HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-11, Page 8The Zurich Herald. J. lh[. WISMI3R Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zuricb Carriage Works. aUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished. See us before you buy. It will be to your interest... . B U G G I E S F. NESS & SON, Zurich, Oatari9 Kalbfleisch's MILLS. IIMOSINIMMIIIMINIMIRO Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleisch. Zurich P. 0. r Just i . Arrived . + _.- The "ALMA" SILK GUARD, for Ladies, ( Complete with Gold Bangle 1- 1 and Snap, up-to-date J Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A . C®,L7 1t BUTTON ? , ( I have the Bullet top Buttons l in sets of four J Price 20 cets. per set. watches, Clods, Jeweiery, otc, MUSICAL GGODS.—PBICES RIGHT. F. W. TSS, THE JEWELER. WANTED A man to represnt " CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town ',Of ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for , Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Orna,mentnls, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commissiou. Stoxie & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, (wart 800 ACRES. TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. 3.4m. NOTIOE. S I HAVE ADOPTED THE CA.Sti all System, all accounts roust be paid by Sept. 1st. • C. SOHRAG, Flour and Feed, Zurich. (Locals continued from 1 st. page) It may be a little too early in the season to ask the yyoung mare what he intends to do with his evenings the coming winter. Still, it is not too early for h.ini to bo thinking about it. The average young man wastes a lot of precious time each winter which could be put to- good use. Are you going to kick your heels at the street corners, or are you going to spend some, at least, of your leisure time in improving your mind and thus improving your prospects? It is not too soon to answer that question, and each young man and young woman, too, must answer it for himself and herself. If you are to win an hon- ored place in life, you must pre- pare yourself for it, and the time to do it is right •now. GOSHEN LINE Special to THE :YERALD. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter visited friends at Hensall on Sun- day. Mr. Fred Forsyth and daughter Mary, of London, are at present visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Sarah. Dow son is at present visiting at Mr. Calvin Dowson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heart spent Tuesday evening at Mr. Wilson Armstrong's. A number of the farmers in this vicinity have finished seeding and some have started fall ploughing. ;Messrs. John and Jacob Miller of Clinton were the guests of Mr. Norman Patterson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson visited at Mr. Robt. Armstrong's one evening recently. A special meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs, John McKinley on Thursday. Mr. Michael Kennedy visited friends in. Goderich on Sunday. e HI LLSGREEN Special to THE HERALD. Mr. R. F. Stelek and brother Arna attended the Dominion ex- hibition at Toronto, Saturday and Monday. Mr, J. W. Hogarth attended the Crossley and Hunter rneetings in Seaforth, Sunday. Mr. Chas. Troyer returned home from the Toronto Fair. Mr. Will Jarrott visited. friends' in Goderich Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Ralph Workman. and Fred. Berry attended the exhibi- tion at Toronto last week. Communion service was dis- pensed in the Presbyterian church, Sabbath. Cranberry picking is still the order of the day. Mr. Holtz returned to his home at BIake, on Saturday, after work- ing for Mr. McAllister for the past few months. Quite a number intend taking in London Fair next week. A number of the farmers are through seeding. 25 - Gents TO THE END OF THE YEAR he, Toronto Sun ND Zurich Herald SUBSCRIBE NOW WEEKLIES FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE. YOU CAN'T I! AFFORD TO MISS IT ! Neat Job Printing Pomptly Executed Kr HERALD OFFICE, MARKETS .Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat .. 70 to 72 Oats .... 27 29 Barley .............. 88 40 Peas 60 65 Flour .........1 75 1 85 Butter .. 12 13 Eggs.... ........... 12 13 Chickens lb .. 4 Ducks .. 6 Geese ... 5 Potatoes......., .... 55 65 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat .. ........... 70 to 72 Oats .. , . 30 32 Barley ..... . ........ 4040 Peas ..... , .... 65 75 Flour.. 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt, 5.35 5,85 5 6 5 HENSALL w. Special, to THE*HERALD. Wesley Yonngblut started. to go to Clinton High school on Tuesday. Mr. Martin of the Molson's bank spent Sunday in Exeter, while Mr. F. Welford spent Sunday and Mon- day in London and Mr. A.' E. Hickey of the 'Exeter branch was visiting friends in town. The following are some of those, who have gone to Toronto,J. Petty, Mr. Clarke, Dr. Selicry, W. Cald- well, J. Taylor, j. Bell, J: Mc- Arthur, A. McBrien and wife, G. C. Petty and wife, Mrs. Neelands and son Roy, Mrs. W. Stoneman and daughter Eva. Mr. F. Ruse, who underwent an operation in Toronto, is rapidly recovering and will soon be home. Mr. A. Arnold wife and family of Windsor, after visiting his father's for some weeks, returned home last week. Our carriage factory looks to be a sere thing, $30,000 has been sub- scribed and the Council has grunt- ed exemptions from taxes for ten years. Councillor Ortwein is visiting his sister in Milwaukee for two weeks. Mr. T. Berry and Mr. Buchanan returned last week from their two months' trip to Great Britain. -..Mr. Berry brought over light valuable horses. Mr. Wilbur Phillips went to Toronto on Thursday of last week for a. few days before resuming his work at Seaforth. Dr. F. Cawthorpe drove to Lon- don on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milian. of Bow- mnanville, have been visiting their son in Clinton and spent a day here visiting a number of friends that came from Durham county. After over a year of painful sick- ness, Mr. Willis of Rogerville died on Sunday and was buried on Tuesday. He was• a member of -Exeter Masonic Lodge, and mem- bers from Exeter and Hensall attended his funeral. On Tuesday week Rev. D. Wren attended the funeral of Mrs, (Rev.) Waddell at Exeter. Her husband was pastor of Kippen circuit for three years and they lived in our village and he has the sympathy of the community. The price of hogs came down last week and again this week, they are now worth $5.80. Mr. G. Scott and Mr. S. • T. Hop- per had their store fronts repaint- ed. Mr. Hopper manufactures the celebrated Imperial Stock Food, 5 lbs., 40 cts. ; 12 lbs., $1.00. This stock has had an extensive sale in this district. Rev. Mr. Foot preached in Car- mel Presbyterian church last, Sun- day. His home is about six miles from here. Rev. Robert Buchanan, whose home is here, will preach next Sunday. They are both 'students and glad of a chance to get house. Miss Hotham, of Mitchell, who was once organist in our Methodist church is here visiting friends and delighted the congregations on Sunday with her solos. 'The ser- mon in the evening by Rev. D. Wren was one of his best efforts Messrs. Hartleib and Steinbach each sent in their change of Ad.A. too late for this issue. They both have important and interesting announcements to make. See then in next issue. Sale Register. On Friday, Sept. 18th, at one o'lock, sharp. on lot 24, con. 14, Hay. Farm stock, implements and furniture. E. Bossenberry. Auctioneer; Catharine Kalb. Fleisch and R. R. Johnston, Executors. On Saturday, Sept. 12th, at Dashwood, commencing at one o'clock. Household furniture, etc. "E. Bossenberry, Auc- tioneer; A. Shetler, Proprietor. Lost. Red now, white face, horns and with bell on, strayed away from my premises, Sauble line, on Monday night, Sept. 7th. Anyone knowing of her whereabouts will please let me know. ALONZO Mntiox, '7.3p St. Joseph P. 0. Court of Revision. "'OT1OE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -LI a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by his honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron,at the Town Hall Zurich, on Tuesday, the 29th day of September, 1903, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Hay for 1903. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Faro Hass, Sa., Clerk of Hay. Dated the lith Sept., 1903. FOOTBALL MATCH Crediton; vs Zurich At six o'clbek sharp. Gotoe.Greb,,. For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass Ware Sherwin=Williams and Hollywood PAINT .<<' Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials. The Famous LAMB FENCE Most durable Fe-nce on the market Don't be deceiv d with a Fence Machinc—You'•ill not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS. GREB, URICH, - - ONTARIO,. There Was Money Found At our Corner. • And if you come inside of our Shop you will find more We will sell,the Balance or Summer Shoes oo8t And below Cost. You will find money in them if you buy. We must Sell then to make room for our new Fall Stock. P. BENDER. & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. BUN" BINDER TWINE AT — A T — REDUCED PRICES,. Plymouth Brands. Gold Medal 650 feet to the pound 13M per poun Green Sheaf, .... 550 feet to the pound 12 c " Plymouth Special 500 feet to the pound. • 11 c ....Farmers' Binder Twine Company of Walkerton.... at the same pricess . .. ... . ....These prices are good only for what we have in stock ....... . T=RIS �i L�t�J��• ALSO FULL STOCK OF Harvest Tools, flits, Machine Oils [Rope and Pure Paris Green. Sold just a little Cheaper than the ordinary run. Harness, Trunks, Valises,`�Flly Nets C. HARTLEIB, The Big Hardware and Harness House.' Zurich, THIS WEATHER Will Drive ANY LADY i 0 0 0 To wear the lightest Clothing procurable. Our stock of Or- gandies, Dimities and colored Muslins is eomeplete. - We also offer special values in Mens' Shirts Ties, etc., etc. See our line of Black Lisle lace Hose the Proper thing for Summer. D. STEINBAHH, ZURICH.