HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-09, Page 5WITH 4- q The Zurich Herald. 4syr WILL BE Call and get our prices. J. F. Rickbeil, Zurich Pure angtob our. Best eli ':all t t "...3ii rte. Buckwheat and Rye Hours. av�6s.�At -- ,...33,. 1110 .n•3,...�......�.. , _- .SY.'Gc,sOM�ese And in Breakfast. Foods 'Ve Carry'. ' . E. T A N �� ROLLED WHEAT, d T, AND OATMEAL. AL S o: international Stock Foods, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal, Seeds Sze., e. C. SCHR The People's Store. fait dub Winter Greeting J. D. Ilerner Prop, ( Zeller Block. ) .31 ." Z U � 1I3t C BLUE BELLS. The Bootblack's Story;. "My father was a dri nkar We once owned serine fine propert I've heard mother stLy, but th was before.I was both, for we ha always boon poor as far back as can remember. Mother says filth drank up the fttrm,the oven,horso sheen, CO\vs. Hogs, furniture; an everything else. We got so poo mother had to go oat and wash b the day to get food for Bess and n1 to eat. We lived an a log lions a quarter of a mile from any one i4 was about half mile from town Mother tlsecl to w #L1k to town ever day, except Saturday,. to wash fo somebody. On Saturday she wast ed for ourselves and ironed o Sunday." "Sunday is the Lord's day. You mother certainly didn't work o - the Sabbath." • •%es, sir ; she bad to. Mottle said the Lord. Made ait days fo the saloon -keeper, and one for liin self: Slee could not have her babie clean if she did not work for thein on Senclay. She knew tho Lor would not biome her. There wer no days for the drunkards wife ' She paid if there was 110 saloon:, 3n would not. have to work on til Sundae*. There were jest four of Hs, Father, Mother, Baby Bess, and : Willie ; that is nee." "So your name is Willie, is it? But go on with your story," \Voll, as 1 said, mother was away all day. pod sometimes she :would not got home till after dark, she was not very strong and some- ; tidies She 1111c1 big washings, and sometimes \wo didn't have 111tte11 to eat, because the ladies another. washed for didn't have the right change, or they would forget to ask their husbands for it. Mother always hated to ask for money after she had earned it. She said it dice seen, as if they ought to know that'slle needed the money,. or she would not ves}1 j':4r it, and it generally happened that when one didn't have the chance none of them diel, so sometimes we got awful hringry while we ,were wait- ing figs follio to pay els." :•'Vlly didn't your mother ask for }ler mnnev ; it V ilS 11erS after 5110 earn('(! it?" 'She was afraid to, for some- times these would get mad and say she didn't half \wash their clothes, ane1 then they would hunt up e 110Aw VL t�ar't'4wOTtltln. It 'lilts one of those -weeks when nobody howl any change. « It was ltrilla.y morning; wo had very u t i le tt) eat on Thurs.. da;y, time On Friday morning there: Witt; olll�� tL plate of corn meal and als-mt acro spoon fnlis of 1101i1SScs, Mother baked the meal into bread. and -told ire to feed tho baby when she woke up, Uld til keep 0 sharp lockout for father; he was in town On tL big s lr ee ; 11e was awful cross when he was drinking ; it was not steed for hits to got his hands on us so. Nye always hid' \'-he.n we saw hill} coming. if mother was not at Monne. Little Bess would nearly go into fits ,when she saw him 00m- ing home drunk. Don't let Bess ery if yon cart help it. Willie; I am ;1'fi',ocl I we)n't got h 0110 1111 til after' dark to -night, 311'4. Oral?' ill witt S has spelt large \wa'(hines, but I will l (sane as .nein t1S 1 ('.rn, and swill brim; home some provisions, for 1' must have scum n1oncy to -night or we will starve.' She kissed bads- Bess tly Bess as she laid tt ,c'1' , and thele c1, at ve e' 8, d boy, Willie, and take care of little sister.' `Bessie slept a long time that morning, and.I passed the time in sitting by her and going to. the door to watch -for ' father. When she woke 1; 1p she said the first thing, 'Baby is so hungry, Willie, get something to eat.' 'Get up, Bessie, To be sure, you are growing and let nee dress you, and then we ; old. But why let everybody will have breakfast,' ' I had not i see it, in your gray hair? eaten a mouthful, nor had mother Keep tasted food befpre leaving home, your hair dark and rich y and I was awful hungry myself. and postpone age. 'If you will e She got up and I dressed, washed a ; e, and combed her, and when we sat z ti 1, F1 ; cion n'to the table Bessie looked at ;' i . tik . the food and then she just dropped y her curly head clown on the table ✓ and sobbed out, 'Oh, Willie, I am 1- So tired of corn bread and molasses ; n . 1 can't eat it ; I want some meat ; and butter.' 'Don't cry, Baby, 1 r t said, stroking her curls, 'Mother I1 will bring home something to - i night.' 'But it is so long to wait. r t This is Mrs. Gray's elan, and r ; mother is always late when she 1 ; washes for her.' 'Try to eat,' I s !said, and I put Et spoonful of enol- ! asses on her plate, and she did try1 Lori i but she only swallowed a few sips, 0 j and then left the table. I ate .L . 1 small piece of dry bread, I thought Notice. j maybe she would eat the molasses, I Os ; so I clic} not touch it. ; THE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM- - l "All clay she kept saying she was 1 posed of about `0. pieces, Are now l i hungry, but refused to eat what 1 open for engagement. Applications for 1 we lead. It was 0 long day to both . CHAS, Ln »j n, leader, ora�ir.eA. McIaY, 1 of t1s. Father had not come home, 1 Secy., Henson, Ont. i and it was nearly dark. We were I both sitting on the doorstep. I rsEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have i Bessie laid her head against my j a large number of First Class Posta arm, and began to cry, •1'111 so' at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will llllnfr gry, be sold at reasonable prices. For portico. 1} , Willie, mother stays so !':,.us apply to l late to -night, Don't cry, baby, ! 48-tf MA((EL & BENDER Zurich. i mother will soon be home.' 'Of ' ' course she will, exclaimed George; `ARM FOR SALE— Anderson ; he lived a mile beyond j 11s, and as he spoke he tossed a ; The undersigned offers his choice 100- buneh of blue bells into Bessie's ' acre farm for sale; being Lot 20 North I lap. `011, how pretty !' she ex- I Boundary, Hay Township, ?, miles North claimed, while the teat's dropped ; of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, from her sweet blue eyes on the i with good buildings and plenty of spring pretty blue bells. 'Como Bessie,' I : water; well fenced and well dtztine+tl. culars apply to said, let ire fasten them anion !iti l or)furtho)7 i�osa1.11Ey}:RZ rich P. 0. your curls.' She got np and stood i - on the door step with her face I toward the house. I stood behind '• 11er and tied the blue bells in her i gol(lc'11 curls. "I had just fastened the last one OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY KIND when some one jerked me oft the i GET YOUR TIRES RESET 1 bottom. step. It was father ; he j f ON ONE OF I was drunk, and I knew by his looks that he was almost crazy .with 1 only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of y9ut11. Sold for 60 years. a thick,glo )' bed 01 lung bolt.which Is 4a wonder to every one who 1005 it. And not a gray hair in It, all due to Ayer's Nair Visor." Mus, 1i. 14. Berms, Decide, Man. 51.00 n bottle. s. C. ai'104s Co., All druggists. ,....,_ for l.mxiesmtaaso Ataaa' at . air • kissed me at the door, 'Be a gond k,; will adopt the OUR FALL STOCK is just to hand. It is one of the largest and most nl,.t ,-date have ever had at this season of the year and. includes -DRESS GOODS in all gorlit:es, colors and prides. 1 � MILI ERY DEPAHTME T - is now open and customers can rely on getting the most fashionable goods at the . very lowest prices. • are new, Stylish and cheap ; \ve don't blow much—better call and see thein. We always carry fulllinc:s in Mens' FurnL shin s —AS WELL AS-- eady=made Clothing. And are considered the proper place to get GENTLEMEN'S' OR D SUITS; at much lower prices than charged in cities and towns, for the sante class of ' goods and Workmanship. ,: a Our Grocery Department is fully stocked with every requite in that line aiad the prices are as low as it is possible to make them. WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES Ribbons, Laces, Small -nares, and Ladies' and Gents notions always in stock. and the prices are right in all cases. Prodnee taken in exchange at market prices. Give us a call—all are wel- come at P! ER. aI R' . ho has a Wagon HENDERSON'S drink. Efe pushed} me aside and stood between little Bess and 1110. I Tire e 1 Machines ,hi Bessie turned to run, but he Caught her and said, 'Yon have been cry- ing ; what did Willie do to you?' She was so white and seared that thought she would faint. 'Willie 1 didn't do anything,' she gasped I out. Father let her go and grasped Ire ; he COILlmellced to shake. 1)10 awful. 'Yon rascal, What slid you I do to Bessie? Tell me, or I'll shake i the breath out of von.' Bessie caught him by the arn1, 'Please, It sets them Colci. father; don't hurt Willie ; I was so 1 It does the work in a few minutes hungry it made 1110 c'ry. time. (To be concluded next week.) It keeps the Dish of Wheels just Right It does the work Perfectly. It is tL wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work, but tires are reset accurately ante thickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tiro Setters in prac- tical operation, tine patronage of the pull - lie is solicited. A11 work thoroughly war- ranted. John 'V T se1oh, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Zurich, Ont Sale Register. Sale of Stock, Implements, etc., on lot 18, con. 8. HtLy Tp., on Tues- day, Oct. 20. The property of the late Mr. John Koch. Sale at one o'elock p. lu. Jno. Weseloh Etna. IIy. 'W''oscloh, Executors. NOTICE! ri O.11:MENCINc; AL(it'ST FIRST, merrelnerraninsiersrMilliSSEITitrararereirrostromrSlitliletassal Farming For Profit4 Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business lsriliciples. Guess work and haphazard methods are, no longer ilseel by successful and up-to-date far- 11iers. By reading TITS; WaTOKL't' SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN'S market reports are worth many titres the sub- seription price to you. Every Fanner in Canada should realize the full value of the service '1'Ii)c St•N has ren- dered 'hint in 0 public way. It was due to the action of TUE SUN ill giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, clrtiinag,e across rail-. ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send 'Tilt WiEEIzt.v StIN froin now to 1st ,January, 190(1, in combination with The Weekly Herald, for $1,50, SUBSCRIBE NOW SAMPLE BOR THE AMMO'. CASH SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. v=" All old Accounts owing me must he settled by the FIRST DAY OF SEP- TEMBER. El'- 1'E\111ER. JOHN SCHAFER, Dutcher, Zurich' DAS WOO Furniture and Undertaking STORE �.m We have now a large and tip - to -date 1p- to-Clate Stock of Ilouse Fur- niture a n cl Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price..., i UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Largo and up -to date. In time of need, give us at call. PRICES RIGHT. �. Melsaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO EIERMERcESIMIMNSMIISSIESSMI Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORIiNG IN CONNECTION W. . HOFFMAN IT,TiiiKEIREEMEISMtaalltg 50 YEARS' V EXPERIEN05. TRADE N1ARKt ®eslons COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending aslteteh and description may ryuleitly aseortal a one opinion free whether an inVentinn is pro iablypatentable. Communica- tions stria] y sentldentinl. IInndbook on Patonis Seth tree, 015001 agency for scouringppatents. i'atente taken through Munn 3c 'Co, receive specie/not/a, vrithont chard, in the Saentifit A handsomely illustrated 'weekly. Largest cir- dilation of any scientific 5ourrlal. Terms, $3 a yenr: four Menthe, $1. Sold byall newsdealers. M INP &Co3S6sINetwYorB Branca Oace. a""'L n0,fBroadway,