HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-13, Page 1The Oficial Organ of Zurich and }Jay Township.
Vol, IV., No. 16.
ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1903.
(Late with Garrow & Proudfodt) Barris-
er, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Hensall, Ontario.
[.. STANrrUY.Y, B. A. I+, W. “LAWIAN.
Glacin2ain & Stanbtu-y.
ries, Conveyancers, lloney to. Loan on
Villago and Parm Property at lowest
rotes of interest.. Documents in original
Carman read and. advised upon.
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Ilensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store
Exeter 011icos—Over O'Neil's Bank.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Public
etc, ete. Cor. Square and North Street,
Goderich, Ontario
Village and Farm Property bought and
sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing
of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the Leading Fire and Life
Insurance Companies and respectfully
solicit your patronage.
Special attention given to collection of
Notes and Accounts.
Zurich, z LOCK Ontario.
(L. V. BAen.4.xn, Notary Public)
Vet. Surgeon and Dentist
Treats all diseases of domesticated
Animals. Veterinary medicines of all
kinds always on hand.
Day and night calls promptly attend-
ed to. OFFICE— In 'Wm, Bender's
Old Stand, Alain St., Zurich, Ont.
Fire Insurance effected in all leading
companies. Accident policies issued.
Confederation Life represented.
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of 'Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth, 1'lale work a speciality.
At Dominion House, Zurich, every
IYE o n ti># y. 1-26
° Licensed. Auetioueer for Hur-
on County, respectfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who intend having sales.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed Auetioueer for the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to call on me.
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed. Your patronage solicited,
1*r'v'C3**00610$** vCi:Ll'+*fx'.*S:*Fv ei'€`9
* 4: 3 * «* Y 1`1 E * 0. sb
Strictly up-to-date in modern im'
provements. Diningrooms is sir
IT plied with only the very best. ¶I II f3
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. 1T li 1T 1T 1( %o
Exeellerrt Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men. kvy
r3 d
GI ZURICH 13 C); 0 0
_..Ci. __—......,.....
.ys J.„, P. 1IyR��yyA iiU��,,, PROPRIETOR. Jc.�,�,
goC:Jecfr d.otJ :} gatriW Dome Vs04�.igbooe,a48.
This douse has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
•1 Cu Fetter Treble in the ,rtomittictr.
R. R. Johnston & Son
pito1 1(ZrAx'OUS..
Mr, John Dumart was in London
in Monday; •
Miss Maggie Rupp visited friends
at Dashwood last week. '
Mr. H. Cann, oi: Hensall, was in
town for a short time, on Sunday.
Mr. J. Preeter has just received
a nice assortment of Mens' Shirts,
ties, etc.
Mr. W. Clare., of Hamilton. is in
town this week, visiting Ms uncle,
Mr. C. Fritz.
Mr. Frank Mousean was in town
on Sunday, en route to Drysdale,
to visit his parents.
Mr. August IHill,wife and family,
of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs.
C. Grob, on Sunday.
Mr. Harry Weber is giving his
brother tailor, Mr. Jno. Deichert, a
lift, for a few weeks.
The survey of the proposed elec-
tric railway has been completed
from St. Joseph to Zurich.
Mr. P. Lamont was in Toronto
again this week, with a couple of
carloads of Butchers' cattle.
Mr. Will McLeod of the firm of G.
M. Baldwin & Co., of Seaforth,
spent a short time in town, yester-
The Misses Eidt, Bennett and.
Hardy, of Dashwood, were in town
on Tuesday evening, calling on
Miss Tillie Ilowald. who has a
situation at the County House of
Refuge, arrived home on Saturday
on a visit to her parents.
Mrs. C. Fritz was very ry ill on
Wednesday evening and bas been
suffering much since Monday, when
she was forced to take to her bed.
Mr. 0. Hartlsih has received a
oonsignmont of glass from the of
country (Belgium,) and is now in
position to execute all orders u t th
very lowest prices.
Several from Zurich attended th
entertainment of tie (ianthier
Addison Concert Company, at Hen
sail, nn Saturday evening, whit+
was under the: auspices of the band
A husking bee took place at th
home of Mr. john IIey, of th
Goshen line, one evening last wee.:
Quite a. few of the young people 0
the neighborhood were in atten
Special, or revival services wil
begin in the Evangelical Churcl
llere,an Sunday evening. The pas
tor• will be assisted seine of the
time by the Presiding Elder of the
district-, Rev. Mr. Knechtel, of Ber-
The twenty-fifth anniversary of
the dedication of the Lutheran
Church in Znrieh, will be celebrat-
ed here on Senility, Nov. 29tb, and
all friends are cordially' inviter. to
attend. Eervi•ces will he held here
both morning and evening.
It, was nip -and -tuck as to whether
Fred, Heiser conquered Mr. Sipple's
grey mare, on Z iresc.ary, or whether
the latter conquered Heiser. So
fax the battle seems to have been a
draw—and a very rapid draw—with
the advantage sightly in the mare's
The monster described 'in the
” Sugar Creek Budget," left here
to copy into True HERALD, as apiece
of news, is not worth the space it
would occupy, as it is no doubt a
hoax, got up by some of the sensa-
tional waiters' of America's yellow
Mr, ('%. Fritz wants an apprentice
to learn Shoemaking.
Mr. J. Wagner, V. S., of Taxis -
took, was a visitor hero the past
Ezra Bender, a Dashwood youth,
has engaged with Mr. P. Bender, to
learn shoemaking.
The drill -yard is now almost clear
of Wood, less being seen there than
for many years past.
We want a cord of wood at TRH
HERALD office. The donator will
be suitably rewarded:
Miss Fannie Dipper, of the 14th,
has taken a situation:, with Mr's.
Louis Fester, for the winter.
Mr. Henry Lebeau returned to
Chicago recently, after spending
the summer With his brother at St.
Mr. Alles, of Tavistock, was in
the village last week en route to
visit his father-in-law, Mr. Chris.
Zimmerman, of the Goshen line.
• Mr. J. Preeter is buying all kinds
of Fowl. He wants all be can get,
and is paying top prices for chick-
ens, ducks, geese and turkeys, eith-
er dressed or with the feathers on.
Business in Stoves is so rushing
at present that Mr. Hartleib was
forced to send in 5 or 6 orders by
telegraph and telephone. this week,
besides the large stock he keeps on
the fioors.
The following persons spent Sun-
day in town and were the guests of
Mr and Mrs. Preeter, viz : Mr. E.
Wuerth, of Crediton, Mr. Beaver
and the Misses Colfas and Clark, of
Messrs. P. Hess & Son, Carriage
Builders, shipped a critter to a par-
ty in New Ontario, this week. They
also sold a lumber wagon and sleigh
to Mr. I.H. Boehler, of the Goshen
Line, on Tuesday.
Rumour says there will be sever -
d nl urtttrinionial alliances, in the
a ! near. future, in and around Zurich.
e l This is as it should he. Boys, hur-
ry`up these interesting events. 'We
II are all mere or less interested) in
e such happenings. -
Messrs Z� esley Merrier"; pd Win.
pl Oswald, arrived hone from Meni-
t, tuba, on Saturday evening. They
o spent some time in the prairie
Protinee this summer and like it
e well rnt. troth will likely return
f there in the spring.
D1:r. Sun Faust has found his deo;
and a young man in Exeter has
1 Deux') that it does not pay to covet
his neighbor's property, or at least
to putting that covetous feeling in-
to practice. Four dollars' expenses
and the, giving back of the an -i -mild
has caused hire to lose much of the
interest he formerly had rn the can-
ine family, or at least that part of
it in and around Zurich.
Several in. the village are com-
plaining about the fast driving of
some ortt-of town -partici; who visit
11- in the evenings. Those indulg-
ing in the pastime of speeding their
horses on the streets, at the time
named, may have a bill of damages
to pay sooner or later, as many
children are out there and. accidents
may happen.
So far this fall the price' of good
fire -wood is high, and so far as we
can see, is likely to be so for some
time to come. Many are now using
coal, which is a decidedly cheaper
fuel, costing only in the neighbor-
hood. of $ 5 50 per ton, whereas good
hard -wood is bringing from *4 50
to 65,00 per cord of two stove
lengths of 22 inclres.
Mr. John Holtzman, who had
charge of Mr. P. Lament's farming
operations since Spring, left on
Monday morning, in company with
Mr. Peter • S,hwaltn, for Pigeon,
Michigan, where they expect to re-
gain for the winter, Both of these
young wren are sober, steady and
industrious, and we regret to see
them leave the neighborhood, but
wish them all success in the land of
Uncle Sam.
Mr. Sam Ronnie is building an
addition to his barn 26x40 foot, to
be used as a drive-house,lig-pen and
hennery*. It is already enclosed and
setxpgled and will be well adapted
for the uses to which it is intended
to be put, as it will be lined on the
inside with brick.
Mr. Solomon Jacobe returned
from the west on Monday. Ho says
he has no use for that country and
is now quite satisfied to remain in
Hay Township. No one is ever
sure of a crop until it is in the gran-
ary, and it is not all gold that glit-
ters up there, by any means. At
all events he has had enough of it
to suit lliin for sorno time to come.
The many friends of Mr, Isaac
Erratt, of Stanley, will learn with
regret that while picking' apples on
Tuesday, he fell from a tree a dis-
tance of about fifteen feet, fractur-
ing a rib and sustaining other in-
juries„ Dr. Campbell was suniinon
ed and attended to hisrinjuries, and.
reports thpt Mr. Erratt, although'
not dangerously hurt, 'will be con-
fined to the house for sorno time,
At the annual meetng of the Zur-
ich Branch of the Upper Canada
Bible Society, held in the Evangeli-
can Church here recently, the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
year 1004, vii : Rev. W. 3. Yager
President; 1:I. Well Secretary; P.
Bender Treasurer ; D. S. Faust De-
positor. Messrs. Ernest Gies,Aclanl
Faust, Wm, Battler, Wesley Scheel -
lig, Aaron Kaercher, and George
dighoffer, were all re-elected dir-
ectors. Rev. E nechtel, the Agent
of the Society, was present and ad-
dressed 'the meeting in bothEnglish
and German, respecting the work
of the Society, and the necessity of
renewed effort in its behalf.
Locals continued on page 8.,
$1. Per Year•
Of the Very Latest at at Lov>lest Prices,
ulrls" o is from $2.75 to $4.00.
All Styles—Lona arld 3l ort.
Ladies Rain Coats from 5 to
Of the Very Nevlest Design,
Wrapperetes new patterns 11.0c a rand
35 inches wide for 10 cents per yard..
11ur Millinery Department is Open
FOR EVERYBODY. We Give invitations to all the Ladies
to give a call. 15 ,I tS
ONo trouble to show Goods. PRODUCE TAKEN Il., EXCHANGE,
fir which the highest prices are paid.
sc_ FAs`, .:rST,
For good Fail Water -proof ,
Rubbers and Overlioes9
Leggings', reit Shoes,
EA 1
p Any and AH Frauds of Shoes
Butter and Egg' taken in ci change.
I. -lc( estt. , I� S
Preeter knows This
and is constantly trying to give lr
customers the best value for the least
inoney, and does not Spare himself to o This pail y
accomplish his purpose,
eW l
f New Dress G000ds, New Over -Coats
(Up-to-date colors, styles and Prices.) (All kinds, Styles and prices)
Stock is very
New Furs all loud, Ladies Gents
Including Coats, Tippets, Rule's;. Gauntlets, Caperines, caps., &e. &e.
Al kinds of Gents'
r Including Shirts, Collars, Cuffs. Tics,
Ribbons, Laces; Corsets+ Kandkorchi ofA, Under -wear,
TRIMMINGS, s, Suspenders, etc, etc. •
Flowers, FeathersiTweeds, Worsteds, Beavers
Small -Wares. And MENS" & :BO'
Trimmed or llntiirnn,cd.Goods are good & Prices right
r4r Fairy. Produce taken in exchange and highest prices paid.
J. PREETER, Zurich
glut (gotafr.a l ottvatt.ce e4a'iil
ZURICH — T' ' I1I0
We have a number of Good Farms for sato and
also some property in the Village of Zurich::::
GoiDd Agent Wanted ina even:r Town and Vi11az
in the County, to take ricks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA LI 'E