HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-13, Page 2ITALIAN GARDEN MAGIC.
Me bind Its Secret, Study the Garden
in Relation to the (louse.
Some or those wh,o have fallen un-
der the spell are inclined to ascribe
the Italian garden -magic to the ef-
fect of time ; but, wonder-working
as this undoubtedly is, it leaves many
beauties unaccounted for. To seek the
ans'w'er one must go deeper ; the gar-
den must be studied in relation to
the house, and both iu relation to
the landscape. rljhe garden of the
Middle Ages, the garden one sees in
old missal illuminations and in early
woodcuts, was a mere patch of
ground within the castle precincts,
where "simples" were grown around
a. central well -head, and fruit was
espaliered against the walls. But in
the rapid flowering of Italian civiliz-
ation the castle walls were soon
thrown down, and the garden ex-
panded, taking in the fish -pond, the
bowling green, the rose arbor, and
the clipped walk. alto Italian country
house, especially in the centre and
the south of Italy, was almost al-
ways built on a hillside, and one day
the architect soe,:.ed forth from the
terrace of hie villa, and saw that,
in his survey of the garden, the en-
closing landscape was naturally in-
cluded ; the two formed a part of the
same composition.
The recognition of this fact was
the first step in the development of
the great garden -art of the Renais-
sance , the next was the architect's
discovery of the means by which na-
ture and art mignt be fused in his
picture. He bad now three problems
to deal with ; his garden must be
adapted to the architectural lines of
the house it adjoined ; it must be
adapted to the requirements of the
Inmates of the House, in the sense of
providing 6liady walks, sunny bowl -
Leg -greens, parterres, or orchards, all
conveniently accessible ; and, lastly,
It must be adapted to the landscape
around it. At no time and in no coun-
try has this triple problem been so
successfully dealt with as in the
treatment of the Italian country
house from the beginning of the six-
teenth to the end of the eighteenth
century ; and in the blending of dif-
ferent elements, the subtle transitipn
from tee fixed and formal lines' di
art to the shifting and irregular
lines of nature, and, lastly, in the
essential convenience and livableness
of the garden lies the fundamental
secret of the old garden-magic.—
From "Florentine in the Nov-
ember Century.
Coughing is the outward sign
of inward disease.
Cure the disease with
. num
Cure The Lung Tonic
and the cough will stop.
Try it to -night.
If it doesn't benefit you
we'll give
your money back.
Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y.
Slow at Going.
Buffalo Nows.
Mr. Borem—Yes, I always "pay as
I go."
Miss Tyre-Dout—Indeed ? And do
your creditors never comp;.ain about
having to wait so long ?
H. A. W. CHASE'S tic
Is sent direct to the -diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
A Literary Rooster.
Ono of the stationery novelties is a
rooster four or five inches high, his
feathers in different colored flannel,
with comb and wattles complete. Any
part of his pointed flannel feather
anatomy may be used for a penwieer.
Tie costs $1.25.
Newspapers THE 1.00, __tlithY
dispatched to subscribers by first mails by
WM. DAWSON 3s SONS, Limited, Cannon
House, Bream's Buildings, London, England.
The largest Subscription Agency in the world.
Send for our list. Free on application. Est.
1siafi, Prnnint avrl r0 ;Pb10,
Geo. Robertson Cured His Kid-
neys by Lising Dodds'
Kidney Pills
And Ws Rheumatism and Dropsy De-
parted Never to Return—ole Makes
a Statement.
Montreal, Que., Nov. 9.—(Special).
—The illness and euro of Mr. George
Robertson, of 39 St. Antoine street,
this city, is further and convincing
proof that Rheumatism and Dropsy
are 'both the results of Diseased Kid-
nee's. Mr. Robertson had Dropsy
and "Rheumatism for five years. Re
cured his Kidneys by using Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and both diseases de-
parted for good. Speaking of his
case, Mr. Robertson say.s:
"I had been troubled with Dropsy
and Rheumatism for five years. I
am now well and .it is all owing to
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before I start-
ed using them I could hardly put
my feet to the floor they were 19wo11-
On 00 much from Dropsy. My arms
used to swell at times so that I
could not put my coat on. -
"A friend advised Me to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills offering to pity for them
if they did not help me. Before I
had used the second box I felt a
great improvement. I took seven
boxes in all and I don't know] what
it is to be sick since."
Hough on the fatted Calf.
Mother—Yes, and when the prod'gal
son was sorry for being so bad and
returned to hie home hie father killed
the fatted calf.
Bobby—But what had the fatted
calf been doing? Rad lie run away,
In Going to New 'e.ork
Be sure that your tickets tra•d via Grand
Trunk land Lehigh 'Valley route of the "'Black
Diamond Express." This is the direct and
best route from all Canadian paints. By this
rout•% bn,ggsge is now checked In bona and
from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley
hes three etattons in New York, np town near
all first -etas hotels, and down town near all
European steamship dock s, saving passen-
gers for Europe a long and expensive trans-
fer Seenre your tickets of ('bund Trunk
agents. Robert 8, Lewis, Canadian Passenger
Agent, Yoreg° street, Toronto, Ont,
Exclusion of Japanese ln.borere will
be asked of the forthcoming Cone
Lcess by the American Federation et
'idllnnrai's Liniment cures Colds, ets.
A Pointer.
Toronto World.
Ladies are being asked to take off
their hats In church in order that
those behind them may see the points
in the sermon.
(Dear Sirs,—I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would be so hoarse at times that
I could scarcely speak above a whis-
per. I got no relief from anything
till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY
BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief
and six bottles made a complete
cure. I would heartily recommend it
to anyone suffering from throat or
lung trouble.
Buffalo Express.
Is the new order stopping all pas-
senger trains on the Canadian fron-
tier for the purpose of customs ex-
aminations the beginning of a series
of petty retaliations because the
Alaska boundary dispute was decided
In favor of the United States ?
Purely Canadian
It's a Good Thing. Better Take It.
Present membership 26,000
Present number of councils 470
Present Surplus Funds $400,000.00
Amount of claims paid $1,132,000.00
Sick benefits 1f you want them.
Write either W. F. MONTAGUE, Grand
Recorder, or W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand
Organizer, Hamilton, Ont.
Grudges the Price.
Brantford Courier.
If the cost of hair cutting goes
any ihligher„ bald headed men will
be forced to go, to the barber shops
In pairs and demand a double oper-
ation for the one price.
The lo Pu'�'
Long Pendants are Coming Into
"smart" observer la London feels -
lone writes in M. A. P. of current
in earinge that smart earrings are
Ln two designs—the solitaire stud and
the hong pendant. The solitaires
aro usually in diamonds or in black
or white pearls. Long earrings seem
to be coming into favor. These take
the form of an elongated edition of
the stud design, the pendant being
composed of a pear-shaped jewel,
either a pearl, ruby, opal, turquolee.
peridot, emerald or a single dia-
mond of great beauty and value.
In any case 'elle earinge are com-
pleted by a round brilliant, form-
ing a stud chose to the ear. These
pear-shaped gems are mows very prec-
ious and bid Bair to rise far higher
in price. Pear-shaped pearls are
fairly plentiful, and in emeralds this
form seems to be not uncommon ; but
It is rare in rrubies, and a pear-
shaped turquoise is hard to find.
Several smart and distinguished wo-
men have mem long earrings, among
others the Princess of Wales, Lady
Lansdowne, Lady de Grey, Lady
Henry Rentinek and Baroness he
Meyer. Creole earrings appeal to
some of us, and the large, round,
jeweled rings suit a. dark, Carmen-
like type of beauty. Mrs. George
Cornwallis West adopted this style
of earring when in evening dress. Mrs.
Mackay has the finest black pearl
earrings ever seen in London ; they
are said to halo cost $50,000.
If the heart, the blood pump of the human
system. is out of order the nerves are starved
for want of blood and Indigestion, sleepless-
ness, sick headache, lack of vigor and
nervousness are the result. Dr. Agnew's
Heart Cure relieves heart disease in 30
minutes, cures anti atreugthens the organ so
that r1 •11 blood courses through the veins and
health reigns where disease lutes supremo.
The better the blood pump the more vigor-
ous the hes th. Ninety-nine out of a hundred
hearts are weak or diseased. The first dose
of Agnew's FIeart Cure relieves.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills cure liver
ills, IOc. 11
JAPANESE MENTHOL has no equal In medicine
as a cure for Neuralgia and all pain. Com-
bined with Medicinal Gums as in "Tho D &
L" Menthol Plasters, its curative powers
are greatly enhanced. Try it once and you
will always use it.
The New Football.
In the first half, a player had
knee cap knocked off.
But thlere was no demonstration,
except by some fashlionable girls, in
a tally -ho, who jeered sarcasti-
cally and tore up their flags.
In the second hald a substitute
suffered an attack of Indigestion.
He was able to walk off thle field,
however, and elicited little enthus-
mAtt the end of the game the
spectators clamored for their
money back. But tole police, with
great presence of mind, promptly
shot ten or a dozen persons„ and
thle sigh t of the blood soon put
the crowd in good hiune r.—Life.
Under the Nerve Lash. — The
torture and torment of the victim of nervous
prostration and nervous debility no one can
rightly estimate who has not been under the
ruthless lash of these relentless human foes.
M. Williams, of Fordwlch, Out., was for four
years a nervous wreck. Six bottles of South
American Nervine worked a miracle, and his
doctor eonfirmr, d,t.—S8
As to Gambling.
Chicago Post.
"I never gamble," said the good
man, "and tp<culat;on is gambl.ng."
' Of course,returned the man who
was not so good; and then he add-
ed, casually ; "What did you do with
that property .out on the west
side 1"
"Oh, I've got it yet," was the re -
Flee "It looked Lke a good investment
'+shun I nought it, ani I an hip fel
that it trill yet be worth enough
to give me a good profit; but just
now it &bows a loss."
The man who was not so good
loolced thoughtful.
"It's a m ghty lucky thing for
your conscience," he said, at last,
"Lkat it was land and not wheat
you bought."
X -Ray Nurses.
The German press reports that a
new vocation has been found for wo-
men on account of the use of Roent-
gen rays (X rays) in the hospitals.
Courses of lectures for the instruc-
tion of X-ray nurses will soon be '
commenced at Berlin. These women
will only serve as nurses of patients
treated by X-rays, and as assistants
at the use of them, which service
is of a very delicate nature and re-
quiring great care.
Minard's Liniment, cures Distem-
Pew Friends There.
Beamevilte Flxpross.
The meeting called for last Friday
evening by the friends of the Lord'u
Day Alliance failed to come off, for
waa:nt of an audience.
Remove,. all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat coughs,
etc. Save S50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever
Shirt waists and darty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap.
The Civilities of Pennslyvania Editor
Galeton Worker.
?The Coudersport editor who was
reported last week as suffering from
a severe attack of inflammatory
hallucination, had a sudden turn for
the worst Last Thursday, a serious
ease of wheat might be diagnosed as
conglomerated insanity having set
In. Ir his ravings continue there
seems to be grave danger that per-
plexity may be followed by apoplexy.
We extend fraternal condolence to
our brother editor In his suffering.
Minard's Liniment cures Diph-
The Police Pistol.
Toronto Newe.
It seems a pretty tough deal to a
policeman to send him on beat at
night without any means of defence
other than a baton. If he is a game
man, he will often take his life in
his hands. * • * Toronto's polies
carry revolvers at night, and they
need them. They are not Likely to
use them unnecessarily, for they are
compelled to give a minute account
of their reasons for shooting. They
sometimes take their prisoners at
the point of the revolver, when, if
the tbugs knew thein to be unarmed,
they would be beaten hall to death.
Minard's Liniment cures Garget In
Occupation for Retired Man.
There are many ways besides read-
ing and travelling in which the re-
tired professional or businese man
may get enjoyment for himself and
make himself ueeful to others. He
may advise and aid his sons and
daughters and other young people
who are starting along the thornp
paths which he has trod with honor
and success. I3e may also exert an
influence for decency, and progress
in politics. What a boon it would be
to a nation if it should become the
practice for the successful and pro-
fessional and business men to retire
as soon as they acquired a compet-
ency, and devote their remaining
energy' and ability, and their exten-
sive experience to promoting the
public welfare;.—Kansas City+ Journal.
The Conversational Nuisance.
Washington Star.
"I went to California," said th'e
distinguished western man, "as a
"Dear me t" rejoined the very an-
noying girl; "were you {narked
down from fifty ?"
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pane with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
A Begging Letter.
Here aro a few gentences of B;aboo
English. taken from a begging let-
ter: "Honored Sir," wrote one man.
"It may be evident by your blessed
face, which combine{ a faultless sym-
motry of feature with a single
sweetness and intelligence of expres-
sion, that your manners of relieving
poor natives are gracious and pleas-
ing. Being informed that you are
fond of figures, they are appended,
viz.: that is to say, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (i.
7, 8, 9, 1.O."—New York Tribune.
Her Heart like a Polluted Spring.
—Mrs. James Srigley, Pelee Island, Ont.,
says : " I was for five years afflicted with
dyspepsia, constipation, heart disease and
nervosa prostration. I cured the heart
the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart and the other ailments vanish-
ed tike mist. Had relief In half an hour after
the first dose." -27
46, 1903
Mrs. Winslow's boothing Syrup should
always be need for Children Teething. It
soothes tea child, softens theguma, cures wind
collo and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
50 fGoIrRcLoSneWAoNyEIand MbiMscDIATELY-
ments; good wages. D. S. Perrin & Co.,
Limited, London, Ont.
11.- all or at least part of someone's time
In evert locality. If you are making $20.00
per week don't write us. Wo only guarantee
12.00, though some of our representatives
are making "Thirty." Of course, they are
hustlers, that is the kind we want, we have
the goods that sell tact. If you 'want to
make money write us a Post card quiet,
quick. The J. L. Nichols '1o., Limited, Tor-
onto, Canada. (Mention this paper.)
If you knew positively that
you could purchase a Dia-
mond of guaranteed quality
at a great saving in price,
would you invest ?
That is precisely what we
offer in our No. 947 Solitaire
Diamond Ring, No. 916
shown here.
Pecs, Igoe.
Order by nail. If on receipt it does
not fully satisfy you, your money
will be refunded without question.
49 years of honorable dealing
speak for the reliability of
our house, "Diamond Hall."
Write for our new catalogue,
Ready Nov. 15th.
I18, 120, 122 and 124
Ironic St., Toronto
We Know Them.
Toronto Telegram.
Tire United States is better under-
stood, and when all is said and done
better liked, by Canadians, than by
any other people on earth.
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
eey case of Catarrh that cannot bo eured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CEHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business trans-
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by this firm.
Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,act-
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's family Pills for constipation.
Tolerates Nothing biome Made.
Philadelphia Press.
Mrs, Gaddie—I see you're going in,
for society. Has your daughter made
her debut yet I
Mrs. Nuritehe-Well, I should say
not. Site got all them things made
to order in Paris.
Ladies and Girls,
Yon Can Earn This
The New Century Ball Bear-
ing Washing Machine in the
home stands for clean clothes, light-
ened labor — quick and efficient
results. You sit•while using it, and
five minutes Ls sufficient for a tub-
If your dealt" has it have him
show it to ye"- If not write us for
descriptive boort.
Our Parlor Orville—
e for Soars
In a Fou (Minutes
SEND your name and address, and we will mtui
you post paid 8 largo beantlf4t11y-colored
tures/5 x 20 inches, named "The Angel's Whisper,"
"The Family Record," and "Simply to Thy Cross I
Cling,' to sell at 25e. each, We also give a Soc.
certificate free to each purchaser. These pictures are
handsomely finished in :to colors, and could not bo
bought in any store for less than Soc. each. Every
one you offer them to will buy one or more. When
sold send us the money, and we will send you this
Over 4o inches long, g inches wide, made from selected
full -furred skins with six fine full black tails, the very
latest style. We know you will be more than pleased
with it. Miss J. Bockers, Rossenberg, Can., said:
I write to thank you for the handsome fur scarf. It
is just beautiful. I could not buy one like it in our
store for $3.00." The regular price In all fur stores is
$3.00, and they fully equal in appearance any $ro.00
Fur Scarf. We could not think of giving them for so
little, were it not that we had a great number made
specially torus during the summer when the furriers
were not busy. Ladies and girls, take advantage of
this chance and write for the pictures to -day. We.
guarantee to treat you right, and will allow you to
keep out money to pay your postage, so that your Fur
Scarf will not cost you one cent. Address TFIll
COLl)11TIAL Ant Co., Dep. 35, Toronto.
Our Sulphur Brenda
Is ensured EVERY time
these brands dt
by using any ono of
Ossicle lfetrywhere