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The Herald, 1903-09-18, Page 1
THE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 8. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1903. 1. Per Year. LEGAL- CARDS. 1 J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris - or, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. tr. STAN1a%JitY, B. A. P. W. CLAr•»1AN. G adman & SStanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property .at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original d_;erinan read and advised upon. --AT IIENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES Hensall—Over Stoneman's .Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. pROUDEOOT & HAYS Barristers, .Solicitors, Notaries Publie ete, ete. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderieh, Ontario IM. PROUDPOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS CARDS. AC•UAND & CO., REAL MATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property Nought and sold. Dents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. we represent the Leading' Fire and Life Insus'weoe Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, WO' Ontario. (L. V. BAC HAND, Notary Public) DR. HAMILTON, Pr Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of • domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines cif all kinds always on hand. ])ayand night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFF10E— In Wm. Bender's ©ld Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ona., ANDREWire �eE.e HESS. ESS.leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. 1JRIO11 - • - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal Coilege of )ental Surgeons, Toronto, also iaenor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toe•onto >rniversity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. „ LOCAL NEWS D. S. Feast has a new • stock of the latest Hats for men,—call in and see them. Mr, and Mrs. Bock spent two or three days in Seaforth, last week, visiting friends. Mr. Chas. Shoemaker and family left on Tuesday to take up resi- dence in Parkhill, The Zurich Fair promises to be unusually good this year anct a big crowd is expected. 'Miss Tillie Howald of Toronto, arrived here on Saturday, to visit her parents and other friends. Mr. Andrew Hess is In charge of the Hartleib establishment during Mr. H's. absence in the west. Mr. J. Merner was in London on Monday to meet Mrs. Merner and niece, who returned home on Tues- day.. Mr. C. Either has been appointed health inspector in place of Mr, H Zimmerman, who is down sick at present. Messrs. G. 'Campbell and R. Stelek were pike -fishing at -Grand Pend, Saturday last, and report a good time. There will be six to eight entries in the Farmers' trot on Fair Day, and this feature alone Will be worth the price of admission. The Evaporator was started on Tuesday morning, by the. Messrs. Merner. About fifteen bands are at present on the pay -roll. Mr. Harry Weber hits returned to town after a. visit of five weeks with his parents at New Dundee. The boys were all pleased to see him again. Mr. W. Hildebrandt is now in charge of the Dominion House stables, Mr. J. Knorr having r•e- signed the position • to again take up his trade as a mason. Mr: John Dumaart is back in town again and is occupying his old guar ters, at the "Dominion.” Ile was reeted with many warm hand- shakes on his return. Mr. Charles EilbeV, of Crediton, celebrated his eightieth birthday this week, his son Chris. assisting in the celebration. The old gentle- man was presented 'With a fine gold watch, while his aged partner ivaas the recipient of a carpet sweeper. Mr. John Knorr has secured the contract for the mason work of Mr. Kalbfteisoh's now house, to be erect- ed south of the Lutheran Church: Work has already begun and it is expected that.. with good weather, the building win be. ready for the roof in about threeweek's time. Messrs. Rickbeil and Hartleib, of Zurich and S. Hardy, of Dashwood, took in the Excursion to Manitoba and the far west,- on Tuesday.- They intend going es far as Alberta taking in Assrniboiar• and Manitoba. on their way back. They expect to be absent about aTenth. The milliners are now hard at work preparing for the Fall Open- ings, which will take place on the 23rd -24th. The newest wrinkles in ladies head gear is always of interest to the fair sex and the openings are one of the events of the season rarely iii ased by up-to- date dressers. There are plenty of amusements for the enjoyment of the young men and women k the evening of Show day. Besides the concert in the Town -Hall, there will be dances at both the "Dominion" and ''Com- mercial:' assembly rooms. It pro&- ises to be a gala day for all classes, of both town and country-. The London Fair was opened on Friday, and will close to-morrow.— Atilongst those who attended from Zurich, were Mr. Thomas Johnson, wife and two daughters. Mr. Jacob Merner, Miss. Victoria .Tohnston, Mr. John Deiehert, Sr.. Mr. Sam. nutlet, Messrs. Willie and Geo.He• . Mr. and Mrs. Pr•eeteri.Hiss Laura 13 rssenberry, Mr. Arthur Well, Mr. Ebner Magel and Mr. Peril Hess. The d'`•secliton foot -boll team did not lint in an appearance, last Fri- day night as they had promised to do. This is the third time they have arranged to c see and have not its yet appeared 'on the scene. This sort of thing at times cannot be avoided but a Vel etition of the Mr. Jonathan Merner has been sane thing is neither spnrtsnhanlike in town this week helping to sup- nor gentlemanly. The Znrieh club rinteric1 the operations at the bast prepaarecl sulil)er for them and pe Evaporator. He is a worker, as consequently were disappointed. well as a superintendent, these The Concert advertised for the days. evening of the 26th, is likely to be Mr. Jonas Boshart, wife and a grand success. The arrange - family of Wellesley and Mr. Chris. ments are fully onmpleted and tirk- Liohti and wife of St. Agatha, are cats ate in gond demand. They will spending a few weeks with Mr. Tohn Gerber and other friends on A t floni.a•nion house, Zurich, ever' i the Bronson line. \hon+a:sy.1-2Fi, Mr. D. S. Faust wishes to invite of business. Parties who intent d d g *oing slrnnlrl ger. their tickets early, ' 1linrit�cl, and having seats marked Licensed Auctioneer or oar is now coinplete, Also his; i -', on county., respectfully solicits the pet i finery department will be ready• will be sure of admittance, no mat- ronage oda.hose who intend having sales. !for those days. tri svhtat happens to crowd others Satisfaction guaranteed.• Mr. L V Bachand accornpnniecl., out. be on sale from this time forward by Mr Sam Faust tants Garnet ,te.inback, at their respective maces one and all to call on him uv w BOSSENBERR ' ''Fair time to see his fall stock • 1t aas the rapntity of the Town Hall is e • f ll A 1 MI PHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms nodeaaate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. HOTELS• d1gFi3F,'@:s3�ca.''06�t2-"w-"r:•.f3i;:*t f3Qd3t"di:00**' 0- O F 0 £+ O F F3 THE Q) 0 Cf 4j +b 0 0 f3 f3 f3 0 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. a oiese+tr3C:,aF' Nerea F1'uOSHectri30i*S#titie00Dpi:+4 ail q c a * a?+ Z U R! C H Fif Fit 0 0 ago , .12 • Strictly up-to-date in modern im1 provements. Diniugroomsis sup- * plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ Bar contains ehoiee liquors and Fri cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ • Eieeellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. OOMMERRI1L NOTE THE 0111illionn, Huse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. Ne petted, i aloe in the ominien. R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRInxor s. rmeramonnorrterommartorialtmerbutieliiirruearAirissriociniiietsmsedm "f Mr. Tucker, of Tor ('the general agents of the tRoyal Vic drawing near. Are yon gettine 'Moria Life Ins. Co., are making a tour of the county this week, ap- pointing agents for the.company. Mr. Joht Deiohert, Jr., arrived home on Wednesday evening. He is now hale and hearty and looks none the worse of the operation he underwent, at the hand of the Med- ie's; ,at the Windy City. The weather for some days .hast, has been extremely warm and sul- try, so inch so, as to cause some discomfort. Wednesday night's ,rain. however, brought a 'change; and since that time light underwear is comfortable. NOT AFRAID TO ENDORSE) IT. People have learned to have such confidence in Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for every form of piles that they do not hesitate to endorse it at every opportunity. As a re- sult Dr. Chase's Ointment is prob-: ably recommended by more persons than any preparation on the mar- ket to -day. There is no guesswork about its effects—zelief is prompt and cure certain. The date of the Township Fair is The following parties will give the amounts set opposite their respective naives, as special prizes, at the Township Fair, to be held on the 24th inst. viz : Mr. J. A. Williams, $2.00 for best.two bushels Amber Wheat. Mr. D. S. Faust, Chenille Cover, for best collection of Flower Plants, in pots. rtes & Son, $L00 for best collection of Seed Grain, in glass jars, not less than one pint each; Mr. E. Zeller, $1,50, for• best speeitnen of Writing, by pupils attending; schools in the Township, not less than 50 words, lit, prize 1.00; 211(.1. 50 cents. things in shape for exhibition ? It not, see to them at once. The Fair is only held once a year, and every one in the neighborhood 'should take a pride in trying to make it a success. Weather permitting, it will be a success anyway, but how finch more could. it be made so if every one in the district were to in- terest themselves even to the extent of becoming members. Tis HER- ALD hopes to see every liberal -mind ed farmer in the district, at least present, on Thursday Mr. George Campbell, the genial and pains -taking teacher, .at Slab - town, has sent in his resignation to the trustees of that section and will leave for Chicago, on or about the 1st of the month, to attend the Dental College at that place. Geo. will be missed, as he was well liked by all classes, being of a pleasant and cheerful disposition, and it will be hard to fill his place by one possessing a like amount of Magnetism and off -handedness. Tsars HERALD joins, with his nuiner- oils friends in that Burg, in wish- ing him success in. his new -chosen avocation. • Ono, at least, of the appointments recently made to the Huron Offices, has caused some surprise and un- favorable comment in both the South and East Ridings. it was generally expected that Mr. Mc Lean, of the Seaforth Expostor, would get the Registrarship, but long and faithful services to the party, it seems, counts for very little by the powers that bo at .Toronto. Mr. McLean has, tiro think, good grounds for fooling (Locals continued o11 8th page.) .� voope oo o''obo """ a piv oClearing - (a4tn� (�/) jyG ''t,; 3r '�`* s : ' i.-Xlfk`�?7S I "` "s CI VnOJ 4.C6 Vo al Tabb, No. 1—Dross Bloods at ha 1 the cost prizes. 4D0 pp Table No. 2-15 et. Muslin ends. for 5 cts a yard. QUO Table No. 3-10 et. \:luslins for 4t cts. Q00 Table No. 4—All new .1luslins 15 to 18 Cts. for 10 cts. 0 0 1 Leir We invite one and all to see these goods, they are gond goods. Thee O 0 goods are not damaged. Dont Miss these snaps. In connection we have a MENS)S �' J ITI0 l FINE RANGE of f1 NGS. Q 17 D Such as Scotch Worsted, black & blue Searge, and Tweed, at a very reasonable prices. * *' —GOOD TITS GUARANTEED — 001( D.& 2:t full Line of Fany Shirts, very latest 40 a At 73c., 90c., $ L00 and $1.25. 0 P *STR1W arid FELT HFITS Up-to-date, at Lowest Prices o.. o Gall in and see These Goods. 1 No trouble to 0 aQD ��..) .Show them U do oat Produce taken in Exchange for Goods . 44 44 ebb . S. FAUST. T. 000 • o CJ.O.O.O•� !/•! •L�•! •G�•4.0.4•L •O•P•O.O.O.O•G� 021 SPECIAL PRICES' 15192t In Mens' and Womens' Otld Lines for Women, 506s. and 1.(R}. extra good value. Also In Mens' frwn 1,00 to 1.50. CALL AND SEE TEEM. A8 `� ./T THE SHS •EMArN ZURICH, . ONTARI Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. doO l�(V 0 kV] gESI ECTIULLIv'tr 4 0 �- Q� aaavate 3„,i to our 40 Milli er COMMENCING • ago SEPTEMBER 31'x. jai Q AND FOLLOWING D` O D DAYS. 4.1 • U,ncler management of 8 MISS £ H.NDFORD.4 D.4 a9, X10 OWe o ii'.,.is Gootto and tux , amhwrimmedarsamomownomagasemmo are also Showing values in Special J. PREETER Zurich eat 6:talavilNuttraute 'ZURICH ONTARIO We have a number of Good Farms For sale and also some property in the Village of Zurich ::: (cuod A tit Wanted in eve4• r Townt aid "Village in the County, to take risks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA LIFE.