HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-25, Page 5"`rh•e Zurich Herald. JTH A * o; -x 1 I)—* * -WILL BE BLUE BELLS. The' Bootblack's • Story, One fine morning as I yeas leisure- ly' walking down Main strait, with no particular object in view, my attention was attracted to a boot- black. Someone in passing; had dropped, .or carelessly thrown away, a small bunch of blue bells. My attention was at first attracted by the little fellow stopping to pick thorn up, but 'what was my am tine ment to see Mini tenderly kiss Them and then carefully fasten them in the buttonhole of his faded jacket. My curiosity was aroused. I made• up my mind to quiz. the boy, so I walked up to hint and tasked hint for rt shine. I looked . at the boy carefully : he was very small and Very poorly dressed, he was pale and thin, and the large blue eyes looked its if they were full of un- shed tears. "Half a dinie, "he said, when he had put a final polish on Tay shoes, I took Out a quarter, and said, as I balanced it on my fore -finger, ".Here is ten cents for' the shine and .fifteen for the flowers," point- ing to the blue bells in his button- hole. He put his small hands over the flowers quickly, and gave a quick EIrt) gasp. ry' "No, sir ; I can't sell them ; if I was starving I wouldn't sell a bine be11." • "And why not, my little man'" I ingnired. He looked at me so piteously that -I was almost sorry I had asked him. I put my hand on his head and said.: '"Excuse me for asking, yon need not tell neo unless you wish to, and you can keep the quarter besides.•' He looked up at me a moment and then said : "I like you and if you care to listen I'll tell you.- -Of course I am anxious to know why you love the blue bells," "I will commence at the first and tell it all to you, but first lot us go down there and sit down," point- ing to some dry goods bones not far from where 110 stood. We went, and after seating our- selves on a small box behind some larger Ones, where he would not be observed he took the blue bell bouquet. and holding it in his hand, began saying : "It was just a year ago this month, and it has been such a ling year I thought the blue bulls would never come," and then he stopped and put his hands over his eyes as if trying to shut out sono horrid sight. I slid not interrupt his reverie. Presently lie took. clown his • hands, and said, abruptly; Call and get our prices. J. F. - Zurich. Pure 'unit t a Hlr. Best lensall Flour. Buckwheat and Rye Flours. " F International Stock Foods, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal. Seeds c., &c. eti11ae1=11,0.4.» And in Breakfast Foods \ Te Carr'y W H E A a 6 N°, ROLLED WHEAT, AND OATMEAL ( Zeller T31at'k. ) C. SCIAG, - - ZU RICH. Clothing for We are acknowledged Headers in Clothing of all kinds. We have the kind that will help you bear the summer heat, ZURICH R 1 ONTARIO Sale Register. On Saturday, Oct, 3rd, at one o'clock sharp, on lot South part 17, on 9th eon. of the Tp, of Hay. Farm Stock and Im- plements. E. Boysenberry, auctioneer; ifred Hess, Sr. and Mrs. Truentner, Exec• utors, Estate of Iate W'Vm. Schroeder, FOR THIRT7 DAYS. A 1VE'idsummer Offer in. Newspaper- dom. The Toronto Daily World, a newspaper that pays particular attention to the re- quirements of the farmer, and has the reputation of publishing the most accurate Cattle and Produce Market Reports of any paper in Canada, together with a brief liv e and up to date news serviee,oan be secured clubbed with THE HERALD for the balance of this year and up to the first of January, 905, for $3,50. While everybody is busy at the present time, still there is no one so busy that they cannot take advantage of a genuine bar- gain and secure the best local paper, combined with one of the brightest metro- politan newspapers published in Canada. This offer is only good for thirty clays from the first insertion of this advertise- ment, which appeared in TIni HERALD on Sept 11. Call, or mail your order to us before Oct. 11, 1903, as no subscriptions at this rate will be taken after above date ,ryEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have V a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will. be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAOEL & BENDER, Zurich. Lost. Red cow, white face, horns and with ' bell on, strayed away from my premises, • Bauble line, on Monday night, Sept. 7th. Anyone knowing of her whereabouts will please let nee know. ALON%0 INIntse,c, 7-3p St. Joseph P. 0. (To bo continued.) Adversity is a poultict that re- duces our vanity and strengthens our virtue—even a Boy never feels litllf so good as when he has just been spanked and set away to cool. Court of Revision. -N,TOT10E IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT 1.-L.1 a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by his honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron,at the Town Hall Zurich, on Tuesday, the `?.9th day of September, 1903, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Hay for 1903. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place• FRED HESS, Sit., Clerk: of Hay. Dated the 11th Sept., 1008. FEW good building lots for sale at the North end of the Village. Any person desiring to huilcl will find this a nice location for a residence. Apply to E. Ziaa.Eu, Zurich. W©Reim scramtin FARM FOR SALE— the Blood Flowed A dreadful case of tchIng Zezcnta tihle�, dolled ordinary treatment, and was permanently cured )'y Por. Chase's Ointment. Mss. LINgs, r_' Walker St., Ilalifax, staters:—" `After three years of miserable torture and sleepless nightswith terrible eczema, and alter trying over a dozen remedies without obtaining anything but slight temporary relief, I have been perfectly and entirely cured by using Dr. Chases Ointment. After the third or fourth application of this grand ointment I obtained relief, and a few boxes were sufficient to make a thorough cure. "It is six months since I was freed of this wretched skin disease, and as there has been nn return of the trouble I consider the cure a permanent one. I would strongly urge any one suffering as I did to try this ointment, and shall gladly write to any who wish to refer to ale for particulars of my case. I was so bad with eczema that I would scratch the sores in , my r.l:rp until the blood would flow.'' Dr. Chase's Ointment, 6o rents a box, at all dealers, orEdmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. protect otect you against imitations the portrait and signature of•Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous IFurniture "� receipt book author, are on every box. The undersigned offers Itis choice 1`)0 - acre farm for sale: being Lot `3u, North Boundary, Hay -;Township, 242 miles North of Zurich. The farm is in gond condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to ti -amp JAcon 1Il:rEn,Zurich P. 0. NOTICE. (`10MMEN CING• AUGUST FIRST, tiff--) will adopt the CASH SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. i r All Old Accounts owing me must be settled by the FIRST 1)AY OF SEP- TEMBER. JOHN SCHAFER, • Butcher, Zurich. DASHWOOD ,, 9S5T,'R3LCBtIS.Bl.• `S99O'ht • t* ""1g 7i;ttaete Pt A94tY 'olds .00ag0.10311080 eau-snaaAta ao a)Rsaoqucaur sauna. 1103 sea 00'IS Snlsoiouo pun aa,;sal auoe,Suissoap Undertaking STOE p13 cone an ensdt' •eSungo noes 1)1At x0310 dl0saea ,m..,, n.m .rte.. -mom mama 00ags •s2o o o cry '60uo an ea3 Jades eta 05). i d;gsaogaioul so3 asenbaa ano6 al puns TWA no6 °gen ex11 1106 31 ung 08sngo 3o ee.13 atlas cal ural s no;aaw!Xln,,i JOAO6atula Anew 00110 ul,loop .0000x.0noe. ash That nox, (q .taago gym sired o9 were ova (potloiq 'd111S.tlq1110tn stlanout pasha ao3 411100 SS pu08 "00;iaa nuads040an0a,l)op: no63I • natio..uitop Anoea03i part 0999113M no6 3) e:l1110t1 oa.stl9 tticltl.%t. otullt &nu 8001.8p -tgaint, Swat 'not pro '0A)i11/ 1113 Jas no6 wags). sep tutto¢n0) s1003 dlgsaogra u £lou t tln3 x1)3 'exlr1OIS 1,003! •Tr %TOR sIi30rl3IOrOt.q0'tSr ave Gv4ngva0.1Yi8 0013118amgluos orem 111) an 1001 01 plat 11:100A 010)0.1)0))) JO 100atd 9 ilinpntoul"31)831 (q sone n U) )o13n011ondu cepuoJit A•=c *@7 a. Pala •1an0 oojzn2val 1010100 0113 6..1000.10Og1u aitt d,laea 'uoloppn 131 •exaqutent sal x03 sante (111110 01001)00.0 vnjlep1811 edits111 aviogo a 0.1)330 00 02.11(1d 0 0 sato o snons0nb 1.1041611110 •6163) g AIM= aro 1a1na pomp }ea 40anoas a0 •sa01ad alto moods x13 8anotutaasn 001811 uputotsmu stern polaadpuostl000 swum:arta oa nog semen:an `tnOaePt1ost0ays010aySagoiteq my pun toot o3 8111ta,ou 3s0tdty 1aso0 ay `e.teonadt 13 al eait 0610211)(13010)039113, 00)101111 30 48110 01: '0I( £11303y1 tumult 0g3 titer Pi11011s Gspog6Sa0Al aay.& ao-g dalton 04:ny paw oaten A1ihix 011 1 . 41ni o ae aloft oat otautnlo We have now a large and ,up - to -elate Stock ofHouse Fur- niture a 11 d Furnishings which we carer At a Low Price... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Largo and up -to elate. In time of need, give us a can, PRICES RIGHT. "I have used Ayer•'s'Hair ,Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- ing gray,."—Mrs. F. A,. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair `Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless, But graduallythe old color cordes back,—all the rich, dark color it used to have, The hair stops falling, too. 51.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you, send as one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express alive. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell. AI ass. arm:� Notice. >�HE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CVAs. LI: DER, leader, or Mr. A. McKay Secy., Hensall, Ont. c s aC DASHWOQD - • ONTARIO 118 has a Wagon ? OR OTHER VEHICLE OF ANY KIND GET YOUR TIRES RESET • ON ONE OF HENITERSON'S Tire Setting IV{achirias �. It sets them Cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of Wheels just Right It does the work Perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work, but tires are reset accurately and quickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in prate-- tical operation, the patronage of the pub - Ile is solicited. All work thoroughly war- -John John Weseloh, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Zurich, Ont Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION t'. )Y,W;,;rs nt`R .y*1 lialEiZinilifAZ e 11 raO YEARS' EXPERIENCE' y5ltlitvnL"tt TRADE MAR l}Ed �oPVRIGHTSSiGiS Anyone sending a sketch and dooerirptin gntal ly. ascertain nor op111)011 'free whet invontt9n 1s probably patentable ('001031 stiennnnr)cro.lcttlitdesnt d0itia1, i'onunk0pnaY Patfonts taken 11 Munn Co.nlny spccta6 notice, without charm), hi the A. handsomely Milan tea weeldy. T rulatton of any scientific innrnal T yg�ear ; four months, 51 sold by all ne MU�g1N & Co 3G1Broadway, BranchOt13co. ' " n St,. Washita NOTI The public is hereby notifie not be responsible for any de by my graurdbon, Cornoliu either in his or in my own persons are hereby reques themselves accordingly. Jolts Zurich, Aug. 4th, 1903.