HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-26, Page 6ro-
of this
, and unlike
olyrood her
ughed at the
ooing, received
Queen Elizabeth,
ster John Knox,
Use be, " who never
ce of man," would not
beautiful woman and a
ere,' in this Holyrood she
rried to Lord Darnley, and in
y log of a supper room Riccio
her goun and cried for mercy—
Savo my lif e, madam, save my
e 1" In the little passage at the
ad of the narrow stair there is
own a dark stain on the wood,
id there he was pierced by fifty-
r desperate wounds, while his
teen listened to his cries, and
,id— '
"I shall study 'revenge." A few
onths later size came. here 'after a
sit paid to Darnley, w:ilo was ly-
g sick up at Kirk in the Field, and
sat night the king was ';lain.
earing of his Meath the queen went
t the castle for security, and the
ng's body was brought to Holy-
A short time ,after, Queen
la.ry did the most foolish
etion of her wayward life.
a• at four in the horning
F the lath of May she was married
Bothwell, whom every one believ-
to be the murderer of Darnleya
len came evil days, when she wept
ore bitterly because of this mas-
rfui Bothwell than she had at the
in speaking ori Master John Knox.
Queen Mary's son, James VI., made
.first public entry into Edin-
rgh, when he was in his fourteenth
ar, u,nd went at once to Holyrood.
ater on he brought his Queen, Anne
Denmark, to Holyrood, and made
• his home till he went south to
laim the crown of England. The
orona,tion of Charles took place at
olyrood. After the battle of Dun-
ar, CromnweIl quartered a. part of
is forces in the palace, and then,
tallier by accident or ,design, the
alace went on fire, and the great -
r part destroyed. The palace was re-
mit in the reign of Charles IL, and
1679, the Duke of 'York, after -
Ards James IL, occupied the pal-
The Duke's Walk was the name
'ne of -the royal parks got at that
Prince Charles arrived at the pal-
ce on the 17th September, 1745, and
nee more Holyrood Palace was gay
ad festive. Bonnie Prince Charlie,
owever, lingered rather long there,
uid at last went off hopeful of vic-
ory, only to find defeat and dases-
Prom that time to 1795 the palace
• as silent and deserted. Then the
xidecl royal family from France came
',here for refuge. • 1 .
But in 1822, l±e palace was as gay
s in the '45. George IV. came to
otl. •nd—to Dalkeith Palace. When
ie viii%led Edinburgh the people gave
re, a royal -welcome. One small boy
ent about wviith heather sticking
et ail over his hat, and pushing
past an old dignified dandy, said :
"Root, elan, dinna'be angry the
ttaari, we are a' mad°'.
No. one was lnacltler than air Wal-
ter Scott. On the royal progress
t'o, the cnetle Sir Walter was dress-
ed in 'Wind.sor uniform, . that is, m
blue coal, scarlet collar and cis In
and a cocked hat. An old account
of it says, "At Holyrood was
every description of costume, na-
tional, military and offircial, of the
gayest colors, and of the most var-
ious shapes. Plumes were waving
In •everq direction, and velvet
trains were sweeping the ground.
lAt the castle, the king, on seeing
the view from the lofty, situation,
exclaimed, "'This is taonderful t" Wet
as the dn.y ivas he refused an um -
'beetle, and 'even uncovered his head
and wvavcd his heat.
At time levee there 'Were eight
hundred is{lips---many of them' most
tbeautitul—and His Majeety was
I said to have especially noted the
,daughters of a ILghland chief--Mc-
Doiaaid of the Isles. ,' Ire people
.charmed with King
Were isle ciia, x
$V„ and his de.,v
manner • at ckurebi pleased the'I
strictest sect of the Presbyterians,
lie entered with af, psalm -book in
Mils hand, open at the 100th psalm.
!Dr. Lamont, the minister, preach'-
led for the text, "Per , ye are
jdead, incl your' life is lied . wst'b
iiihrist in Goal.".'Titre ser in'oo had plead -
.ed u ' 1 o leak out of even
the king,, whore goad sense, i tr ti L liable s l�bio t
' 1 r li lois ad eXceedingly; tight man. t
lie said,
ses in their
n their hinder
o the Bailie says
k ye, my brow
e a man 'afore your
Majesty was cdnvulsed
ter, and oin these occa-
was' delightful to observe
which animates the audience
ng the king amused with the
e language and sentiments which
so often made themselves laugh."
It is said that the king was spec-
ially' charmed . with the Scottish
tunes, and beat time to "1'11 gang
nae mair to you toona'
Queen Victoria, oil her first visit
to Scotland, went to Dalkeith Pal-
ace, and said of it, "a large house,
constructed of reddish stone, 'th'e
greater part built by the Duchess
on Monmouth." On going into Ed-
inburgh th'e Queen passed "Holy -
rood Palace, a royal looking olid
But Holyrood Palace was never
much In favor withi Queen Victoria.
It^ lies low;, and is s1rnt in by streets
and public works, except where are
the royal parks. Therefore, when
'royalty comes to Edinburgh, It is
not the royal Holyrood that Is the
The glory seems to have depart-
ed when Bonnie Prince Charlie rode
south, for since t'h'en Holyrood is
no longer the home of our kings
and queens. Very little money is
spent on it by government, only
enough to keep it 'from falling
Into a ruin. The Scottish! nation
are content to look dn, it is a mu-
seum. And year by year' the nar-
row streets come closer to it, and
the smoke, and dust, and steam,
fall on the grey, grim relic of the
brave days of old.
There h'as recently been establish-
ed in Philadelphia in connection
with the People's Church a school
of a somewhat unusual character.
Those who compose it are drawn
from the parishioners and consist
exclusively of brides and prospect-
ive brides. Old married couples
are admitted on certain evenings.
but it is only with the newly mar-
ried or those about to enter mat-
rimony that the real work of the
school has to do.
Cooking and dressmaking, house-
cleaning and, home -furnishing are
the branches taught and the even-
ings of every Tueedoy and Satur-
day find a score or more of maids
and very young matrons trooping
to the sc'h'oolrooms at No. 2,017
Germantown avenue, all bent on
learning how, to become -model
As a result the eligible young
men of the neighborhood flask to
the Sunday services to cast friend-
ly glances at the pretty maidens
ready to become members of the
school wirer:- "how to snake a man
happy" is so successfully taught.
"How to live in peace with the
man who is supposed to make you
happy,'' one of the young ladies
laughingly suggested as an amend -
meet to the former motto.
A great many of the dishes the
young ladies compound without as-
sistance -whatever, but when at-
tempting "the bread like mother
makes" and father eats with such
keen relish they appeal to the one
experienced member of the school,
the head chef.
Many and laughiable, to the out-
sider—it is a serious 'business to
the students—are the mistakes
which these beginners fall into, but A VICE-RE€SAL VISIT.
where is there now a famous cook
who did not early in her career
sugar the potatoes, salt thte strata.'
berries or fail to put in the baking
Although these queen8 of the kit
hen :ore well aware that alley Ca.n
story is, be
Simon V. Lane
d. Mr. Landry
ed for over a year
ack, •Veil',k Legs, and
of the Heart and gen-
ness and shortness of
Ia fact, I hvas a total
X could not work as I got
and weak iso easy.
I also had weakness In my
tomach, and I was so bad that I
could not bend down to do any-
thing. I tried many medicines,
without getting any relief, till I
was induced to try Dodd's Kidney
."After I had fused three boxes of
them I was able to start work
-again. I recommend Dodd's Kids
nese Pills to .everybody."
It Is cures like these that give
Dodd's Kidney Pills their popular-,
Ity. They not only relieve, but
make people able and willing to
The Brute i
"Mise Everton, I've been thinking
of you all the week long," said young
"Have you, really—of poor little
me ?" answered Miss Everton, blush-
ing sweetly.
"Yels. And I have been looking for-
ward to this meeting—er—ah--"
"How, nice of you to say so 1"
"Ye,r, with mingled hope and fear."
"You need fear nothing, Mr. Leve-
mtaore." t f
"Well, Miss Everton, every man has
one ruling passion in his life, and
mime, I think, you mast have guessed
by this timet,"
"Yea dear, I think T have."
"Well, my dear Miss Everton, I
tame to -night wondering 1f I could
persuade you to--"
"I think you could persuade me,
George, dear, to do anything."
"You lovely girl 1 Weil, tier', will
you ----"Oh, George 1"
"Cain I rely on you to—to coax
your brother Tom to jotal our foot-
ball club ?"
tall' cure every case of Diphrtheria.
will produce growth of hair.. •
Stanley, P. E. L
is the best housebold remedy on
011 City, Ont. •
Just Arrived From the island.
A native of Prince Edward Island
had gone forth to see the world.
When he reached Boston he engaged
a room et a modest hdtel, •intending
to remain there while hp hunted foo
' Will you register?" asked the
clerk, handing him a pen.
" Register ?" said the teavetler
"what's that ?"
Write your name." '
" What for ?"
"We are required to keep a record'
of all our guests."
•The man -wrote his name, and was
about to lay down the pen when the
clerk added:
' Now the place, if you please."
" What place ?'-
" The place you came from. ;Where
do you live ?"
" I live on the Island"
" Well, but what island ?"
The other man looked at him la
amazement. Then he said, with an
emphasis which Left i o doubt of his
feelings, "Prince Edward Island, mato
What other island Is there ?"—
Youth's Companion.
men still crop
ee of neglect.
ghter of the im-
., It()beet Burns,
vada City. She is
ar Andrews, the
na ews, an old
hailing from London-
telaxld. Mrs. Andrews is
uigluter•of Robert Burns,one
a two -sons of the poet. Robert
s, the younger. had fivechild-
four da,•ughteing and : a son,
a respectively in the order of
tb 'r seniority. Mary, Susan. El-
or Betty, Prudence and John.
arried a Scotohman named
and emigrated wits him to,
in 1835, Mrs. Andrews is
ons' a,i 'the issues of that marriage.
Shi Inas born at Neequelioning, Pa.,
in .1844. John Burns remained with
ilii" lather until the time of his
death, in 1840, and after the death
of bis wife, in 1870, he likewise cross-,
ed the Atlantic to join els sister. Ile
diets Lour years ago, . leaving .four
daughtere, two in America and two
in Ireland. Mrs. Lemon died in 1883,
and. four children 'surVire her. • All
that remain of the Burns family,"
write, Mrs, Andrews", " are my' two
brothers, one sister and myself, and
four of Uncle John's children." Mrs.
Andrewve takes great pride in her
relationship to Bobbie Burns, from
whom eh,e has inherited a talent
for verse writing.
% Runs easy because Itis bail
bearing like a bicycle.
'Washes all clothes clean—
even the heavy ones thor-
j, oughly, even the dainty
r/ ones without harm.
!, Ask yeorhardware dealer to
I(/ show it to you or send
for booklet to
11 'Phe Dowswell Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Hamilton, Ont
A Parson's Joke.
In the da,yia of Bishop Samuel Wil-
berforce the Church Congress gath-
erings were brightened by a trail
of facetiae, largely contributed to
by the -Witty prelate himself. On
one such occasion (says the Free
Lance) did he write the testimonial
for as Irish clergyman, who had
applied for the post of local secre-
tary, "If the possession of red hair,
some amount of pecuniary embar-
rassment, and a moral character
not 'wholly devoid of reproach, are
the qualifications requisite for the
seeretarys71ip to your admirable in-
srtittution, the Bev. Barney O'Brien
may be safely recommended, as en-
dowed with all !these gifts and
A .Hybrid Vine.
The State 'experiment station of
the University of Minnesota, has suc-
ceeded after long and patient efforts
in growl -Ing potatoes and tomatoes on
the same vine. One of the specimens
on exhibition is a plant which at the
roots is putting forth potatoes of a
high grade, and above ground several
well-developed tomatoes, some of;,
which are nearly ripe. The phenom-
enon was produced by grafting a to-
mato vine on to a potato plant.,
procure from the gryocer for 10
cents, six plates of soup, they
desire to be able to handle every
course, so they learn how to make
bouillon "for two" and pare vege-
tables, extract meat juices, chop
and pound.
Mese girls are supposed to eat
at least a portion of what they
prepare and the 10 o'clock lunch
soils which they serve are marvels.
The first course may consist of
cranberry tarts, then follows waf-
fles, "which must be eaten while
hot" and cannot wait for the soup,
which consequently comes third.
Lucky, indeed, are the maidens 1;
some successful . 000k turns out
an datable batch of bread which
effect of so much
ou s the e raet r
Meet. Cake is sandwiched in be-
tween 1,11 sorts of dishes and oc-
casionally the entire repast is
topped off by a cup, of tea or cof-
An sage Explained. ..
"Ye v1;no verltais" m,eens hint the
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blows.
Heals the ulcera. clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay FevetlarBlower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Oeifalo.
There are very few cleans-
ing operations in which . Sunlight
Soap : cannot be used to advant-
age.. It makes the. home bright
and clean. IS
Only Partly Right,.
Philadelphia Press.
" Johnny,' said his mother, severe-
ly, "someone has taken a big piece of
ginger cake out of the pantry."
Johnny blushed guiltily.
" 01, Johnny," she exclaimed, "I
didn't think it was in you."
" It aIn't—all, ' replied J'oh'nny.
"Part of it's in Elsie."
Alk for Minard's and take no other.
What lie Should Have Done.
"How did you come to rse11 out your
"My health was bad." '
"Why didn't you take your meals
somewhere else?"—The Club.
Miai•ard's Liniment Lumberman's
Fi'iead. , ,
Observe your enemies, for they
first ,find out their faults.—Antis-
thenee. ,
Envy always implies conscious in-
feriority; wherever it resides.—
!Pile less heart a man puts into
a task tise more la,bor it requi'res.—
Evasion is unworthy, of us and is
always the intimate of equivocation.
The same people who can deny
others everything are famous for
refusing themselves nothing.—Leigh
If there is any person to whom'
you feel dislike. that is the perso,l
of whom you ought never to speak.
-B. Cecil.
The chief pang of most trials Is
not go much the actual suffering it-
self as our own spirit of resistance
to it.—Jean Grou.
'Mere is no beautifier of complex -
Ion or form or behavior like the
Wish, to scatterWjoy, and not pain,
around us.—Emerson.
Success Is sweet, the sweeter If
tong delayed and attained through
manifold struggles and defeats.—
A. Bronson Alcott.
True popularity takes deep root
and spreads itself wide, but the false
faits away like blossoms, for nothi-
Ing that is false can be lasting.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the
Give it a Masculine Title.
While teaching my sister her geo-
graphy Iessan, I told her that the
Mississippi River was the Father of
"How is that ?" she inquired. "If It
Is the Father of Waters, it ought to
be called Mlster-Sippl,"
New 'Way to - be Busy.
"Where have you been, dear ?" ask-
ed mammal
"I've been up to our new, house,"
re shied the 4 -year-old.
"What are the men doing 7"
"Deaf )4s busy experating de founds~
boll? ,
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
temps and blemishes from horses ;
blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sY.veeney, stifles, sprains, sore and
swyoLl.enthroat, coughs, eta. Savo $50
ay use of one bottle. Warranted the
s1 wonderful ,blemish cure ' ever
own Topics.
4f nothing move you?
—You talk to me as if I
ebuoy Soap-•-disinfectant-•is strongly
'recommended by the medical profession as
a safeguard against infectious diseases.
Lord and Lady Minto at the Massey-
klarris Company Works.
Tho Governor-General and Countess
of Minto spent a couple of hours vis-
iting the immense Massey -Harris
worts this morning.
At the ,special request of their. Ex-
cellencies the visit was kept private,
it being their wwridit to view the great
works while in operation anti, the
ince actively, engaged in performing
their accustolweu uuties.
Notwithstanding- the care'' exer-
cised by the officials and superin-
tendents of the company to this
eind, the fa,milia,r features of the
Vice -Regal, party, were aeon, recog-
nized by the employees, and cheer af-
ter cheer rang through the building,
and flags and bits of bunting ap- 1
peaa'od on the scene in a moment to
give the party a royal. w:elconie.
Captain Beall was with their Excel-
lencies, and the party were escorted
through the Masa by Messrs. (✓a D.
Massey, aloe. President; Han. L. Mel -
vi , Jones,, President and General
Manager ; J'. Kerr Osborne, lLcee
President 'and Assistant General
Manager ; R. I -I. Verity, General Sup-
erintendent, 'and C 1. Love, Super-
liper-in entlent Toronto Factory,
blhear Exceilenuios exi,eri.nced keen
drligllt in watching the vrarieno won-
derful methods of manul areture em-
ployed to produce the world- renown -
cd a assoy-l:i'ai't'is 1mltpinenta—Toy
route Star, June 3, 1003.
WHERE THE SKIN is destroyed by burns or
Scalds apply Weaver's Cerate, reduced with
sweet oil or lard. Otherwise the Cerate in
full strength should be used.
English as She is Spoke.
"A buttress," said the pupil, In
English department, in reply to
her "teacher's inquiry for a defini-
tion; "a !buttress is a woman who
makes ttutvei:'` Harper's M�nga-
zinke also tells of a little girl who
defined "a ruminating animal" as
" one that chews its cubs." The
"English Department" seems to fur-
o'.,sb more tnterlai;iment to the gen-
eral goalie than any other branch
of the school system. There is a
story afloat of a young; woman who,
as the phrase goes, had " finished
English" in a blaze of glory bycilia
tying off the prize for .English com-
position. "Weren't you awfully
afraid you wouldn't get it ?" asked
a schoolmate. "Oh, no," said Dfiss
Eunice, with •a bright smile. "I Just
know' that when it cams to
English composition 1 bad 'em all
gannet' alive 1" This incident teach-
es that our girls are in no danger
of losing the terseness and salty
strength of tho vernacular through
over -culture or too protracted study
of e aseic models. They seem to Ib-
sor'hadequate correctives to , this
e tendency tolv'ftrcls severe formalism
in their athletic competitions and
summer, vacations. Miss latnice's
Virago -was Arner.oan of the earth
j earthly. Said an A,liroudark guide
ie paying ,tdilute to the pedestrian
pfuwvers+ f nyoung-vomat>l ; o'TtTlit
lticly couo,lcl wvallc the social any
woman ever I see."
Distribution of the Sexes.
A statistician says that the num-
her of men and women in France is
more nearly espial than in any
country in the world, there being
only 1,077 women to 1,000 men. In
Switzerland there are 1,064 men to
1,000 women, and In Greece only
838. Tile conditions in Hong Kong,
according to this authority, are
"appalling," there being only 366
women to 1,000 men.
Millnard's Liniment Is used by Phy-
ISSUE NO. 26. 1903
'Mrs. Wlnelow's boothing Syrup should
always he used for Ohildreu Teething. it
soothes the child, softens thegums aures win i
colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
V W young men from the far, with good
address and pluck that cannot be turned
down, can make from $10 to $20 per week
selling our sppecialties of recognized merit to
the wholesale and retail merchants in the
United States on commission ; travelling ex'
reuses advanced. Address P.O.' box No. e8
Hamilton, Ont.
' for the lumber camps. Weli�ges $28 to
$82 for men per month and boarfl ; summer
and winter work. P. B. DeSylva,'Victorta
Hotel, Sault St. Marie, Ont.
by mall so you can make from Fre; To Tax
DOLLARS A DAY. For particulars write
A. HANSEL M. Ito z west
9 y Ave. North
Hamilton. Ont.
Waiting for Her Present.
Montreal Witness.
Carolyn had been in a state
of excitement for days, for at last
fret mlother had consented to let
her attend school.
When the morning came the lit-
tie maid trotted off with her eyes
shining in happy anticipation of the
pleasures as well as the dignity of
her new estate in life—a. school girl.
When she came home at noon her
mother said; •
"Well, dearest, and how, do you
like going to school ?"
"I like it pretty w.ell, mamma,"
was the reply in doubtful tones,
"but I haven't got my present yet."
"Your present 1 Why, what do
you mean, Carolyn'?"
"Why, this morning teacher said,
'You may sit here for the present,
little girl,' but I sat there all the
warning and did not get it. P'r'aps,
though," and she brightened up, "I'll
get it this a,fternoon."
To Rochester, 1000 Islands, Bay of Qulnte,
Rapids St. Lawrence, to Montreal, Quebec,
Murray Bay, River du Loup, Tadousac.
Saguenay River.
Steamers Toronto, Kingston
a1,o by steamers Hamilton, Spartan
and Corsican.
Further information apply to E. Foster
Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, Toronto
It Has No Equal
Manufactured only by
For sale by all leadin ea
On the Later:
Libby Laneheons
Wesellthe product in key -opening cans.
Turn akey and you find the meat exactly
as it left us. We put them up in this way,
Potted Ilam. seer and Tongue
Ox Tongue (Whole), Veal Loaf
Deviled Ilam. Brisket Beef
Sliced Smoked Beef, Etc.
All natural flavor foods—palatable and
wholesome. Your grocershould have them.
rasa -the booklet "Row to Hake Good Things
to Ent." Send five 2c stamps for Libby'a big Atlas
of the World.
Libby, McNeill 6, Libby
Chicago, Illinois
German Canaries the Best.
The canaries of Germany excel
all other canaries as singers. One
has been known to continue a sin-
gle thrill for a minute and a quar-
ter, with twenty changes of note
in it.
There Is but one way to properly
appreciate the advantages of a trip
to New- York or Boston on the
trains of the New York Central
Railway, and that .iv to neo the line.
Seo your ticket agent.
Perhaps True.
A correspondent of the Buffalo
Commercial ;:ells of a hotel in Lu-
cerne, Switzerland, the proprietor of
which prints in English in his ad-
vertising booklet : "Tile Menu of this
hotel leaves the guests nothing to
hope for 1"
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. Thereto only
one way ems iescure `neDeafness is causand that is ed con-
an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper-
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, and unless the initam-
mation can be taken out and title tuberestor-
ed to its normal condition, hearing will be.
destroyed forever; nine eases out often aro
causer) by Catarrh, which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send
for cireulars,free.
F'. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 15c.
13a1T's Caniily Pills are the best.
Me people who always promise to
pay ,sometimes find that it doesn't
pny to promise.
113 in the
F:' ti itw Ring
If you hope to exhibit your stock et the
Pall Fairs, start now and get there in per-
fect health by using
Dick's Blood Purifier
at will Inelp on to cat-'x•y off tho
3ii2.4a D.ibbosu
Fifty Cents per packene:
LOIIMING, MIm,I'as Fa CO.,1Montreai, Agents.
E0 [
w«. xY'S
' FIBRE WAR5.-.7.
Por male hey all float clues efealers
r 'r a Fq cza =T. -1r 9 r' a ra.6 it A °i� "t,.si 'VA