HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-11-06, Page 2UNONGENiAL SURROUNt)INOS
Certain Plants Will Transplant
1'herntselves to Another Habitat.
There are certain plants wh1ch
will deliberate transplant them-
selves when disgusted with their
surroundings, and creep away for
some distance to a more congenial
neighborhood, says a writer in the
London Express. I once knew, a
mint bed which' flourished until a
,pigstye was occupied close by, when
it soon became blighted and gener-
ally ill treated by grubs and flies.
it took the remedy into its own
hands, and was afterward found
some distance away in a flower
bed. The roots will creep long dis-
tances and establish themselves
lvhere It best pleases them. We all
know how strawberries will tire of
their home, always seeking to col-
onize and to establish the young-
er branches of their family in fresh
quarters, and that they cease to
flourish for more than three years
in the same place.
There are plants which seem to
like living in village communities,
and others 'which will form large
colonies of their own, but which,
nevertheless, will not stray near
a human town, but will, on the
contrary, recede farther and far-
ther away from its atmosphere.
Who has ever found the wild lily
of the valley close to a town Y
Primroses and violets and bluebells
will venture fairly near, or at least
allow a town to creep within a
moderate distance of their homes,
but most of our prettiest flowers
avoid the vicinity of human beings
as also do many of our best ferns.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
•sprains, sore and swollen throat coughs,
.ete, Save $50 by use of one bottle. 11 ar-
Tanted the most wonderful blemish cure ever
Germany's, Church Census.
Religious statistics of the German
empire, according to the recently
tabulated results of the census of
1900, show that 6^36 per cent. of the
iropulatioti are Protestant, and al-
most all members of one or another
of the various state churches, and
numbering in all 35,231,104. The
Boman Catholics number 20,321,441.
Of Greek Catholics there are 6,472
and of "other Christians" 103,792.
In the whole German empire there
are only 586,833 who register them-
selves as Jews- fewer perhaps than
in the borough of Manhattan, New
York. Only 17,535 Germans profess
themselves to possess no faith.
To Starve is a Fallacy, -The dictum
to stop eating because you have indigestion
has long since been exploded. Dr, Von Stan's
Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era in
the treatment of stomach troubles. It has
proved that one may eat his 011 of anything
and everything he relishes. and one tablet
taken after the meal will ald the stomach in
doing its work. 80 to a box, ;l.i cents. -24
:School alarm Preached.
Iter. E. 11. Saunders, pastor of the
Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shi-
loh, N. J., was taken suddenly ill last
Saturday, and members of tire con-
gregation wore at a loss for some-
one to act as substitute. The Church
was well filled when i'3iss Mary
Dixon, a popular teacher in the Pub-
lic school there, walked up into the
pulpit and delivered an excellent ser-
mon. So acceptably slid ills Dixon
preach that her many friends are ad-
vising her to abandon her profession
as school -teacher and enter the min-
To prove to you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh -
hors what they think Wit, it You can use it and
get your money back if not cured. 60c a box, at
all dealers or EDMA Sov,BATEs & Co.,Toronto,
DrrChasers Ointment
Little Insects Go to Bed Like Human
Au ant hill, you know, is made of
an entrance hole.
Of course ants go to bed, and if
you watch them you may see them
do it.
At night the ants take these peb-
bels in their, mouths and, carrying
tiny pebbles, which are piled about
them to the nope pile tneu build them
upon the other, as men build a wall.
After the hole is filled up, except
one tiny place at the top, the last
ant crawls in and with her head
pushes sand up against the hole from
the inside, time stopping it up en-
tirely'. Then all night not an ant
will be seen, but about 8 o'clock
next morning, if one looks very close-
ly, one may see a pair of tiny feel-
ers thrust out through the chinks
between the stones. Then an ant
pushes ita way Out and begins to
carry the pebbles away. Just be-
hind the first comes another, and
another, until the whole fam]ly comes
journeying out. But an ant floes
not sleep through the whole night;
she takes a nap two or three hours
long. , +,
She does not have to undress, but
whenever she gets tired she lies down
, On the ground, curls her six legs
close up to her body' and goes to
sleep so soundly;' that you could brush
her with a feather without waking
When She has had her sleep out
she gets up, stretches her legs and
yawns, just as you or might do.
Then she washes herself carefully all
After that she is ready foe her
day's work again, and a busy day
she has, too --tending the babies,
making new rootns or getting food
for the big family:
Minard's Liniment cures. Colds, et.,
That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure
When Other Means Fail.
Mr. J. J. Perkins Disabled by Kidney
Pains, )binds Newt Health in the
Great Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Tyndall, Blau., Nov. 2.-(Special).-
AiI over Manitoba and the Territor-
ies people aro telling of benefits re-
ceived from the use of Dodd's Kidney.
Pills, and this place furnishes a strik-
ing example of how they will cure
when all other means have failed, in
the person of Mr. J. J. Perkins.
"Dor two years I was troubled
with my kidneys," Mr. Perkins says.
"I got so bad that the doctor at-
tending me declared me incurable.
"At times, I had such severe pains
in my back that I thought I would
have to give up hopes and die. I
was unable to work and was becom-
ing destitute.
"One day a friend asked me, 'Have
you ever tried Dodd's Kidney Pills?'
I answered 'No,' and he persuaded
me to try them.
"The first box made me feel like
a new man ; five boxes cured me
completely. Dodd's Kidney Pills
saved my life."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid-
neys. Sound Kidneys take all im-
purities out of the blood. Thus
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma-
tism, Sciatica, and other diseases
caused by uric acid in the blood.
One Sided Mutual Admiration.
Household Ledger.
He -Let's form a society for mutual
admiration. I, for instance, admire
your beautiful eyes. And what do
you admire in me?
She -Your good taste.
I was very sick with Quinzy and
thought I would strangle. I used
!S ENARD'S LINIMENT, and it cured
me at once. I am never without it
Yours gratefully,
Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21.
Our Reward.
Toronto Telegram,
To think of being treated thus,
when all through the South African
war this large -hearted generous
country raised hay and sold It to
the empire at market prices.
Ora Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder
is a Catarrh Cure that Cures
Colds and Catarrh.
Actually, positively, indisputably, irrefutably
Cures Colds and Catarrh!
Not always with first application, although
even that invariably brings relief in 10
But it Cures, it Cures Colds and Catarrh I
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills cure Liver Ills.
40 doses 10 cents 10
An Advertising Age.
Philadelphia Record.
" They who believe most in news-
paper publicity," says Printer's Ink,
"are they who have proved it most."
In speaking of the elements of suc-
cess in business, recently, one of the
Leading merchants of America de-
clared that "the courage to advertise
persistently and to the extent of his
ability" is indispensable in the case
of the man who desires to succeed.
Neglect a cough and contract
Cu t' The Lung Tonic
sur •j tSion
cures consumption—
but don't leave it too long.
Try it now.
Your money back if it doesn't
benefit you.
Prices 25c., 50c., and $1.00
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. ■
Too Rich to be 0 ross-eyed.
Boston Transcript.
Tate -Oh, no, Miss Mintner is not
cross-eyed, but she is only, affect-,
ed by strabismus.
y-Well, wltiet's the difference,
Tate -Man alive ! Aren't you aware
that Miss Mintuer's father is a rich
Minard's Liniment cures Distem-
Toronto Star.
There Was a Sire in the residence
Of Mr. 13rugg yesterday and the fire-
men went to the Bogs; house.
Row to Minister to a Mind Diseased
and a Body Fatigued.
On the authority of a medical con-
temporary we are bidden to believe
that Shakespeare was entirely wrong
when he questioned the power^ to
minister to a minds diseases. Care
It was, according to the old adage,
that kilted the cat, and though sur-
geons may skilfully patch up our de-
ficiencies and repair the most alarm-
ing bodily damage, yet lot worry
afflict our minds and trouble weigh
down our souls and, so we generally
believe, there is no balm or medicine
that will help us. however, the medi-
cal mind thinks otherwise nowadays,
and as we can grapple with once
dread diseases in a wonderful fash-
ion, SO, too, can we keep worry from
assuming inflammatory symptoms
and weakening our mental fibre, if
we only follow the advice given and
take it In time. What, then, is the
patient to do ? The course of treat-
ment is simplicity itself and involves
no Inconvenience. One of the first
steps, it seems, is to get quite clear
of sympathizers ancl advisers, and
seek solitude. Having insured this, a
complete change en raiment into easy,
"comfy" garments aro advised ; then
the patient must "curl up" into a
thoroughly restful position, shut the
eyes, draw in and then exhale long,
deep breaths quite quietly, and, hey
presto! black Care will softly and
silently vanish away, or, at all
events, its victims will be able to
get up and helve a hand-to-hand
struggle with it.
REMEMBER that Allen's Lung Balsam does
not merely put the nevres to sleep. It gets
to the root of she trouble and so cures even
deep-seated affections of the throat and
Sample of Scotch Coolness,
N. Y. Tribune.
H. L. Doherty, the English tennis
champion, was complimented one
day at Newport upon his coolness
in play, "Yes, I mlanage to keep
cool;' said Mr, Doherty, " but I
fancy I should do better if I had
Scotch blood in my veins.'
The young man then told a story
illustrative of Scotch coolness un-
der trying circumstances. '"A num-
ber of Seats." he said, "were work-
ing on a 15 -story building. One,
up near the roof. lost his foothold
and fell. But even in hfis swift de-
scent through the air he remain-
ed quite cool and calm. In fact,
as he shot past a friend, on the
twelfth story he sang `Out, 'Eh,
Saundy, sic a fall aa I shall hae.' "
In Going to New York
Be sure that your tickets read via Grand
Trunk and LehighYalley route of the "Black
Diamond Express," This is the direct and
best route from all Canadian points. By this
route baggage is nowchecked inbondand from
Canadian points.The Lehigh Valley hasthree
stations in New York, up town near alt first-
class hotels, and down town near all Euro-
pean steamship docks, saving passengers for
Europe a long and expensive transfer. Sonure
your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert
8. Lewis, Canadian Ynsbenger Agent, 33
Yongo street, Toronto, Ont.
7.111e Minister's ister's Reply.
Detroit Times.
It Ls said that a Hillsdale minister
'who goes to church from his home in
a carriage on Sundays received an
anonymous letter recently calling his
attention to the fart that the Lord
never rode to church in a carriage.
The minister read the letter from the
pulpit and then said ;
"If the writer will come to me next
Sunday, properly saduled and bridled.
I will be glad to follow the Lord's ex-
ample, and come to church as He en-
tered the city of Jerusalem."
A Veteran's Story. gleorge Lewis, of
Shamokin, Pa., writes: "I am eighty years
of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh
for fifty years, and in my time have used a
great many catarrh cores, but never had any
relief until I used Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder. One box cured me completely."
0 cents. -25
Couldn't- Trust the Bishops.
Once Lord Salsbury was going out
to lunch one rainy day, when his
secretary ran after him with an um-
brella which he had forgotten. The
premier rejected it, saying, "Ne, no ;
I've lost too many at the Athenaeum
already. You can't trust those bish-
ops I"
The Old Reliable Remedy
for Spavins, Ringbones, Splints,
Curbs and alt forms of Lameness. The
use of a single bottle may double the selling
price of your horse.
DR. a, 5, KENDALL CO.,
Dear Sirs •- Cniistoa, N,M„ Junc t�. r9ox,
1 have been using your Kendatra Spavin Curc for some
time. I use from twelve to fifteen bottles a week and Bad
it as excellent remedy for Spavins. 6weenoy, Galin
and all Cuts and Swellings. I Lave two hundred
head nclose sax stamp (or your "Treatise on rho 'Horse
and his Diseases."
Yours very truly, 11. W. LAIRD.
Thousands of Men reportually good or rm.
porter results from its use. Prep 51; six for $ei.
As a liniment for familyne ft has no equal. ask
your druggist for Kends -11's Stavin cure, Kew
' A Treatise on the Horse," this Book .fres, er
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolerti
nor the surface off linens,
Ask for the Octagon Bar. ask
Happiest Day Before the Wedding.
Boston Globo.
The 01d Mean -Well, my lad, I wish
you every possible happiness, and I
assure you, as a ,man of experience,
that you will always look back upon
today as the happiest day of your
The Young Illan-I am very much
obliged, sir, for your good wishes,
but -you are a little mistaken. It
is not till to -morrow that I am to
be married.
The 01d Mian -yes, I• know. That's
what I mean.
Minard's Liniment cures
t heria.
Pity the Overfed Mian.
Atchison. Kan.. Globe.
The women should complain less,
about their lot in life. After they
have eaten a big Sunday dinner they
have to bustle around and do the
dishes, and this activity is good for,
their health. A man, having no
dishes to do, gets sluggish sitting
around and becomes miserable. We!
.fear that the women do not arpreci-
ate all their advantages over the
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34
The Neighbor's Hope.
Philadelphia Ledger,
"l'mn the dealer in pianos, ma'am,'
said the man at the door.
"But I don't want anything," re-
plied thn lady. "I have a piano."
"Yes'm ; the man next door said he(
hoped I could induce you to sell it."
Minard's Liniment cures Garget In
The fellow who has nothing of im-
portance to say generally man-
ages to -say it at great length.
ISSUE 'NO. 45, 1903
]iElre. wiaslagrs boothing 8_yrnp should
always be used for Children Teething. IL
soothes tma ohlld, softens theguma, cures
colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
meats pogood swages, DnS.lPerrin &1�Co,
Limited, London, Ont.
21. all or at time
1n every loci li y.ast If you arre mating $es2O.00
per week don't write us. We only guarantee
512.00, though some of our representatives
ari making "Thirty." Of course, they are
hustlers, that is the kind we want, we have
the goods that sell fast. If you want to
make money write us a Post card quicir,
quick. The J. L. Nichols no., Limited, Tor-
onto, Canada. (Mention this paper.)
Whether for immed-
iate or future consider-
eration our prices for
Copper Plate Engrav-
ing are worthy of
For instance, we en-
grave a plate like this
for $C.00.
From the plate we print
zoo choicest quality cards
for $I.00.
The "plate" will last a lifetime.
Write for a copy of our
new handsomely illustra-
ted catalogue, ready Nov.
z5th. On request we will
send it to any address
free of cost.
118, 120, 122 and 124
Yonte 51-., Toronto
Too Green.
Toronto Telegram.
Uncle Sam would invite Lord Alver-
stone to make a triumphal tour of
the U. S. A., only he is afraid his
lordship might blow out the gas.
Your money
tuck if
Gin Pills do
not care.
D zzi ess I Do you find yout-
dt �i �7 a self subject to sud-
den attacks of dizziness with black spots floating
before the eyes? It
Means Kidney Trouble
and that you require Ginn Pills. The best
known remedy for all forms of Kidneytrouble,
Gin Pills will Cure you.
They act promptly and do their work thoroughly. All
druggists So cis. per box, 6 boxes for $ase or direct from
The Bolo Drug Co., Winnipeg. H.
;ti.cp, ss,4 h �:�:�r a z 7�' •L'AV
Why Not Buy by Mail ?
'Whether you require Silverware or Cut Glass for the table,
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You Can Save Money
By Ordering from X's
Send for our New Illustrated Catalogue, giving
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17" a u po -rO V O 0.a '
To protect your loved ones to the best of your ability.
will furnish you with an insurance from $500 to $2000, at as low a cost as Is
consistent with safety.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Is thoroughly reliable.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Is purely Canadian,
Tho Canadian Order of Chosen Frlende is registered.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Frien's is growing rapidly.
TThe Ce anadian Order of Chosen en Friends
2G Councils.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has 5400,000 surplus.
.JJ Di 1 Pa N 0'AA,. Local members, show this ltd. to your friends. If
you are not a member, full information will be furnished by writing to
W, F. MONTAGUE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, or
W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand Organizer, Hamilton.
Our Parlor Brands -
Our Sulphur Breads
by using any one of
Is ensured EVERY time
those brands :: .•
Dealers Every when,