HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-26, Page 8red. a at nai'"• • " ` . reb 6 4 6 .GlasS.,,NVare„,,mmeL " is FAI 4 0,1Your 11, rdware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and- erWin=W:i11131115 IN .... . aim... and ,119,11yWood ,4 Ptirtland ',Gement and all kinds of :,,,,,;,,k' Building - Materials , *. ,,,,,,, The 'FallIOLIS '`' • ER Shoer and R BLACK -SMITH .11.1iGialli..1161. ity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. Ali watt promptly attended to2 PP closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, stt six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage 'Works. BUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished.' See us before you buy. It will be to your interest. . • . BUGGIES F. HESS & SONnrid, Ontario Kaibfleisch s MILLS. Rlaning and Saw Mill —All kinds of -woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds oflumber al- ways on hand. Field -Gates; Water - Tanks' for Wind -mills apd Water Troughs. ER ONTAF?IO 4••••210011•MOMenliili. SLABTOWN Spedul. to THE HERALD. Among those who' took in the ex- cursion to the Model Farm, on Sat- urday, feom this vicinity, were Alonzo Foster, John Decher. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Martin, Will Rennie, Will Kestle, Joe Eteenhoffer, Valen- tine Eisenhoffer, Wismer, Miss Tillie Witmer and George Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. George Broderick were ont toHensal1 church, on Sun clay night. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Louis- Rader and daughter, spent Sunday at John Decher's. . Mr. Joseph Wickens and daugh- ter Annie, arrived at. John Hey's, on Friday evening and remained until the middle of the -week, when they left for their home, near In- gersoll. The sad. news of the death of Mrs. John Decher's brother, Mr. Hoff- man, who has been living for some time at Wellesley,come here by tel- egram, on Monday. John Decher, Sr., and Mrs. Harry Neeb left Tues- day morning to attend the funeral of deceased on Wednesday. Mr. Wickens and daughter and Miss Annie Hey-, visited. on the 14th on Monday. Johnny Decher and his two sis- ter's visited at Mr. George S. Bchreeder's on Sunday. Sol Martin has re -shingled the main part of the house on his south farm. Henry Neeb cut some wood for himself on Monday, with a circular saw, and some for Bert Kestle, on Tuesday. Miss Lydia ]Decher has been trou- bled. for a few days with tooth -ache and as a result has one cheek a lit- tle larger than the other, . The fiax mentionedin last week's issue had two or three weeks long- er to grow, than that mentioned in our correspondence theprevious week. We have some whieb beats that considerably now. , INCOME OF THE FAMILY CUT OFF. Appeal from. Friends on Delialf of a Poor Consumptive. The following letter from an eastern town, addressed to the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, 'romp - to, explains itself i--" What steps re- quire to be taken to place a consumptive patient in the Free Consumption Hos- pital? We have a poor men here who has consumption. Be has a wife and family of five children. Ile has been sick and. off -work for four months already. The only source of income of he family has been cut off. I think the father wnnld be better if ho had 4the , ' ,'" Mills 141h Con., Lot 25. proper ears, hlit here in the mIdst.O le family it is impeaSiblO te give hie.11)rdPer -, 1 ' treatment. If we 9an: Mao hirki in the ' 1. a AM treat - 14 ya.arbfieis-ch4',,°:ensuta,mth,:iTtuune °/370.10.1f4tel 1::::87- Ing44eill) ' , - Or' Zurich P. O. 'MARKETS Revised every Thursdey afternoon, Wheat • , 60 t�' 71 Oats „ „ , 27 29 gstvolesr , • „ 38 40 Peas ...... , 60 65 Flour , „ .1 75 1 85 'Butter 14 15 Eggs , 11 ChlekellS Ib . - 4 5 Tittlek.S • , 6 Gease . , . Potatoes ..„, 55 65 ITEXSALLAMRICET4. ` Wheat .. „ 70 to 72 Oat,S. , , 32' Barley , 40 40 05 75 2 00 2 to to look after the family until 40 Is ra, stored to health, • Ie is able re ge around, but is veryi Weako"t' We pablish this letter to illustrate how great is t,lis need for the Free nespites. for Poor Consumptives, esteblishea by rieg 'ISTairtons,1Seuitariam .4,§eoelatien At Must koka, J est one year age the first patieet —rt, woman rem Napahee aer admitted into the hospital, and sine then; 188 patients have found a, home viable it§ walls. A great number of thes6 aro wboliy ttuable to pay anything tewaltha their, mainterienage th0 nv§r§3t, trent those who pay is lees than- oesehair the cost of maintelianee. There is tie emlownlent, and the True, teas depend' solely' in the trialriag up of the large deflait swell rtiontb 611 the con. tributieus of Idea friends. With the irw creasing riambers seekirig edntiseioa to the bospital, elloald the eubseriptione eoetinue to run sheet, as they have been doing for the past three menthe, the Trustees will lutve no recourse open to them but to close some of the verds. Sir Wara Ile Meredith, let„ Vice-Presi- keet of the Assoeiatioe, and Mr. W. J, Gage, Chair:until of the Eseetitive Care. anittee, reeelve eubseriptions tor nd prOspel _ the last -de • leased to en orme ts crops levee' be (wit for Cuiladii.ar " grAnztry of, the work OR and ere -fields, pastier: rose of Now Scotia and 'C reton have been developed in st way as to set dreaming the m pessimistic and it is. now genera. eonceded that the finest. jewe Great Britain's aroYii.: anal n ("T than supply its home market minerals,' while it export$ artnnalf millions worth of giatin, fish, lam ber and timber, Of the industries beSecl upon ali'4 ural resources the fisheries rtink,•. condan Canada. ”Tliis.country overeie00 miles of sea coast,in add hauld make a finer appearance tion to inland seas, innumeratAseand do work at least equal to any lakes, and a great 'number of rive$ team in the province. , The exports of the fishery productGrand Patriarch Spackinnu, • of in -1897 amounted $22,783;546, Thi Exel er, made a. very . effective home consumption js estimated at ea speech and spoke hih1y. .of the encampment work o the order. District Deputy Gibscineof Liman, made a few remarks and then Grand Master Cowan wee called on and delighted all present and among other things said that the work could not be surpassed,. and incidentally praised Conductor Miller. An adjournment was:then made to sample room of the Commercial, which had been decorated with lobsters, seals, whales and Walrus. evergreens and flags and all were The richest whaling grounds in soonbrisy with the excellent things the world are said to exist in the so lavishly spread. After ample Hudson Bay and Arctic regions of justice had been done; the. Noble Canada. Grand called. on i. number of the The Pacific eoast furnish halibut, visiting brethren for speeches, black cod, onlachan, anchovy, herr- which were interspersed with ing, smelts, and many specimens of music. After singing the National salmon and trout. The salmon ot re seate Noble k. ranu, , a be' principal business ing was the initiation of a The degree team, mad- e appearance in their new nits and their marching and ere londly praised. After n McKay had; given Ilia e ge the Grand Master was heard toy that he never heard it, given so well. No team in Ontario end only two or three in the United ates have dress suite, Bo the itors were surprised that Hen - 1 Lodge, with less than, 50 mem- s and with, not 30 members resent at this special occasion, value of sir,,000 000, giving' a toter yield from the fisheries of nearly. $38,000,00.0 annually, exclusive of the catch by foreign fishermen. -"The sea, inshore and inland fish-. eries of Canada furnisli cod, snack- ekel, haddock, halibut, herring, hake, salmon, shads alewives, strip ed, bass, smelt, lake trout, =sea. longe. white fish, sturgeon, pike,. perch, black bass, brook trout, pike, eels, and gold -eye, besides oysters, Antliem,the meeting broke up with British Columbia, are worth $5,000,e isAilieerS forianine host, the Grand 000 annually, and the total yield of Master and the Grancl Patriarch. the fisheries of that proVince ex- Thus ended one of the best District ceeds $6,000,000. meetings that have been held near Lumbering ranks third. among here. the attractive indnstries of Canada About two weeks ago, the Sover- and the forest wealth is -verygreat, 'al Bank bought out the private nk- of McArthur & Co. Mr. Mc- irthnr is -to be manager, of the new Bankhere, while Mr. Arnold. is -te ananirge the Zurich branch, and we It, is stated that 123 species of trees grow in that country, i14 ng. 4 °cm:wri east of the Rocky Mountain, and 29 on the Pacific coast. The foreat, belt extends a distance of about 4,- are very sorry indeed to lose Mr.and Mrs, Arnold, Mr. Lorn Scott, son nur townsman, Mr. G. Scott, has been transferred here, from the Clinton branch Weloome home. 000 amles east and west, with a breadth of some 700 miles.. The trees consist principally of the fol- lowing species: black ancl white spruce, banksian pine, white pine. Rev. Walter Ayers. of London, lareh. balsam fir, balsam poplar, as- very ably supplied -the pulpit of the pen, canoe birch, bird cherry, white Methodist Church, ota. Sunday, and cedar, black ash and mountain ash the congregation was pleased to occur sparingly in the southern hear that he will take the work on part of this belt. i , Sunday- next. British Columbia is thought to possess the greatest compact re- serve of timber in the world. The. wooded area is estimated. at 285,000 square miles and includes vaany Wilds of timber. The Douglas -Next Sunday is the Bicenteriar3r of the birth of John Wesley at tpwortb. June 28th 1703. A specials programme has been prepared for all the Methodist Sunday schools Spruce is the show tree ot British. and u ,Yery interesting and profit.; a le time is expected, Columbia and indeed of Canada. The forests of Canada contain prayer :meting this week Missionary Society. ' hickory, bas i wood, etc. Nearly 88. ' Although Sattirday evening was per cent, of its whole • erea is not very pleasant evening the forested. „ band turned out, In 1899 the capital invested in the pulp mill of Canada alone was about $15,000,000. The capacity of t1,7„ mills was over 1200 tons per, d • The value of the forest procln exported in 1901 was nearly $ 000.000. and their total must la been at least three times ti amount. It will readily be seen that deed, Mat OtratiALL liaS sornstiin show and she intends to aprin nniversal surprise next year. William. Hutchison, Canadian position CoMmiseioner, is just bfte'lt in Ottawa, from Japan. where be represented his conntry at the Osa- ka Exposition. Mr. certain to he of con- siderable future benefit to Canada and. already trial shipments Of The yming people had a very pleasant &rice in Miller's hall on 'aturdaV- evening, given fete the ssiks Brock, pt London, who are: Sit** their aunt Mrs. Clegg, of sheat and flour have been made to the far East, country -just visited by him, The Cenfidian. Clonimissioner is tlow engaged. iti making preparetions for the 'World's Fair at St, Loafs. On his way home fyom Vaneouyer to OttaAva, he made, prelitninnY fliirgngeMente for thoroughly representative exhibit of the tmaberi asheries and trolling industries of CllIfittila. 3310444 00- 111P4llifi. Will furnish the forest mos - and. an effort will be ltaisle to obtain the largest arra loageetpele0 DettgleSs fir Over shawn, The salmon oanning ,inclustik)4 6f, the P4,01f113 004t and the nten her - lose kinclii of Mill from tine Provimes will be representecl tt the Exposition in St. Iapiclis. C/tua, da, is Ageond, to Wine niter natural reS01.11KMS aria her shoWirig of lleXt year will well prove All kinds of good logs Wanted at opoel for whioh highiMt pricers lteopaid, deitt-ery. slrets were 801(1 Saturday for thaa excursion; to easel' Council Proceedings. NTENDED FOR LAST WEEK, BLIT TR, „.0EIVED T0,0 LATE TO BE TYPE. liensall, June 15th., 1903, ' . Council met,. this evening, as Per . attlournment, . :Ali/lutes of last meeting. read confirmed. °' , MoA, durable Vence on the market Don't be deeeiv d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND -GREE3 .Z ONTARIO. QTS and StrIZES .We have a large stock of Spring and Summer Foot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that will be-to,your advantage. We have also this this season, the AnierOuijjiSh they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe We solicit your partronage because we know we can satisfy you and give you value for your money. '7134ENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for' Goods. Trade --- at - Hartleib's IT PAYS. ....1011.WILTAMS2L011.111116.111.110• 12 dozen of Dippers, regular price 10 cents ; while they last for 5 ettg Best outside Paint $1.60 per gallon now 1.40. .... Steel Shingles pug on at same price as wooden ones would cost you .... Pare Paris Green 25c ib.... Woven Wire Fencing 6 wires 30 cents per rod; 8 wires 35 cts.; 9 wires 40as.... Stays 12 inches apart, .... Coal 011, per gallon 20 cts.... Good $1 00 Shovels 75 cts,... Wire Gates, all sizes Coiled Spring Wire $2,75. Special prices on Single llarness for the next 15 days FOR CASH.... Wire Nails, Bas $2.75.... MI- kinds of Tin=smithing • done And Satisfaction Guaragteed. cents Cash for Es. C„ J;LIIRTLEIB & CO'S. :The 131g Hardware and IlartiesHouse. CR - ONTARIO Iltalson—Ortwein, '11110 fOl- lovehig eacceisiets be paid : • '. Tc hn McGrigor work on Mill St $5 career:1 Trunk Railway, freight ,,, on stope, $49.00 Xichol, 6 da...,,sts, wolqt at Stolle and ana ingtanke, $17'.0,0,111,,Briah, Egfiv4,, OR'StretitS $6 Peter,Stea ,artfi anal, days at $1.50, o,sa,." T3Y=r4w was 'Paase4 DaAii re:rerrlreit,:rip4s110104tgtottipaatilfla1161•Tosl.ands tonii e•nd 30 tons 1\To. brash-, (.,)rt*,t0.141...=.41.ore, Tha.t ',- ed stoite, fro'In Itorse Shoe Quarries, St, ,19:ars' '8, nArt,i1,1,1r--4Tildsort Tbat '11001,'0 1)V001.1Ve $01110" ODe to Opati inteilValE, end that the Ciatr,lci I as a 1.6d3r, investigate sat,he , . Ov't\VOITI-,-3.41,00re, That Mr: , Aides be 0111111o:7ml to out woetts Streets of Efensa,11, for $6, abelttet, Me, Mell,tille preneetrees,„ under o ' a,,Wevc Hurl son-- IV.' c rllha t, ' d , joni1/, to inert agal"..rk at the 01'01 ot ' ' , • ' ' 1a...a. a.,-.. • • PrOrteet labor ie said to be Gents' Furnishings. T6 aailgja to -draw the attention ()f ' Mein town and conn;b7v to tlaeal,ye :lvdepartment Nel evbe- , . ffOrerhave we shown such exception b1a1 as the present seaSon.- Calf:and examine the follIwing:, Soltiogs Hats 1Caps, Shirts Collars Guns, TIES, 144NCY HOES; Sso.,, &e, ID, Hats and o4pswe have the coy- Tect:ttob., In Pantings we have some Speetaltiee. SHITITS-6-nrs are always in the lead. CcIllars, Onffs, Ties, Summer 'Underwear and thabrellase-See onr Self- Opete,r. 1.3'or coinfort yen, want to wear our piliCsIDERT SAspender, ST Ti BAC itt . ZURICH.