HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-11, Page 44
The Zurich Herald.
41(9rii.E1 mr.LIOLE,
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Ai)VERTIS1NG BATES.—Tran s i e r t
advertisements, 10 eents pee Brevier line
for first insertion and 5 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion. Small Adds.
•such as"Lost•" "Estrav" or "Stolen wi.l
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
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Copy for change of 'Advertisement must
be handed in not late: han Tuesday night
of each week to insurb change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Chnrch en-
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tion at special rates. 'e
Contracts for column, half -column and
quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
eomnhunications to
Management of the Illustration
Poultry Stations.
The criticism in the House of
Comrnons oh July 0th of. the Illus-
trated Poultry work of the Domin-
ion Department of Agriculture was
principally due to the fact that in
Government hnsine s the fiscal
year (July 1st. to June 30th) is used
for the public Accounts, instead of
the calendar year; (-Tan. 1st. to Dec.
31st.) For that reason necessary
expenses incurred during the
months of April May and .Tune in
equipping an Illustration Breeding
Station with houses, inonbator•s,
brooders. eggs for hatching, et('.,
-,t -ere shown in the report of the
. Anditor (General before the hone*,
while it was not possible to show
in the same report the revenue de-
rived from the sale of the chickens
.during the fall and winter, and
-which revenue will 'appear in the
next year's report. This operated
most unfairly against the 13oiwnlan.
ville, Ont.. Station, which was es-
tablished in the spring of 100:1 —
The expenses of installing the sta-
tion were .i4;225.20. and the revenue
shown in the report was only 0nets.
The revenue derived from the sale
zf the BOW inanvillc chickens after
'the 1:301 02 year clo=•t'd a111pnilte(l to
$3.20.84, so that this amount assn
should be athl.vd to the (lcts shown
in the report. It is learned that of
the ,320.s4, `1o:b,04. was paid to the
Station by the Wm. Davis Com..
Many. Toronto, Out.. 1160,i10 by Mr.
Henry Gatehouse, Montreal, Que. :
end $27.23 by the farriers in the
vicinity of Boiunnville. for pure
bred (ocl.erels and pullets for the
improvement of their hocks of poul-
S':ATI')ys Naa'f RCS AT A Le:,..
The other Illustration Breeding.
Stations were effected ted in the S37:110
:vuv. The chickens at tht' Hohnes-
vi a«e Station were sold last year for
e:b ,1.1.1. The chu'l;:(-ns at the Bnnal-
ville.(lu'bee. Station realized Vee
From the latter station two
.hundred and thirty-six pure sated
Barred Plymouth Rook chic lee its
-ve>re shipped to the Former:: tie the
Martime Provinces and sold at fifty
,-ents ('ach. These Imre eockerele
and 1r .lets provedvery satisfa(•t nt;y
and requests have been received
the Department elf '1,gricniture f o
more pure bred. e ideki'ns this ,Farr
Aside altogether from the pre e'tia•al
work that the Illustration Pon:try
Stations. are (.rod ding. and ' iic1
is anr'reciated by t]io ferrners of
Canada, the rev('nne and exnc'nel;.
tare neconnt of the Pnnitry hiv'•-
ion shows that the chickens reared
at the Stations slay a good profit
above cost of feed and 'interest en
the investment. The men in charge
of the Stations are fanners. and are
thus able to impart poultry know-
ledge most satisfactorily to other
farmers of their locality : they ad-
dress Fanners' Institute meetings
and make exhibits at Agricultn a1
Fairs ; the financial and education-
al benefits to the farmere derived
from the men in charge of these
Poultrjr Stations is far in advance
of the amount. paid them in salary,
Within the hist team years the oon-
sumption. of chickens has increased
in Canada ; -the _Price realized for
plump chickens has advanced.—
Both the increase in consumption
and advance in price are due to the
business of crate fattening chickens
The chickens that realize the high-
est market price to -day are chick-
ens that are fattened and prepared
for market in accordance with the
directions issued by the Dominion
Department of Agriculture, Chick
errs from the Ontario and• Qnebeo
Illustration Stations were sold a
few days ago to Mr. Hy. Gatehouse
for twelve omits per pound, live
weight ; and to the Canadian Pro-
duce Co., Toronto, Ont., for eleven
ots. per pound live weight. These
are profitable prices that can be
obtained .by any fartxier shipping
the same finality of chickens to
Montreal or Toronto.
The method of killing the chick-
en by dislocating its neck' is tilt
ferent from the old-fashioned way
of wringing or twisting the neck.
When the chickens neck is dislo-
cated, and the head is pulled from
the neck in the manner described
in the bulletin "Profitable Poultry
Farming," the loose, unbroken
skin of the neck forms a sack into
winch. the blond of the chicken
flows The body of the chicken is
as well drained of blood as if the
head were cut off with an axe ; the
market appearance of the chicken
is improved by killing by disloca-
tion ; the flesh of the chicken is
more juicy -and edible. On the eon
trary, when chickens are killed by
twisting the neck. death results
plainly from strangulation. The
body of the chicken is not freed
from blood on account of there be-
ing no space in the neck into which
the blood. can fion-. The appear-
ance of the flesh of the chicken that
has been killed by twisting its neck
is reddish and blood can be plainly
noted in it In several cities in Can -
kola a law is in force prohibiting
the sale of chickens that are killed
by twisting the neck. Hence, the
senselessness of the ridicule by eec-
tain members of the House in de-
bate regarding the detailed direc-
tions in " Profitable Poultry Farm
ing" for killing the chicken by alis -
locating its neck, and the absenelity
of making the statement that dislo-
cating the neck and wringing the
neck ar'e one and the same thing.
Some little time ago, the Quebec
! 1Y. 0. T. T'. convention was held. in
I Montreal, and Mrs. R. H. White-
r sick' kindly sent us the folowing re -
i! Jiron ens' Mission and God's Com-
Pc.-:. 1 t--1. •' Every wise wo-
g ratan llnildeth her shouse ; but the
foolish plueketh it down with her
Is. 32-0. 10 and 11--" Rise u11.
ye women that are at ease : hear
my- voice, V0 careless daughters,
give ear unto Illy speeeh."
'•Many days and years shall ye be
troubled. ye careless women ; for
the vintage shall fail—tire gatl:eer-
in;g shall not come."
"• Tremble, ye woolen that ure`at
ease : he troubled ye careless ones."
c In theee clays when this subject
i h ann'.1uncccl of woman's rni„inn.
and especially when delivered by a
woman, peoplepl«
think the
tall, will
be of woman's rights, ballot -box
land the franchise for woman, but
the three:' things that are truly evo-
man's mission are :
1. To care for her home. 2. Train
the children (Tcu1 hue given her for
Hint. and Hie work. 3. To maks'
the home the place where loved
• canes prefer to be to anywhere else.
Btu there is a something that has
cine to deetray •the thing which
tend #'' happiness in 'Woman's life,
that tend to make home far from
worthy of that name, for we 1111
ihavo ;;Bert that only a1ronn(1 the
(")rne'r Ir'a'n the home, is the bar -
i ron11%. c' 5.1100n. and it the husband
and father visits it, soon the home
slitfa'rs and ce'ase's to he the happy
pinetit was before his visits.
The sal mil -keener hos invested
his rat ney in the llttsiness, sal Of
c our". tries to make money, end
tna,ke it he will, for if there are not
enough fed topes lying around, he
inner snake now ones crit of the so -
her. latwnel 3ding citizens. and just
' (eel l lace nhul'ch-mein her as any
I) elly t,lee, and when a Man visits
711.0:,e lalad'a: s he doe: not stay at
and indigestion
Dizziness, and sick -headache cure.i, and
health built up by Dr. Chases
Nerve rood.
CArT..Wrt.r.rniu liexxsuahv, S5 Lockman
St., Halifax, N.S., states; ---"Before 1. began
using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food l: was troubled
a great deal with dizziness, nervousness and
sick headache, which seemed to be caused
from indigestion. Since using this preparation
for a time, allthese distressing symptoms have
disappeared and I con-
sider that I am entirely
cured. I never used any
medicine that seemed to
build me up so thorough-
ly, and to -day I am in
better health than I have
been for several years."
By noting your increase
in weight while using this
great food cure, you can
prove for a certainty that
it is adding new, -,Arm
Capt. Heneebery flesh and tissue to the
body. Through the medium of the blood and
nerves Dr. Chase's Nerve Food sends new
vigor and energy to every organ of the human
system, and overcomes disease. so cents a
box) at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and
Co., Toronto. To protect you against imita-
tions the portrait and signature of Jar,
Chase, are on every boats
home. Weseo, then, how it under
nines the home and woman be-
comes the sufferer. •
For long years the won= saw
their sons and husbands go down in
this • degredation. They pled. to God
to show then.. a way to Save talent.
Re touched their lips with a' live
coal from off His altar and they
were able to speak for Him and
started the crusade in Ohio.
In this crusttcle were seventy Wo-
men, just like the seventy Christ
sent out to preach for Him. They
started from the Presbyterian
Chureh, .of shied 801110 WOro glad,
because if it •had boon started by
Methodists seine people would have
said " It is all excitement," but the
Presbyterians do not believe in that
and secondly, because Presbyteri-
ans say they never back -slide like
the Methodists, but go on and on ;
so with this crusade—it kept going
on. and on, until it has belted the
globe with white ribbons, .and also
with prayer. At each noon -tide
hour prayers ascend from W. C T.
U, wonnen, for His special blessing
in the cause of Temperance—like
noon at the great W. 0. T. U. ern•
vention in (Geneva. Switzerland.
Maley prayer's are ascending to His
Throne. and as sure as there is a
God in Heaven—and there is a God
in Heaven—will these prayers be
.heard and answered ; for on the
other side never a prayer goes up ;
saloon and hotel -men never pray.
(To be Continued.)
Special to TIIn HERALD.
I2. F. Stelck, Zurich, caned on
his brother teacher, (neo. Campbell,
on Frith, evening.
A sod occurrence took place on
Friday evening when Joel Bateeh-
ler's horse escaped from Mr.
Gascho's and has not been seen
since. They- had the horse over
!there in order to make up two
teams and miring the afternoon of
Friday the annual took sick. A
IVeterinary Surgeon was called who
!Pronounced the disease to be in-
! flainnlation of the bowels and said
it was not likely to recover. About
Imidnight it seemed to rest easier•
! noel they went. to bed and left in”
the: ;yard. On Saturday morning
rt could slot be found and has not
been seen nor heard of srnen. It
I will greatly relieve Mr, Beeelder's
urines if any one will give him trace
a of the animal whether it he dead
1 or ahve.
Mr. Ed. Stelek and sister Maggie
1 of the 14th spent Sunday, at John
I Hey's.
I Edgar Frederick hes 11tt2•clrase(1
I the Reynold's farm on the Town
i line between Hay and Stephen and
takes possession before long. We
Itele); hint every 511Qeese in his
Several took in the Lawn Social
kinder the auspices of St. Bonifaee
dahilrt'b. Znrie)1, on Tuesday night,
Geo. (:ampbell visited under the
parental roof on Labor Day. As it
y:as a rainy any he needed it roof
over him.
John Ileo. Jr., and wife spent
I Snnd,ay at his father's.
Miss .Rosa Stelek visited her
friend, 'iIiss Annie Hey, on Sunday.
Among the _ visitors tat Toho
Dccler's 071 Sun(lay were Louis
Willo't. Lows Rader. Fred. Rader
! and George Schroeder,
Several have then seedingi done
hnt (suite a number have yet to do
Eidet•_ibca'i ies are still in season
' 11 Itiln'n"li they alre. now getting
somewhat scarcer than before?.
Henry Neel) left for the. Town
line with Elis threshing outfit on
)1 e nalay night. He hasn't time to
take holidays and so worked on
:Monday. as most of the in(Ittstr'ious
people of this veigbberhoed found
it necessary to do.
Johnny Deeher• and sister Lydia
were helping with the threshing at
their brother's -in -lav, Louis Rader,
on 'Tuesday.
There is nothing so valuable and
yet so cheap :•.s politeness.
An honest dlealer does all his buy
in:; and selling by t`le, stale scales.
A man //Ps to work doral -o.. }lard
for two 'weeks after a vacation to
get rested up. •
Cilt DS'.
E ARE Just opening.
up and passing into
Stock, a very large Ship-
ment of Fla _ne1etts and
Wrappers. These goods
were secured at prices very
much below them- regular
value and will be sold at
�aargains prices. Come.
and get your share as they
will be sold at snap prices.
Produce taken at the
highest prices.
HE nsall and Dashwood. Direct Importers
....Single a:i. Double ...
Always in stock a full line of
,ROCKERS, Recining Back
f''ancy Rockers,
I ladies Secretaries
Noris' Chairs,
;gid" For Cheap ,.em j Dining -Room Pictures.
Travelling Goods, !!! Cheffoniers •
This is the Spot
Agent for SPROETZEL'S PNEUMATIC COLLARS. They aro well. re-
commended.. Fly Net and Dusters will be sold at a bargain.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, Iv'omen and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of. a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules
are w idely usod by all sorts of people—but to the
+• ll._
plain, every -day s they are a veritable friend
in need. .Ripaus Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable,
honest remedy, with a long and successful record,
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath, heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and- sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
them. The five -cent packet is enough for an.
ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.
. fill 1\I.S.
A lie made out of whole cloth'
spould prove more satisfactory than 36th Annual
a patcheda.up story.
The man who forgets easiest has WESTERN
t:le u. e.Ll't'.�`G t once 0ii(;t:. 1
When money talks it seldom has R' L D ° ' N
any trouble in finding tl listener.
00ok'o Cotton Loot Campania
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. safe, effectual. Ladies ask
our druggist for Coole's COW* Rest
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $11 per 'box. No.
I or 2,mailedon receipt of price and two 0 -cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
responsible brduggisteindCaliedsmended Lyall
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich
at Dr. Buchanan's drug store.
Sept. lith to 19th, 1903.
Entr'ies Close September lOth.
An exhibition of merit. Bigger and butter than ever. A splendid array of attractions
—Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of performing Monkey's—Balloon ascensions, a
parachute drop from a parachute, and the best Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Acrobats
to be had. Fireworks each evening concluding with "The Bombardment of Alexan-
dria," a great triumph of modern pyreteohny.
Extra trains and Special aates over all lines. Price lists and programme on
Lt. -Cols W. M. Gar'tshore,
j. A. Nelles,