, entire Dominion. $4.50 to $5 ; hinduuarttars, 87.50 to There would scarcely need to be 1 48.50 ; choice, carcat;e, $6.50 to e7 ; better evidence as to the esteem in 1 medium, carcase, $0 to $41.50; lame, which these great family medicines ! yearling, $G to $6.50 ; muttons, owl., are held by the people. $4.e0 to sl.r,0 ; veal, cwt.. $0.50 to e9. And why this wonderful confidence! The Cheese 1M2.trket.,. in Dr. Chases I'eterbarnuplh, Ont., Nov. 7. -To- day 0. 11t:s extraordinary al it ty day the balance of October cheese deo o.+.....r...--•,,e¢....r.S.vefted..eie�w.ao The :1.rketsa Toronto 1'armets' 3larket. The receipts of grain an the street today were small, and ohanges in prices unimportant. Wheat is bteady, • with s•:.ties of '.tOU bushels of while at 82 1-2e and 100 bushels of red Enormous Demand for Dr. Chase's Remedies 148,575 Boxes Sold During S:p- tember in the Dominion of Canada Alone. (Liquozone rues formerly known is Canada as Powley's Liquified Ozone.) 1 9 For a Disease Germ that Liquozone Can't Nina On every bottle of leiquozone we pub- lish an offer of $1,0oo for a germ that it cannot kill. We do that to t:onvince you that liquid oxygen does kill germs. Any drug that killsgerms is a poison to you and it cannot be taken internally. Liquozone alone can kill genus in the body without killing the tissues, too. It is the only way known -the only way one tan conceive of -to destroy the cause of any germ disease. Rills With O -zy'gen. Liquozone is simply liquid oxygen -no shrugs, no alcohol iu it. It is the discovery of Pauli, the great Gerntan chemist, who spent 20 years on it. His object was to get such an excess of oxygen in staple forth into the blood that no germ could live in any membrane or tissue. Oxygen is life to an animal ---the very source of vitality. Itis the essential part of air. Its effects are exhilarating, puri- fying. It is Natures's greatest tonic. But germs are vegetables, and this excess of oxygen -the very life of an animal ---is deadly to vegetable matter. Liquozone charges the blood with such an excess of oxygen that no germ can live where that blood goes.. We spend 14 days in mak- ing each bottle. We Paid. $100,000 for the American tights to Liquozone-- the highest price ever paid for similar rights on any scientific discovery. Before snaking the purchase we tested the pro- duct for years through physicians in the most difficult germ diseases. We proved that Liquozone does what nothing else in the world can accomplish, and that the results are unvarying. A discovery that could command such a price is something you should know, if you need it. We are doing our part by supplying the first bottle free. Will you do your part by requesting it? Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles is tie help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indirect and un- certain. I,iquozone kills the germs, wherever they are, and the results arc inevitable. By destroying the cause of the trouble, it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Asthma Abscess -Anemia Bronchitis Blood Poison nright's Disease bowel Troubles Coughs -Colds Consumption Colic -Croup Constipation Catatrh--Cancer Dysentery -Diarrhea Dandruff -Dropsy Dyspepsia Illy 'Fever -Influenza Kidney Diseases La Grippe Leucorrhea Liver Troubles Malaria -Neuralgia Many kleart Troubles Piles--1'neutnotaia 'Pleurisy -Quinsy Rheumatism Skin. Diseases Scrofula -Syphilis Stomach Troubles Throat Troubles Eczema-Rrysipelas Tuberculosis Fevers -Gall Stops Tumors -liken Goitre -Gout Varicocele Gonorrhea -Gleet women's Disea'es All diseases that begin with fever -int inflam- mation -all catarrh -all contagious diseases -all the results of, impure or poisoned blood. In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vital- izer, accomplishing what no drugs can so. ."Oc. Dottie Free. If you need Liquozone, and have neves' tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an order on your local druggist for a full-size bottle, and we will pay your druggist ourselves for it. 'This is our free gift, made to convince you ; to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it to -day, for it places you under iso obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 500. and $I. CUT OUT THIS COUPO Mr this offer may not appear again. It111 out the blanks and mail it t the Liquid Ozone Co., 221.22) Kinzie St., Chicago. My disease is I have never tried Liquozone or Towley's Liquified rezone, but if you will supply use We bottle free I will take it. .11111.60..,.. 1 7, DC A Give fall ruldress-mite plainly. Liquozone-our tradcurark nante-now appears on every bottle of genuine liquified otoae. a Grand Total of 1,78.2,900 Boxes in One Year. and skill as a practising physici•.tu because of itis intregrity and honesle of purpose as a men because of the were boarded. se number of the roc - tortes that did not sell last half at reliability of his now world famous; last sale sold to -day at 10 1-4c 10l Receipt Book, and because or the ' 5-16two and weeks, 8 . Board adjsa pros en merit of the great family the season's cheese will be balancec. medicineswdiich he s. generously plac- I'letan, Ont., :Nov. 7. -To -day twelve ed on the market, so that all might, benefit by his experience and the re- factories boarded 745 boxes colored cult of his life work as healer of 1 arld 100 white; total, 815; highest the eft.1 bid ,10 1-8c ; leo sales. The manufacturers of Dr. Chase's ,I Woodstock, Ont. ,Nov. 7. -T0 -day ; remedies have such confidence in there were offered 3,465 boxes white these medicines that each one was ' and 3,765 boos colored clteer,e; bid Introduced by means of free stun- 10 to 10 1-4c; no sales. rtes Hence this wonderful popular- Made°, Nov. 7. -To -day 1,570 boxes ltv of Dr. C'hase's Iii lney-Liver P lav, were boarded ; 10.: offered ; no sales. pUlt1ntment, Plcrve P6od and other pre- Lending; !cheat Markets. rations Plaster is being introduced into Clan- tions at important wheat centres .lust now Dr. Chase's Backache yellowing are the closing quota - arta. They are sold by dealers at 2e to -day: cents eaclsr, but in order that all mtiy test their extraordinrtry contrail New York .....,.... over pains and arlsles of all kinds we Chicago will send one plaster free of charge Toledo No. 1 North. 7-8, 85 1-2 51-2 to anyone who will enclose five cents 'Duluth, In stamps and silver, and mention this paper. Ecimtinson, Bates & Coe 32 Colborne street, Toronto. Cash. Nov. -- , 8511-4 -- 781-2 Appendicitis Insurance. Insurance against appendicitis has been undertaken by the Royal Ex- change Assurance Company, ot Eng- land, which will issue policies at the rate of 81.25 a year for every $500. The holder is guaranteed all the medical, surgical and nursing ex- penses up to the amount insured. In commenting upon thin impolitic policy Lancet wonders how the ap- plicant can answer the question, Have you or any of your family ever suffered from appendicitis or from any of the symptoms pertain- ing to it ?" Whitt is meant by ".family," and le a pain in the belly a symptom of this disease only ? Moreover, 'has the patient the re- aluisite medical knowleclgi' tither of himself or his family to give a dis- criminating; nnnwer? The insurance company's leaflet says that during 1900, 15.000 operations were. per- formed In the United Kingdom for appendicitis. Were 'there so many in the whole world :9 The esmpn.ny esti- mates that about 1 in 400 per an- wani will be attacked by the the - ease. Bill; would the rate be thea SUMO in the United States with its appendiceal beli:ifs as In oonservtt- tive E:tgl•inal 9' And then how about all the Oleg s,1 01 n".st r n f neci lents whlclt may ha er 'n 10 rno ? There are a tl:oes::nei ways in wihi:h one may bo sick and di,; stonl.l aIle pru- dent man not secure a policy for eaclh one of them ? This woulil in time result in a tlisiinct form of monomania, a morbophobta which mutht h' enlleil insurtinee fiieense Could the companies devise a p^14ay- for these afflicted ones?-Ame,t'feiaa„ Medicine. d ►ts A. New Bon Corr oat q m 0 ec One of the most inters ti's w cif the bon -hors men is in thei ti(d e, tt=a phist<� rot, this vegetable, long' anti esieseet t.l se rotellisee I asedg a'te ,cte h e%telpwilal least:m1w ;D' et ePsiget at galo. msai@k, mstatldtjeir !gar 3ptc ,rhino, rsagtl cbcLatl Helpless as a Babb. -South American Itheumatic Cure strikes the root 0, the ail mutt and strikes It quick. ROW. Wright, 10 Daniel street, Brockville, Ont., for 'twelve years a gr;at sufferer from rhennttttltma, couldn't wash himself, feed himself or dress himso 1. Ater using six bottles was able to go to work, and says : '• I think pain bas left me forever." -26 Pavements of Milk. A land flowing with milk is an an- cient idea, but streets paved with It is a notion essentially modern. It is being seriously proposed to the municipality of Paris by a eon - tractor of standing. Ile claims for a pavement of indurates) mirk the ad antages of durability and noise- !essiness, WELCOME INDEED, is the feeling of relies ise whin an obstinate, pitiless cold leas been driven awayby Allen's Lung Bias:m. 4t ,�, - ,.i, ti �• good affect Iy radical and lasting. ,;1 ! .p Tr' is Inquisitive Birds r J n se +"'t ge,,• i Of the birds, undoubte y iii c xl jays isave the most ,sei�naciliiiita nsi�pz. J s' And they are the Zihae0,401-fs�; irl' rn r wyief?ll' - " Crossing it; a1tnlYisFU,�etow �li,•elt3 a close second it erleg1�'nYet,af%ila fiat equal. Bow ,ilg'at�'a: ,r' e slfpc $p 4•- rte.. whistled and 6'346(.14 t+ta.i�tr3talis 20� all tiro sou ilsigef1 a e1 itV'-rtiap9, ' �' e home, geanent ,'s Mc°"ars t{iiu1,--ea,lyfoe rK ro chart' iz�°ty 42srnrxil ttis:r;r�ellgigs okt y �h-• tla t ?IP, pop � Orr cfi�$ etlel�zt2 N Fs iffis,lp,.th r•P c r is,) ftoPeairiot E ' r . r 6' ' atqv t�xiKr' ta. t iv¢klr s�° r''� rte„ quip"creltla,ioetQ^ 6 t3""b? w *@ TW:`,? 1 13x, 5.'H CIP.Vbi'tdg h al11~in$i i l ' �b h� i tlhc l ¢' 11.it ata, 'i v(?' w" i' Siesraetaal. t di�If-dhe i ^e-trc w ' " a� 1 nets-; wfn '4ottl� a'a � Mt girt' tGGDD estticcpbe ; sgetitta�;.l 4m n. V t't'fLCpilif'41 '. 40T. 10 iii r u$e •ro d01\cb torming both bed foliage serving #fie are long, s1e11 e, a between the e on a pivot,,Ttcd forwnrdt tireta`t of a,ttlivu4 '' tit" G H i tt ct 01-4 Iii rt0. rag lame /Iltetito ' be,sai� �ksyjw res ev , or t l;e,. 2t n}xed yam + co G 0 rl) tests n ii 'arrrl§ h(1g t4tt put l , is t bnlus"y �'�'�� ,'� �, :ro JO lox; 0. ea p Ca ('..• .,C�" c' Fs rib. f'.•