HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-06, Page 5, • The Zurich Herald. R 1'i ii I I l OM1 J _ I _ OMMI ' O ) l l I1 I rt�i%. f HEN8ALL Buy no Oj x • fa ,V,sm_ use o e tili8 0-4-,••••.> �•", �1viV '.yW A V.,Ge• M I c, N"M•"6Y' Ytl,i.a }� M,aw. made from No. 1 i gni o a wheat MORMOMr. 1..- 1R a( CHEATER BRE11) Ithihe'`1r e h ri Mills in Oat.. hTice,rnati©ilal Stock Foods. imperial Stock Food. Breakfast Foods. Any Food for Man or Beast. C. SCHRAG, �1( Sr teas re T}). award, } aYa'rd ' .I 3.00 . D,, t a,Special to Tan HERALD. selecting; jnlors' - a J tirl((tln; fpnrors, Lippharlt,dI'acoge MrE- n' I,l15) selecting jurors louo again attending to .w.. oss &Son., )nsine'ss. ( bottoms for tile: nlolllds,etc., b,,9.77); tltt(�T?{1111 t' X111 I(] +' i 17r', C oniter is � again Flu ,o., f.eanl for grader .00 , Bonder and Ft)7:+ > • ' ]t Poster, ,part i)av Clinton High School, i u L ( Dr, (:awtllor'pe. wont north business for two or threo (10. 14, On Srinday anniversary '.('reit tv(17'e held at l?ethe:'da. I;0-,-, - lBee.r of London _preached in nl,)rl.tins; and .Dr: Iieticl in tho cut Mg. Over (o),OD was placed on t (i1 tent h l ; :()Il. ( 145, rep Bridge, ,) C. R. c ova to Dram contract, i r 5 '$260 J. 'laborer, inspecting west ti� •i branch drain and work(, °3, 3(1; tH Johncouncil will In(>(>{in Lu 1 i )pen ,ti.00. '11 r lr; es ? ];a YCL',y;;,^?71�tCPl#ttur.'yG•o4ikty7.���-+ra,n.... ,X hat are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty f Postpone this looking old. I plates on Sunday as they (Ie'C'ltl( PnED IIs ss, Sr., Clerk. da the ; th of 7ovember atlo1n y 0 0; ltr,() 1 • 'eloC'l; a. 771 !Beer wits the inulol ptt'to1 1 Bethosdal about thirty > et I , •,l he preached in l3ensaa]1 of might. Nei t Sim l0y and Aionclltr- win.; ...:11-,1)!Ianniversary clays at I±i11pt:'n ?,I(et11 'list church, Rev S. J. :31Iin ( ▪ Z 1 London, will preach. atj -m vr)O.T,IT. 7t The Temperance Pledge. `))I you should take the pledgee and keep ib ' 1f you wish to do your best, i in the lifework that's before you, I And in Lifter years to rest. FM' MIT' in this land of our, Where so Malty people st0 1' . yol:1 fellow has t') hustle If hoWants to leach the top. So prat take the pled'e and keep it, This is i > t'ely good advice For the be,' who'd win the battle, And be free from every vice. For the world is full of drunkards, Who were once boys., pure and fair, Oh, how sad it i that huger Should bale caught them in its snare. So ns car tread life's pathway With temptation in out train, Let ns leave ;done the whiskey That muddles rip our brain. 1ud not only leave the whiskey, 1 ut in every otht • strife, live obedience tr, the Master As we go lion, through life. ',ten who'll rem journey's coded, And we LcZL'll the other shore, 11"e will h: ar tto'1 welcome, saying, Litter in for evermore." A s:-cnk ago Sunday afternoon. ; Dr. Nereid preached anniversary - Sermon in Sersnilth ;;le il,e)tli:;t iet., chin'cll and >)1i Monday evening ghat- had their annual tea at which i1'r�etrr talent was pl•ozniu('nt. On b2 on(taty evening the 1„ ott;sh > Concert Co,, appeared in Miller', Opera House, under the ins})ice:; of 1 the Presbyterian choir, t;) aL full <T i entertainment. tainment On the �-t 11011SO, .Lncl furnished a delightful I I ing Rev. Dr. I>iedd `v>.ro . his Cil.l.ve,'r.rcl his! thoughtful lecture on -The Po - tenet of the -Sub-Oonscions'. lar• wits, ably assisted by the (.heir t)r and by fills • Iil(ir("1 the �.. t�l t"i^.. i'1 church 1 • i., Ir tl;t > I t� �i G '�I .{ (, > e Ont. �( : (-(odwin. Of Exeter. .7'.'�it','!ttionist i� li .1 r., �l�.,,r1. (l ('l d"((�+it i (rj_',21 ftta(i 117Uffi ?Pt f'T i� ` 1;4Tiss (ao(l�vill is s t! )�' I ure Of a t''( I(•ua)t' --3 t • ill ensttll. Every- nnan;,c'z tva•; followed by an encore. • ^•• tm'ess5= a..r^7=1r=.1=22==.4i = , las:. E. tlnni> >i r1 fa?ll'IY -were 'The In Clinton on Sunday h ttrin i. tho h �UIl PALL 1- )t''; i:; ;last t 1 ' Methodist preacher. one of the 1:>t e ,t and r-, due from a pleasant visit " 1 I )t` Sensible Advice, n 121,1(1. It is ' most, rip -to -date 1t e g lits Iul•docl. returned t,il � Ion- tion. 1i x ce. ante People Store° fi i3 anb ri over had. at this season of the ettl' and inelmies Gam" `w"y SG o o j) in .1 qualities, colt .rs ]t>1e1 })rices. er a >11' I 0,3 i a Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and 4l restore to your gray hair ail the deep, dark, rich color of 4 early life. Then be satisfied.)•y "Aver's Ilair Vim nr restored the natural Color t,> my .ray hair, and I am greatly Jt,teased, it is all you claim.for it." Nits. B. J. YYT,DECAR, DYecha>ilc v ne, 1. T. k '(1 e0 a bottle, J. C. &T i> Ca., f l All tlrns;•gli>->. tz>orma+ansu.,u.:zr�,- for o �' ter' > r r.)l ..A,�>N ° `' l' e k Ha1r i Notice. !THE HENSALL 13R, SS BAND, COM - posed of about ata piece's, are naw open for engagement. Applications for this purpose sliGuld be addressed to 31r > C,rtas• LIND1:)t, leader, or 111•. A. llclirl'. , i Secy., kfenstll, Ont. ' �k:l)AF 1poaTs FOR SAL:E-11'e have �' a large number of Fit•.t Class Post-) at the Lake front, St. Joseph, which will Ilig sold at reasonable prices. For partieu- 1 1 r tl,ply to -1L;>ir•.r. Fc BENOE t, Zurich, (A1.1,21 FOR SALE— ' ` On Saturday ovcnin;i:e ( .i1} ! It was at a felnl)crance l;leC` ® ,., bit an tantcrtainll.l�nt in ,1 ' and :Jones, who votvc't1 he t I )(1'('11llde?1 1htILII, ::('( t;i' jlotI+ihk(';L til}(e,`('h1'(.1sal Y(?I11S:-,:lititc.:1 le311(1. .1'he Ian( .,• •t: rag,',ltlhc, rc'tL1't1 nntl' . ne v L1ttKt. k:a:�aii iir,11'111 1illcr,tliticottl •t•,, ;turd,, tend that, going as st , ' 11 tile) Ypl. tit 'cif: on i+(Lt';11'(i:ty alt ltr , , rlt'(', ili,< 1't'111t1I'li� 1Ji21(l(tr is now Iocate(1 in the Stott‘;:-.. nave A:,I.le of the f, tree Of I> ) rs 1)t) not forget to > , :1111` l.),, I ,tt 1 o,i to IILi t 2Ltttt I lv't yonr iy'. %Ins urged, , he at last ma Imperial 1: tot k. 1-'', 00(1 When 0.:-:17 t'� t v ,1•tut' t,{ ne('l'::,tiit ;--( 3 7q condi tion. ()ilei' xisocl,al\,1.-- > L ld the �l jk1; At i- )i>.':1 -l.r', Z?lri(']I and tl(~,>:`� used. f the rvan,tl'. I I Drag Store,IJvnsall. i. 1 , -Leaks S ,1t1rI (i 111tt1;>- il, 1' ea l: The b•)r, were t t•hei ;,r 'Orli() wit» address you hist` the ;('ni•'t l ():1 Halloween night, 1.-'+ . ;v t) 1 124 111':1 gilt est,,, 1 1 # i h , as usual. 1.)t It (' 11 ,1 1111 thts 11;r:1't i`,t> _0 >) f t'ltl' merchants a are lea 1 e >.7, ,. 1 ' ova' t 1 ltt_• l t •. end ri11i,l,,1>. il(`ir t111I1Li ti C1'Jr) „i' 'i( 11> 1>.>'(`, xIl .f3•', .i 11, lit' lt.! :' ' Oi17.t)111'. r can `•i Z- , p 1. F 11(' 1nty e aL pian 3 and .so,x i" 'edi'v't (- in 11711111 w"1 (7$ ti Isla;( chine vytll't'rt)0)1», \s t..1 )t"'>attll•th, . •"'I. 1'('1' 1 1>l1_1:11 ,t•(1 'all 1:,,,•t P. t."011i2?L,r recitals. (lt) :1+; 'l I:;1.t' (I >:I(> 111 11 i Mi'' W. Kemp returned to aer. f>tt thanks t:> et itntl)A` ,f 1 , ). fort 1. c n Mboth;;,- after being tatl7t'r, tall ( i Cal t 1(lt dn) 1 t(NI t Ia ,ill ('l:cast' t;- ou tilt' ;incl Thanksgiving, ivin;*, bay 011 ,, flit I t•(>rcl; leave. .(1. +v hien he summed np the D) not , advice hoa nu'. 1, t fog of t) ` � call on S. T. ' .11 t' ° 1 sub- t') every Hopper, gradnate n)when � �' lit ltc ,, optician, " of you her( nese Tour sight ti' oihiey you as ho :;.1 ! - ! he hat , > . k lli 1' you wish all Wee, his t, 7.k, 11. T)rXn., like L al<II have delle SO, anti' —1>11t herr. f = - - _- spanker etas interrupted by Ray Council.!rather vlr)Iezjt behavior of 1 cllail'lnall, who seized him by 4 Council met on �Te,nd:ty, Nov. '>• coat tails and ejaculated : 1, at 2 o'clock, p. in.nAli resent, ~Y ' SiI'. sir, 1 must proto->t•"-._.w1 I An engineer's certificate was l,l.;(l tit the Saille time 7t1t12'111111's, nee° hefor the council ie,,.12tling tn-or0 I punted by land*glee, came from t -\u. 4, 1.19 audience, and those in file frc •i (Const Award) flit,: ; , amount of the CC>rtifirttt(> ;'; 5,t 0 was ! 1 ow regarded the orator with loo { ordered to be paid and rho amount; of histol. tun t;:ca1)cnt. chargees against lot 15, cols. tl in I It was s�, nr ,minutes before "Ton accordance with t)10 Ditches atnd' could it oke himself hearth ata and then he remarked: The Engineer repotted that he'' wttter,bnt, of course, if I a1111 carol examined tho Schwalm drain a.nd I ant quite prepared to"—and the found that the drain was not grate; led by the chairman and the fro wide cncn)gh in certain portions and ` therefor could not pass the con- l row of temperance ra advocates, tract, round of applause rang out such Tho following hard never greeted any speaker ,, amounts lucre i that ronin before.—Tit-13)ts, ordered to be paid : — Ed. Is:alh. I ' � ' Pecs:; Supt. donor, lumbi -r and work, . ;9.13 ;1 Judge Hughes of Elgin County, .Tc,l?n MoEsven, error in talcs, Judge William Elliot of Middlesex, $+13,ti0 : (Yeo. Pringle. statute sat bor, 1 Judge O'Brien of Prescott and Rus - $2 ; Wm. Caldwell, commission ' sell Judge Deacon of Renfrew and work and ;;ravelling, C. R...*328.50; ' Judge Woods of Rent County, will Frank Mossean, ditch re Tow-i.+11i}) j be retired under the new act, ward, eon. 4-5, $17 ; :Frank Alas - Sethi, enf ine(�rs certificate,le alvilr(11vo1Ic1 isle cstexperience gold ic that o�nhe \To. •f, 18(99, lot 15, cors. 0, $60; T'. ` the Folnceonib expenses re certif 1 buys ate awards 1("'0 4, 11;111), ry311; ; D t y,� r N : ,....,,,c•.� chalefer, coal, wort: and graLvelling . B., $.40.:72 ; Frees Kehl,com. work d gi-avel]in. S. 13., $60.62 ; Snider I. 12d Turnbull, work Sauble lino, I '30.35 ; Con. Fuss, chin. work and ravelling Centre road $155..99 ; J. I faff, drain across con, 16, *2 ; '212. Roeder', rep. et11scon. 14, *3 ; i e0. Ford gravel, •` ;', lr) I ; Alex. � 1g7'an1 rep. till, coli, 2, $2.50; l,par Boehrit* rep. 2 001S, con. 1:1, . ).25; C'aspar Roehrii , coni. work d gravelling centre road, $73 ; I avid Gingorich, drain along road, .550 ; John Howo hl, brick bats id hauling the $2.,30 ; Louis Fos - r, tile, $, .50 ; (leo, Reichelt, mil. n- 5-8, (`6.00 ; .Ely, .1ragel„. livery' 1 MILU.� ,EIS' E i`[ RTM.ENi a- r i-. r..;'1 / a� 1s now oron n .>ol ( t,111:1'i's ('1111 rely- • on e• •t''• the most fashionable '(pod s at the very lowest prices. it � t�' � r H` tw„J '>1'0 11 i f . l tl't:it(1 C }lea}7 ; 'we don't ( blot'; much—hotter tter sail and seg; the>n. ? !"'y Z.A. n tZ ttl;v:,Z (^,rr' full i121e'14 in Plent”' z^exp .K ° ° 1,Zin n tet Anti are eonsi> e 1 f )t.1 It t t r >pc`7. place to get (;r '1.t.Ji> L\.;' g rr r' eeetSl 3,`1 ORDERED S Earl l T 11 t 11111011 lotv('i' t>i-i '. - -> t 12(ll ('hors."('(1 in ----• --` ('11.10., 11114 t f > tun.:, f „r . t goods 1111(1 workmanship. 1t" haUll ? Clasp; of, Our Grocery D.ep ;.rtuient is fully stocked with every requite in that line and 1]1(e prices are as low 11s it is possible' t') 711ake them. WHITE GO0U3, I 1,, ANN r ! 1•'LANNE LPTTES Ribbons, Laces, timall-mares, and Ladies' and (lents notions always it: stock and . D. j9' cruse the prices are rlgl>t in all cases. 1 )3 i'ro(3��ce taken. in exchange at market prices. Clive ns a cull -11l1 are wel- come at Prop. NOTICE! ,f-`t0MMEitic.IN(x AtTOT,ST FIRST, 1 will adopt the CASHSYSTEM DQI�7G• BUSINESS. , R' . The undo„ t),rnecl otters Ills choice 1])p - farm for sale; being Lot 20, North tint„) I.11oudtlry, Hay Townshit>, 2. miles North ('o/1hI ' of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, list` )rith good 10>111intrs aand plenty of spring water• well fenced1 I 11:ell drained. Legit. and lye ( mine For further' particulars apply to 771t ('r (;-301p .Lit: on MMErr0, Zurich Rt) aatl 1 P. Q. 1t, volt:- I ono 91 3 a Wa),( a a. Ott OTHEI, VET -MILE OF ANY KIND 1-r'it 1 1;1:'i' rt)1 1 TIRES 1lI•;;kT )1121 I ON OXE OF tare i iii HEN D ';.'Ca o 's g� ries > t• L fit 't'i.,F"' ..,+, �. ✓".f +w': `?.^ .rti� A p ct Toloi ill, tai !-r All Old Accounts roving me must be settled by the FIRST DAY OI,' SEP- TEMBER. JOHN SCHAFEiL, Butcher, Zurich' OASHW D .F 1 rnffure and Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up- -to -elate Stock of Rouse Fur- niture .{ ur - niture a n d Furnishings which 'we j offer At a Low Price UN.D "`"` TAKING ,,.. Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give Us a call. PRICES RIGET. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD '- ONTARIO Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess ,Work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and ftp -to -date far- mers. By reading Tor: WEENr.Y SUN, the Farmer's .Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE St.N's market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service Trio SUN has rem - clued him in a public way. It • was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send Tan WErlcr.Y SUN from now to 1st January, 1905, in combination with The Weekly Herald, far $1,, 75 auhsoRI J NOW SAl'1'Ii'LE ;~'OR THE ASKING, Mr. (ileo. Trott, of Heusall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day. Tuesdays excepted. 13•tf Gslo. TIIOTT, Photographer. to ' It Sets them ('old. I (i' it docs the lvork in a few minutes Litt' 1 time. th(> ; It keeps the Dish of Wheels just file ' Bight It docs the work Perfectly. rile It is 11 wonderful improvement over Ill- tho oltl method. 11e No more guess work but ti e alt ; `accurtttell. aa(>d quickly, without any chance of giving too )ouch dish to the wheel, or in I`s any way injuring it. ving one f tie al•toperation,> the patronaTiro getofrthe puh- (:S in, Ile is solicited. All work thoroughly war- ranted. )11: t John eseiojit, (IENERAL BLACKSMITH, Zurich, Ont 'Wa'ter'courses .Act, "I always thought that fish drat h.eise.h, rep. grader, $10; 111. Gar- I to Krppen, .`L50; 0, G. Carnett, part payment, on - 'W(1st Branch; ( d'. drain ) lalll contraLct, a,•,.00 ; "1', 11. ()eseil, 1 I eo211- work and gravelling . N. B., $10.25 ; ,T, M. Oeseh, rel). cul. Goshen lisle; 50 ets. 1 Dan, 1 of niers hauling „ravel, N. B $3 ; Bums and Fulton, cedar, ;(11.00; Jos, Oeseh, gravel. $10 ; J. Eldor,statute labor, $7,50 ; P. W. Farncolnb, fees reg township award, $21.50 ; 1>. Hess Omuta to Jon, cs Clot; Tahat Wail nlr:e� and Save Money 1 >o Hors• p aver7sl)odysbot1I(1 Join the Mutual Literary Mu- sic Oiute of ,Ataerica. There is nothing else like It anywhere. 1t costs almostnothitt toloin and the be nefits it gives are wonderful• enables you to instruments m>4at sped; ieutcprices. It securesirel diced rates at many hotels. It answersquestions free of charge. It offers Scholarships an(Lvalue- roomsiiinianq itiesforitsmembers.iIna dition, every member receives the official magazine esti. fled•"I;v'>roAfnnt .a ul>ilcationinaclassby itself, including (pieces of high•clnss vocal and in- strumental n>usie(full size) each moi>th without extra charge; 72 pieces in one year la all. 1'00 GAN GET ALL 01P T.iHESE IOb17X11.ITs 2(0R AL. N0ST NOTnllrG, whichfycou get all above, 1>n fee roll Dollar h,. drew any time within three months if you want todosoandet rotor dollanrbook, If you don'toaro to spend $1.00, send 2$ conte for three months membership. Nobody can afford to pass this offer by. Yon will get Your money back in value man q times over, Fula particulars will be sent free of charge, bus if you are %vise you will send in your request for membership with tIx, Pati ip offer will soon cilantro, w'rite°at ono aad- dressing-your letter and enclosing $1,00 for full years membership or twentyliye cents for threo months tc ns1Q'rvma; 11:i1'.J'1>7] IL)RY iorvuto CL1rle' No. Ira Nassau csa,,a w. err. clea:v, 1 I ' i � ?dim TRADE IVJAPIKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C.hnyoncssttdln(oirfrocrrarnto715-Y ascertainoupuidescription Invention Is probably patentable, Co>n>nnnie>w twos strletlyconfidentiial. lIandb(mkon Patents sent >tr>0, tlikoil t 11»,,ilahol%tunnr gCorrecei've special »otiee, without charge, ggin the ti clengi flc „�1 erica 0 A handsomely illustra.trd weekly, Largest ddr. cul>Won of any scientific journal. Terms, >s,11,a ye>.r' four months, 41. tSoid by all ne>vsdealers. .';t381Eiroadway, WOW York • Watch 041>10. t`+'' ...St. Washington. D. O. Hoffman': Jubilee 1 OFF • .1�e. Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN COIiT ECTIOIT duct . ti IVE: to „m o x 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' Q