HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-09, Page 44 The Zurich Herald, muck rj Tack 'magi. 1.a oPiiiL:# tt) .L:,4 s..' Is Pl BLls1t>u ) Wirr(Y TRiTB aDAY EVENING. By ZELLER 'TERMS O)' SUBSCRIPTION .60 per year paid strictly in advance. When the 'paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1,50 to be changed when not paid in advance: ADVERTISING_ RATES.—Trac. s i e nt advertisements, 10 eents:por Brevier• 1ine for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion, Small Advs. sueh as"Lost" "Estray" nr "Stolen• be charged 50 cents first insertion sud 20 emits for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of -advertisement roust be banded in not later hall Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 eents per tine. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half-eolumn and quarter -column rates for specified periods 'vi11 be eheorfnlly given. Address all communications to Th.e e E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZUnICII, P.O FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11th., 10013. The suplelnentary estimates— brought down in the Dominion -House, on Wednesday, Oet l:;t., contains a grant of :,+20,000 for the commencement of work on an out- side hierlkwater at Czoderich. The total supplementary estinles rajl for over ::410,000,000, patrt of 'cv11ich are revotes, and with the first estimates brought clown, foots up to over 67,000,000 for the year, 'which may, or may not,all be spent. Selection of the Breeding Sow. mince the pork packer:; are in closest touch veith the J3ritis14 (')n sumer,tbey are the most competent judges of the class required for the most profitable trade ; and we find that they recommend Yorkshires end Talnworths as especially- suita- ble for the production of Bacon hogs, while Berkshires of the new- est type are also excellent. Th other breeds are not, as yet, so we <Ldapte'd : but, as has been already stated, the breeders Of these breeds acre rapidly bringing their pigs into line, and sows of these kinds when crossed with males of the snare approved baeou type, produce eoodbaacon pigs. Those cross -breed pig frequently make ln(nc' econom- ical gains then the snore -+rods. The Y orkshire-Eerkshire and Tamworth Berkshire e'r'rs is especially popu- lar. No breed or combination, of breeds has a Monopoly of u11 the de - nimble qualities 1n 0 pig. There :arc' geed and had in all breeds. and worse in some. It (lees not follow that because a hog is of any give breeding let' is necessarily arily a gtln( or bad bacon hors. It is necessary tlerefore, that the breeder of nntlrk et hogs here a. Cie al reit coneeptfnn of the. idetal pig ; turn he will be in a+ position to make the best use of the materials at his disposal 1)y itt- (lfc'i.uus selection and careful breed- tn'g.• tiF is C()M1Il011.1;C believed among of side ; she utast, however., be trim and neat in her outlines, showing no -tendency to bagginess or flabbi- ness, and, though not wild or nerv- ous she Must be active in her movo- inents, a heavy, listless clumsy walk should not .he tolerated in breeding stock of either sex; it in- dicaates a lack of vital forte; and an animal with this charaoteristio is not likely to be so preportont as with t. more active, sprightly tem- perament. The brood sows should -bo select- ed from. prolific families. A sow must raise a given number of pigs each year to pay expenses, and each additional lig represents a profit.— There is, however, a limit -to the number of pigs in a profitable litter —very large litters are likely to be weak and uneven i11 quality. .Few SOWS can properly nourish ' Inore than fourteen pigs, and an even litter of from eight to twelve large, strong, lusty fellows, is much more profitable than a litter of sixteen or eighteen weak, flabby and ill -nour- ished pigs. 1IA'aT putt kart,. Sault ;Soo), Mich., Sept. 2:1, 1003, Mr Ed. Zeller, - DEAia FRIEND : As an old Zurich boy and at ono time in your em- ploy. I thought 1 would Write you a short note regarding the trouble at the Soo, of the Consoli- dated Lake Superior Company. As I have been assistant paymaster for this large enterprise, the out- side dailies have been writing; a lot of absurd and untrue stories re the affairs of the Consolidated Company. Therefore, I would like if you would spare me a little space in your valuable edition. The Company's pay roll amounts to :about $185000.00 per month and theme wages have been promptly Paid all along until this lust pay day, which was and should ha1.-e been en the 10th clay of September, batt as the director's were unable to raise the neeessary funds at that time the pay day- has been postpon- ed from time to time thinking they could 111 some way raise money and continue devek)penlents at the two Sot's, but all this having failed the e Company was tell'>ed to close down 11 all the various ;hints With the exception of the Street Railway and Ferry systems. The company's pay roll to (satyr tu11ou11ts to x1)0111 ;32:i000.1)1), thigh they turn unable to pay. and which Iute caused to great deal of excitement and trouble in the Soo. Yesterday morning I �(ent to my work LIS • (150111, but when 1 got 'to the office 1 found :a good 11)11ny hundred dos- pera,te looking men lined 1rp in • front of tate office. The alive is 0 4 story. heavy stone strnetnre, c•nrt- taining ti fine- lot 1' •+, :_ (t fixtures. , etc„ which the furious nmol) destroyed, I Iuuln't got out of the office five 1 minutes 1.1.1e1 the stones land hul- 1lets began to pour in. I tun nuailin;g 1 two of our dttilf((s whirls will give you the correct news of the trouil1e, I am €sting down to Kentucky- in (. the morning with our Band. whieh ,t is considered the finest in the t( Northwest. Thanking yon very f kindly for the space in your vain- 1 able edition. I talo yours truly, \� . J. Wenn. ' a SLABT©WN 1 Special to Tile HERALD. ' cl Mrs. Robert Kidd has gone to St., t Thema; t'+ visit her daughter, dr.:. H. Cliriet.11:e4, for a. fele week,, ' i L.1r. and Mrs. J. Horner ends daughter Myrtle were visiting at Games and dancing wore indulged u1 till an early hour, when all departed' for their houses well pleas- ed With tho'evoniilg's fun. Wm. Jarrett took in the Bayfield fair and reports a good time. R, P. and A. Stelok spent Sunday last with G Campbell of Brua)efield. The farmers in this vicinity are busily engaged cutting corn and filling silos. Mrs. Levi Stelek is at present visiting at the fourteenth. Miss V. Heywood, who has been visituag friezes here, returned to her lion -Min Clinton, Saturday last. HENSALL Special to THE HERALD,. On Sunday Rev. Dr. Medd preaiched anuiversrtry sermons at Hillsgr'een 'Methodist- ehureh to very large congregations and his thoughtful st'rnlnns were very lll1l011 appreciated. On Monday evening the annual tea.was 11elcl and music was fnrnislletl by the Seafortll choir and addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. McLellan and Rev. Dr. Medd. A number from Hensall attended on Sunday and Monday, Rev. Mr. Shaw took Dr. Mead's work on Sunday. Mr. Hodgins is visiting in Winni- peg and western points. The charter of the Miller Car- riage Co. cause to town on Friday and 17 meeting -'•-�- �' a-+-"� *�-A-t-.1..1...1., of the shareholders is called for Monday evening next. This will be the first legal meeting, You will get right glasses at right prices at stopper's drug store. On Tuesday evening Rev. Dr Menses ]t,c'tnred at the Bethesda ul)1)01 ntel exit. G. T. R. are not able to furnish enough ears for the shippers. Our town paper, every now and again, wraps the Company fur the (lis - graceful side -walk leading to the station. Outs are coning to town in large quantities tints the mill is busy turning out aL high grade )veal for export to Seotlend. Mr. Geiger of the slot-on's Dank, Toronto, is spending his holidays tat house. Mrs.. Dr. Campbell and (laughter spent several days at her home last week. The ('romurt•y Presbyterian •11111•('1) eves r'eopeoed on Sunday incl on I1;olttlay they had 0 Ino ni'eeeree, aro 111'. nen i'tnrlemail and huig]ter (issi'teel in the Musical )art, A number from Henson attended. Re-,'. A. Cranston is the ras1or. I)r. Campbell was in the village c�11 Wedneeduy, • t)reeders of live stock, that if the K:re and chaos b(' equally- well bred the former 110x.1 til greater infin0nre +111 the conformation and the latter +'11 the nervous temperament 1)11(1 feeding qualities Ptf the Progeny.— Whether this be tree nr not, cur( )'Mould be taken in selertinu il.e. feinalve r•1' the herd to ('ltuses only time• of 0. quiet, conn tented temperament, IfeW things 411;) 01(11'e exaeperatinj then a rov- ing noisy, discontented son- ; not truly i; she a ('nlltl-mual n7 Ntun('e t,) febeee ((11(1 gates. brit she is ('foss .et farrowing tine,. Ones 1s quite ass likely as not to de troy half of Ler • litter' in some fit of nervous exeite- .xrxrnt. In addition to this, a sow of t -bis (lieeription is seldom or never a ;rod milker. x11(1 every stockman knows that the 'Profit or loss on rig 1,otch of pigs is determined. largely 1 the start they get in life during the first is t)r eight weeks. The milking dualities of the SOW is a muitter too, often overlooked or nored when stecting 1170 females -.for ag breeding' herd. Many 111e11 seem to take it for granted that if they can get t. sow to produce i. large litter, she will, as t.lnatter of. court:(, nourish them afterwards.— This is a grave. mistake. Sows vary in their nuking lirepensities es• 'widely as the cows in an unselected herd. Among the ability to give a lar= c flow of milk is more a family trait than a breed characteristic ; that is to say, different . families of the same breed differ more in this particular, than clo the different breeds, each considered as a whole. It is, therefore, Iargoly a, matter of selection„ A Well•fornted udder, is, 'of course, essential, There should. Trot be fewer than twelve, beqtter fourteen, 'well developed, evenly - liked teats, extending well up to the legs. The sow should be large and roomy, with great length and depth NEWS '('ot) t nnl) ', n 1(1?1.0'. Persons who 11iICe used I)r. C'h e's Kidney -Liver• Pills are it -molly so well pieneed with the 100 'fl t.- (.4,1 TA that they toll the rood 11('ws to 1heil.' i'here is no medicine. which. SO )1•onrptly atWakens th(1 action of he liver. invigorates the kidneys nd regulate, the boweis 118 17r. haw`s la.iIlney-Liner Pills, and or this reason they are unall- )I'ottehe.l as tL family 100)11(11(1'., )7,1e still 0 dose, 23 cents a slay, at. 11 elcalrr::. ,1, Hey's on Sunday. Mr. John Boyce is busy cutting corn f.)1. the fanners. .11hn is quite a hustler at that kind of work. Miss Rachel L'aechler, of Z;u'icll, tont S.ttnrday ('.venins a11L1 ilii;lnda ;' prier 1110 parental roof. 4] Mr, Ileo, (2anhpboll has left our burg, we were 8()ri'y to see stint leave as he will be greatly missed around here. Mr. 31, 13rethour, of Woodham, •way visiting at J. Hey's one even- ing last week, he took in the Bey - field fair on Thursday and Friday last. Mrs. A. Rennie left for Stratford on Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Win. Rose, for a week or so. Miss Annie Baeclhlor is home at present but is going to leave. for Illinois on Wednesday. Sorry to See so many of our young folks leave. Quite a number took 111 the sale gond.•' To protect you against imitations the held at the home of Mrs. "v'Vn1„ portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the Schroeder on Saturday last. famous receipt book author, are on every box, The pes:t.ve loan bets his lest 011111• on et card and 1080.1. anal then vas Vol :1.' •new he shouldn't cdn't win. a nun Down utas Condition Subject to baottaebe, localinrite. and duel• Hess for years cured by 1)r, ('(0144'. MRS. A`ninIq lrl4w)w, St. John Street, Fredericton, N. 13, s..t tes:—"Lastspring Ihad a sickness which left me in a very run down, nervuusstate. In fact, for a 11040) cr of years I have suffered to a great extent with nervous. ness, and frequently had attacks cif headache and dizziness. 1 also �• seemed to be very o-, i'1 weak and was dil- ly, tressed with pains in • the small of the back. "I have spent great deal of money for medicine but ob- tained little or no relief until I began taking :[)r. Chase's Nerve Food, and Kidney -Liver Pills, and can say that the Mrs. I3eweq results of this com- bined treatment Lave been most remarkable. I never had arty medicine build me up like the Nerve Food, anti I give the credit for curing the pains in my lock to Dr. Chase's ]'.idney- .Liver fills, 1 cannot speak too well of these remedies since they have done me so much HILL GREEN Special to Tine RigRALD. Our veteran thresher, Mr. Wm. Jarrett, has purchased a new 25 - horse power traction engine. This, with the new seperator purchased this spring, will finale as good all outfit as can be found anywhere, Mr. Crohn Cochrane, Jr., gave hi friends it party Friday evening last and all present enjoyed themselves. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully ascii monthly by over 10,000 Lad les, Safe, effectual. La dies ask 'our drug�gist for CoAk"s Cotton Root font• mitations are dangerongli)Mixtures, otn1, $1anperd hoz; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No, 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3•eent stamps. The ()colt Conlpnny Windsor, Ont. VW -Noe. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists fn rranada. NO. 1. and No, 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr, Buchantan's drug store. `v.)A.81-17270CSD. Y `Y E �I7/ A R R I V A L. 4. . Ladies' Mantles, Trine Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, •Corsets, Underwear, Wrapperetts, 7.++laniels, Overcoats, Mens' and Boys' Suits, Lace Curtains, Car- pets, Linole11inns, etc. etc, ;o- . ao r* * All the above lines and many others, have ,just arrived, and willl bo so sold at the * * - 4E• *Very Lowest Possible Prices. * Produce taken in Exchange, . ..col. THE R, PICKARD CO., Hen,sai1 and Dashwood Direct importers ThSS ticFUMTU Always in stock a full line of ....Single and Double.... r WI 1 ') 1 enne SUN &c, yei-, For Cheap e..; , IFancy -]'L'ockers, Ladies Secretaries lot is' Chairs, ROCKERS, Reciniilg Back Dining -Room Pictures. TravellingGoods the omie; s This is the Spot. • HALL = STANDs WINDOW SHADES, ,.FA\C'Y 'TABLES PIANOS AND ORGANS Agent for SPROETZ L'S PNEUMATIC COLLARS. They are well re- commended. Fly Nets aatl Dusters will be sold at a. bargain. =7.717...1C 11 =.730y".i:rM4t I3s" _._.,. "S+'1'^tirr` 7)itk7,'Ni?e e.' To preserve or restore it, thele is no better prescription for 111ell, women and (•1}i1(11.'('11 than R pans Tabules. They the easy to take. 'They are. made Of a combination Of medicines 11'1)i)1'ove(i and 11;('cl i)\- every physician. lipa1is Tabules are Wititely r5,,'d by all sorts of people—but to the }d21.i11, every -day folks they are a veritable friend 111 1 e,,(1. 1111)11115 Tabules have 1)ec01110 their stan- dard iainilti remedy, They ai'e a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and t ticeessful record, to (111'e indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub- born- constipations, offensive breath heartburn, dizziness, ss. palpitat 1011 of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 11.lelll11aiis]u, s,0111' stomach, bowel and liver,' ( ti)iltl.illlt5. They strengthen \Petit stom- al'll'4, l).11it1 up run-down systeius,i restore pure 1)bool, good appetite 2111(1 501111(1, natural sleep. Evel'l1y)(ly derives constant benefit from a regu- lar 115(.x, (li Ri.paiis Tabules, Your druggist sells them., •The i ro-oetlt)pacl�et 1s 0l.]011�''h I()1' -a111 r), L11.1t.I y occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. !fflar -E WEEKLY GLOBE C nada's Great Illustrated Weekly,. A leading feature of The Wutia,'r Gx4M to be added this fall will be an i h . a e Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERIm PAPER. For the production of this great paper 'an immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. • This will make The W>oxtmt Gx,os* unques. tionably the . most desirable home paper in Canada,