HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-16, Page 6is CANADIANS IN CUICAQO, One Rlundred and Thirty Thousand of :Them are There, OF HIS TROD Tfie Canadians living in Chicago come numerically •fLfth in the list of forty different nationalities that make up the population of the Windy City. In proportion of their numbers they have fewer societies of a distinctly national character than any other people. They de- vote their attention in this regard principally to "Old Boye" " lanlons; These organizations periodically visit the places their members are from, notably, Toronto, Hamilton and London. In Chicago, there are French, English; Irish and Scotch Canadians. The French) Canadians are in the lead and keep in closer touch with' their native province than any others. They preserve their Ianguage as well as their re- ligion. The Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Chicago and the Coadju- tor Bishop of the Protestant Epis- copal Church are both Canadiaus. .According to the last census 1- 1836925 persons of Canadian birth are resident in the United States, and of these 130;000 are settled in Chicago. On the other hand, Chi- cago has sent to Canada in ex- change fully one-half or the num- ber she borrowed from this side of the line. STRUCK THE ROOT CLOCK KINDLES THE FIR/. Automatic Device Welch is a Blessing BLE to the Early Riser. An automatic fl,re kindler ,tbe opt Brat on of which is regulated by; aq ordinary alarm oiock, will doubtless appeal to every) person whose duties James Atwell Cured His Kidneys 13y using Dodd's Kidney Pills. And his L4urnbago and Urinary Trou- bles Vanished once and for all—Ile Tells llis Story. Campbellford, Ont., Oct. 12..--(Speo- lal)—That Urinary Troubles and Lum- bago are the result of disordered Kidneys has been proved by James Atwell, of this plane. He had Lum- bago and pains in the bladder, and in passing his urine would hurt him so as to almost cause tears to come to hie eyes. He cured his Kidneys by using Dodd's Kidney Pills and his pains of all kinds vanished. Speaking of his case, Mr. Atwell says: "I think Dodd's Kidneys Pills made a permanent cure in my case, but I will never be without them in the house. I had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble fpr year s. I tried other medi- cines and a bandage prescribed by i.be doctor, but I could get no re - /Forests in Worts of Fiction lief till I used° Dogd'e Kidney Pills Springfield gepublirau, and they cured me." ' If the disease is of the Kidneys or It is stated tbat nine of the most ` from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney successful recent novels aggregated : Pi11s will cure it, a sale of 1,600,000 copies and the :. paper whicb these books were print- Feel's Vfeiirit.'` ed on was made from pulp for the most pert. Now, pulp paper means the destruction of mane trees in the great forests of the north, and prob- ably 5,000 were sacrificed for these novels. It would have been better to have left 4,999 of the trees standing and out the other one into a com- posite modern agony,'. , Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc Sunsh ine. The Open Window. Eiow little it costs, if we give it a thought, To make nappy some heart each day! Jus't onn kind word and a tender As we smile, Perchan go daily a look will suffice to clear Tee cloud from a neighbor's face, And the press of a hand in sympathy A sorrowful tear efface. One walks in su:slight ; another geese All weary is the shade ; One treads a path that Is faf;r tend smooth, • Another must It costs so little! 1 for why We give it so little thought A. smile—kind words—a glance—a touch ! What magic with them le Wrought. "It may be thee e shall ieav name sometimes remembered expressions of good -will in th places which are the abode of whose lot Is to labor and to their daily' bread by the sweat their brow—a name remembered w expressions of good -will, when t shall recreate tbeir exbaus strength with abundant and taxed food, the sweeter because Is no Tenger Ieavened with a se of injustice.".—,Sir Robert Peel. • include getting up early to start the fire n the kjtclleiq stove, this tlesv count staffed apo t' i With rivanoe in a. house it is necessa Upon re fir ng, simply to assemble fuel in the 6t9ye or auyj rirepl connect ati attachment to the el oek and set the latter at any,' requited hour. When the alarm sounds a urinate is ignited, which, commu i eating with an inflammable sub- stance in the stove, range, furnace or grate, immediately starts the fire. By the time the householder or servant is up the fire is burning briskly! and the water boiling. It is claimed that these new de- vices may; be so set that they e iii start fires whenevee, wanted and' blue Irnl,e a ietne thoroughly, heated before theeoccupante stir from their beds. Prom the back of the clock used in connection with the auto- mates fire kindler extends a shaft, on which is mounted a rotary,' fric- tion disk or pulley, the periphery of which is milled or otherwise design- ed to create friction when rotated in contact with a relatively- station- ary! member. By the operation of a pivotal arm, a lug and spring ane ether e,ti echmen s in conrj•ection with the roiary' steak tbis entire ex- ternal mechanism is set in motion when the alarm is released. e a, Instantly a fuse, wltli an easilyi els I ,nitible fulminate at ifs end d tlse ! held .in place in a slat Opening Men' 11 against the friction wheel. Is set e/ern •afire. The, 'lame, properly' • confined of within the 'Metallic' slot, travels; in- ith stantt.y' oven the inflammable sheeted, hey, ovhich is saturated with a free - ted burning ingredient. The clock may rare- be ,set on a near -by' shelf or on the it back of the stove or a furnace pro - nee petiole As even a small and cheap alarm clock may be utilized and as the tube Incased fire strand may be safely controlled, that part of the problem Is very' simple. Moreover, any h kind of kindling substance ordinarily) used may be utilized. The fuse may There Are eery. few cleans ffn- ;ng operations •in which Sunlight! the Soap cannot be used to advant- ace, age. It makes the home bright and clean. IH fur- 20 Tears of 4 Wife Catarr hbe employed merely, to Ignite paper under the regulation kindling wood fire, with coal or cordwood on top. e In such cases action Is similar to that, of a match or rather, of several g' matches Iighted simultaoeouslp and burning longer ;than ordinary etch, matches. i WondetfuETeat) mony to th Curative Powers of Dr. A new's Catarrha5 Powder,, Minn, writes Brown, o 1 havetbeean so sufferef rufro Throat and Nasal Catarrh lor'ever20 years during which time my head ilea been stop 10 minuteand s after usffngtDr. Angqreswadble. Wit •'On.ta rh Powder I obtained relief. Three bottles ha a00nost, I/not entirely, cured me.." • Dr: Agnew's Ointment relieves piles fasfi8tatly, al A' French scientists bas made some ve J Interesting observations as to the love of different wild animeuls for the sea, The polar bear, be sals', Is the only one that takes to the sea, and is quite jolly when aboard chip. .. 1 All others yiolently resect a, trip on water, and vociferously give vent to tie j their feelings until seasickness brimga es, J silence. 'The tiger suffers most of all. The mere sight of a ship makes him ey uncomforttxble, and when on board s lie whines pale:n'1'ly,, his eyes water etentinusaa,l:ly, and lee- au;DO llis stomach with his terrible paws. Horses are ivory bad, sailors;. and often parish. .ore a. sea voyage. Oxen are heroic in their attempts mat to give way rte sickness. Elephants, do not like. Itis sea, bust they erre amenable to pnedicai treatment.. Animals as Sailors. • A Word to Boys. You' Shia' Made to be kind, boys, gen erous, magnartinous, • If 'thieve' is a boy in school w 1 has a cittseoo't don't lot him kno Dear Sirs, -.This is to yen ever ear' it. agge I have been troubled rvitirla� issue clothat If tes, dourt talk .abouthere lee a ref cin h back for fifteen years.qgs in hi hearing. 1 have used three bottles of MIN ARD'S LINe EN •T and ant cods , eotm•e p r' 1n - •ttli gayme that doesn'tt pletely cured. require runniiibti It gives me great pleasure to r -' Lf there is at hrlegree, one give him commend it, and you are at libert Y •rt 01 to use this in any3tYour: Flt For•. the use of way to further° If there is a, del none help him your valuable medicine, ROSS.e I x If there llis its }ji•';rg}ut'•, ane be not Two Rivers. tt rionvio,li,s of hime foe if one boy is neoud of leis tallent,s and another is ...____,........... , i' ebvioug of them; there are two set wroz ig,s and: no' more talent Drinking and Srnokirr than before . E1 alarge sr or' stranger boy has "The prevalent idea that drinking 1 inliired' you and fig So -y for it, for - and 'smoking are companion vices is Iglee him. sell the school will ,show altogether wrong," said a physician, by `their e ountenva.nces, how much who has made a special study of better- it L s than to have a great dipsomania. "I find, on the contrar ' •its H°x ce Zann'. that the. habitual drunkard y,, �,,,,,• of abnormally addicted tohuseof tobaclesser estimul stimulant, when not(so .11e may' use the trongly n a under the influence of alcohol, but when the drink gets firmly in -trench- ed in his system he cares nothing for tobacco, for then it has lost its force and its influence upon Lis eases, nerves. Of course I mean in extreme "On the her and, tithle is a rather curious Tacthatla moderate drinker, case of the the cutting off of its supply' aps I smokes, to- bacco will increase his appetite oealco. firstlithe beverages, will and while at nearly, so much as when hefisctok- in'g•, in the end it will do pim setup. Consequently, it is safe to assume I that the man who alwa.y,'s used liquor' and tobacco In moderation, will, If bne gives up tobacco, take more , strongly to liquor. In fact, this is aro as1uinption; it has been demon- I •strated on numerous occasions."-.- P'hiladephia (Record. Whatever reduces the drudgery of house work is worth having; The New Century Bali lievrtoo,Washer does away with ad1 rano. rubbinge You do not reedy,a to touch the clothes to thorough ly dlnen them and a tub-ful can IA 'done in flue minutes. It is needed .ine ' home and you cannot afford not ro, have it. If your dealer has it a o` us ante see it at once. If note siatrl cu a des - we will be glad to send se criptive booklet. The Doweweil Mfg. Co. ttf ,Hemfltsr 1, Ont. Were the Books Worth it? i �"' ,.., ---. _�` 'Willie's Gone ty School, "Books are made of paper, and al- I though; it is commonly ueposcai that I paper i 1±comae from rags;Chicag11j0'9 rd•Ilernld. of fact most of the paper as a matter Dear little Willie's gone to eche of feet is mit from paper 11sed for left him at the door— sv 1 The baby that his mother had, Blas, is hero no this of course QOe -pnjp, and T;he total s is made from trees. • a.lo of nine p'oPular novels hag -been given ae. 1,670,000 volumes; and, taking the average weight of each as being twenty ounces, we ar- rive at a. total of two million poundsof , fropaper. pi . n average sprn,ce tree, about half a cord iofrwood,maele' wavelets re- presents five hundred which re. s'er, so that the nine nvorks of de of fie- Acan were responsible fd'r' using up no elver than four thousand trees...., !h,anrbor,s' Joerna,}. Glad of the Job. Tornetn Now, Brantford murderer ^'tricte•1 rine rondo la There to • iYiYl meed, it t "n;nra,r„ area willing I His little kilts are put away, His flaxen curls ars shorn. ; His toys lie in the hall to -day, , Neglected and forlorn. Our neighbors' chickens calrnly hunt For bugs and worms and things, Or sun themselves, relieved from fear 01 broken legs or wings, ThAll e dozing eat is cuddled up And out rlpeaeeful heap, Is catehang s steps the pup up on sleep. AhSit . sigli n little mother, Why ''There e,tiic t'+ pensive there v ht In And sweetness in the air. the shy 9seefu1 moments calmly go.. Cottle, come, don't be a fool-- �1 Since 1'y for the teacher, though Willie's gone to school. of WE ARE ALL FAMILIAR with the deep, hoarse r" graveyard cough." It Is the cry of the 'tortured lungs for mercy. Give thein merey ,pn the form of Allen's Lung Balsam. a ,yeplendld remedy for pulmonary trouble. Able to Suggest One r "Ilse hatable body:- said the lee - stirrer in. anatomy, "is the most abso- .,lately perfect machine in existence. It is inconceivable tliiat It could ever be improved upon, when considered in its relation to its environment, and its adapta.billty to. the purposes for which it was created." " With ail ine respect, professor," interrupted the tail, gaunt, spindle-. shanked member of tbe class, " I think I could mention a possible im- provement." " Indeed 1" said the lecturer, visibly nettled at the young man's presunmp- tion. "Pray, what improvement would you suggest, sir 2" I think the shin bone ought to have been located at the back part of the leg instead of tbe front.'' -- Chicago Tribune. Railway 'Enterprise in Atr'loa. Baltimore Sun. A contract has ,been made for the early construction of a hugh steel bridge to span the Zambesi River near the Victoria Falls, and an en- gineer has just left England to begin the work. The railway between Bulu- wayo and the falls will be completed by January next, the section be- tween Butuwayo and the Waukie coal mines having been completed during the present month. As many as 167 miles of it had been opened to traf- fic; in March last. Access by rail to the coal mines is expected to boost the gold and -copper mining indus- tries of Rhodesia. The quality of the coal he said to .be very fine. 1 told, becat tlgiltl; holds t on at ons and hind, este becoming Occasionallj fence, wheel. ed if thee tt ought and it possibility of O1'a:wl hack un The Untrammelled Girl of To -any. Baltimore News. n former generations Ove were that girls kicked over the traces see they were curbed in :too v. Now not even 'd ribbon ]rem, and they are galloping e pace which leaves chaster - mothers breathlessly be- t eaohl girt seems to be a iaW, unto herself, only v hampered by some big !' will probably, be jump- 'mptatlon is great ep- there is reasonable her being able to 'perceived. Prom the Bachei?crr's Viewpoint. Chicago N`8Ws. "I see that prizefighters fight in a ring," remarked Miss GIddygirl, What kind of a ring is it ?" "An engagement ring is used for sparring," remarked the old bathe- IQee "hut when jt is a fight to a fin- ish aWeddin'rine ie steed, I believe." ISSUE NO. 42; 1903 -Mrs. Winslovr•s boothing Syrup should always bo used for "Ohildren Teething, It goodies tam child. softens thegams, cures wind cori'o and is the best remedy for Diarncoaa. Spur., Teaohi11g Ilia* a Lesson, ilevelana Plain Dealer, `rDldn't I tell you hot 'to propose to me again ?" • tt ' "You said sonlething of the kind, but, of course, it ma4e no impression on me." "Oh; it didn't ? Well. I'll give you a Leeson now that you won't forget. You'll never propose to me again."' Wita,t are you going to do 2" " rm going to accept you." Those Worrying fifes I—One applica- tion of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will give you comfort. Applied every night for three to six nights' and a care is affected in the moat' stubborn caeca of Blind. Bleeding or Itching Pies. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures Eczema and alt itening and and burning skin dis- eases. It acts like magic. 88 cents, -13 • fn Going to New York He Wast$'ff So He Was. Be sure that your tickete read via Granit r :c • ru k and LehlghVallProutef th • audit' n y o e "Black Diamond Express." This is thedirect and best route from all Canadian points, By this route baggage is nowcheeked inbondanrl from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three shotels, ain nd downuttown near all1u first- class Euro- pean steamship docks, saving passengers for Europe a long and expensive transfer. Secure vour tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, S8 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Not What Kind of Arithmetid.• ,London Tit -Bila, "i he.va to help Johnny with his mental a.r•ithmetio every evening," said the young woman, "and it's a nu.i,,sa.nee.' I i "Do you--er—know, that celebrated prablern about one plus one equal mei ?"asked the young man. "I saimental arithmetic, not sen- timental." ,said the young woman with greet dignity. Mlnard'e Z,inlment relleves Neur- algia. , Realty a a.11everWoman. ,Brooklyn Lite. "Doh't jou think that woman's clever,?" "Clever I .Wier, .she's so clever she can make all her own clothes with- out other women knowing it 1" Min:ard's Liniment for sale every- where. Far Consolation. . Chimes Journal. don't suppose he meant anything nnkiud,'• said the young woman, "but Itwas a very startling coincidence." "What do you mean ?" "Just before Harold and I got mar- ried ' his friends persuaded him to join a 'don't worry club.' " Kidney Duty.—It Is the parttenlar func- tion of the kidneys to filter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they cannot -do their whole duty, and should have the help . and strength that South America onfkieljrnhea 1rmsodnydisorder. It evs Inall hours: 14 Words of the Wise. .Holiness is not a rapturous. tri- . umph away up somewhere in vague heights of glory, steadfast and Wendel Iike a sun. It is just a ,vpoor heart that makes room for '; Jesus.—Mark Gap Pearse. No one can resist the argument of holiness brought in a personified form before him, in its gentiersess, tin its sweetness, in its aspiration, In its love, in all its, blossoms and fruits of peace and joy. --henry • Ward Beecher.• The only defence against contag- ;•ion is exuberant healthy It is the man who is run down who becomes the victim of the pestilence. It is not otherwise in th'e realm of the Spirit. If we are to be protected against the th Idarkness pestilence shall have w tobepossessed by a plentitude of epir- itual life.—J. H. Jowett. "I suptiui r; Ceriggleby was fired with enthusiasm when he took up the du- ties of his new, position 2" "No; he seemed to get Lazier ev- ery day. Finally he was discharg- ed," "You don't say ?" "Yes. He wasn't fired with en» thusiasnr at the start, but he was at 'the finish." t , , ENiILISII SPAVIN LINIMENT. ,t Bemove:A all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, Sprains, sore and swollen throat, cougghs, etc. Savo ge0 by use of one bottle. WYan Iranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. .t Was Anxious. Philadelphia Press. In .a downtown church, there was introduced a now hymn last Sun- day, and after the dismissal of the services, the organ blower found lila way to the player's bench and ask. ed in a meek voice: "How did the music for tbat new hymn go this evening ?" "Oh, very well, very, welt, indeed," replied the organist ; "bub wiry do you ask,?" "Well,' said the blower, "I'll tell y'ou the truth, was a bit nervous and a bit worried about It, for, yon see," he went on explaining, "I never glowed for that I hymn before." Lifebuoy Soap---disin£ectaat—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. ,n What the Goat Did. Buffalo Times. A sweet £;tri graduate from a Bos- ton school thus describes the manner in which a goat butted a boy out of a front yard in the neigllbor- h•ood : "He hurled the previous end of this anatomy a'gai'nst the boy's afterwards with an eagerness and relocity which, backed by the goat's avoirdupois, imparted a momentum that was not relaxed until the Instigation of the vehement pias. peration was Landed on terra firma, ,e pale of the goat's juris- diction DR. A. W. CHASE'S og CATARRH CORE ,,, t;. is sent direct to the disease& parts by the Improved' Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passagin the tthroaieandope manentls y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo, Willie the Wise Child. Philadelphia edger. Papa — See here, Willie, you mustn't bother me. When I was al little boy I didn't bother my, papal with questions. Willie—Maybe if you had, pa, you'll, be able to answer mine. Mails Us Your Watch Order to We carry the largest stock of Watches and Clocks in Canada and can fill orders promptly by mail—just as well as though you shopped in person—giv- ing you the best values on this continent. Here are a few items; 4311 Ladies' Solid Silver Case Watch, American Movement, $5 00 4349 Ladies' Gold Filled Watch, Waltham Movement, guaran- teed to wear for 25 years, - - - - - - - 13 00 4312 Gents' 14 k. Gold Filled Extra Case Watch, A. Kent & Sons Jewelled Movement, - - - - - - - 25 00 4380 Ladies' 14 k. Gold Case Watch, Richly Engraved, Full jewelled Movement, - - - - - 35 00 SND FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST r• BROSEKENTSISO SLINITID �i CnE 5�'/l i/FAC)7JR1#,JJEWELER.S. TORO. TO. ALWAYS SEE THAT THE Our Parlor Brands— "KING EDWARD" ":HEADLIGHT" "BEAGLE" 'VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME A QUiCK, SURE LIGHT by using any one of FOR SAI,E by Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" "Telephone" Is ensured EVERY time these brands c: ; Dealers Everywhere