HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-18, Page 4The Zurich Herald.
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Vs"al ' TIHUP,S1047 EVENING.
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: ere,lci,
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1903 -
REMOVAL oft' 'DROPS' ; Before
any fruit is taken from the trees,
every apple, good, bad and indif-
ferent should be .cleared off- the
ground and parried away, to bo
used for feeding stock, or for • any
other purpose for which they play
be fit, but net for export, Similar-
ly, apples which drop during the
picking process should. be kept by
themselves.• We must give the
fruit a fair chance from the start ;
wormy, rotten or otherwise dxseas-
ect Fipples spread contagion,. and
bruised or defective fruit will not
pity for labour, heavy freight
charges and commission.•
]adders may be used for getting at
the lower limbs, and long point -top
ladders for tile npper branches ;
the baskets should be small enough
to turn easily inside a. barrel, and
so shaped as to allow the apples to
be turned ont with a gentle, sliding
motion. In picking, care should
be taken to avoid breaking off the
fruit spurs, which contain the
promise of next year's crop.
G11.1DING. : Grading always pays,
whether the crop be light or heavy,
When the wormy, bruised, nus-
slhapeu and spotted tipples have
been removed, the following rnali.
-ties should be apparent in the
higher grades :-(1) Uniformity in
xizo. (2) Uniformity in colour.
(3) Freedom from defects.
Two grades will usually be found
sufficient for export, and both of
these should be practically free
Handling the Apple Crop. from insect or other injuries, the
Some timely and valuable advice second bein • inferior to the first
o;- the selling, picking and r i; only in point of size and colony.
eevading (le>rfnl remedy- fie- boldness, he was
All the apples in one grade cannot
0f apples i given by Mr. �4r. A. telling ,what ti •neat cure it was,
p a' y be uniform in size, het the apple; ,"tc Mon crowded around, listened
;tlaeKinnon, Chief of the. Fruit in a single prtrt>n e should be so.
Division. Ottawa. Every one inter- for the fruit w ill' be viewed and
attentively and soon produced
ested in the growing and market- uses by able pael:ltgc. their money, the man become
roger of apples should write for a excited, wiped his 'brow and face
It nlaa well happen that a third
col)y 0f• Mr. Mach'innon', bulletin and by accident moved his hat
on the ',Export Apple Tracie " ?-tattle, exclusive of culla will be when 10 ! and behold they saw his
founts to consist of fair Mal ketahle head was bald and soonon took to
SELLING TEE CRol' : 'When the fruit. which the grower feels dis- , their buts and fled knowing the
;rower i:: not also an exporter he posed to export ;� but this LJade tints was wort:. nothing if it did
may sell the apples in one t f two I te.kiug any special features of not rare himself so if WO do not
ways, either at so nn1011 per 1.a , r.; ; excellence and showing a greater Iangel by total t11)' tir_ence we can-
o- at a lump sum for the entire p erc1 ntage of waste often eats into not ask it o`' others.
trrehard, As buyers c•1 ten nuakee the. 1lrnfit yarned. by they finer fruit,
To net public sentiment ]lreaehers I
their contracts long before pie kin a ; 1)1 hues 1edo •" te.• theoTleytal repo-;
should preach to tntt1 abstinence, thee, either I.1uethod involves eon- tat tin•: e f the chipper's branch, 1
sideration of the probable market 1 Much better average results are j the pledge
then ask 'members to sign i
l the pledge and the people ,should
prim (1111711'-" f 11 and wu tiei which hugely to be obtained In hoctti raar• `4141 direly part by -LJI n„ them \c(>
will be regullted by the total stip-1 k(t, ()r from evaporators. ! would know who were the enemieswe
illy and demand. influenced. too lir j The merits of mechanical eVraelrrs
changes 111 the quality of the (Ton i.11laretl on the, market from ti111e to; gnat who the friends. {
When to this uncertainty we add time. Should be carefully investi-1
Churches hitce made enlen(lie
the difficulty of e-.ttheitin.* months I gated. by all whose shipments are u elt/tttons, :treater could not be.
in advance the total yield. of an large. A really good and metrial ; a'^l ed, but it ., hook the church
rest out of the of reeolntinns
orchard .nb,ject to all changes of grader 14x11 effect a great sit vi e in;intn the book of reacts. nc.t,o nitleh
weather, to drought, hen .1 anti win:. i time and money, and. produce u i tFtlltin�* but reallx (bine •
storms. the stub einess-like charm,- : wonderfltl difference 1n the appear- i
ter of bargaining 'by the lump' is l envy of the fruit when each size i l The Teat : It meat ,make nay
apparent, Whichever party ,gains 11)180(•41 in packages by itself. I broth to offend I will rat no 711e(t.t
an undue advan taee, the trade , i while the welded standeth,'• ,hoists
The expert women who ,1-cI'ade � be read sly all, bet e•1)rc{alit' tem -
people from this as from tang other j wreni'h fruit for l0livkrt perforin : 1)rrFlnre people "if whiskey snake
kind of gianblin_r. The system 441-. i the Operation without mechanical' my
11rot1er to offend 1 will chink
strongly coracle mue(1. by the Nu- I aid. A few drays' praacticrr.21h ;11.,-cI)i�kry while
, "if the world stand-
tieredApple Shippers' Association ' merasering-ringe is sufficient ter'eth • 1-e,
wine make my brother to
and coir Canadian buyers describe train they eye so that fruit is accnr- i offend I will drink, no swine while
it as an unmixed roil. Surely- no i ntoly g1 aaded within a quarter of:tn I till. ,w(+rhl Stan(l,'tll" "11 beer nuke
more need be. said to induce both, in eh. Many who are attempting my brother to offend I -viii drink no
lmvers and selbirs to abandon such I to grade h1 hand will find that the1 ,,er „Iwo 0.,, wnrl(1. stancletli" it
guesswork. a71(1 to buy alid sell 11y I use eef a beer of shingle or other('iiier naarke 11ry brother to offend I
fixed. standards Of measure. !light wood. in which holes are rut : will drink 710 cider while the world
- 1't,eeise.: All apples .honld be Imeaslxring two and a quarter. two `:I.Itilti:F1(111,C44.11711“1.111":
es even it the saloon
carefully picked by ham'', with the; anti t1n4 quarter:(, three. ani thee( me my brther to offend I will
stems 011 anti without breaking the i and a half inches reepec:tively will to (1.0 with the saloon
• - 14. or bruising the fruit in any I he (if great a:.-istanee in this worst. ; while the -world standetll.
Way. By testing* an apple now and again ; The W. C. T. U. :ere raisin!; a
As a general rule it is 'advisable 1 the ?raekei• will :;0011. become expert i atresia tont ; the rope, 2L10 fills ti
for ;x rare` tar hart( t 1 nil park ;111 (14102minine the size without the' different clepurtnuents, theta tare so
-r Jen- own fruit, whether tll(ee ix,e of the testing hoard.; many that there i, -\ shell for ell, if
eventually sell it on the lrremises' • one 18 interested in ti special lino of
o ship to 1.41.4 /reign markets. In' Vtfome:ls' Mission and God's Coral- woyl; shy may ch`aose that and
either r ('ale it i, a great advantage . work there..
to the seller to know exactly the In church lnacbineryand manage-
gnality and 4,ri:ety of the fruit ii1 ' -
tnr_nt woman is not needed, Winn
every paehhhcre, It i, a still g 4 8tor i (•1011 21.•11Rb.) aro the prea(41)4' s, leen lead prayer
advantage to have each 'V ariotv ! Toe crusade' closed np bars 114 I1ne:etin4-.:t11a1 class 12101 tings, men
pieked at just the prepare tinge. Nor I Ohio ;:,r it while, but soon they aro th0 see v'. id- trnstees and
Wholesale buyer 1, 11114 to havt'lli� `',tFL1'te(i 1117 a`Salri, 45 11011)en gather -
so 110in(Ln needed lin organ -
111e11 arrive at each orelett l :Inlet I ed that rear It (`hautagna they Nation of hor own and since ha.v-
•when the app]es• in it are reedy..
ronela(lt d it would be better for ing that, namely the W. C. T. U.,
The result is that everysra5nn a i 1.120rat to organize and clecidetl ()n tt s11' has been broa�(lenecl a11(1 ]helped
!-creat iTt 111\ (l1•(:hated, threuggleei1 !Convention at l.leve]and, at this 1t. 118s not curl, helped 'llmninity.
Canada. are pie ee4t either t00la1(e:.i t(0)1 strife, were; represented, but herself. if the hailer dnC's not
er too early. Fruit picked t,l , woe- every state in 'thee Union .has train the children the evil of liquor
eerlr may keep hut is apt to 1, a nr::arrz .tion, and fifty-eight na- and is not interested in the, cause
come tough andtastele-5 ; if pit -keit time; have white ribhoners.how 1111.1c11 the mother can do if she
too late it will i1ot keep; as the e "Tei 41(C'i(led to begin with four belongs to this organization and
pieces of decay has already begun. lr114 )k - .n their pl 11-101�11 has learned and. studied isle wort;.
TIME TO Pere. Tender varietic s 1. Reformation of drunkards by s We feel at times only one -yeoman,
should not ire allowed to ripen een .pledge signing and trusting in God. • she can do little, yet wll(0( oi• aniz-
the trees er they 4111 not carry Education 0f children t•() see
ed, how much she may accomplish.
well. Certain others, sometimes the harm of liquor and narcotics. One snowflake is . not cif ninths
styled 'winter varieties."such as N. P4214110 sentiment by tearhfng a er..ount, but when snowflake, are
organized how much they near do,
the Baldwin Fa1l(1 spy. will gain in total 4b •tinence :end throu&11 clistri- even ,top the, Irlightp (mgin.e, tt,
color and flavor if eft on the trees bution of literature. .
as long as the frost will allow. 4. Closing of saloons by law.
besides being lose liable to ~pot and However the central plank in
mould during storage. It will pay platform or the central there was
the farmer well to p141 his own to close saloons, and to do this
fruit and see that this 'fleet sten in keen customers away.
marketing entails no needless 1. There are many who sign the
waste. pledge; bnt soon weaken as they
Moreover. all varieties of apples see the saloons Open on every side
are.not ready for picking at the and the appetite overcomes them
sante tihne,; even ifdestined for the so there is no sure way but for a
sanlo market: and 1403110• early roan to turn to God, be. converted
varieties should have more than and then ask Him to take away the
one picking,1.0 get all the fruit at appetite. No cure event the Keely or
the proper stage of maturity. Only Gold Cure is, like the Calvary cure,
the grower is hi a position to it is Christ who must reform them.
watch his orchard and harvest the .P110 W. Cl.. T. U. has 'helped
• crop to the best advantage, and it drunkards who reformed and fell
is the grower who loses when he time after time, even until seventy
•entrusts" -"this task to another, for tinges seven, but still with their
`buyers are certain to .allow . for weakened intellects and inherited
shrinkage from this pause. An- appetites they were so prone to fall
other loss to, the grower arises fromwhen saloons are open on every
carelessness of hired help, who oft- hand to this first plank, is an
en injure trees by breaking limbs important one still to redeem the
and fruit spurn. drunkard must close the saloon.
2.. Sduoation of Children: To-
da•;tr there are twenty million
children who are taught the evil of
liquor, there are Royal Legions
Bands of Hope and Juvenile Socio -
ties for children.
In a children's Meeting inIllinois
the ohilclren were asked "how
many never saw a saloon?" they
laughed at the idea, again asked
"how many 110101 saw a drunken
man?" they laughed even more at
that idea as these sights were so
familiar and when asked "what
would it be to make a elan drunk
by selling hint liquor?" the replied
it would not be un'avlrfnl-
in another children's ineetmg
in Kansas the saline questions were
asked "slow many never saw a
saloon?" :quite a number of hands
went rap, "how mans never saw
a drttnkard? ever so many hands
went up "what would it be if a
man was made drunk by selling
him Bettor?" they replied a cringe
Oh how -different ! let us put
forth every 1110;11144, use everyenergy that the children may Soon
he able to say as the children of
Kansas that they never saw a bar
or saloon nor a drunken ligan and
that these things wot11d liee-a crime
instead of upheld by law.
3. Public sentiment : The sad
fact is Christian) people are not
sufficiently interested in the cause
of Temperance they do not feel
enough responsibility. As long as
they do not we cannot ask people
on the outside who do not belong
to Christ's church to lenda helping
A nein 14las 11114.0 selling a won-
I-, f'"` 71:-9-: °r1 SAWC) i,rlLn DSI C)CDT..1 .
we all know.
We See to -day 40W much the W.
0. T. U. US 4113.organization hiss
done to speed the train of intein-
peraaneo but 11011 1111(01. stili to do.Let •you and I do all within our
power to reclaim the drunkard and
keep our youth from falling a prey
to the awful monster of intone.
May God. help you in your W. C.
T. U.
Mrs. R. H. Whiteside.
Cook's Cott= Boot Compouna
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton lint Com-
peted, Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, Siker
box • No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. 17o.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and t•wo s•eent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
O'Nos.1 and 2 sold and recommended fry ill,
responsible Druggists 15 Canada.
No. 1 anti No,. 2 are sold in Zurich.
at Dr. Buchanan's drag store.
E ARE Just opening
app and passing into
Stock, a very large Ship=
ment of Flan. eletts and
Wrappers. These goods
were secured at prices very
much below their reg, ,lar
vale and will be sold at
argakis prices. Come.
and get your share as they
will be sold at snap prices.
Produce taken at the
highest prices.
THE 1:., PICIL IR1) CO.,
Hensall and Dashwood
Direct Importers
Always in stock a full line of
••-•Single rail Double....
1\ ITU
Fancy Rockers,
1- , -, Ladies Secretaries
� 1
Moris' Chairs,
FAa CT Travelling Goods,
This is the Spot.
ROCKERS, Recining Back
Dining -Room Pictures.
TABLES- ... .
Agent for SPROETZEL'S PNEUIrIATIC COLLARS. They are well re-
commended. Fly Nets guts Dusters will be sold at a bargain.
,40,1 Yk .1.L. F"":444:tr"% .4,14.,.iria 46144.'•7'M4v4rforadeet4144k&i?isV.,C4*,4...1.00,,4esCt,
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men,. women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are macre of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules
are widely =used .by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in meed. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable,
honest remedy. with a long' and successful record,
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath- heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good. appetite and sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
them. The five -cent packet is enough for an
ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.
Canada's Great
Illustrated Weekly.
A leading feature of The WEm 's? Gr.o33r to be added '
this fall will be an
Ei g lit=Pa " e 'Illustrated Supplement
For the production of this great paperanaimmense neve electrotyping,
photo -engraving and printing plant
has - been added to The Globe's
mechanical equipment. This will make The W1ziki,v Gr,oBx unques-
tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada.