The Herald, 1903-10-16, Page 8t t :s p tht Pal bac till; mut; hrn,s and, p rom bo'tz reaE yr, , bis • Wer 'Ft;llh The Zurich Herald.' j. ti. WISHER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zutith Carriage UR©1t he. BUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished. See us before you buy. It will be to your interest. BUGGIES 7. NESS & SON, Zllrich, Qlltarig Kai fe sch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing Bono to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills I4th Con., Lot 25. 3. C. Kathfleisch Zurich P. 0. Just Arrived T h e " ALMA " SIL K GUARD, for Ladies, ( Complete with Vold I3angle'i and Snap, up-to-date Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A COLL7R BUTTON ? ( 1 have the Bullet top Buttons 1, in sets of four Price 20 cets. per set. watc1ics, Ginn, hum, P1tc, 11UM31CAT, Cit,O1)S.•-•-PBICES RIGHT. .• W. HESS (140g#1.48 CONTINUED-) The Marconi wireIess telegraph system is not in it with a young wheel -man on the Parr line 2X miles from Zurich, having, he said, left home at 8.80 on Monday even- ing and arrived here at 8.15 thus covering the distance in no time and having fifteen minutes to spare besides. Nothing slow about him. Mr. David Bender left last week, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bender, for Illinois to take a, situa- tion, and remain there. Thus, one by one, we are losing our young men. Daviel is a steady, -hard- working young fellow, and THE HERALD wishes him success in his new home and a prosperous career through life. Messrs. Schafer and Youngblut had a very unpleasant time on Monday last. They were engaged in driving to the slaughter -house a couple of fat heifers, purchased from Mr. Fred Schroeder, of the Bronson line, when the animals became fractions and started to run, going through, a wire fence several tinges and retracing their steps on road covered so often as be not only provoking, but -weari- some to the gentlemen named. They finally succeeded in landing one at the objective point, but were too tired to attempt to bring in the other, which in spite of all their efforts, escaped and went back to the farm. On Friday last, Master Orland Johnston, youngest son of M. R. R Johnston, met with an accident, which, although slight, might easi- ly have resulted in his losing a limb, if not more seriously. In trying to climb into a moving wagon, he got his leg in the spokes of the wheel and was being /carried up by its revolution, when his cries attracted the attention of the driver, Mr. Schnetler, who took in the situa- tion at a glance and stopped the team instantly, but not half a se- cond too soon, as the limb had already become pretty tightly *nutted, and some effort was re- quired to extridate him from his perilous position. At first it was thought the limb was broken but it proved only a severe bruise, to the great gratification and thankful ness of his parents, as well as broth- ers and sisters. He was only confin- ed to the house four or five days. LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. The sufferer from nervous ex- haustion is generally blue and dis- couraged. He looks on the dark side of things and fears paralysis, locomotor ataxia or insanity. All this is changed by .,.the 'persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which gradually and naturally rekindles and revitalizes the wasted nerve cells and instils new vigor and energy into the whole system. A man carrying a mortgage gene- rally has more than he can lift. War is nothine- more nor less Hita 5QRRiEN Special to Tan 11IERALD: : Mr. R. Jarrot and wife, of Hens stt 1 spent Sunday at Mr, C.Troyer's here. Mr. James Hagan Sr. has purch- ased a new Williams' Piano from Mr. H. Well. of Zurich. The in- strument is one of the best in the n'igborhood. ,A number from here attended the Union Thanksgiving Service, in the Presbyterian Church, at Kip - pen. Miss Hattie Dignan spent Sunday. in our burg. Some of the citizens in our town have disposed of over $60 worth of cranberries and still have some on hand, for their own use. How's that for a record ? Mr. Peter Becker has killed over twenty hawks this summer. He is certainly a public benefactor and should receive a bonus from the Government or municip ality. Arne, and Levi Stelch spent Sun- day at the fourteenth. 1Ir. Louis Soldan, of Michigan, was visiting friends here in the ear- ly part of the week, Enforcing the Fruit Marks' Act. The Inspectors of the Dominion Fruit Division are now devoting special a ttention to the enforcement of the Fruit Marks' Act. Several prosecutions Have taken place in Ontario, all of which resulted in convictions, and severel are now pending in Nova. Scotia. These are mainly for marking inferior fruit No.l. ;although there is sneh a large amount of first class fruit in the country packers still persist in try- ing to palm, off inferior fruit as No. 1. Mr. W. A. MacKinnon, Chief of the Fruit Division, says that retail- ers are beginning to understand the scope of the act mach better than formerly, and appear well aware of the existence of the law and of the fact that it is being enforced by inspectors. They also understand the fact that it is at the disposal of any private citizen. A prosecntion is now pending in Toronto by a private citizen against a retaiTer who is said to have disclaimed responsibility. Only a single basket is involved but it is clear that if individuals do not protect them - solves in the case of single baskets, they are not likely to do so at all, as ninety per cent of their purchas- es are of single basket's. It will be the policy of the Department to• hold the retailers more strictly to account in the future for -the pack ages of fruit which they pass on the public. If the retailers do not themselves complain when they find dishonest packing it is because they are trilling to share in the fraudulent profit. Of course the original packer will always be pro- secuted when he can be discovered, but that will not excuse the re- tailer. Q. toe.Greb • • • For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass Ware Sherwin=Williams and Hollywood PAINTS Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials The Famous LA FENCE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceiv d with -a Fence liachine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON • ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND OH ZURICH, There Was Money Found At our Corner. And if y'ou come inside of our Shop you will .find more We will sell the Balance of Summer shoes at cost And below Cost. You will find money in them if you buy. We must Sell them to make room for our new Fall Stock. P. BENDER & Co. Zuirieh. Eggs tt, ken in exchange for Goods. STOVES. N111141tiRL[QI.12111.4.0:IM74.9130741 51 22.,`S VIZI :+, x.=24 o you need A Cook. Stove Fut This Fall 1,111P IL/1AV E T ! Wo 's Triftuto + WOOD OR COAL than glorified and dignified murder. 1 fE . BURN Born. HoFFm aN.--At Zurich. Sept. 29th, the wife of Mr. W. Hoffman, of a daughter. FISItER.—At the Goshen line. Hay, Oct. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Fisher, a sen. Sale Register. Sale of Stock, Implements, etc., on lot 18, con. 8, Hay Tp., on Tues- day, Oct. 20. The property of the late Mr. John Koch. Sale at one o'clock p. in. Jno. Woseloh and Hy. Weseloh, Executors. Auction Sale of. Farm Stock, - Im- plements and Household effects, on lot 5, L. R west, Sauble line, Hey Tip, on Monday, Oct 26th, at one o'clock lt. m. The property of. Mrs. Matilda, Cantin. E. Bossonherry, auctioneer. Unreserveii. Auction Sale of Farm Stock, implements, tato., ori lot 18, con. 10, Hay, on Thursday. Ort. 22nd, 1003. Tho property of -Mr. 7 Abraham (eei '•car. who is +'('tiring • THi~ jEWELER. • from farming. Ed. Bas::enberry, au tioneerr. W. NT 1 A. pion trt rt'lnrsnt '' C.:• z,a'o.t'te• (sl'r r,.rr N ("stagl1iS" sit thp town. of t;l, 1..tI('l1. and siltronneling coun- try, and take ordeal for Auction Sale el' Farm Stock thug Tul1)lamontA, no lot 1;', 0(10, 8, Hay. Township. Parr line, on Pridy, eth. The property of Mr. Enoch Parker. E:1. Boss iberry, auc- tioneer. Our Hardy Specialties MARKETS In F i'nit Trees, hall I'rilli:s,. Ornamentals. Shrubs, Roses, V'ine:4, Seed Potatoes, &c, Stock trim to mono and free from ;;an Jose.. heal°, ,A permanent ilo.sii.len to the . right nine on either salary 01' commission. Stolae & We Iisagton, PONTITILL Nt51i:1E1t1F;S, nvn.t. lit;() ,te a ns, TORONTO, - ONTARIO. ;3-•n1, fl W O f/ I 4tan . aIlZl `E ADOPTED. THE CASH. System, all accounts Inuit be maid by ,Sept, 1st, �y C. ,SCIx ib i (i. Flour and I'oocl, Zurich. Br. Cia o's BeEriedies -4* A t Rock -bottom °e . Showing bow these great family medicines wilt the confidence of tits people, ruts! .e tab]tshtttertisclvcsiathe l:azncs. %ras. Jorrx 1•i pagm.l., J35 Victoria Street, London, Ont., states: --"For years 1 suffered a great deal with catarrlfin the head. I tried everything I could hear of for it, but it remain,•: for Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure to cure me. Tht.ugh entirely freed from catarrh, I was•left in a nervous and tun down condition and then -began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which has built up my system, strengthened my • nerves and made me strong and well. We have also used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine in our family for coughs and Colds, and nei'er knew it to fail to cure these ail- ments," . . • Mrs.Vvorrall Dr. Chase's family medicines have proven their right to a place in every house, and have cause to be considered Indispensable. To protect you a;,atinst imitations the portrait and signature of l.>r. A. W. Chasev the famous receipt book author, are on. every box of his remedies. ,4; `Mie Chance to awe. aT. e1h.; '.''l :the and Save BXene. for •Blains. —^� p i:re1 b•uly should jointhe mutual Literary 101. n'tc Club of America, There 1s nothingOne Me it anywhere. 11 coats almost fot to tooin and 1110 btme'1t , it gIi egalo .tonder:u7, Itenable,' you to Revised every '1"liiir>.,llty afternoon. Wh.oat .. T:1 to 7e Oats barley , Peas Flour ................1 75 1 ••' 5 Butter . 1:s 14 • Egg's 1-1. 15 Chickens kens lb 4 5 Ducks . (1 ti' Geese ... 5 5 • Potatoes ............ :lo ao p.xrcincre books andparicdicalg mucic anti musical •7 tl a,lstrnnu nts et special out prices, it secures re- duec,trates atuialryhotels. It answers questions :( .111 free of Charge. It offers Scholarships and valua- ble coal] 1 r i^,•s to members. It. maintains club roorne to h 077 elites ter Its tnnnibers. In addition, every err, n1 her receives the e •itelat magazine euti. tied ' 1,+u'"'r month.) a publication in a class by itself il.cl ucl nc 0 pieee5 of high -claw vocal andin- sirumentai nru;lc(rutl size) each mouth without extra charge; 'a nieces in oneyear in ail. YOU (itt1'1 GMT ATA, od' TS ISE 1 pN11:li'its POP Ax, - HOST r oniurG„, Tito full.yeara membership fee is Otte Dollar for Which you gel) all aa ,,Dove, and your enoy'cvtth. draw 101111 t1rne n' it ztla three r enths it you want to 10 se and get; •eltte doitag hack.. If you don't Care to apt act 1.00, send 25 CCM is lOr ere° menthnmembership. Nobody can 01001'1 tt.v ane thin otter by, You Will ]tet your money baolt in vacuo m5111 times over. Pull particutar5 will bo sunt frac of charge, but if you are wise you Will send In your request Yoe lnemborslnfp with tiro proper tee at once. The25 etsa, three months morn. rersh(p°Norwilt soon ahaniar, Write at once ad- year's letter and enclosing 41.00 for full, year's relnbcrahip or tWanty aVe cents ger throe, m messfha to 11117T17r&7L ,salt 711 iJt.3t'ft /WAY..`U.di (ovum o. 25O Pga.sa4ara st., ,r1. cuss ITL+ NSALL MARKETS. TS. Wheat , i 0 to 72 'Oats.... , :30 32 Barley , .... 40 ' • 40 Peas 05 - 75 Flour .. .2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) Ler cwt. , 4,85 5.35 r,.31 ( 1.'2.:e0 BS'e [n Heating Stoves we have them Iu Ful Lines. Robes, Blankets, Haters, rugs etc. T Right Price.,< 4. t. .,..4 f Our Harness are counted the best. Once a Customer always a Customer. C. ARTLEM 'x`1ae Biigt Hardware and Harness House. Zurich, tOv ¢is e,Q� NJb �00 e 51(140.)a(1?' AUTUMN D RES . GOS 1 � G Lo PT is 0[ a F., are proud to be able' to invite you Ad to examine our large variety of New - Goods. We do not hesitate in stating tigat it is the best and largest variety shown by US. Wise .buyers will knot by c'on ing early they get best choice. Prices i`angi:ng f:l.'om 1() cents to $1..2:3. Ont' Waist Goods are complete. W( wish to draw your attention to our Drop Ornaments and Sectional Trim- ming , and Pearl gluttons --a largo var- iety.. ar-iety. D. ST.TN.BA,