HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-18, Page 8•af• ' 'r1;.c' :"Art,Y'* The Zurich Herald 4 . H. WISMER Horse Shoer and 3ENERAL SLAG-SMIT It Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. 111,1*16.1,0410011.0111.0.1,011.0 All work promptly attended to Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage Works. BUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished. See us before you buy. It will be to your interest.. . BUGGIES F. NESS & SON, Arid', Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mild —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing Bono to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills • and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbf eisch Zurich P. 0. Just . Arrived V.5.7110•NMCMICIX41211 4,f The "ALMA " SILK GUARD, for Ladies, f Complete with Gold Bangle I_ l and Snap, up-to-date ) Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A COLLAR BUTTON ? I have the Bullet top Buttons 't in sets of four J Price 20 cets. per set. watches, docks, Jeweiery, etc, MUSICAL OGODS.—PBICES RIGHT. F. 1!'Y ■ HESS • THEJEWELER. WANTED A man to represnt " CANADA'S GREATEST NI RSERIES" in the town of ZURICH, and surrounding coup- . try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties , In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Ornamentals. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stodk true to name and free from San dose Scale. A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, ovz.n 800 :tapas. TORONTO,. - ONTARIO, 3.4m. NOTICE. ICE. S I HAVE ADOPT1 I) THE •CASH .Li System, all accounts must be paid by ;Sept. 1st. C. SOBRA(4. ' Flour and Feed, Zurich. (Locals continued from first page.) both 'displeased • and agrieved at' the action of the government, 'for though the party appointed may be, and doubtless is a capable man, the notion, of the government, in overlooking such an old and prom= iuent supporter as Mr. McLean has been, will not tend to strengthen it in the ridings named, but will be resented, espeeia,lly by the older men of the party,who are thus told to "go away back and sit down," no matter how groat their claims may be to any of the good things that's going. s� The following questions and answers are taken from the Legal Department of the Saturday Mail and as they are of interest to Sep- arate school supporters in both Hay and Stanley Townships trans- fer them to the columns of THE HERALD, in order that all may know the law on the queries pro- ponnded.:— J. L. Drysdale.—Qu.—There is a Separate school in the Township of Hay, which was established in 1892, and has been up to the pre- sent time partly supported by rate- payers who reside in the adjoining Township of Stanley. Can the Stanley ratepayers now establish a Separate school of their own, in• that township ; and if so will they be relieved from their liability upon the debentures which were issued by the R. C. Separate School in Hay, of which they were, form- erly supporters? Ans.—Section 21 of the Separate Schools Act (R. S. O. chap. 294), says :—Any number of persons, not less than five, being heads of fami- lies or householders, resident with- in any school section, of any town- ship, etc., and being Roman Catho- lics, may convene a public meeting of persons desiring to establish a Separate school for Roman Catho- lics in such shool section, etc. The persons so convened can elect three persons to act as trustees for the management of the said school. The trustees so elected shall hold office for three years, and until their successors are elected. Sec- tion 47 says : Any person who desires to withdraw his support from a Separate school shall give notice in writing to the clerk of the municipality, before the second Wednesday in January of any year. But; any person who has withdrawn his support from a Roman Catholic Seperate school shall not be exempted from paying any rate imposed before the time of his withdrawing such support from a Seperate school. There do not appear to be any other pro- visions in the Separate Schools Act relating to the withdrawal of sup- porters, or to the formation of a new school, by those who are already supporters of • an existing school. No doubt the Stanley rate- payers can establish a Separate school of their own in that town- ship. But all of them who were supporters of the school" which is already established in. the Town- ship of Hay will remain liable for the rates necessary to be levied to pay the debentures which were issued by the school section, while they were supporters of the school therein. TO THE END OF THE YEAR The.4.4, t Ti oronto' Sun AND Zurich Herald z SUBSCRIBE NOW —I -- WEEKLIES FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT ! Neat Job Printing MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 70 to 72 Oats .... 27 29 Barley • . , , .. , .. 38 40 Peas 60 65 Flour , .. , .....1 75 1 85 Butter .. 13 14 Eggs ... 13 14 Chickens lb , . 4 5 Ducks 6 6 Geese .. 5 5 Potatoes , .... , , , . 55 65 HENSALL MARKETS, ' Wheat 70 to 72 Oats , ... 30 32 Barley , , 40 40 Peas-- 65 75 Flour 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt.. 5,10 5.60 Births. L neor.D ---At the 9th. con., Hay. on Sept. `5th, the wife of 1lfr. Wnt. • Loibold, of a son. JorrnsTtoir.--At Blake,on Sept, 10th, to I'1r. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, a son, MAssn —At St, Joseph, on inst,, the wife of Mr, Masse, Jr., of a son. Sort a 1 z,—At the 14th con. Sept. kith, the wife of M Schatz, of a son. e. reb . . . For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver aad Glass Ware the 14th Sherwin= YV illiams Nelson Hay, on r. Win, OHS, . Portland Cement and all kinds'of Building Materials, and Hollywood GRED! TON Special to THE HERALD. Mrs. Krug, of Chesley, Ont., was visiting relatives in the village for a, Eery days.. A large ,number of our citizens are taking in the London fair this week. Rev. J. C. Morlock, of Dashwood, held *Quarterly meeting in the Evangelical church on Sunday last and preached very acceptably. Work has commenced on the cement walk's on Main street. Mr Chris. Fahner left Tuesday evening last for Gretna, Manitoba. where he has been offered a good position. If Mr.Fahner finds things favorable he will move his family to said place shortly. Wedded at Berlin. The following is the report of a Redding, taken from the Berlin News Record of the 14th inst., the contracting parties being both for- mer residents of Zurich :— A '9 o'clock this forenoon, at Hessen, Mr. Walter H. Dumart of Berlin, was wedded to Miss Lizzie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose of Milverton. The ceremony was a very quiet one, ()lily the immediate friends of the contracting parties being in atten- dance. The bride -was assisted by her cousin, Miss Nora Greb, of Zurich, as bridesmaid, and her brother, Mr. Fred Rose, of Milver- ton, clischargecl the groomsman's duties. The bride's dress was a stylish creation of white silk with a yoke of brocaded silk. The handsome trimmings were of chiffon and medallions. She wore a veil and wreath of • orange blossoms and carried a cluster of white roses. Her travelling snit was of green tweed, with a chic beaver hat. I.:iiss Greb's gown was also of white silk with pretty garniture. After the ceremony the party drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rose in Milverton, where the wed- ding breakfast was served. The 3 o'cloek train carried Mr. and Mrs. Dunlart en tbezr trip to Detroit and other American cities. They will return in about a, week and will take up their residence on Queen street north, about Novem- ber lst. The bride's popularity was at- tested to by the many beautiful presents received from her large circle of friends. The groom's gift was a geld watch and chain and his remembrance to the maid. a gold bracelet. Miss Smith that was. has a number of friends in Berlin, where she has at times ivisited. These kill join her bus - hand's many friends in extending relicitittions to the ba.ppy couple. M.r. Dluna.r. t'is one of the Twin - City's many successful commercial travellers. and the News -Record trusts the journey of himself and life -companion znay be even more peasant anct successful than his work on the road.has been. Sale Register. On Friday, Sept. 18th, at one o'lock, sharp. on lot 24, con. 14, Hay. Farm stook, implements and furnitu►e. E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer; Catharine Kalb- ileisch and R. R. Johnston, Executors. On Saturday, Oct. 3rd, at one o'clock sharp, on lot South part 17, on 9th con. of the Tp. of Hay. Farm Stock and Im- plements. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer; Fred Hess, Sr. and Mrs. Trueanner, Exec- utors, Estate of late Wm. Schroeder. Lost. Red cow, white face, horns and with bell on, strayed away from my premises, Sauble line, on Monday night, Sept. 7th. Anyone knowing of her whereabouts will please let me know. Ar.oyzo MBLxa1C, 7.3p St. Joseph P. 0. Court of R.e'vision. TOTIOE IS 'HEREBY ' GIVEN TILAT IA a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by his honor the Judge of the County Court' of the County of Huron,at the Town Hall Zurich, on Tuesday, the 29th clay of September, 1.903, at 10 o'clock in'the forenoon, to hear and determine the, several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Hay for 1903. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend' at the said time and place. Fnt,v'Ifjns, Sn., Clerk of Hay. Dated the 11th Sept., .1003. REMEMBER, THE BAND CON - C RT on the evening of the 24th, aid secure your tickets early. The Famous LAOE FE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be cleceiv d with a Fence Machinc--You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL :BINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND OH ZURICH, ® r ONTARIO. There Was, Money Found At our Corner. And. if you come inside of our Shop you will find more We will sell the Balance of Summer Shoes at con And below Cost. Von will find money in them if you buy. We must Sell them to make room for our new Fall Stock. P. BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. We have a IG STOCK OF _ Lanterns, Apple Papers, Apple Drying Wire, t es Ti Granite ite Ware, ete. MI SU IN GET ONE OF OUR +SINGLE HA' NESS �- If you want to show your Driver at the Fall Fairs. i Guns and Sporting Goods. PRICES RIGHT. C. IIARTLETB, The Big Hardware. and Harness House. Zurich, 51e111bQc17's • ,P VP AUTUMN DRESS GOODS REGUliTION ME are proud to be able to invite you to examine our large variety of New Goods. We do not hesitate in stating that it is the best and largest variety shown by us. Wise buyers will know by corning early they get best choice. Prices ranging from 30 cents to $1.25. Our Waist Goods are complete. We wish to .draw your. •attention to our Drop Ornaments and Sectional Trim- mings, and Pearl Buttons ---a large var- iety. D. S' 'EINBACH,