HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-07-17, Page 6il~r V i 19 A Ii GOWNS
r`re`ll.'Pla�molids lose from 40 to 60
pert cent. of their size in cutting.
®4i0ii 91i4i�i��ii���®esHbe9iei
"'I'll :bie`tl 'tblis W th!e pet, th'e 'kin'g
to! win, against- jv)our saSe and con-
Filmy'Stuffs, Weigbirag Less Than a Pound.
$Oboe Famous Gems.
�.!o�m,a idea, a� t9ia3 value of this
tenrts,' • said Mhrold.!
" `I�: La we'll,' said Balker, wit,h!-
French women may surpass bth-
daintiest and.' of course, the most
gj e,mt otoile may by suggested byt►
1,891 Carats Taus soldi a fete years agc
out kx ,smile, pulling out a, big safe
key!, from his side }�o0lret: ain'd slap -
In the 'f'roufrou of their dress,
expazisive laces are usgd.
Chiffon takes two plane.. greatly
by the De Boers Coat pang for. $750,-
RqO, ' As diamonds xttcrease greatly
®�i®i�i/ii'ii�i �iiiAipiii®
pimp it 'dolwin (hard an top of Sih!aron',e
cheque in the pot. 'That represents
English wvawen in neatness, but the
English mena,n
of lace, and, as with pineapple
In, via,lue wd�tal }ncre4ee in size, the
my, nerve ted=ni&t('
has gone beyond
gauze, is made over a 'drop skirt "larger
f,(todle is stapposed to, . bg
Las Angeles, Cal., July. --"I see
"Everybody! ,stopped playing, and
thew all in extravagance. '.l'h!e
of white silk, iietween th!e dropwvo,
th several times thmt sum. Per-
the n4iMpaperis report the deaatlt of
'the im. fore came and crowded about
sulnanor 'girl will expend an im-
skirt and the outer Sklrt is an iii-
hoops the prize wlll some day fall
F(amllt,on Bakeir In Nelww, Orleawns,"
tial faro, table. Whe fourth- turn) and
tntanse amount of money for what,
terlining of 'chiffon thla't falls !¢w
billowty at the bottom, and
into the Inandas of one of the Indian
or other oriental. nabobs, who, as
said ".Luicky" Baldwin as he sat be-
mite eamb the pard.
King ,olf clubs twvias, Ham, Baker, .
In weight, is pra,ctisCally nothing,
Seven ounces Is least her
makes lace raffles unnecessary.,
is lucid known, have many the fin-
ncwath the ,shade of an orange tree
et. lids Santa Anita ranch other
os foot r:
said In a matenough,'.
ettmnuer gown can &ai h; fourteen,
A yard of chiffon weighs but a
fraction of an ounce. You Can util-
W. diamonds. In thslr collections.
Another famous South African
�'y' the
J'cwt aro
,enough, .scud Sharon.
"He called for +�ijampagnle for the
and be quite norrect, is the most,
says oma authority; but wVat she
these Eery+ is
tie, a good ma, g
g many yards in making. an
ounce, and seven ounces is enough far
d6uymand is the great Star of South'
Africa, nano !n the posasessi;on , of the
wvaage the grRtttes(t Fara dealer alive.
grl Bale
alt one time lie had seven of the •crowd,
greatest houses In. America (
but Baker insisted on beim g
the host.
mtay pay for ounces
another matter. Her i<nndiste s bills
a gown. Accordion plaited dress
are being made In 'these titin„ light
Countess of Dludlley. It. uvea obtained
from a Kaffir carcerer, ..two yeaed
bidding, far his ,services at salaries
°r 'I'll the aioluold It'd try,- ;you to -mor-
row,' said Shlardn, as he 'waved bis
wall run along that eighties and hun-
dreds for the bunoe
after the first ditsw--viery of diamonds
ranging from $2,000 to $4,500 a
month. John Morrissey got him for
bland tOwEax d rive smiling dealer and
even seven
M gawin,
Aside from the awns of lace Iter
and chiffon there are those made
in Africa. Thos wise man had used
It as one 'of his adornments Uncut
to`u'r wsummelrs at' the Saratoga Club
disappeared it:ttraug4a the door.
"Tltaat's the wa } th:e amble
fou cannot put a gown through,
entirely of iKtice, A Giuny lace gown
'lit weighed 83 ear. is and sold for.
far $20,000, and was required to
decal faro only six: nights a week,
when 11amY Baker :¢yeas in lilsprime.a
a wvedding ring as you Gould
proverbial white mull of your
will east '$000, perhaps, but to the
summer who aims at light-
'There is a curious fact connected
from 9 at n9 '
gh,t until 1 o'clock In
grandmothers tiaare, but you can
hardly feel its :veigblt as you pick
weight clothes this is no, objection.
could handsomer
Sinding of the mentgreioned, which
Hears stone already mentfgned, whiGlz
the morning..
„ But the time that I kneww ]lam.'
up w�a,ist and skirt of a ciLLtfony
texture, skirts
and nothing be
than a cream Cluny Iaee gown. made
illustrates the vicissitudes of 'dia.
'mond late
Baker best WAte in Virginia City,
where far plus months in the year
Tile " Platform. of Principles " of ilia,
made over chiffon
and wiorn With a chiffony expres
over a pale pink chiffon, and, surely-
nothing Could v✓airl Is
miffing. Tillie Barney Bar-
neer 'had a et with the ]t-
for ,fix years lie was dealer in the
191bertus Set Forth.
7Clze yonzng girl is not alone in
Beers company for ita3 entire out-
grelsates't: faro games In tine world. I
bellievca has ,salary was $150 a night
cHere are a few specimens of the
T�lr:e object of the ten ounce gown
Is, first,, comfort. In hot wveath'er
wearing there gowns. The woman
phot, from noon, July 2, 1892, to noon
July 2, 1893. Hai quit the mane when
and he' had 15 per, gent. of the pro-
philosophy of Elbert Hubbart, of
"The Philistine." It is forward
the less you ;wear the more corn•
who prafors dark- colors can wear
them too. A black lace dress made
time last minute of lite contract time
fits of the house. Ilia salary and
stare of the profits aggregated
put .
as his "platform of principles,, of the
Portable you are—that is mere fact ;
with white paint lace trimmings is
expired, and throe Nass& later the
about $70,000 a mesio,.
,philistines, now' In camp at East
but the 'texture this gown is made
of determines its expense, and the
for a dinner sawn, and
surely nath.ing can ,be lighter in
new ,sYworkto wed t succeeded ia-
in the work found flue Largest dia-
„gut lie died poor. He waa$ in a. rail -
1urora. N. Y.:
I ,believe the universe 1s, planned
underskirts play a great part in
we than black thread lace over
mond ever discovered.
road wreck in Colorado along in the
'We, and the injuries lie received
to,r good
the appearanue gas %v,ell as in the
expense of the gown.
must not be that tight fit-
And yet there is a tremendous
amount of mining for what
thein unfitted. h,lm for' expert faro
here, and
I ,believe that" God 'Him
that we are as near paw
A pretty gowviu in one of the 0109-
nig ppearance that Is permissible in
ll, I
°seenis to be ver small 1f infinite]
y ' y
010 of Is s' aautsing creeping pa.raly-
aii,s a[ is
ever , 'no
shalt be. Ido, not believe
ets of a Parisian modiste ilg mads
of cream lace net as fine as a
heavier gowns. There must be enough
fulness in the soft, thin material to
pxeraous results. in a Lecture be-
'fore Harvard and Yale not longago
,xI sale;.
„ 1Ls I leave said, the biggest faro
IIs started the .world ag-aing and
went away and .left it to run itself.,
spider web, and as embroidered
do away with this sort of thing or
John Hays Hamamondi, the famous
games ever known were in Virginia
City between 1369 and 1875. I have
I ,believe in the sacredliess`of the
weigh scarcely more than ateath-
er, but their cost would make the
else the effect s Last, and the way
to accomplish this is to use yokes,
mining engineer and expert, maid
of the Kimberley, mines, that a bot
known rough men to come down from
human body, this transient dwelling
place of a living soul, and so, I deem
scales dip heavily,
w�'hite pineapple gauze and chif-
tucks and shirrings-
A yoke of lace extending over the,
about eight inches square -would
contain fixe net result of minittg over
the gold ooawl:r g
g y with $50,000 in old
dust and blow it all in at some faro
It the duty of every man aJ;id every;
woman to keep his or her body beam
fon, a combination of tw�d expens-
hips weighs nearly nothing; it fits
100,000,000 toms of rock beside the
painside of two days, then with-
out a murmur borrowvl a, grab stake
tifut through right thinking and
ive stuffs, make a beautiful own.
The underskirts are made of the
well and an to this may be gathered
the soft material. Three or four
Millions of toms of eaarth, moved in
exploratory and dead' work. Such
and flee to the mountains, and
right llvizag., , ,
I believe -haat the lave of man for
finest 'of lawn, weighing scarcely
deep tltirrs accomplish the same ef-
to diamond mining in South, AfriOa
before a yea, dig vp another for-
time in gold.
woman, and the love of woman for
more than the auza, and are ruf-
feet and lend variety, and ayoke
and, yet it aye.
P t t
"The finest house there
man, is holy; and that this love in
fled with a pin le, tblread lace, at-
made of Little tucks is pretty. The
was that of taewtry &Crittenden.
all of Its ,promptings is as much air
fective, and light. There. are no
tucks In the underskirts; they
tucks may be as deep or as shallow
as the wearer wishes and accomplish
Many a day I have seen Ham. Baker
emanation of the Divine Spirit as
man's lova for Gad, or the most
would w,be too ateavy. TVO plain
the -same end of riving tate full fluffy
handle $30,000 in gold there between
early evening and early morning,
daring hazards of the human mind.
ruffle without insertion and only
the lace edging is muebi in favor.
fills underskirts must be made Baer-
But Their Ancient Secret Societies
gave A;ttAs TL,sernbiin Masonic.
whenOnce I 175,saw. him dealing in .a game
where $175,000 went baFk and fortlh
I believe in salvation through
economic, social and spiritual free -
The pineapple gauze gown may !!
be trimmed as elaborately with 1
fectly plain across the tap—almost
habit backed—or else there would. be
The recent installationfor a Grand
the table in one night. There
l ,believe Jahn Ruskin, William Mor-
la,ce as may suit the wearer's a
a deal too much fulness and it would
'Master of the Chinese secret orders
cashiers at the back of the
were two cashiers
dealer, and I have seen half a bushel
ris, Henry Thoreau, Walt Whitman
fancy, provided Nze does not 'buy
lace that wv,eig s, imuch. This is
became bulky; but at the bottom
they may ruffled and froufroued
In the United States,. popularly,
of twenty -dollar gold pieces on the
and Leo Tolstol to be the prophets
of 'God, wvho should rank in meatal
prohibited, and only the lightest,
as much as any one pleases.
known as the "Chinese Freemasons,"
ca ebil ,r s desk lots of times.
L bettor did not ask if there was
reach and spiritlual insight with Eli-
Eli -
ba,s aroused interest In the question
a limit to the game. In October,
}ah, Hosea, Ezekiel and Isaiah.
I ,believe that men are inspired
of"the connection between the Chin-
ese secret po!ciat2es and than Masomie
1373, a miner named Jahn B1150130
wvor h so, million, camel in from Utah
to -dray as muchas ever men were.
I we are now living fn
body. Allusions to "Chinese Free-
+, in the
an 0then s ext .Z-eduir with Gov. Nye
anri then ,saunt.,-ed into the caro
eternity as much b ever we spree
I believe that the hest way -to pre-
ma,sanry, appear perlodieally;
room; r l
pare far a future life is to be kind,
newspapers, th�au h according 'tothe
g g
me a stack of tbousapd--dol
live one day at a time, and do the
Rich Mines
Recently Discovered in Ger-
C clopaodla of Fraternities t)tpre is
lax' fl,sb, saldBilson.
' 'Certainly, all you want' relied
work you can do the best doing it
znany's possessions
— Kimberley Diggings
no ztlohl thing as Freaznwaanry among
the suave Ilam Baker,
as wellas you can. i
I*beIleve there is no devil but fear.
First Known Through an Accident.
the Chinese. t I � �
thousand went on tiro jack
I that no, one can harm you
The only! Masanze lades in China
aro in tete foreign .coacesslons at the
and was lost. Biison lost over $10,-
000 without winning a bet, He swore,
but yourself.
I believe that we are all sans of
(Bwookiyn Eagle),
never occurred to them that they,
seaports. Their membership is com-
and gat outside of another bottle of
Clad, and it doth not yet appear
Heretofore Great Britain }teas hail
wwrore diamo+nais. mh,aM were good
playthings far the children, who
posed exclusively; of others than
Chinese, and yhoy are conducted un-
'.'Luck changed, and at ;i o'clock
what we shall. be.
I believe the only way we can
thea monopoly of the diamond buss-
liked to :see their sparkle.
der foreign warrants, The rites of.
In the moaning rife old miner was
$50,000 ahead of the game. Flushed
reach the kingdom of heaven is to
nese of Africa„, which Is practically
South Africa's First Diamond,
the Cliknase secret societies bear
asan;le resemblance to those of the
with victor he ordered a cess of
have the kingdom of heaven in our
that of the world. There have been
Fin all y, o!ne at 'them, Schalk Van
C`reemasous, which accounts for the
wine for a house. -But the gonius
of Fara is fickle. The old man made
I believe in freedom—social, econ-
no other shines that approached
Niekerk, calling at a, friend's house,
popular ,supposition of a connection
a call with a $1,000 bill and picked
omit, domestic, political, mental,
those of the famous Kimberley dis-
triet in richness. But Germany
s;azy the children• playing• with a
which rticulari
rent ka• y
between the two. The simllaarlty!,
thaugli mora appareavt thaLn sea}, is
up $5.000. Luck failed hint from that
I believe in every man minding his,
hopes to be able soon to dispute John
P Y ,stana,
struck like fano - iLllteiti mother ave
y g
it. to him, thinking him a asimplec fel-
remarkabia, in view of t4be, an=tiquity]
of bof i and. the im assibi}it of el-
p yJ
moment. f
At, break of day the miner, with-
out handing in a dollar, had blown
own business.; .,,-.
I believe in the paradox at suce`ess
T�wzll's title as tno worlds diamond
userchant. Mich fields are said to
Ione to be leased) with' childish to •s.
p y
He. ;showed it, td.aa Irish 'trader, one
thea t'o' have been patterned after
the other, t
in $41,000P web
. :[Iwas as aear
with a save head, but triad to smile.
through failure.
I .believe in the purifying process
have been discovered in German
,Southwest Africa, which it is hoped
Jalrn O'Reilly, wvdto t'hou�ght tltatl
possible Schalk was not so simply
China Is filled with secret societies,
most of which have for their object
"'One thousand an the ace' he said
"It last.. Old I311son rose and said
of sorrows, and I belles*e that death
is a manifestation or life,
will rival the wonderful De Beers
as hay looked. Bat +he -W as; the wortbyl
the overthrow Of the T'sing dXnasty,
slowly, as if each word weighed a
;mimes. ,$pma capitalists of Dremen,
Boar lad no ideal that the ,bit of cry-
with a pretended benevolent pur-
headed by Senator Achells, have or-
stal wvfas any. more than a partieu-•
posato veil the political sign}f}caace
"'Baker, Ireckon I've had enougl.
ganized a syndicate to work these
larly pretty pebble, till O'Reilly took
of the organization. The most pow-
fun for this one jamboree,' and, after
An An6ent Egyptian Custom at fast
new. -formed mines, and the German
yt to Cape Towa to be examinedi
erful of these. societies, the Kolao
ordering a basket of wine for the
Fully Understood and Explained.
newspapers are already prophesying
and it was pronounced a diamond,
Hui, more than 1,000,000.
house, he seated himself at the cash-
the coming end of the Dritish moa-
the first recognized diamond
The Cyclopa.edia of Fraternities
ier's ebony desk, and Caol as as cucum-
More than 1„000 years ago Isere-
opoly of the diamond business.
ever found in Sioutlhi Africa, wwa,st
contains an account of an initiation
bar drew a cheque oin Mackay's bank
dotttas observed a, remarkable custom
It has been understood for some
bought by Sir Philip Wodshouse;
'~erem-oray at a Chinoss lodge in Spo-
for $42,000. When the wine ;Ivan
in I t
gyp' ' says Prof. Drummond, At
time past that Kimberley was not
Governor of Cape Colony, for $2,500,
kane, "Wash., at which four ',Vhlte,
opened Ilan- Baker, In a sdit taioe,
a certain the the
the only rich diamond field in At-
Time wide the discovery made of At-
men, Freemasons, were present byl
said: 'This game Is now closed."'
,season of year
rica, that there were diamonds for
rie.a's greatest wealth, clow great It
invit'a'tion. The lodge represented a
"I have seen several men ]tet
Egypdane went into the desert, out
the mining in other parts of the
Ls no one really knows, for the extent
benevolent branch, of the Kolao Hui,
$u,000 and $6,000 an the ac(. in the
off bran,cltews from the wild psalm, and,
dark continent. And the various
of the, African diamond fields has
There were references to the "im-
taro- room at Gantry & Critten(1un's,
bringing thews back to their garden,
pawvers have been meaning to look
newer been determined. Far north of
the Vaal River, along' the banks of
mortal three," cireumamlbulatton,
four sta'tion:s, at wwJ ch gmestfon,s
and, wvithaut a change ofespresslon,
sit putting a cigar until the equally
wwnaved theist over the flowers of the
date palm. Why. they performed this
Into the matter within their respect -
eve spheres of influence as :soon as
the Limpopo, or Crocodile River, the
were asked and answers returned,
calm dealer turned the card out of
ceranzony they did not know, but
they could get around to it. Ger-
boundary between the Transvaal
ktneeling on crossed swox^ds, tea-
the little silver .box. I once saw a
they kn,ewv that if they neglected it
inzzny appears to be the first one
and diamonds have
drinking, burning incense, a tra-
rich San Francisco horseman come
the dat,te, crop would be poor or whoi-
tilat etas found the time and money
b.een found. So far nothing at all has
ditional :season of refreshmsent and
in, and tiring of piking along with
ly lost, I
to do this. Kimberley has known
been clone to exploit or develop this
signs, in 'which ith�e head and bands
flvoe hundred -dollar bets on a single
IHerodotus offers the quallit ex -
that it could not permanently mon-
field, though for all anyone- knows
tits', region :along this rival, may be as
were raised; net Ithe Occidental Mas-
an,s present NVoro unable to detect
card, lie nonchalantly tapped on the
high card with his penell, and %aid :
irlan,atiou that along with these
braanobels there came from the desert
opotize the diamond trade, though
rich ill diamonds as the Vaal. In the
an!y,+thing that resembIod the Masan..
"Mr. Baker, I'll just go, you on
certain files possessed of a "vivific
for some years it has supptled
western part of the Orange River
'ry witb which they were familiar,
the high card that brick store of
virtue," which oomelaow lout an ex -
most of the diamonds in the market.
I Colony two diamond centres have
The ,same authorkyt gives this ac-
mine, on Liontgomery street near'
uberant fertility to the dates, But
1 fells,
boon found, one of wvthiet, Tager$is
count of thio secret signs used by! the
California. I've the dead here how
the true raticirmle to the inoant:a-
Many I'runnisinr
Fonteln, eighty miles from Klinber-
Triaad Soalety,, wdiiah was at the bot-�
for $18,000," wherenpan he drew the
tion is now explained, Palm. trees,
Beside other South African fields
ley, hale yielded $250,000 a year, !n-
tom of the Tai+ping rebellion:
document Prom his pocket and laid
like busman beings, axe male and to -
that promised well as soon as anyone
1 eluding many fins diamonds, and
among they inountain.z of the "Trans
"Members alwwa�s halt orn enter-
the Gleed upon the ace.
male. The gardew plants, the elate
took the trouble to develop them
Ing a house, nAd tdten proceed with
said the dealer.
beaarers, were females, the desort
there are Australian diamond mines
I Vaal and at two points in Cape Col-
the left fo!at: first. ''When, sitting
" The bank lost, The mala with the
Maintts were males, and the waving
In New. South Wales which promise
any, at Duboit,span, only two Milos
drier place their toes together and
Irick house won 18,000, 1
of the branches over the females
rich returns and the Brazilian fields,
sou'tboaast of Kimberley, and at
E r
spread titer, heels aa"part, .piteyi also
"'Haw will ypu have your money?'
mea,Ta,t the tran,sferenoe of the ter-
one time the great: source of sup
Yet Developed.'.
recognize olnao another 4xyi the wvay,
they place their tea cups ba the
said Baker,
`Cheque,;' laconically answered
tiiizing pollen from the one to the
ply, are, it is generally admitted,Not
cortairi to be richly productive just
Mbe diggings are less than a quar-
;table and this mta,nner in which they,
the lucky gambler.
ae soon as abundant capital Intro-
tem of a mile apart. Most of these
regions are entire] undeveloped, be-
$ y p
hitch their trousers. Their moltto 1s
'Drive want thle T',rtar."' Treason is
"The dealer's side partner filled
out the cheque fca4 the winner, while
r' "
duces modern mining methods.
'1lalting it all, in all, however, Africa
cause the whale interest centred In
Ktm'bed. attar its ricicomi was dis-
p ni,eh�dd by; •1o�iping off i„lhe ears of
a minor on The final punish.
the game went oini.
pxobaably' remain the centre of
{covered The time is coming, how-
men- is beheatding-»N. X. Sun,
of 85,v J m�'Sli2aon,t atbrothermof
Perhalis, However, `.Kou i)Iay Not Like
the world's diamond trade: It
p ed wealth, In this direction,
ever, when these other districts will
-- -,- --�
United Stater, Senator WIIIla.m, Sahlar-
These Dishes.undevelo
which is ' o truth beyondram the
receive the attention they deserve.
POhe,,pis the Kimberley mines will
Green as the Irish Color,
an, was in Gentry., & Crittendepts
palace. The game wvas running light,
In a, recent Egyptian review- may
wildest drazms of ovaries. Diamonds
e e
were first discovered there along the
novrar be equalled, but it is quite roar-.
Green is universally regarded
as gamblers say,, but .was running toy-
the Flushed
Al be zo ,.: oil • t n; ,.,.tracts from
bamks of the Vaal river in 1567 Ty
t rain thaat 1itcsy will, not continue to
monopolize the industry. The *entire
tote Irish color-, but aaztiquarians say
ward basuk. wvith claim-
pagne, Jim Sharon edged over to
the c niur�yr ��e�t�irieno1Sttloie
taya'yeaaws the mineshere were work-
but when
anal yielded abundantly.,
moduet of this field up to the pie''-
that green as the national flag of
Ireland is of comparatively`
`Ilam Baker and said:
" `Say,
o,rl:ta dis-hes of the Arabians of
that epoeh, lie sways that they con -
in 1.8� 9 telae marvelom,sly ,reit Kim-
cut year a screed of about thirty-
five yearns i,s a, little over fifteen
origin. The latest sauthority to ex-
HaLnz, tdtd,s i9 a sickly game,
wvita) these Imadred dollar pikers
indered the flesh of young; dogs a,
borle . beds were discovered the Vaal
river: fields were almost deserted and
t,ont3 oi' diamonds, ltsL,ving a value in
excel"o o:i $500,0,)0,000. The life of the
prels+s an inion on the subject Is
anon I+'�r�ench, a learned mem-you
around the board. How mtubh have
In the till over there?'
great and also are grass-
hroppetws a.ncl scorpions 'svitlt much
(since, then little or nothing Me been
minele cannot be determined. as yet,
bet the RoyeJ Irlstl Academy. He
Oh, agouti .03,6,000, replied the
rello.b. Moreover, they esteemed the
tle:sh, of black cats highly, since they
doato fox toter, development.,
(,lav, a -river tlho Vaal doesn't amount
but diamond minim will undoubtedly
continue in for many
da?� not alacep�t the explanation that
that green flag was adapted by the
genial Ilam, an'd that's use 36,-
j $
000 mare tlaL%n Vou've sand to
malnrtalned -that anyone who ate
to much,, It wouldn't float aby;thing
yrea„r!s,t,o come.
United Irishmen at tile close of the
try, to w 1n it,"
it could not bo injured either by,
,soreery' or by ,'tote evil eye.
NvoTtdt floating in the, boat line. And
As to the size of the stones --the
eighteenth century by ))lending the
'„Ali l tibalt',s ly(ynr game. Mr.
Al iajahoz aalojo says that lie was
it probably for untold centuries arj-
tessly rolled untaald wealth) atoaap; its
largelst diamond ever discovered is
still in the hands of t to De Beez'ts.
orange and blue, the latter being
th'on regarded by ;name as the Irish
. Baker,' exetaltned Sim Situaran, 'I'll
just inyi ohequa on. the Pacific
d9 utppointerl sullen, lt.a found that the
AsaLbiaLn did
bad t*wvaxd the sea before the un-
Company. . As Yet 'no'�idderas have
flag. He Aosert's .that the emerald
Bandl for 30,000 cold plunkers.”
tribr.,s of Bassorab not
ea(t :grinseb,op�pers, but on the other
�auspeetin•g Doer .farmers discovered
, e whole 01-
wvhaslt st 'was wp( to, and'tli
been found for this Wlhite elephant.
It w,a(s Lound, on July 2, 11398. it
g'1eon standard was used in Ireland
In the asltteenth, century, but It wvao
"'Put upi or s^btL't,up, Jltn,' answer-
ad Hamy ,senitenit#o!usly, as etas steel-
haul wvas h1glily delighted to find
ble frinu'd, -tire famous poet Roobah
•,vl:ltzed world took ea band in rescuing
thiothio(treaasmre, .amid intiden'tallq., 'dis-
wwedglils nenmky x,000 carats in the
roagh, or about bora a,
not till the eighteenth century; that
i.t became the 'national color,
gray eyes shone like two white tit&-
in ds jeweller's trays.
feasfting rorysa,lly on roast. rats and
iizatct<q. In
cowered ttbWt the whole sat, 60 tb
pound avoir-
dupeig, ttnd Is three and, one -halt„
m,d na
IIJIm', Shiaron walked: over to the
:Iili.e. Arabians, he says,
ca'nciuol'on, also sate ee-epents and
Africa Waslriaa;nit'acl 'thick With dia-
110110,8 long, albout,a:tt large as at av
No, Mr. Gil�gal,” she said, kindly,
ea,slilers' 'desk and, w•rolte a obeque
h,olmos, ibuit took the utmost ;care
monde, TheBW-rfarmers had often
observed the sparklL.ng sttllneo —
e; age goose egg,.
It tui Impossible to determine the
I am sure' «I would never learn to
Clove you. Ott., maybe you
far $30,000, ,slighted !t, :and waltzed
only to serve at table horses whiia
"moor tuppe, as rimy} Galled them
wsa,Iue: of a diamond of this ,size. It
. could,'
rejolned Gllgal 0hmerin:gly. "Never
baxek to- Hbml Baker. to this mo.'
m:ent Baker thought 8bardn was
had been burneolsed, 1.19 they did not
coneldor It right to eat those which.-.:rtlnhfr
+f hI4 i'&� nitsit�h
. , of -e Vaal. ,Its is at' 901aq calor, but Would not cut
GO.A,..,.�.rlf'1... to. lFlo tr_n,.,
7-14r1(dn , r