HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-16, Page 1THE The Official -•-. s•s• Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, Vol. IV., No. 12. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1903. LEGAL CARDS. 1-11 J. D. COOKE, a ,n • (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris - er, Solieitor, Notary Public. Tlensall, Ontario. STA.NBURY, D. A. F. W. (MADMAN. G1adrnan & Stanbury. )3ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAr ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original Wal-nan read and advised. upon. --AT HENSALL-- .., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES --- 1 fensall—OVer Stoneman's jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public: ete, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. ACUAND & CO., HAL ESTATE & INSIMARCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to, We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE -- Zurich, zkg-ff Ontario. (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) fl R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm, Bender's Old Stand, Main St., 'Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued-. Confederation Life represented. ' ZURICH - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monsey. 1-26 ( , 1 1111•111611111112,11112111111211,211•11 LOCAL NEWS Broach found. Apply HERALD seffice. Mr. John Voelker, of Dashwood, was in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. Moser, of Dashwood were in Zurich, on Sunday. The cider -mill has, been exceed- ingly well patronised since start- ing. The gristmill is now running both day and night. It started to do so on Monday. Mr. Henry Peck, of the Bayfield read, Stanley, was in town, on busi- ness, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber and their daughter Rosie, spent Sunday with friends at Crediton. The Trustees of the village at- ' tended to the levelling of tie streets and, the filling up of ruts lately. Mr. French, supperiutendent of the county poor -house, wes in the village for a short time on Sunday. Miss Minnie Doan entertained a number of her most intimate friends, at a party at her home, one evening last week.. Mrs. eTno. Schnell entertained a number of girls, at her home one evening last week in celebration of her daughter 'S birthday. Mr. Hooper, general manager of the Pickard stores, situated at Hen- sall and Dashwood, was in town for a short time, on Sunday. Mr. Martin Becker, of Berlin, was in ton for several days lately, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber, of the North end. Messrs. Schafer and Rau took i the Blyth Fair last week, and no withstanding the aisagreeable day report a good crowd present. The regular meeting of the. W 0. T. U. will be held at the hem of Mrs. Williams on Monday even in, Oct. 10th, at eight o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Ortle, Presidin Elder, in one of the Districts i Went% will occupy the Evangel cal church pnlpit,here, on Sabbath Constable Gundry, of •Goderich was here on Seturday, servin papers in connection with som. unpleasuntness between out -of town neighbors. The Zurich road is now receivin a coat of gravel, at thai Township expense. Work was comments -el o Tuesday morning, under the, saner vision of Mr. Conrad Piles, Yesterday being Thanksgiving day, was very generally observed as a holiday in a nd around the village. Dr. Routhier and wife, of St. JoSeph,left on Tuesday for Ottawa,' where they will:spend a few days renewing old akequkintances: For about a week we have been enjoying most delightful weather, and he wouldbe a most eonfirmed dispeptic who could wish for nicer or better. Northern lights : were exceeding brilliant two or three nights lately, and many in and amend the 'Were out to FRS theireversehenging ingvements. Noone apples arelooking tip in price, dealers are pitying from $1.00 to $1,25 per.barrel in the orchards. No other grades Seem to be in much demand. The Henson Band propose having a musical Evening, in the Town Hall heresin the near fnture, when we bespeak for them a good recep- tion and a bumper house. Hogs are still bring:ng. $5,25 this week, and wheat is quoted at from 73 to 75 •cts., potatoes are selling at 30 cts. per bushel, :Apples seems to be a drug on thcf market and prices vary from ISects. per bag tip for cornroon fruite and 2nd and 3rd qualities. Mr. and Mrs. D. Steinbach spent,. Sunday in Seaforth -Visiting, their daughter and son-in4w, who have just purchased a fine home, - Mr. D. thinks, for-the-sDie. of the Wesel, - property is extremely low there. At least that purchased by his son- in-law looks so to hint. Mr. W. Bender visited Cranberry Island, near Wiarton, lust week, to see how the posts cut this spring had fared from wind and waves during the season. Ire found it large number of •thein -washed from their former positions, lint ci none nf them out of reach. He _ also let the contract for getting out more, to men in the vicinity. g Messrs. Drunart -andRan spent a n couple of days in the woods this le week, with their p%ini.44.1.001rillg • for , game. Mr. Rau sueceeded in bagging a couple of rabbits and ,s' 1 Mr. Dumart brought down a par- e' triage as the result of one of them, (7 - We have not heard. the result of the other day yet, but presume they did more -prospecting than shoot- ' ing. s n Mr. Sam. Rennie has purchased _ 5011le twenty nine cords of tan bark from 'Messrs. Deiehert and Hess Messrs. P. Sipple, .Tno. Sebeettle and 'Hurley 1.Veher,are in Oredi ton vorking nn the cement walks. Mr Co. McKay. 'who had the eetrant lose is also doing tha work. there EBOSSENBERRY, ° Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respeetfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfattion guaranteed. TAis, with the large steels already ! L Per Year,. ireseseiressaymperessemeseesese RfslISH.2 MD) :se T"Or...letir•Z F?41 AFAUST'S' MOPENING for FALL TAB mad ' estes`wi3 s''',d'Onlrl-rvf,S2S7(01. DRI-1SS PILL ttjr-jitte,..k...,,;(4)lKtkl3j$%-4 • w* s • c.„4-4,411.Q*614.,..C.41 6.1 "Se IP) ?;,:t7 'iLiVrn4Irjr-L.• T Of the very Latest at at Lovest Prices. Girls'. Coats from $2.75 to $4.00. All Styles—Lorig and 84ort Ladies Ram Coats from 5 to 9. Of tile Yery Newest Desigri. 2ii Wrapperetes new patterns 10c a yard WHITE,'CIREAM, BLUE, RED a. PINK * 35 inches wide for 10 cents per yard. Our Millinery Dep:.irtment is Open — POE, EVERYBODY. We Give invitations to all the Ladies to give a call. "l"5 . No trouble to show Goods. PRODUCE TAKEN IR ENCHANGE,.. fir which the highest prices are paid. .....Ei!•.•+,.....,.......... — — Zurich. st F UST, anCrierMAStader.M44EMZSOIMSeelaW=1,805====e1RW$212732R=6-LIT.64 DICES maz Emim Mens' and Womens' ;see' OddtAnes for Women, 30cts. and 1.00, extra good 'vainel. Also In Mons' from 1.00 to 1.50. 7, • 1141- CALL AND SEE THEM. ZURI THE SHOE"MAN H ONTAR/0 on hond, at the Tannery, should utter and Eggs taken in exchange. tine firm's want, in this • line, for several years to come. 11: e understand the firm tikes no ex- tracts on the leather, which ought„ - eenrse, to be much better than 1 that tanned by these artificial sub- , stitntes. School Inspeator, T. E. TOM, of Goderich was in town :on Friday in eonneetion with . his duties. Ile went over the work with the Principal, Mr. R. F. Stelck, and _ examined the claseee in. the differ- ent departthents and as•. far as we eon learn, found. nothing to com- plain of or find fault . with, except in the bad ventilation of the baild- ing, which the Trustees age recom- mended to have remedied at once or as soon as possible. • Mr, Henry Zimmerman of this village, \vim underwent:an opera- tion. at the hands of Dr. - Gunn, of Clinton and the Ineal physicians, is pHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Anetioneer for the County of Huron. I would request 0 those having sales to call on me. Terms ,moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. :Your patronage solicit -d. n 11 a Mr. H. Zeller is putting in a fur ace, in the Bauer honse, whiel .ecently came into his possession .s well as other alterations which vil.1 mite it trp-to-dato in (every respect. Reeve Lamont purchased at eouple f carloads of stockers in Toronto, ast week. They arrived on Satimr ay and several. have already been isposed off to farmers in the eighborhood. HOTELS., THE tit tit f.4,1111 el• 11 flT • B e I4L fluL •i• * mi; ZURICH 113* ri:fr, • 313 116*1.0411.0.44...1042..al.r.fins.rima*G011311 Mr. Jacob Mother is improving the external appearance: of his hop property, by.a coat of paint. t will be white in dolor this time, isteasl of rt buff, as formerly. Mr. ock is doing the work. Mr. W. H. Hoffman was laid of? work for several days last weeks - an attack of .lob's disease. He te however, on tho bench again, and lets learned to sympathise more than ever meth the good. man of old. Dr. Blilekall, of -the .Queen's Tine tc,d, Hensel], was in town for a short time, 011 1:le sports an np-to-dat(3 tenet -out. and the bar so whiell he drives has no pie-nie on the road, •when he has hold of the reins. St Hotly up-to-date .111 modern an . ;I. .0, .n.... provements. Diningrooms is sup- * plied with only the very best. IT .i.Ii. Dar contains choice liquors and`..1', 112 - t.,: eigars, II; * 1 li il tt, Exeement son,pic rioorlas rt,4 fur Cutinnerntl Mn. .V., .N. .4,4 erkeugattle....s........e..........43,....a.mno....110.140.400......14 t.: :3- ,i. P. p„Au, PROPRIETOR. .1Siliesse513sea:1i ,sessei ce tees eesli eisei THE , `Domnio in House. 1.40ropr.1714"41.0.4421.1440441.43444.41,......1.64:444.91:1•047.........itel..* This lions° has recently changed hnada s, nd is now one of the most orderly andbeet eon- - deleted Houses in the Province, o. 11 in tics poininlon. ......1111.41114144:1t1.011.114.W4P- M11,%111..411.,01i0t4.414.1.111071...i R. R. Johnston & Son, Mr. Henry Lebean lied a. eale of eekers at Homan last week.W11(11 succeteled in disposing of some 3.1 head. The prieeti reeei-end, were .idently satisfac('ory, They were S0711.0 of no 511.11)1'.lot Offered at. Kt, ):401)11.11 (t011ide Of weeks ago. The flax 711111 resumed operations the 1003 erop 011 Monday morn - g, tater it couple of week'e. (31050STD. lletWeeil tile finishing of the! 1 crop and the commencement of orations on the - new. So far about•a, third. of the hands tinily employed, aro itt work, but. o regular nninber required will put on as soon as they can be m!ed.- At present there is a. ortage of laborersn here, as wo1 S t I lit -ON ,1( (7n in do op on xis ttilbe sec ssixPROP RTETOlt S. olsoc larear.aumerwewratnekateksamarauthanmAxcengrad most other places in Ontario. progressing y thc woands being about ell healed. Besides tho' trouble resniting from rupture, which nuamia his collapse at tho timth e e dieters -also remov- ed the appendix., .whieli was Intend tm be 111 a. more or less deceased state. The patient lies Mime been 111 3(l(1 the care of Dr. Bnehanan, tvhcm informs ns that • riot . Onlyis the danger point passed,- - but that at may iespect to see Mi aroand ir ugain bef(e many days pass. The pulpit in the Evangelical' ('1)111(11 011 Sabbath last, wits OGert- Died. in the morning 'by Rev, Mr. ka eirenit, and in the eveningby ltcv Mr. Koldan, of Cass City, Mich. Ett1 '1 those, gentlemen were .former residents of Hay, the latter being born in Zurich and the fernier on the Gosluin • line. Both woro in attendance at the con- ference in 'l3e'rlin and were pleased. to revisit the village and officiate for the absent pastor, who isthus getting .a well-deserved rest—at least so far as pulpit ministrations ore concerned, - see, sess7-•-•,1z---e-s-9.e.e.e.ses-e'l j "...,.7,,,ss........„,-,..,...,,......„,,,,,, •v•1/41' \''.0 —1 RESFECTIOILLY . Yg a,o't Inu Ye 1011 to tun, 41:a .:'••• ..:....',i; 1,.'„'.41‘...,!•';,.',:i.'!,:*4> ..,•.'.'.,7-,...,...,f,,..'.•'._17:1t!..f.'..f:4---,!-..., illinery 0 enrio L, 8 COMMEN GING SEPI) 3rd ni - esil AND ikv;),OwiN(; 61A. ere e,s1 We are l): r S S N r.)r 0 D .0 eg:4' Tramsgentshmotalammaft also Silowing Special values in nnt j. PREETER, Zurich Hole, Presiding :Meerr o, ae--- " . Locals continued on page 8. h. 461341 cat (1:5tattnteflouratire'411e,tt. • . . ZURICH alw-r2vaio We have a inunher of Good Farms for sal() and. also some property in the 'Village of Zurich Good Agent Wanted inn every Town and Village in the County, to take risks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA LIFE. s