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The Herald, 1903-09-18, Page 2
6/ AS WEAK AS A CAT." Another Adage Found on the Mistake of a Fact. Of all the animal adages founded cn the mistake of a feet, "as weak sat a cat" is the most absurd. Real- ly, the cart is a. most muscular ani- IU'al. The lion, the tiger, and other so-called "big cats," vet you al- ready know, are of the same family with our consenon"house Pussy; we shall not speak of them) further. "As Weak as a cat" is applied to the house Pussy; but to sag "as weak as a kitten" is truer. One may then mean the new-born kitten which comes in- to the world blind, softer and more helpless looking than even the blind puppy ; but which, however, is not so helplessly weak as the puppy, the kitten having shlarp claws which the puppy has not. You know so an•ueh of cats, do you not, young people. The cat's muscles are extraordi- nerily large and powerful in propere tionto the aaimu1's size. 'Then, again, those muscles are attached to bores, fitted together at emelt angles as to make "the finest sys- tem of springs and levers," says Dr. Huidekoper, "known in the whole grourp; the claws are sharper and are curved into ,stronger hooks than in any other animal, and. by the action of special muscles are withdrawn under the protection of sheath -like pads, that they may escape wear and injury when not in use." Tihe slender, supple form' of the oat makes it cap- able of the highest activity. The heavy boy, you may have noticed, is rot. always the strongest ; the thin, active boy is the fastest runner and the quicker at games which need both strong and limber mimes. Me shoulder -blade, the arm and the forearm, the thigh, the leg and the foot of the oat lie at what the veterinary surgeons Bail "closed an- gles." That peculiar conformation shows that the enormous jumps which the cat can make to the envy of any athletic boy, are due to the great power and the closed angles of the jo,nts; but the conformation of the lege makes the cat's stride at a walk, a 'trot or a ru'n, remarkably limited. The cat moves therefore„ with ',wonderful quickness, but with' no great speed. The boy wito says be leele "as weak as a cat,"—if he is at all like the cat—should be splendidly muscular. The truth is that, in proportion to the size of hie body, he can never hope to be as strong as a cat. — Our Animal Friends. The Angry Shark. Judice. The man with the wooden Leg was swimming boldly through the waters beyond the life line. A hungry shark beneath the surface saw him and swam silently to where he was eiilashing about. With a quick gulp the shark took off one of his legs— the Wooden one. Lashing its shies with its talL and ejecting the splin- ters from its mouth, the shark hur- ried away growling. " That's the second time this year I've been ue against this new-fangled breakfast food." To Keep Metals Brtnht. A good rust preventive is made as follows : Dissolve 3. oz. camphor in 1 113. melted lard ; remove the scum ; mix as much blacklelad with the lard and °emptier a,5 will give it an iron color ; clean the machinery well ; smear with the mixture„ after '34 hours rub off clean and polish with soft cloth.—London Engineer. Gentlemen,—While driving do'w.n a very steep hill last August my horse //tumbled and fell, cutting himself fearfully about the head and body. I used htINARD'S LINIMtENT freely on him raid in a dew days be was as well as ever. iT. l3l A•. BEAUCHEMIIN. Sherbrooke. .Effect of Radium. It is a product of pitchblende, which is found deep in the earth. The quan- tity already Pound is so small that the tigtirative price of a gram has been placed at •$10,000. It may be that there are large quantities of it Mored under the surface some- where, but the man who found a quantity' of it in a state, of anything Like purity would probably not live to tell the tale. The particles which fly from it are charged with electri- city, apd at night it shines forth with a phosphorescence which has been dining since the beginning or all things, and which will go on Mining until the final extinction of ail matter. A. small quantity of it in the possession of M. Currie has caused the most painful blisters when brought in contact with the skin. A small particle of radium salt was sealed in a glass tube, placed in a apsteboard box, and tied to Prof. Curie's sleeve for an hour and a half. It produced a suppurating sore, which did not beat for Over three months. Prof, Curie thinks that a person en- tering a room containing a pound of .radium, would bo blinded.—Theo- dere Waters, in Everybody's Maga- zine for September. More Than Ever Wellcome. Smart Set. Sher-RRiht I Amerioan beauties, clear I Could you attord them ? Ee (danclidly)--No, x couldn't. Shoe -1.10W lovely of you• Use your talents, and if you have but one, then, be all the more watch- ful for opportnnlities of bringing that one into use. SUFFERED HALF A LIFE TIME One Fiore Splendid Cure Credited to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Doctors Said Nicholas ?oker had Gravel or Bright's Disease, or Some- thing Eise—Dodd'sliidney Pills Gave Him the Vigor of Early Manhood. St. Catbabtnes, Ont., Sept. 14.— (Special)—Nicholas Ecker, the well- known farmer living near St. John's P. 0., Dei the dividing line of Pelham and Thorold townships, who has been restored to health after 29 years of suffering from Kidney Dis- ease has given a statement for pub- lication. It ready:, ",i had been a 'sufferer from Kid- ney Complaint for 29 years. I had the moist distressing Da,ekacbe, Irri- tation of tbe Spine and Headaches, coupled at times with an excruciat- ing circular pain about the lower part of the body. what I suffered no pen can describe. Insomnia, too, wedded its terrors, and I was great- ly reduced in Slash. "Three different doctors attended me. One said I bad gravel, another called it Bright's disease, while the thiitid'Metli I was in a dangerous con- dition. None of them gave• me any permanent help and my friends thought I mould not live much longer. "At this stage I gave up other treatment and smarted using Dodd's Kidney Pills. After taking two boxes I found they were helping me and I continued till I had taken sixteen boxes", when I was again enjoying the hplendid vigor of earlier man - Cork Becoming More Valuable. So muck cork is now used in th'e manufacture of linoleum and in shipbuilding that the protection of cork trees has become a matter of prime impirtance. Italy is taking steps to this end . in Sicily and 'Sar- dinia, where there are large cork forests, thbse of Calabra having been nearly destroyed in the mak- ing of charcoal. It is said that Spain ie showing a like interest in protecting these trees, as the man- ufacture of corks is a large 'in- dustry there. Only a lea years ago the exportation of wine bottle corks from that country amounted. to about $5,000,000 annually. Catarrh is not a Luxury OR A NECESSITY. Catarrh makes a man ridiculous— it •maa.kes him an offensive nuisance and it makes him dangerously sick. It is pretty sure to bring on con- sumption, pneumonia or at least a throat affection. You can not af- ford either, but you oars afford tbe cure for it. It is Dr. Agnew's Car tarrhal Powder. It relieves a cold or catarrh, or cures headache in 10 minutes. Don't hawk and spit and disgust your friends, but cure yourself by the use of this remedy. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves Eczema in a day. 36c Origin of a Name. There is a popular legend that the surname of Kara, which means "black" in the Turkish language, was given to tbe Sounder of tbe Kara- georgevttch dynasty because his skin was unusually,dark. Gorgees Petrovitch, grandfather of King Peter I.. was one of the wealth- iest agriculturists in Servia, and when his sister married be sent her several beehives as a present. She was highly pleased with them, but her mother was even more pleased, and promptly appropriated two of them for herself. When Petrovitch heard this be be- came .furious with passion, and, seizing a hive he ran to his mother and unoeremoniously put it over her head, Thereupon the old lady buret out into load reproaches, calling her son "Kara Georges!" which means "Black George, or "George, you vtl(aln." remmatusmismornanzenzienin Let the Children Wash, They can do it easily and quickly too with the New Century Ball Bearing Washing Machine. Five minutes work will thor- oughly clean a tubful of clothes— no handling of the garments or rubbing on the board necessary. Your dealer can get it for you or we will send you a booklet fully describing it. THE DOWSWELL MFG. CO., Ltd., M HAMILTON, ONT. matel Poisoned Bullets. The microbes of lockjaw, or of other diaereses, the venem of snakes, the virile of emallpox or tbe vegetable poisons may be successfully conveyed apon bullete from muskets or revol- vers Neither the heat nor the trio - tion in firing destroys them, whether they are on the ball. in the powder, in thfr wad, or endeared within the gun 1i,•trrea. In the powder they are harried on nuiburnt grains, which Make up 40 per cent. of every, charge of powder exploded. A STORY OF THE STREET. flow a Newsboy Showed Bis Gratitude for a Kindness Done. " 1 chanced to be walking down Liberty street,' said a well-known artist, "when the recent hurricane scooped his stock of evening papers from ender a wee and wan eight- year-old newsboy's arms, made a free distribution of them le the mud and rain half a block away, and came near serving him In like man- ner. As he fought his way to his feet I heard him tersely summarize the extent of his ruin in the re- mark, 'Dat .busts me,' and he heard me laugh. ' Turning on me and assuming a suggestive Terrible Terry pose, he savagely asked, 'Wotyer laffin' at ?' " Rot at you, my boy,' I hastened to explain, 'and here's a half a dol- lar to start you in business again.' " 'Money talks' with the gamin as well as the goidbugs, and in this case its charming eloquence moved its recipient to remark with flatter- ing sincerity, 'You ain't suoh a had gey', after all," as he scmoted in the direction of Park row. 'But this was not the last I wa,s destined to see of my pigmy pur- veyor of the Latest news, for, as I was hustling to reach the ferry, I heard the quick patter of pursuing Little feet, and he overtook me to make the breathless Inquiry, 'Say, mister, does you go by dis way every night ?' No: Why do you ask ?" said re "'Coz,' explained he, 'I wants ter give you a paper every night till I squares de debt.' ' Now," continued the artist, "is there a man here who does not feel in his heart a desire to give such a boy as that a lift toward a batter life, or who does not believe that granted hat! a show he would de- velop Into an honorable and success- ful man r --New York Times. Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff. "Only Man is Vile." rt' is a said work when one reflects that if all the peoples of the great Eastern peninsula would but hold to- gether and federalize their armies, they might found a nation which even Rmssia and Germany could hard- ly! crush. They possess, perhaps the motet fertile division of Europe, they sit upon three seas, and if they could but enforce a conscription on the German model, thee would organise an army icemen hundred and fifty thousand strong. They could de- fend themselves far more easily than the Swiss, and they are not more divided by creed, ,race and language. They bane, too, in Charles of Rou- mania, a possible Emperor who knows bow armies are made, and who has already' ,sh'o'w his ca.paolty to gov- ern. There te, of course, no apparent chbuee for a seasonable policy: of that kind ; but Tie do' not know that tbe obstacles are greater than those which Cavour and Garibaldi over- eam ; whilee the motive for overcom- ing them, the horror of Europea,ns for an Asiatic rule. is certainly) much stronger, There is probe -biz even in the Far East, no province in which the negation of God bas been er- ected do defiantly' into a, system as the province, a great part of which, but for Lord Beaconfield's blunder at the Berlin Congress, would already, be Christian and free.—London Spec- ta'to'r. Financed. Brooklyn Life. "He eats that be has paid every] cent he owed." "Where did he get the money?" "Borrowed it" YOUR FACE ON BUTTON 250. Baby's taco or yonr lady's race on brooch, links scarf pin, etc. ; beautirafly enamelled. Sed 80 coats and any photograph and we will send brooch exact size for cut and return your photo uninjured. Smaller else se cents Iarger size 50 cents. Agents wanted. Photo Jewelry Manufacturing Co.. Toronto. The Ever Faithful Dog. There is not a moire pathetle story than one Mr. Hare tells, and which had to do with the sad fate of a dog belonging to Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd. One winter's day, when a snow storm was gathering, Hogg was much concerned about his flocks. Ere called 'hie dog and explained ail the matter to hese that Ile was going raend one side Of the moors himself to drive in' this sheep, and that the dog was to go the other way and collect. The dog under- stood perfectly. When late in the evening the shepherd returned with hie part of the flock, the dog had not °ohne back. Hour after hour passed, but still the dog did not appear. At last whining and scratching were bleard at the doer,' Then it ;was found that the nog had come back with a;ll his sheep safe, but also with a little puppy In its mouth, which it laid at its master's feet and darted off through the snofw to seek and bri.sg in another. The poor thing had littered is .tee snow, but would not bin that account neglect one iota of its duty, It brought is its eeconcl puppy, laid it it its miss- ter's lap, looked up wistfully in his face, as if beseeching him' to take care of it, and—died. — Rochester Post -Express. Legislative Ltepartee. The le,gisla.tor sat dowel on tt bent pin and immediately got up again. 'Mho gentleman from Porlunk (mos the floor," announced the ,Speaker. "3. merely rise to a poi** of order," aiseerted time legislator. "It is evidemt to me," gold the Speaker, as be noticed the legisia- torus hand seeking the vlolnity of his &oat -tails, "tlrai the point Is well takese. "--Chicago Pont. There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advent. age. It makes the home bright and clean. 113 A Case of Color Blindness. Boston Transcript. Withers—Oh, yes, I guess Fettle is pretty well posted on turf matters, but hue's not a sate man to take tips from ; be's color blind. Mane—Never heard 'that before. Withers—It's so, just the same. He told me a. dark home was going to and I pat up all I bad on a -black mare; it tions a white borse that Dame under the wire 'wap ahead 01 all the otbere. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER must often act as a family physician. Painkiller for all the little ills, cuts and sprains, as well as for all bowel complaints, Is indiepensible. Avoid Dulled - tub s, there is but one Painkiller," Perry Davis'. Origin of Names of Carriages. Omnibuses were first seen in Paris In 1827, and the name is nothing more than the Latin word signify - Ing "for all." "Cab" is an abbre- viation of the Italilan word cabri- ola, which' was changed to cabrio- let in French. Both' words have a common derivative--eabriole — stgnlfying a goat's leap. The ex- act reason four giving itt this strange name is not known at pre- sent. In some instances nacres of special form of carriages are de- rived from the titles of persons who introduced them. The brough- am was first used by the famous Lord Brougham, and the popular hansoms also derives its name from the introcueen, Mr. Hansom, Landau, a city in Germany, was the locality in w65eh was first made the style of vehicle bearing that 'name. DR. Aa W. CHASE'S 2lc CATARRH CUBE Ot- is sent direct es the diseased parts kp the Improved ntowe. Heals *o ulcera, wawa the air passages, stops droppings in the throat permanamfy Cures Catarrh avid Hay Ps•laelBlower free. AR dealers, sr Dr. A. W. Chase ltoilnlns Co.. Tomas sad ]mala. Graham Bread. Mix wie11 together a quart of gra- ham flour, a teaspoonful of salt, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Work in a half teaou'pful of molasses (New Orleans) and epoegh milk or water to make a Stiff batter, Bake in aslot; oven for an hour. Minand's Liniment relieves Neur- algia. A Grievance Either Way. Cleveland Plata Dealer. Oh, yes, I Iike the frequent rank I'm sorry when it goes; d 1 , Pier if it fails I can refrain' ; From toting out the hose. ' Blit then' again I bate the . raltl, Its patter makes me sore; Tice grass springs up—I get .a pain From, pueehing round the enower. finard'e Liniment for sale every.. where. , His Next Text. Philadelphia Press. "Last Stnday's collection Was miserable," maid the Rev. Mr. Sharpe; "but it furnished me with a text for next Stinday's sermon." "Yes?" said the vestryman, "and what will 'your test be ?" 'T'he poor eve have always with 110." ISSUE NO. 38, 1903 !lira, Windows boothteg should always be used for children Teething. It soothes the child, softens the pumq owes wind colic and is the best remedyof r Dlarnccea. Population of Europe. During the last seventy years the population of Europe has risen in round numbers from 210,000,000 to 4,00,000,000; that of Asia and Af- rica hue •_probably increased little more than three and a half timas WI great as it was in 1830. Aitogethe er the world's population is now about 1,600,000,000 and was 81:7,000 In 1883. "Thought it meant death Sure."Mrs. James McKim, of Dunn- ville, Ont., says of her almost mime ulouf3 cure front heart disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Ideart ; "Until I began taking this l emeidVy I dell. paired of my life, I had heart fails um and extreme prostration. One dose gave me quick relief and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled like magic." -3. Profitable Roses. The best raises in the world come from Roumelia acid Bulgaria. The inosei orop of Rouureitta alone is worth £200,000 a year, and the famous at- tar de rose le made from this har- vest ; 250,000 pounds of rose Leaves are used to make a single ounce of tbe essence. A ton of orange blossoms yields only 40 ounces of 'tire scent of the same name, and 56 pounds °f lavender, will give exactly a pound. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard. soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses; blood spavin, curbed, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat. consuls. etc. Save $5O by use of ono bottle. Warranted the meet wonderful blemish care ever known. Market for Human Hair. Every year two or three days are ter the fete of Bt. Johln a, market of human hair is held at Limoges. Girls, matrons; and AIM women from the country around bargain to obtain the best price for their tresses, which are shown off in the market ply:White hair always fetches the price because the color came not be produced with dyes. It is of. ten worth $25 per pound. Gray hair comes next in ina,rket value, then flaxen colored, golden auburn, light and dark brown, in that order. The cheapest Is black hair. Lifebuoy•Soap---disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. as A Wonderful Carpet. In' tbe eth'nolgraphle museum of Rot- terda,m, ma,y now be seen a beautiful caret welch the Shah of Persiare- y Presented to Queen Wilhel- mina. as a saav'endr, es his visit to Holland some months ago. Women into the carpet le the 101 - lowing inscription in Persian : "Pre- sented by Hie majesty Moezaffer ed Din, Shah, Emperor of Pensdal,, to Her Majesty Wdllbelmdna, Queen at 1320. The carpet (measures 86 square yards, and in each square yard there are 250,000 stitches. leinaM',g Liniment cures Burns, etc Picture Hats in Theatres. It is tha,t further at- tempts are to be made to cope with the hat nuisance at matinees by pro- viding cloakrooms free of charge. Something also might be done by im- proving theastoode eytsea edThe igoodalinhe retort of the lady with the picture hat, who, on being told that those behind Tier could not see, said that they were not missing much.—Lon- don Punch. vi. i' e•`i Write for Ambrose Kent c. Sores Illustrated Catalogue Showing hundreds of elegant articles in Jewelry, Silverware, Gift Goods, etc. It will show you how easy it is to make selec- tion, and how economical it is to order by mail from us. We quote a few unmatched values : 3536 Hardie eme Pearl Brooch, 14 k. setting, - - - - $5 00 6591 ita.ir Brtdsh and Comb, mounted in Sterling Silver, in case complete, - - - - - - - - - - - 7 50 4333 Ladies' Solid 14 k. Gold Watch, richly engraved, "A. Kent & Sons" movement, - - - - - - 30 00 3979 Fine Diamond Solitaire Ring, 50 00 05E NT' S011s NoE 5T'1 1 � © T WELERs. 11.-llDEC Fit oOFR WC) ALL QTHIIE Si EDDY'S "Kcrly;, r e tit:t i, NEW x - srfi INDURATED ED t 2 FIBRE WARE TU 138, PAILS, ETO JIB. For Wahl $y dill first class cicala.* Irl ii Ir COV aoucrr"rIraa Ix= C211, .,i