The Herald, 1903-10-09, Page 2RAT STORY FROM MANILA. Allow the Transport Sherman Was Cleared of 950,000 Rodents. When the United states military transport Sherman arrived at Manila recently Abe was, as is the case with Moat other ships that arrive from or touch at Hong Kong on the way to Maxillae detained for inspection to eye If she had any fats on board. When the big transport dropped an - tabor in Manila Bay, therefore, the of- ficial rat inspector went on board to see what was doing in the way of roieyael. In fifteen minutes be hurriedly left the ship, and, going ashore, reported that there wars on board the Sherman, according to the patent rat enumerator in use sit Manila,, no fewer than 590,000 rata The Sherman was immediately or- dered to the quarantine station at 8/wiveles, as no Ship on which the •disease -carrying rodents are found Ls allowed to dock at Manila until they, are exterminated. Accordingly, the Sherman ,steamed back to Mari- veleis. When slie arrived there her batches had been opened up, and enough tsulphur carried below to kill millions of rats. As soon as the an- chor was dropped the sulphur fires were started in the hold, and) In a few ininutes the work of the fumes became apparent. Out of the.; hatches there poured such a stream of rats as was never before seen in the Orient. First by the hundreds, and then by the thou- sands, they appeared at the hatches and then leaped into the water. Every one tried to swim ashore, but the distance was far too great far any rat to swim, and soon the great black line of paddling rodents began to thin out. Some of them reached a point about 800 yards off the ship, bat none got any farther. After the fumes had been working for about an hour the rats stopped 'appearing. An inspection of the ship was made and not a rat discovered. "rile Sherman then re-entered Manila .and discharged her cargo. -Manila American. The World's Railroads. Some one has estimated that the .aggregate length of the world's rail- roads was, in 190, more than half a million miles. The apportion.. rent of mileage to the different •countries was as follows: Europe, 180,708; Asia, 41,814; Africa, 14,- 187; North America, 226,503; South An:erica, 28,654; Australia, 15,649 - North America leading. The two continents of the western hemi- sphere, it will be noted, have more miles of railroad than all the rest •of the word together; North Amer- 1ea alone more than Europe and Asia together. The additions per year to the world's railroad mileage were, .during the six years between 1896 and 1901: 9,796 in 1896; 10,747 in 1897 ; 10,864 in 1898 ; 13,530 in 1899 ; .10,798 in 1900; 16,947 in 1901-1901 thaving been, as will be seen ,a phe- nomenally active year in railroad lbuidding.-11arpor's ;Weekly. YOUR FACE DoH BUTTON 25c. Baby's face or your lady's face on brooch, links, scurf pin. etc. , beautifully enamelled. Send 30 cents and any photograph and wo will send brooch exact size ,of cut and return your photo uninjured. Smaller sine 25 cents larger size 50 cents. Agents wanted. Photo Jewelry manufacturlog Ce. Toronto. The Price or Radium. R;ae'Lima discovered in 19s, WAS va1ur:j at $.5,000,000 a pound, says Earlrcr's Weekly. Its estimated value has since been reduced to $2,721,- 555.90 a pound, which is a. very ma- terial reduction, but the price is still high. We read with interest that a Buffalo man, Stephen T. Lockwood, expects to engage in the manufac- ture, or extraction, of this interest- ing avb,uancc,. axle. hoses to lower the price stilt further. His hopes, its re- corded in the papers, are based on the 'possession of certain deposits of carnotite in Utah, from which he has been able to extract radium, and which he believes ea,n be induced to give its radium up somewhat easier than the pitchblende from which the radium eo far obtained has been ex- tracted. We hope he will succeed. Eo tum ie the mcst interesting sub• stance out, and, dear though it is, a very little of it goes a great way, and lasts. apparently, forever. We want more of it, for, unlike liquid air, it seems really to be of use for oomething besides amusement and speculation. t , Dangerous Flies. It is most important that flies should be kept away from• all food supplies. To this end, every effort should be made, first to do away With all places that are favorable for the breeding of flies. Horse manure should be kept in a closed pit, or the place where it is stored should be screened. Metal screens that will not rust aro best for this purpose,, but, unfortunately, they are too high-priced to permit of their being used by the majority of people who live in the country. Cotton mosquito netting, however, ' Is not very expensive, and, though it will not last as long as the rust -proof metal screens, it is just as effective in keeping out the tiles. Cotton netting can generally be purchased at a trifle over three cents a square yard when bought by the piece, and each piece con- tains sixteen square yards. Where it is not practical to use screens, chloride of lime, if used in liberal quantities and well sprinkled through the manure, will prevent the development of any eggs which May be deposited in this manure. En the second place, screens or cot Robbing It In. Bufralo Commercial, Cheer up, Sir Tommy; the worst is 'et to come t DID HMI GOOD AND NO MISTAKE What Simon V. Landry has to say of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He was Weak, Run Down and a Total Wreck. -Three boxes of Dotld's Kfd- ney Pills put him to Work Again. River B.ourgcois, Richmond Co., Qua, Oet. 5. -(Special.) -Simon V. Landry, well known here, adds his teistimony to the thousands of others all over Canada who owe their health, and even life itself, to Dodd',s Kidney Pills. "I was bothered for over a, year with Lame Back, 1Vea.k Back, Palei- tation of the Heart and General Weakness," says Mr. Landry. "I•n fact I Ivens a 'total w;rcick. I could not work, as fagot tired and weak eo elalsily, and I had a weakness in my stomach so that I could not bend down' to do anything. "I have tried different kinds of medicine without benefit, till I gave Dod's Kidney Pills a trial. From the first they did me good, and I had only taken three boxes when I was able to ,start work again. They did me good, and no mi,sitake." Da; d',s Kidney Pills are known by their cures in every corner of Can- ada. They cure the Kidneys. Sound Kidneys ensure pure blood. Pure blood means good health, cheerful- nelss and abundant energy. That's how Dodd's Kidney Pills make new men and women out of run-down, worn-out people. Great Electrical Laboratory. An appropriation of $275,000 for a Nene York State electrical laboratory at Union College, Schenectady, Is re- commended by a. commission appoint- ed to determine the necessi•1y for such an institution. The laboratory Le to supply information on ques- tions of electrical 'science and an official standard for electrical mea- suring instruments and apparatus, together with etandra,rds for electric wiring of buildings for the protec- tion of municipalities and the gen- eral public. Germa,ny has such an in- stitution. Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc. A Wasp's Wisdom. Naturalists have decided that many insects have senses which hu- man beings lack. That of location, as shown by the wasp, for instance, Is remarkable. One species builds its nest in a sandbank that it only a part of several acres of such soil, and when it leaves in search' of food it covers the nest so carefully that no ordinary eye could discover is location. That is to say, it is just like all the surrounding loca- tion, and yet the wasp flies back to it without hesitation and finds it without making a mistake. There is another wasp that uner- ringly locates the eggs of the mas- on been under a thick layer of sun bakey clay, and deposits her own eggs in the same cells that her young may have food when they are hatched. NO HOME should be without it. Painkiller, the best all-round medicine ever made. Used as a liniment for bruises and swellings. In- ternally for cramps and ddarroheea. Avoid substitutes. There ie but one "Painkiller"— Perry Davis'. Where They Talk Much. Chicago Post. " That long-winded chap Is aw- fully tiresome„” remarked the stranger. "Yes," admitted the native. "He's most wore us out 'round here, but I guess we got it fixed to get relief by puttin' hinu where he belongs." "Where is that "" " We're goin' to send hire to Con- gress. He'll do us proud there." That Awful Breath IS DUE TO CATARRH & COLDS Possibly you haven't noticed it, but others have. Catarrh and co ds if neglected soon develop into the chronic forms, accompanied by the most nauseating and disgusting symptoms. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is a specific for curing colds, coughs, deafness, headache, sore throat, tonsilitis, cold in the head, In- fluenza and all diseases of the nose and throat. It relieves in 10 minutes. Dr. Agnew's Ointment is withzut an equal for all skin troubles, 35e. 6 flow Japs Play Ht n. In its most widely practiced form th,e basis of the Japanese game of leen is that the full outstretched y s retched hand signifies paper ; the fully closed l:,and, a stone; aad two fingers alone extended, the rest being closed, scis- , soils. Eacb of the players, counting one; two, three, throws out his hand at the moment of pronouncing tlu'ee, and the one whose manual symbol is superior to that of tive others, ac- cordiing to the theory of the game, wins the trial. Superiority Ls determined on the hypothesis that whereas scissors cannot cart a. stone they can cut pa- per, and whereas paper is out by i saiissors it can wrap up a stone. Consequently scissors is inferior to atone, but conquers paper ; stone is inferior to paper, but conquers scis- sors; and paper is infcrioc but con - ears, but conquers stone. There are innumeratble varieties of the game -for it is not a mere method of de. termlining a cll;.pate or ppriority:-anvil they are constantly added to by in- gendous young ladies, the •dancing= girl 'class especially, who, play it with exquisite grace and Judicious en- chantment of beautiful hands and arm)9, 'THE ALARM=CLOCK BRAIN. The Man Who Can Wake Up. at Any Rour ill the Morning. To be ablate waken one's pelf at a predetermined and usually un- earthly hour, without external prompting is an accomplishment of ,;ubieh one may well boast, I hope, with entire truthfulness. Continu- ally to be doubting other people's word its perhaps a bad sign,- but contest; that wil,en one of these gifted mortals tells how the tide served for weak fishing at 3.30 a. m., and the appointment was for 3 sharp at Sammie' pier; how he did not want to rouse whale trust and con- fidenee in the clock it would have been just him to snore through its long -protracted trill, so he simply impressed upon his mind, "Two - thirty," beeause that would give him Bleat time to dress and get down to the deck. "Two -thirty," he said to his mind. "Two -thirty. Under- stand?" And his mind nodded ate head and said: "All right, bass, I'll call you. Don't you worry. Two -thirty," midi he went to bed ate7. and slept like a top, and it seemed like it was no time at all before bee waked up with a sort of a jerk, as broad awake as ever he was in his life. He struck a match and looked at his watch, and what do you think ? Well, sir, it was just 2.31. When aman tells me that, I look him right in the eye. -Everybody's Magazine. . How You Can Tell it. Toronto Star. They grab each other by the hair, They tear each other's clothes; With shrieks. they rend the autumn air, They break a victim's noce. They rend another limb from limb, Rip off another's ear; ley these and other signs you know; The football season's here. In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets road via Grand Trunk and Lehtghvalley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage IS nowchecked lubondand from Canadian points.The Lehigh Valley hasthree stations in New York, up town near all first- class hotels, and down town near all Euro- Eean steamship docks, saving passengers for urope a long and expensive transfer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Cauadlaa Passenger Agent, 88 Yoege street, Toronto, Ont. CI'ematories Are Increasing. There were cremated last year in the United States 3,158, England 452, Germany 956, Italy 822, :France 4,805 (of which 305 were paid for, paupers are cremated), Switzerland 217, Denmark 44, Sweden 44. I was Cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S LINIMENT. REV. WU. BROWN. 1 was cured of a bad case of ear- ache by MINARD'S LINIMENT. M'RS. S. KAULBACK. I was Cured' of sensitive lungs by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. MASTERS. Celt and German in America. Seventy-five per cent. of our for- eign -born population In 1900 was of Teutonic and Celtic stock -the very ame that made the English. Of course, a still larger percentage of the native-born are of these races and of their admixture. It is an error, then, to tack of the American people as a conglomeration of races. There is an American race formed by fusion of the -original races that made the English. Take One of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills after dinner. It will promote digestion and odercome any evil effects ot too hearty eat- ing. Safe, prompt, active, painless' and pleasant. This effective little pill Is sup- planting all the old school nauseous purga- tives. 40 doses, 10 cents. -13 How Monkeys are Trained. "People have often: asked me the question, 'Do the organ -grinders trait, their own monkeys, or is this done by some one else '? '10 an ani- mal dealer this is a very busy ques- tion, indeed. They do not. Difere is a smart Italian in Philadelphia who Makes a business' ot supplying organ - grinders with monkeys already train- ed. He settled in Philadelphia some eight or nine years after the civil war. Up to that time the organ - grinders were obliged to either train their own animals or send to Paris for then:. Tile Italian had been in Paris, where he had learned the dif- ference between the sapajou and ma- caque in maieer of intelligence. Realizing that tae former could be trained in Just one-half the time re- quired for the latter, he soon built up quite a business, and a few years after he ret up shop every organ - grinder in tills country had a Bra- zilian, ring-tailed, rebus monkey. 'He purchases the animals from the dealers at prices ranging from 925 to $e0, trains their, to perform a number of tricks and to collect pen- nies. and sells them to organ -grind- ers for $80 and 9125. "The life of an organ -grinder's mon- key is a hard one. They are al- ways well-fed, to be sure, but the hard and inenssant toil of dancing, jumping„ turning somersaults, and re:ening after cotes, freer early dawn till late at night, le more, even, tiwtrt a monkey can stand, and they oson wear out, The Itelian of wham I just spoke told 'me treat it had to be are unusually healthy`aild robust ti onkey that coulee stand three years _Or this business, As a general thing, two years is about the limit, n.i. the enol of which time Count Hund- Washington Post. CSunlight Soap will not burn the nap' off woolen; nor the surface off linens. RIcDUCEs EXPENSIC Ask for the Octagon Bar. ,r.: Make "Made in Canada" Creditalee Monetary Times. There should be a limit to the labit of clapping oneself on the back, even though this be pleasant. Mr. Preston recently called down a good deal or animadversion upon his Lead because, seeing that Canadian butter shipped to Britain was not so good as that of some other conn - tries, lie had the temerity to say so. But was not such an action more likely to lead to future perfective tinar, if he had taken the easier course. of leaviug his fellow countrymen in a fool's paradise of self-complais- ancy, winch Ieads to nowhere ex- cept commercial distinction. Made -in - Canada should mean not a mere passably good article, but equal to tie very best that can be made. D$inard's Liniment for sale every- where. Postal Cards Popular. Interesting statistics in regard to the use of postal cards heave just been published by the International Bureau of Berne. They sh'o'w; that during a year more postal cards are used in Germany than in any other country, the figures which throw light on this point, being as follows: Germany, 1,13,5,000,000; United States, 670,000,000 ; Japan, 4135,000,000; Austria, 250,000,000 ; France, 60,000,000; Belgium, 55,- 000,000, and Switzerland only 43,- 000,000. M'inard's Liniment relieves Neur- algia. Preventive Medicine. In this age of tension every boy should be taught some form of re- creation that he will cling to in life. When the thing by which he has made his name or honey threat- ens his very' existence, he can turn to this safeguard, and, while his mind in pleasurably occupied, re- gain his physical poise. It may be yachting, canoeing on little rivers, mountain climbing, traveling. horse- back riding, bicycling, tennis, golf, flower growing or some other branch of farming, fishing or hunting. What-' ever it may be, the thought and the love of it is better engendered dur.. lug the formative years, if there Is a full understanding that It Is to act as running mate to the greater work In life, and is properly and neces- sarfly part of a boy's education. - Youth's Companion. Piles To prove to youlltbab ]fir. Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute euro for each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sasses. timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh - bore what they think of it, You can use it and $et your money back if not cured. 600a box, at all dealers or EDMRANSON,BATES & Co., Toronto, Dr."Chas ='s Ointment Mrs. Noolywed's Mistake. Baltimore American. Mrs. Noolywed--A'nd i1 I had really tbrow,n you down then, would you have given me up? Noolywed-I should say not. I would have' kept right on trying to win you, even if you had thrown me over half a dozen times. Mrs. Noolywled-My, what a lot of fun I missed! HLinard'g Liniment cures Dandruff. The legal duration off a patent in Germany its fifteen years from the date of application, and additional pabenter expire at the same time as the main patent. Inventions which appertain to articles of food or medicine cannot be patented in Ger- many. ISSUE NO. 41, 1903 Mrs. Winslowe boothing S emou!d always Ks used for Children Teething. it soothes tan child, softens thegums cures wand colic and 1e the belt remedy for DlarTrnn. THE HORSE MARKET Demands Sound Horses Only. Lame horses sell at less than half their actual valun and are neither desirable for use or sale, The remedy is easy. A few bottles of will work a permanent curo for Sppavia's, Bingbcnee, Splints llurbe, etc., and all forms of Lameness, It cures thousands of cases annually, Suchendorsements as the one following area guarantor of merit. Cured two Bone Spavins of Ten Years' Standing. Earlvllle, N.Y., Mar. rr, root. Dr, B. J. Kendall Co„ Gentlemen t-5otuo years ago I used your Kendall's Soavin Cure on a horse that had two Bone Spavins, and it removed them entirely. These Spavins had been on him from birch and were of ten years' scantling. I now have a case of a'nare that was Injured by falling through a bridge, and ant going to give her complete treatment with your Spavin Cure. Please send me a copy of your "Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." Yours very truly, CLARK O. PORT. Price $1; Six for 55. Asa liniment for family use - It has no equal. Ask your druggist for Kendall's Spavin Cure, also "A Treatise on the Horsey the book free, or address DR. B. J. KENDALL CO.. Enosburg Falls, Vt. A Case of Sympathy. Boston Transcript. Desk Editor -You have used sev- 1 eral words here, Mr. Swift, that aro not to be found in the dictionary. Utility Man -Oh, well, I wouldn't be too hard on the dictionary mak- ers. They have their failings the same as other folks. i . , 1 Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart acts directly and quickly, stimulates the heart's action, stops most acute pain,dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking smothering, or patpit'.tton. This wonderful cure Is the sturdy ship which carries the heart -sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart disease in 30 minutes. -11 Her E'rlend. N. Y. Herald. " She's alt my fancy painted boa" The doting husband said, 'Twas superficial to remark, He had but late been wad., And then his spouse's bosom friend, Who for the swain bad played, Replied: "Oh, really. Fancy's then The name of your vrife's maid," ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT. Removes all hard, soft or callouesd lumps and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. No Disreputable Prisoners. For almost thirty years the lock- up' at Nantucket was unused by any, prisoner. During the past summer mite Philadelphian visited the Jail, Laving heard that a prisoner had been taken. An old woman, who proved to be the "jailoress," greeted the visitors. "Where's the pmisoe- er ?" asked one of the party. "I jest sent Y.im Clown to this village on an errand,' wain the reply. "I shouldn't think that would be wise," ventured the strainer boarder. ''He might not comp back." ' Young man," exclaim. ed the jailoress, somewhat testify. "I'd have you understand that we only Lave :respectable prisoners here!" Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 3l Went Her One Better. Brooklyn Life. "1 never saw yo'u in such a be- coming hat, my dear. Did you get it ready made?" "I 'was just thinking how up -1st>! - ally rreetty yours looks. Did you make yourself?" Russia has only taken her revenge by conquering Manchuria. The Chin- cese have twice sacked Moscow, once in 1237 and again in 1293. Twelve years ago there were 2,000 Japanese in the United States. To- day there are 24,300. Tont money back if Mt Phis do net mue. Why Gin Pills? Gin Pills are called Gin Pills because each pill possesses all the curative qualities of one and a half ounces of the best Holland Gin. As a cure for Kidney trouble however, they have all of the good qualities of Gin, with none of its bad. All druggists, Soots. per box, 6 boxes for $2.5o or direct from The Bole Drug Co., Winnipeg, Man. timvrr. ALWAYS SEE THAT THE MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME Our Parlor Brands - "KING EDWARD" "HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" ESTAUL'aHte A QUICK, SUITE LIGHT by using any one of FOR SALE by Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" "Telephone" Is ensured EVERY time these brands : :: :: Dealers Everywhere