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Pursuing the Appendix,
Dr. jolin,Henrr• Carsten'. argil.;
xnent to.the state medical society
against the indiserimivate remerval
of the vermiform appendix Aippears
to be irregular and Unethical. Nye,
hayeahVeys been tatight to believe
Mit vermiform. appendices were,
whet the lawyers (411 fere naturue
—wild things in which nobodyean
claim property; and Which enYhody
is free to take. The better the to).
pendix, the better the operation,
and the more sport in the chase.
At this late day we cannot accept
Dr. Oarstein's theory that n healthy
appendix ought not to :be -removed.
An appendix is un appendix', wheth-
er healthy 'ortnet..' and .meder]j sur-
gery has definitely ascertained that
the functions of the appendix is to
be amputated. . That is .its place:in
the economy of Man, and for count-
less ages nature has directed her
efforts, in the 1 rocess of evolution,
to the beneficent work of producing
a vermiform oppendix• that • could
be easily separated from the patient
together with $250. 'She has suc-
ceeded,. and when Dr. 'Carsten ad-
vises that the appendix be left alone
to wither and flap like. the last leaf
on the tree. it strikes us Met he is
councilling the surgeons to violate
the (maimnoes of nature.
If Carsten would .enntent himself
with an itnitalion of the fisli and
game laws, and ii6oc5te a closed
season for the appendix, the sugges
tion might be worthy of serious
consideration. Perhaps it might be
better for ererybod-r if no appendi-
ces were taken, say between the 1st
of July and the lst of October, and
none less than 4 years old and no
more than 2:.ir by. any one surgeon
in a season, uniessTne taking of the
appendix were absolutely neces ears
to feeding the doctor's fa rally .—
This would be a reasonable regula-
tion, and it wnuld tend tn eliminate
the mere pot hunter. who slashes
recklessly', and has a tendency to
emove nuire eye tenclices than his
Wilk mu). tt really requires.
HoweYer. tl'e details of the cloS-
d season can be worked. out later.
Fire 'VP n 0 at11141111) env of
8 have taken THE LEAD during FAST 1
SEASONS - and this year you will
We make a specialty of all kinds of HAY HANDLING TOOLS the medical n. 44--" flinetiOnS ; hut
and now is the time to
daily except Sundays from
8 a. m„, until 9 p, nu., The mails are
distributed as follows: .
MAIL FOR Ilitifon.m., close ti..t 6 :05 am
4 1 " 2 :55 pm
" " " 11 :10111/1
" L. H. &B., " 6 :6$am
" 2:55am
." FROM HENSALL, ark..11 :00 am
" 7 :30 pm
" " ST.aosEPR". 10 :45 am
" II :00 am
" L. H. &B., " 7 :30 am
be posted half an hour previous to
the time for closing the. mails.
D.S.F.A7UST, Postmaster.
t 4
, 1.
"About a year ago my hair was
coming out very fast, so I bought
a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
stopped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
is 45 inches in length."—Mrs. A.
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
Hungry hairneeds food,
needs hair vigor—Ayer's.
This is why we say that
.Ayer's Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
'the hair grow long and
heavy. SIM a bottle. Ail drUniSt S•
If your druggist. cannot supply you,
send 1114 one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express (alma -kddress ,
J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
get things ready for the coining harvest. it is n,,ne fro soon to i-rotest Furniture and
Call and see my Stock on hand.
Best Herman( Flour.
Buckwheat and Rye Flours,
And in Breakfast Foods
We Carry
W E- A T
International Stock 1-1 oods,
OH Cake and Linseed Meal.
Seeds &c., &c.
1 am selling flanitob. Flour at $2.2,
and all other grades at correspondingly low price:3.
C. sen I
(Zeller Block.)
r to R. Johnst
Clothing for
We .4re acknowledged leaders ill
Clothing all kinds. We have the kind that will
help you bear the summer heat.
against the i ernicious doctrine that
a man has a right to keep his vertu- .
iform appendix merely because it is
healthy, or that he has any proper-
ty rights whatever in his appendix
The time has not yet come to beat
the scalpels into... plow -shares and
the forceps into pruning Looks.—
Detroit Free Press.
W®a SerAch till
the Blood Flowed
A dreadful ease of Itching lEczenza lelt
defied ordinary treatment, and was
permanently cured by D.
Chases tillatment.
MRS. LII$K, 1.7. Walker St., Halifax, N.C.,
states .— A tei three years of miserable torture
and sleepless nights with terrible eczema, and
after trying over a dozen remedies without
obtaining anything but slight temporary relief,
I have been perfectly and entirely cured by
using Dr. Chas's Ointment. After the third
or fourth application of this grand ointment I
obtained relief, and a few Wee:, 4.ere sufficient
to make a thorough cure.
"It is six months since I was freed of this
wretched skin disease, and as there has been
no return of the trouble I consider the cum a
permanent one. I would strongly 'urge any
one suffering as I did to try this ointment, and
shall gladly write to any who wish to refer to
me for particulars of my case. I was so bad
with eczema that 1 would scratch the sores in
my sleep until the blood would flow."
Dr. Chase's Ointment, 6o cents a box, at all
dealers, or Ednaanson, Bates and Co., Toronto.
To protect you against imitations the portrait
and signature of Dr. A. W, Chase, the famous
receipt book author, are on every box.
'',•-,„,' ,,,,if14lt• Bei %44
Chance to join •.'• Cloth That vcrnu
refaltre awl SLINK! Money fore ;Tom t
• Everybody Shouldjo in the Mutual Literary Mu.
Me 0110) 01 Americo. There is nothing else kite It
anywhere. et costs ahnostmothing to jolu and the
benefits it gives are wonderful. it Peebles you to
purchase booksandperlodiealsmusieand musical
instruments at special cut prices. It secures re -
culotte rn ter; at tunny hotelS. Xt answers questions
free of charge. It eters scholarships and valua-
ble cash prizes to utemberti. /t maintains club
0)0105 10 many ci ties tor Its znembers. In addltien4
every znPutber receives the (zinnia/magazine enti-
tled .. 112v, try Won OVA a publication In a elasS by
Itself,Including Opinces of high.class vocal and in.
etrumental music (full size, each ximilth without
Octal charge; 72 tokens in one year in as. YOU
The full yearly Membership fee is Oat3Donav ftti•
which you get all above, and You 14103' With'
draw sup time within three months if you
want to dos° and gob 3.0 UV 4i 11 itr back. /f you
don't earo to spend 81,00. send 21 cents tor three
months Membership, Nobody can afford to ass
this offer by. Y on- will get your money buck in
value many times over. -Full particulars will be
sent free Of charge, but If you aro wise you will
send In your request for inembershin ,v, ith the
proper fen at one°. The 28 lats. throe months 700411- -
'1 nership offer Will noon change. Write At once ad-
dressing, your letter and enclOshir, 81.00 for full,
rear's membership or tWority.ilve cents for thew)
ampule to
Sall:ITTRAL St./TiftlnAlltlir ill4ts160 Ceetrie
Dia. AGO NalsrlAtu Sit.. N. V. ettly,,, I
Cook's Cotton Mot Compotrna
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Sate ,,effeetual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pith] and
imitations are dangerous, Prion, No, 11.,
box' No. 2, 1°rees s trongen$13 per box. No.
1 or 2, =Ailed on reeelpt of price and two tkent
stamps. The Cook Company Windtior, Oflt
ViieeNos.i and 2 sold and recommended.by al/
responsible Druggists in. Canada.
No. 1 and NO, 2 are sold in Zurich
at Dr, Buchanan's drng, store. ..
We have now
a large and up-
fo-date Stock
of House Fur-
niture a n d
Furnishings which we
offer At a Low Price....
Our Stock is Large and up -to
date. In tine of need, give us
a eall.
P. Meisaac
Appeal front Friends on nchitif or a
POOr Cons unipat v 0.
The following letter froni an easter
town, addressed to the Seeretary of th
National Sanitarium Association, Taxon
to, xplains itself " What steps re
quire to he taken to place a consumptive
patient in the Free Consumption Hos
pital? We lia.ve a poor man hero who
has consumption. He has a wife an
family of five ohildren. He has beeit
sick and off work for four months
already. The only source ui' income of
the family has been cut off. I think the
father would bo better if he had the
proper care, but here in the midst. of his
family it is impossible to give him proper
treatment. If we can place him in the
Consumption Hospital for care and treat-
ment, then the people bore can manage
to look after the family until he is re-
stored to health. He is able togo around,
but is very weak,"
We publish this letter to illustrate how
great is tho need• for the Fees Hospital
for Poor Consumptives, established by the
National Sanitarium Association at Mus-
toka. Just one year ago the first patient
—a woman from Napanee —was admitted
nto the hoepital, and since ,then 168
patients have found a home within its
rails. .A great number of ,these are
veholly unable to pay anything, towards
heir maintenance, whilst the average
rom those who pay is less than one-half
he cost of enaintenance.
There is no endowment, and the Trus-
ees depend solely in the making up of
he large deficit each month on the con-
ributions of kind friends. With the in-
reasing numbers seeking admission to
lee a large number of First Class Posts
lib the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which wilt
be sold at reasonable prices. For perticu-
lers apply to
48.tf 111Atiee & BENDER, Zuriph,
1 posed of about 20 pieces, are now -
open for engageznent. Applications for
this purpose should be addressed to Mr.
Orr. LINDER, leader, or .Mr. A. MCKAY,
Secy., Hensel', Ont.
Who has a Wagon ?
Tire Setting Machines 1
It sets them Cold.
It does the work in a few minutes
It keeps the Dish of Wheels just
It does the work Perfectly.
It is a wonderful improvement over
the old method.
No more guess work, but tires are reset
accurately and quickly, without any chance
of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in
any way injuring it.
Having one of these Tire Setters in prae-
bleat operation, the patronage of the pub.
lic is solieited. All work thoroughly war,
John Weseloh,
Zurich, Ont
Heifer Astray.
Came into the property of the under.
signed, a red heifer about 2 years of
age. Owner can have same by paying for
this advertisement and keep of animal
0011. 14, Lot 10, Hay Tp.
Mother and Two Daughters, In Weedy
Circumstances. Make the Journey
from Winnipeg to ti ravenburst to.
Seek Admission to the Free Hospital
ler Consumptives.
An illustration of the me-
eases constsntm
ly coming before the man-
agement of the Free Hospital for Con.
sumptives eiravenhurst is in point We
week. A. week since, the Secretar3r at
the head office in Toronto, through whOrn
all applications should properly be made,
received a long-distance telephone mes-
sage from the Phyeician-in-Charge at
Gravenhurst, saying that a mother, with
two daughters, both of whom wore af-
flicted with consumption, had presented
themselves at the doors of the Free Hos-
pital, hoping to bo 411 01100 admitted.
One daughter has the trouble only inn.
slight degree, and from a medical point of
view is admissible, as soon as room can
. be made. The other has the disease in a
more acute condition, and will need to
take itnmedinte rest until it becoms
somewhat quiescent. Thefamily are poor,
their railway fares having been. paid byo.
friend. The mother has been given em-
ploynient on the domestic, staff of the
Hospital, and the deughters will board
n town until .there are vaelint belle
n the Hospital to admit thein. They
came a]1 title (1141C(1 poverty stricken,
but in the belief that somehow the:,'
svould manage to get admission to thn
Want of money is the only tiling, the
Trustees tell us, that is preventing the
increase of accommodation beyond the
eigliVeiatients already provided for. Up
to the present 210 0110 has been refused
admission on account cd his or her
poverty, but we are told that the want
of funds is preventing the Trustees front
providing the increased accommodation
needed. Indeed, a heavy burden of debt
is now pressing Upon them, and must be
promptly met if this -work is to be carried
Contributions may he sent to Sir Wto.,
R. Meredith, Ke., 4 Lamport .Ave., To-
ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, 54 Front St.
West, Toronto.
the hospital, should the subscriptions
continue to run, short, as they have been
doing for the past three months, the
Trustees will have no recourse open to
them but to close some of the wards.
Sir Wm. 1., Meredith, Xt., Viee-Presi-
dent of the Association, an Mr. W. J.
Gage, Chairman of the Exedutive Com-
mittee, wiU reeeive subscriptions for
this much needed work.
50 YEARS' ,
• Anyone sending 41 sketch and desert mon nute
en 0 t mem 11111 our topinum free W ether an.
invention IA probably patentable. Communica.
mons strictly cone eon t be. mmebook on Patents
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Patents taken through Islunu & Co. 1000140
speciai notice, Without charge, in the
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A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Oir.
enlation of any scientific journal. Terms. $a a
Year: four months, si. Sold by all news milers.
Branch orrice. tee "," St. Washington. D. C.
MUNN &Ca.351BioadaY,New ark.