HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-10-02, Page 5utimeognamm Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. it OFF A it MINI 111 9i3altu" The Zurich Herald. a 7TH E A * :--A I D—* * � d WILL DE Hartleib, Hardy and Rickteils' journey Continued, Ertro.i'roN, Sept 22nd., 19)3. We must recall again the enterprise. o£ Winnipog--o£ its great building operations We were told that upwards of ten million of dollars were being spent in all kinds of structures. Working men of all kinds re- ceive good pay—Masons $0.00 per day and common laborers from $2 to $2,75 per day; board is $4 per week, After leaving Winnipeg through Manito- ba, we were surprised to see snow eovering the fine fields of all kinds of train shocks, and meeting with cold weather. The first important town we struck was Portage La - prairie. This place has a population of 3,, 900, ft on the Assiniboia River, and is the market town of a rich and prosperous dis- trict, and one of the principal grain dis tricts in the Province. Its haslaige flour mills and prain elevators, abrewer;y, brush factory and several other industries. The next important place was Brandon. This town has a population of 5,350, is a divisional point, and one of the largest grain markets in Manitoba, as well as be. i ng one of the most important distribating centres to an extensive and well-settled country. It has eight grain elevators, flouring mills, largo plaining mills and a number of other manufactories the Call and get our prices. J. F. ickbdil, - - Zurich. • ra re Manitba s t i r. est Hensall Flour. vrsornreeaaaac oma Buckwheat and Rye Hours. And. in Breakfast We Carry W H A TINE, ROLLED WHEAT, AND OATMEAL. AL S 0: International Stock Foods, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal. Seeds &c., &c. ADALOW101. !IS ( Zeller Block. ) . SCH AG, ZURICH. The People's Store. :Walt alto 'Minter Greeting: J. D. rlerner Prop. OUR FALL STOOK is just to hand. It is ono of the largest and most up -to -elate we have ever hacl at this season of tho year and. includes -DRESS GOODS - in all goalities, colors ttnd. prices. 0VH MILLINERY DEPARTMENT( is now open and customers can rbly on getting the most fashionable goods at the vert lowest prices. : " c 7,./�p-CT letom..' * are new, Stylish and cheap we don't blow much—better call and see then.. 'We always carry fu11;1ines in Mens' Furnishings —AS WELL AS— Ready-made Clothing, And are considered the proper place to get GENTLEMENS' O DE ED SUITS, at much lower prices than charged in cities and towns, for the same class of goods and workmanship. itb 4,5 v5 Our Grocer3r Department is fully stocked with every requite in. that lino and the prices are as low as it is possible to make them. WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES Ribbons, Laces, Small -mares, and Ladies' and Gents notions always in stock, and the prices are right in all cases. Pi, odui a talent in exchange at market prices. Give us a call—all are wol- 00ine at M RNER' town is beautifully situated on high ground and has well -made streets and- many substan- tial buildings. A Dominion Experimental farm and a Provincial Asylum, are also sit- uated near Brandon. The next place was Broadview, of about' 7000 population. This district is a fine stretch of country, nicely settled and the ' fine buildings of the farmers in the vicinity - are greatly admired by tourists and others. I The next important place was hoose Jaw. This place is 400 chiles from 1Vinni- peg ; here we had to stop over for the night ; the next morning we were detained three hours, on account of two freight trains having collided. In this wreck 222 horses were killed and two engines demol- ished, but no men were killed. Moose Jaw has a population of 2,050, is a railway .l)iv- isional. point •and is a busy market near the western limit of the present settlement.— The name is an abridgement .f the In- dian name, which literally translated is, the creek where the white man mended the cord with a moose's jaw bone. The town i5 surrounded by a mountain. hoose Jaw is the place where Riel, the rebel. crus caught, and where soave of Ontario'., brave soldiers lost their lives, during the rebel - The next place of importance was Cal. garry : from Moose Jaw' here is,nbout Glad miles. This country is very barren—noth- ing but hills and valleys --and is only good for ranching purposes. Last May a severe snow storm struck the pl� ee, and we are informed that one rancherr)ost 1,500 cattle all of which perished in the storm. Cal- garry is a fine place with a population of 3,400. This picturesque ranching city has • been appropriately named the Sirloin of Canada, and is the best. as well as the handsomest place between Vancouver and Brandon. It is charmingly situated on a hill, overlooked by hie white peaks of the Rockies, and is the centre of the trade of the ranching country. Calgarry is an • important station of the Mounted Police • and a post of the Hudson Bay Company. From Calgarry to Ednionton.is 192 mites Along this line, here and there, are newly made villages. The country along here is very flat, with numerous small lakes and slows, with a new settler here and there and we were told that the oars got nipped by a frost, and has to be cut for feed. The peg. i plc report to us that the year bas been n very peculiar one—not much fine weather all summer : one man informed us that the j Sun hardly shined two month all summer mostly rainy weather ---rid that the (rop`' did not ripen, but potatoes are very gond. In Edmonton one will see a great boom-•-• population 0,000—building operatieni, ai,e going on in every direction—property is. we think, at its highest notch --single lets j on Main Street selling as high as wti.Oti0, by speculators, who are there by the thou- sand, with ears"cocked, looking for snaps. One finds lots of English Blokes here Hsi well as American speculators. To -morrow morning we aro going to Didsburg, to see Allen Bossenberry—from there to Arcola District --and thence to Da- kota. We are all well and enjoying our trip -- one is always hungry in this country, Mr. Hardy has to order a combination of beef 1 and pork and pie and pu Yoursdding. truly. C. H.lx'rLral:. Addition to House of Refuge. The house of refuge committee of the county council suet at Clin- ton on Friday and considered. the question of an enlargement of the house to meet the requirements of the increasing number of inmates, After considerable discussion it was decided to engage an architect to draw up plans and specifications for and adition of the size which is deemed necessary, about 40 by 60 feet, and to present these at the December meeting of the county council. Cigars should be entered in man's e cpense account as losses by fire. Incredulity is the wisdoln of a fool ;. it is onlya wise man that can afford to be incredulous. Honesty is like money ; you have got to work hard to petit, and then work hard to keep it. titte Friendship is like earthenware -if it is broken it can be mended ; but love is like a mirror—once broken, that ends it. Skin was on Fire with Eczema iFoz twelve years a dreadful sullerer, but now entirely cured by Dr, Chase's Ointment. Eczema's itch is torture, the skin seems on fire with the burning, stinging humor ; 'at times it becomes almost unbearable, and in desperation you could tear the skin to pieces. You dare not exercise for fear of aggravating the itching, neither can you sleep, for no sooner does the body become warm than the trouble begins, and instead of restful refreshing sleep, it is scratch, scratch, scratch all night long. Ma. Ai.Ex. McDourALT., postmaster, Broad Cove Marsh, N.S., writes :—" For twelve years I was a great sufferer from eczema on the inside of the leg. There was a raw patch of flesh about three inches square, and the itching was something fearful. Dr. Chase's Oin'ment completely cured me, took away the itching and healed up the sore. I have no hesitation in recommending it as a wonderful cure for itching skin disease." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 6o cents a box, at all dealers, or ) dinanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. Chance to Join. a Club That Wm Mahe and Save Money for 'eou. n Everybody should join the mutual Literary 150- eto Club of America. There is nothingelse like it anywhere. It costs almost nothing tojoin and the benefits it gives are wonderful. Itenables you to purchase books and periodicals, music and musical Instruments at special Out prices. It secures re- duced rates at many hotels. It answers questions free of charge. It offers seholarshlps and valua- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms In many citksfor itsmembers.In addition, every member receives the official magazine enti- tled " F.v'r7 M oath" a publication in a class by itself ,including 6 pieces of high -glens vocal and in- strament al muslc(rull size) each month without extra charge: i2 �,ieces in our• Sear in all. YOU cAD7 GFT ALL Os ^a81isFi Bsn suis roc at- IvIOST NOTIBIN6. The Pu12 nearly membership fee is OneDollar Por whish you get alt above, and yon ,nay with. cta•aw any tune within three menthe if you want to dose and etyour doilar bnek. If you don'tcare to spend $1.00, send 25 cents for three monthamembershin. Nobody can afford to Aae, this offer by. "foe will get your money back in vaiue many timesovar. Pul1particulara wiii be sent tires ee of charge, bus to you are wise you will send in your request for memhersltiU *with the proper fee at once. The 25ets. three months mem- bership offer will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your letter and enclosing 51.00 for full year's membership or twenty -Ave cense Por three; months to 1431 TELOIL LATHRAR T .firICSIC crux No. 150 Nassau St., Nes X. ilt'ly. 04 Sale Register. On Saturday, Oct. 3rd, at one o'clock sharp, en lot South part I-,, oa 4th ern. . of the Tp. of liag. Farm Stock and Ina- laloment•. E. Bossenherry, auctioneer; Fred Hess, Sr. and 1Cm. Trimmer, Exec• utor. ,Estate of late Wm. Schroeder. A Cough "I have made a most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral atnd. am prepared to say that for all dis- eases of the Lungs it never disap- points." J. Early Finley, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia.; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Throe sizes: 22e., enough for an ordinary cold; 60c..just right for bronchitis, ,hoarse• ness, hard colds, etc.; 51, most economical for chronic cases and to keep on hand. J. 0. APER CO., Lowell, Masa. Notice. r[- HE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINn)ut, loader, or hlr. A. McKair, Secy., Hensall, Ont. FARM FOR SALE— The undersigned offers his choice 100 acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, 24 miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to 03mn JACO!' METEn, Zurich P. O. ho has a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY KINI) GET YOUR TIRES RESET ON ONE OF HENDERSON'S 'dire Sctthi Machines It sets them Cold, It does the work in a few minutes tithe. It keeps the Dish of Wheels just Right It sloes the work Perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. 0;7. DAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have k. Y a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will he sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 15•tf •MAeni, & BENDER, Zurich. • NOTICE! rt_ OMtIENC"ING 4...CGUST FIRST, V will adopt the CASH SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. ter All OId Accounts owing me must be settled by the FIIIST I)..11 OF SEP- TEMBER. EP- TEMILER. JOHN SCHAFER, Butcher, Zurich. DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking I ORE We have now a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low. Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac No more guess work, but tires are reset • accurately and quickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. • Hawing one of these Tire Setters in prac- tical operation, the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited, all work thoroughly war- ranted. John Weseloh, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Zurich, On 50 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE TRADE IVMARtiS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyeue Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- teions strletiyeanadential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Intents taken through Munn it Co. receive special notice, withoutcharge, in the scientific Batman. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest sir. n yof any scientificS journal. Ternts'3 a. year;ear;four nmonths,,51.Sold byuli newsdenlera. NN 8 eop36l8roadway, New York Branch Office.I'':^ ' St.. Washington, D. 0. When you can't ;et what you: like resolve to like what you can DASHWOOD ONTARIO get,