HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-09-11, Page 1TIE !4ER.JL The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol, IV., No. 7 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 11., 1903. Z`. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrie - el., Solicitor, Notary Public. Sensall, Ontario. o. S ANIWRY, B. A. V. W. GLAnaIAN. Glac'ima.it. & Stanbury: BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS., NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farms Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES— Hensall—Over Stoaneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. ROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ete, ete. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderieh, Ontario W. PROUD OT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUSINESS C.xlleRaS. RACHAND Se CO.., REAL ESTATE ,& IRSURAICE.AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Reaaats collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent 4Ae Leading moire and Life Insurance Companies •aod respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFE'3CE— Zurich, Via' Ontario. (L. V. E.a,caetAan, Notary Public) DR. J. :I I�. TON, 'Pet. Sawg1IAeon .nand ,Dentist Treats all diseases .of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and slight malls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE-- lir Win. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., 'Zurich, Ont, ANFDeRnEeuWzce F. HESS. leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Boyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, .also honor graduate of Department •rf Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiairty. At Doamanion House, Zomioh, every M<enday. 1-26 E BOSSENBERRYLicensed Auctioneer a � Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the ,pat- ronage of those who intend having aaales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pkULIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would axicpest those having sales to earl on ins.. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage soiieited- HOTELS. oeteros000tovoc000iagloDerooeeoor 0 0* 0 Gt dTHE 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMERCI Al HOTE 0 et ot 4) 0 0 0 0 ZURICH €1 @ 3 e 0 0 ' Strictly up-to-date in modern hal e ie provements. Dining roams is sup- e 0 plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 0 $ Bar Contains choice liquors and S al'+ cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ b lrxoe1lent Sample Rooms 0 for Commercial Alen. 0 0 40. e, * J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 0 lee eco s 3domaog.. zeiamommerinet i THE omfnion House. This Huse has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o Better Mahle in the Dominion.. R. R. Johnston '& Son, rcorttlnfios. L L7 121 N S ebeimmi Labor Day was only partially observed in Zurich. • - Mr. P. Bender and wife visited friends at Sebringville, on Sunday. Mr. William Klopp and family spent Sunday afternoon in St. Joseph, Miss Ida Brill spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Johnston, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Silber visited at Mr. Sol. Hardy's, at Dashwood, on Sunday. Miss Minnie Doan announces that sbe will resume her music class on Monday, 14th inst. Mr. Robert Stelek and brother visited the Toronto Fair on Satur- day and Monday last. Rev. Mr. Kropp occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church here on Sunday evening. Mr. Norman Holtzmann has re- turned from his visit to Chesley, Mildmay and other places. Mr. P. Lamont will ship another consignment of fat stock consisting of 3 carloads,to-morrow (Saturday). Two more Harvest Excursions to Manitoba and the Territories are announced. They take place on the 15th and 29th inst. Mr. Ernst Roeder, accompanied' by his sister. Lindx, from the Town line, were the Bests of Mr. Cyrus Colosky, on Sunday last. Mr. Merr,ter, Sr., .has had his block nicely painted, and it is now Lunch improved in appearance. Mr. Bock had the work in hand. Mr. Lebean's second sale of cattle was not as .successful as his former one. The last one took place at St. Joseph. The former one in Zurich. A frost on Saturday night nipped some of the encumber vines, on low land, in the village. Mr. and Mr. .JaeO Sararas,‘ of the Blind line, were the guests of Mr. R. R1 Johnston, at the "Do- minion," on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Burt, of Hamilton, was a visitor at the home of his cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan, over Sunday and'Monday,' Mrs. Louis Weber, eef Rochester, and Miss Edelman of the same city, were visitors with Ir. and Mrs. Louis Weber, the past week. Mr. John Fester Ita4. had a cement floor laid in his new drive house near the Fair grounds, Mr. Chas, Shoemaker had the Work in hand and it is needless to sky performed the work in u satisfactory manner. Wednesday was exceedingly warm and suite for this season of the year. The meie,nry took a sudden bound surely,'the difference in temperature from Saturday be- ing specially marked:' and notice- able. We understand. th4 Evaportbtor will be started; on its fall opera- tions, on 'Mondiay mar ting. This 'should be a fairly good: season in that line, as manyof t lie apples in this vicinity are unfit' for export and will likely be littarketed at home. The Cornmerciai hotel manage- ment are making arrangements for a grand ball to be held.oneFair day,: 24th inst., in the • afternoon and evening. The Excelsior Orchestra has been engaged for the occasion and -a good time is assured. All will be made welcome. Mr. Shoemaker and. family in- tend taking their departure for Piarkhill, their futtue Place of resi- dence, on Tuesd°ay next. Mr. Shoemaker takes possession of his new property on the 1:at11. Parties An impromptu dance took plane 1 from Zurich and vicinity, who uaay after the Lawn Fite, at Ran's • hall, .on Tuesday night, when a goodly number enjoyed the exercise im- mensely. Messrs. Sam. Faust and Garnet Magel went to Seaforth on Wed- nesday, to witness the league lacrosse snatch between Seaforth and Fergus. Mr. Parker and wife, of Hensali, were in town on Tuesday and were in attendance at the Lawn Fete at St. Boniface church grounds, .most of the afternoon and evening. Mr. Solomon Hardy's jolly coun- tenance was observed on the streets, on Tuesday. We are of the opinion that Sol. is still very much attached to the old town. The prize lists for the Township Fair have been printed and are now ready for distribution. The prizes will compare favorably with those given at most Township shows. Mr. and Mrs. M. Zeller have both been quite ill the past week, Mrs. Zeller is able to be out of bed again, but the former is still confined to his bed, feeling however, slightly improved. Pursuant to the requirements of the Voters' List Act, a Court of Revision will be held in the Town Hall, here, on the 29th. instant. when all errors or omissions in the List published can be corrected by the J udge of the County. Those interested should be on hand on that day. A surprise party assembled at the residence of Mr. Chas. Shoe- maker on Wednesday evening and took possession for some hours, They enjoyed themselves in the graceful movements of the waltz and other dances for some time and took occasion to express regret at the family's departure from town. The marriage of Mr. Frederick Demuth and Mrs. John Schafer took place at the Lutheran parson- age on Monday evening, the cere- mony being performed by the Rev. E. Schuelke. Mr. and Mrs. Demuth are both well known residents of Zurich and their many friends: wish therm a ,prosperous journey through life. THE HERALD extends hearty congratulations. A rather strange thing happened near •here, a few days since. Mr, Joel Baechler had a sick horse:— Dr. Hamilton was called and pro- nottnced the case hopeless, The an- imal was then left in the barn -yard to die, the family going to the house and retiring for the ,night.— Nat niorning the horse was gone, and although diligent search has been made for it ever 'since, it is no where to be found, up to ,the time of writing. have occasion to visit Parkhill will find a warm welcome at his hos- telry there. Bills are out for a grand concert Isere on the , evening �". the `24th rust., (Show day). Two star artists are to appear in the persons of Miss Susie McGill, of London. and Will McLeod, of Seaforth. The former is chalrxpion Scotch dancer, of Canada, and the latter comic singer and joker. Irish, Spanish and Gypsy dances by Miss McGill will also be interesting features of the evening's performance and Edison's Improved Phonograph will tell yob ad1 about it and several other things as w&1. The. Lawn Fete and Cream Social, on the grounds of St. Boniface church, on Tnesdav afternoon and evening, wags well attended and was in every respect satisfactory to those who had charge of the management, the receipts footing up to something in the neighbor- hood of one hundred dollars, The morning of the day opened rather gloomily, but the sun corning out brightly as thennorning advanced, the afternoon and evening was all that could be desired, and the attendance was made up of all Classes of citizens frons both town and .tountry. Mrs. Rau held the lucky number, which drew the bag of hour, and Mr. Leo. Foster cap. tuned the pet lamb. So far the returns are not yet complete, as regards sale of tickets, but it is thoughtthe receipts will vary little front the sum stated above. - Died at Detroit. Our many readers will learn with extreme regret of the demise of Mrs. Anthon Valentin, mother of Father Valentin, who for a number of years had been the beloved pastor of St. Boniface Catholic congregation of this town. Mrs. Valentin at the time of her death resided with her husband at 330 Holcomb Ave., Detroit; both being up to about six months ago, much respected residents of Zurich. Tile deceased lady had been ailing more or less while here, and her death as before stated, which took place on Friday, the 4th inst., was no doubt the result of the malady from which she was then suffering. Much sympathy is expressed for her aged partner in life, as Well as for the family, more particularly for her son Father Valentin, who is still at St. Joseph's Hospital, in London.. We are pleased to note in connection with this Sad an- notlneement that the Rev. Father is improving rapidly in health and will soon be able to leave th.e Hos- pital; where he has no* spent up- wards•of.a year. (Leeals =ignited on Sthpage.) Clearing Table No. 1—Dross Goals at half the cost prizes. Table No. 2-15 et. Muslin ends. for 5 its a yard. Table No. 3-10 et. Muslins for 4,2 cts. Table No. 4—All new Muslins 15 to 18 its. for 10 cts. . Ur We invite one and all to see these goods, they are good goods. ,goods are not damaged. Dont Miss these snaps. ITIn connection we•have a 1 M NS SUITING -S. CP RAN(xE of f .i. -.r 17 1.� .�`�t CP CP Such as Scotch Worsted, black & blue Searge, and Tweed, at a very reasonable prices. * �' GOOD FITS GUARANTEED.�.-....o.p 10 T full Line of Fany Shirts, very latest 40 IU At 75c., 90c., $1.00 and $1.25. �D STRAW and FELT HATS Up-to-date, at Loietest Prices 0 .� Call in seet No trouble to 40 1and These Goods. S Show them aA rbc Produce taken in Exchange for Goods � Q o �dD. 8. FAUST. Vi k� oo•©.•o:.4•v.vvov.o.o.oa.o•o..o•o•o-o.� • Man S PECtAL PR /US :mom In Mens' and Wm -liens' Odd Lines for Women, 5O.ts. and 1.00, extra good value. Also- In Meas' from 1.00 to 1.50. CALL AND SEE THEW, OH Sa 1 RIT THE SHOE -MAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. 69 • _ Summer argaai s We are showing a large range of PRETTY t 1 SLIM S' All New and Up-to-date, from 5 cents per yard up. OU '> IN IA. DIMITY Cannot be beat at 20 cents per yard. They are in pink, pale blue & black. Come in and have a. .;look at these Goods. It is no trouble to show these or any other. JUST ARRIVED THE LATEST 1N DROP ORNAMENTS and Sectional Trimmings. Produce taken in Exchange. ' CASH FOR EGGS We close every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Eqi at 6 o'clock, P. M. ti J. RREETER., Zu rica h Par? yri�aiW MENZgrani(�� BAC A o. eitl 6Mat st r attouranee Arg ala# Zumcki ONTARIO We have a number of Good Farms .dor sale and also some property' in the Village of Zurich :: ; 4 ood .girt± Wanted in every Town and. Village in the County, to take risks for the ROYAL -VICTORIA. LIFE.