HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-23, Page 5i Th'e Zurich Herald. WITH EEERINGI BINDER :fit- *--ANT.'— ' tiAYES Ifo WILL BE A PLE S Call and get our prices. J. F. Rickbeil, s, ;:aurich. NURNIFMTWIMMIMITMTS • Buy no Other. �-,-. Use no Other. --+ G'27'.A.R.�.NT�;= made from No. a Monitoba wheat MORE BREAD BETTER BREAD CHEAPER BRED Made by one of the best Mills in Ont. International Stock Foods. Imperial Stock Food. Breakfast Foods. Any Food for Man or Beast. C. SCRAG, ��pp�}�(�'�/�,�n������//�,�n�,����,(�Z�u���r��i/ch, ��On,nntp.�� lI�k�iSY41(YYYLL41yYllyYuv-.�.'Q�QI�!!!(YYY![YYYJf 'The People's Store. fall anb Winter Greeting J. D. lIeR net Prod). iIII a OUR FALL STOCK is jnsyo hand. It is one of the largest and most up-to-date we have ever had at this season of the year and includes -DRESS GOODS. - in all qualities, colors and prices. SOUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT1 is now open and customers can rely on getting the host fashionable goods at the very lowest prices. 0"Z.7 MB =9 7.7Rs are new, Stylish and cheap ; we don't blow much -better call and see them. We always carry fullllines in Mens' Furnishings —AS WELL AS— ' Ready-made Clothing, ,And are considered the proper place to get GENTLEMENS' ORDERED SUITS, at much lower prices than charged, in cities and towns, for the same class of goods and workmanship. •1s Our Grocery Department is fully stocked. with every requite in that line and the prices are as low as it is possible to make them. WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES Ribbons, Lases, Small -mares, and Ladies' and Gents notions always in stook. and the prices are right in all cases. Produce takers, in exchange at market prices, Give tts a call—all are wel- come apt .ME 'NER'S. HENSALL. Special to THE HErtALD. Mr. George McEwen, M; P.. was home for a fevt* days and returned to Ottawa on Monday evening. - Mr. and,Mrs, Sellery, of Kincar- dine, were visiting their son, Dr. Sellery for a few days. Mils. A. Lewis and child are visit- ing Clinton, friends for two weeks, Mr. A. 'McKinnon, druggist of Tiverton, visited Dr. Cawthorne last weep, and they spent Sunday at the Doctor's home in Themsford. Mr. W. Kemp and Mr,.. Phillips, of Seaforth, were. home for the holiday. Mr. Wells. of Mitchell, drove over on Thursday to see his old friends. Miss Hilda Beek, who has .been in Mitchell for some time, is visit- ing her mother. On Thiu•sclay morning servic was held in the Methodist church Dr. Medd. the pastor presiding English Capital for Soo Company. Toronto, Oct. 14... -,Senator Da�n- durand, of Montreal, and Jas..Con- mee, M. P. P., of Port Arthur. arrived in Toronto this morning and registered at the King Edward. Then came Mr. Francis H. Clergue, and Mr, E. V, Douglas, of Philadel- phia, who had journeyed from New York to meet.the gentlemen. The result of the meetingwas,that after a brief conference Senator Dan- durand was handed all the neces- sary documents to complete the sale of the assets of the Lake Superior Consolidated Company to his English clients. Senator Dan- durand will almost immediately leave for England to place the matter before the English capital- ists who desire to purchase the works. The terms of sale are subject to ratification by the pros- pective purchasers, who are the e , Vickers Maxim Company and the I Armstrongs. ,I Rev. Mr. Doherty, B. A., of th Episcopal church preached an ap propriate sermon. e 1 London, Oct. 7.4.—The arbitra- - tion treaty between Great Britain and France was signed here today by Foreign Secretary Lansdowne On Friday evening there wa held the first regular meeting o the Miller Carriage Co., limited and the shareholders could no agree on a site for the buildings being divined into two factions, Mr. H. Arnold, of the Sovereie: Bank, Toronto, was home for th holiday. On Tuesday Dr. Campbell was in the. village and had to leave hi horse here as it was very ill. Mr. J. Patterson's boy was un- fortunate enough.to break his arm. Mr. Hopper,our popular druggist, has put on the market a cough remedy of real merit, linseed, licorice and aniseed—money re- funded if you say that it did no good. Mrs. J, C. Stoneman bad a short visit from her parents, last week. On Wednesday evening a meet- ing was held in the Episcopal church. under the auspices of the Lord's Day Alliance. fand the French Ambassador, M. Carbon. t, Ottawa, Oct. 14.—Canada's for- , i eign trade has started magnificent- ly on its career of expansion for n the fiscal year 1903-04. The aggre- e gate value for the quarter ending Sept. 30 reached a total of $133,758, 124, which was 21,506,588 more than for the saute period last year. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD. Miss Ellen Bell left last week to visit her sister Mrs. H. Christmas, in St.. Thomas, for a few weeks. Master Albert Hey has been somewhat indisposed for the last few weeks with an attack of neur- algia—hope he will soon•be alright again. Quite a number from here drove to Dashwood on Monday evening and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Fassold, it being • Mrs.. Fassold's birthday. A very enjoyable time was spent. Miss Annie Hey spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. Farmers are all busy taking up their roots. The weather is favor- able. for that work these last fete days, so stick to your job, boys. Mr. and Mrs. J. Decher spent Sunday with friends in Hensall. A few from here attended the funeral of Mrs. W1n. Schatz, on the 14th con., on .rnesday. Miss Laura Horner. of Drysdale, was visiting her cousin, Miss Annie Hey, for a few days last week. Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly around here. A'woman means what. she says till she says it. Farming For Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no Iong•er used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN'S market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE 'SIN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send THE •WEEti;LY Stn from now to lst January, 190,5, in combination with The Weekly Herald, for $i,50, SITj3SCItIBE NOW SAXPI,1J FOIL THE AMONG. Chance to Join a CIub That Will ?Sake and Save IIloney f For ou. g Everybody should join the Mutual Literary lid sic Club of America. There Is nctbing else like it anywhere. It costs almost loathing to join and the benefits itgives are wonderful. It enables you to purchase booksand periodicals, music and musical duoed rates atmeany hotels.pIt answers questions free of charge. It offers scholarships and value. ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in ninny cities for its members. In addition, every member receives the official magazine eats• tied •• Ev'ry Month'' a publication in a class by itself, including 6 pieces of high-class vocal and in• strumental music (full size) each month without extra chargge• 72yieces in one year in all. YOU CAN GET ALL O5' THESE BENEFITS FOR. ,AL- MOST NOTHING. The full yearly membership fee is OneDollar for which you get all above, and you may with- draw any time within three months if you want to do so and get your dollar bask. If you don't care to spend $1.60, aend 25 cents for three months membership. Nobody can afford to pass this offer by. Yon will get your money back in value many times over. Full particulars willbo sent free of charge, but if you are wise you will send in your request for membership with tho proper fee at once. The 25 eta. three months mem• bership offer will soon change. write at once ad. dressing your letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership or twenty-ilve cents for three months to 3IIITFAL LITERARY MIMIC CLUB No. 150 Nassau St.. N. 7r. Otiy. FARM FOR SALE. In the Township of Stanley,being lot 20, South Boundary, containing 96 acres, more or less. All cleared but about 2 acres. It is situated 2y, miles from, the village of Zurich and 6 miles from Kippen Station. There is a good comfortable house on the premises, as well as two bank barns and other necessary outbuildings, well supplied with water, well fenced and otherwise in good condition. For further particulars apply to JAMES ESLER, lm -p Blake P. O. NOTICE! (1 OMMENCING AUGUST FIRST, 'V will adopt the CASH SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. 2a' All Old Accounts owing me must he settled by the FIRST DAY OF SEP- TEMBER. JOHN SCHAFER., Butcher, Zurich• DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up- to-date p-to-date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTA KIN Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Melsaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO ireff 4110AI ''.oelit of t7Po•an =ray .0.r. „ 9l±ioelSqri11 Dl'bIR x n1nl't1TP JC NA.tvl; ulaselp pipeejds u7fuiroid'p ATal �8'pus'dleps pun slay 443 of VAlWail:Iu}soasex pinoi a,efl ;nPaepuom 3'peapul's 3I 'ouoF7 Sfuol : aoJ ac: lJt_ 'R s,sady ppsb'Anti I„ •s.'caA Og aoi pros 'Artois alogns atl3 sip q; 'ileq Jo speag rfJl'neaq sawn n Joau aleH s,Joicy dpastord aq 30U 0$10?IA SUM • •. Ages nay'" *op noA asanoo Jo dJleq gloouls 'kAaag 'Iasi' alp! no ocr 1,uop no as.inoo Jo daleq ',toys 'Ono.' .rnoA no oQ Notice. THE HENSALL BRASS SAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CIiAS. LINDER, leader, or Mr. A. McKAY, Secy., Hensel', Ont. OEifAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have• lJ a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MABEL & BENDER, Zurich, FARM FOR SALE - The undersigned offers his choice 100 - acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, 2i- miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to 6-3mp JAcon MEYER, Zurich P. O. ho has a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY KIND GET YOUR TIRES RESET ON ONE OF HENDERSON'S Tire Setting Machines q - a r ,r �• 4- a It sets them Cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of TO -heels just Right It does the work Perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work, but tires are reset accurately and quickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in prac- tical operation, the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited. All work thoroughly war- ranted. John Weseloh, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, • Zurich, Ont Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN terns 50 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESioNs COPYRIGHTS &Cr Anyone sending a sketch and description may tallowy ascertain our opinion tree whether an invention is probably patentable. Cammunlaa- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on E'atehta sant free. Oldest a oney for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn St Co. receive spetta/ 2lottte, without charge, 10 tho Scientific American. .A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest sir. C'r'oon of any scientific journal. Terms. $8 a Year; four months, U. Sold by all newsdealers. MCUNN & Co 3610roadway, New York Branch Office,. d"`.` `.' St, washinatolo D. C.