HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-26, Page 3i 14 ; mt The,f neat h they
uir ee !, , ? 'tender ors silo �a,. 'ton. N'S rYIMCi'}
The' "
' aidge, and Tih
�° Rs�✓���f stcypps and aooltslda art hon.hoso Wiio Snfiox irorti $ieadaches' �l
discriminating taste.and l�',httt is "I 'wonder' whel or you c?Qxockachesamd�A.ilmexits11'octiliar, i I Inevaflawfen T lave. , been h.to the Sex.��l
duxing the amt rveel'l'" Ian sryaa,"Wh'enever I tea*e ttjze ho1l&e a-ery wpman needs plenty of„ T 'find sg, rich, red blood and sound I 11C get into th'a 6ax' >nyB1a strolling 'this way. N+ l", d+�AM X,0q to carry liar safety. througJAafraid !" he adds .quickly, ti,ri ,ttlznes of pain and siokxless.', 17%,calor flies to her, f ee. lains' Pink 7'.'ulls are• good 'lira
am nort going =to rape irbt;laa,l WAY, for ' women. 'Alley .6to~ . I . . I I
I said a,t 'thee ball -not at I I y,zally make new, health-gli-ing Department of Agr
dare not risk a refusal! < ' t, me bl 11 +1l 4. give es,ge, str9ngth and Commi,ssionelr's Br
CL�Afllo Tea - live in hope .for a few day er.,,. Vig x. They stimulate all th+e or- Ottawa, June
It has- no unpleasant I�.�.^bior to all You shall tell me then, rvh 'gar:s to'porform their inflations to- Neuhlly avail ikummer we
have known a little more of wu .OY and wioll. They banish! all same 'Old story of mid
oils ®7f ee Simply a �°llc�f'ls u8.�.°a&fl�.a'lb and a Not yet !” and he takes the hap Pa n8 and depression; all -head- drou�ghta amts consequenti y;
that rests on his arm and holds it e' aches and backaohk:s, and all the ps,stures, Maa'P of our best; far
charming delicate have learned tp• g-,iard against
�" tightly, entreatingly, reassuringly. ,secret distress that only a woman
Black. Mixed. Ceylon Green. .Ask for Rod Lwbel. a ,&a they stand thus their figures knows. � bg haxvinig a swpply 4°,aucouient Is
are oti$lined against the background h Dr. Williams ]pink P},lis bring. the to ra,4 }sack upon in, case the pastur
r- 0ZLTY .CZN S -8i` 0UT..D 8r, 'll<'I'vI sz . S of clear sky, and are distinctly seen h sParki•e to dull eyes and the rosy fails. A small silo, filled especially
by two• persons' w3lo are seated on glow of health to cheeke once pale for summon use, will go a, long way
—_ _ _ the bank of the stream a little b4' Thcy bring ihealth and strength to meet the difficulty. and a parish- f
� + �1i°� tf�C�°'�a1 � i""ef!'° 6P? low the
Waage t.q,Sherwn, and nx,s%. of
all else fails, IZoro is a. bit gvoSystrn aP soillnig has also fouhd is s
y p g Proof from Mrs. John Pavom among progressive stockmen. •varia�
,,,,,�,�,,,,,�,, ,,,,�,,,e,q,e,, ,,�,,,,,,�,,r, the intonLness of their gaze thoy al Mmerr, Chleknay, N• W. 'I'.. wlz'o The Live Stock Gohxzmissio;ner, :fir. b'" Tt sIl
most hold their .breath. says: "For BOMB year=s I was W. Hodson. has frequently. drawn tat- t,her
Th9f, Ruwseo and Lily
I It is Ianny who spsaks fist: ''rgteatly afflicted with the ailments temtion to the advisability of g•1osv-' an I` IDoyou know who they; tire`1, lie +;that make th'e lives of so many of Ing ,souse green crops for summer the
•asksIn a whisper. m'y sex miserable. I tried inany re:adintg, andlxas recommended a num- dril:=DuaggleHe nods moodily, medicines, but found nothing to re- bee• of such crops as suitable for gem: amp
Fe 1� "The man is the marquis." Iiev.e ma until I began the use of oral growth,. but only personal ems- od, itrome;,
"Yes," she says. "And she is Miss ,Dr. Alliliams' pini: pills. Those perience will enable a fariner to se In x t:mrti
A YALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND Delaine. Do you know her?" pills have shoo me feel like a newI lent the varieties of fodder plaints: ,ad a- berg
Ae hesitates for a moment and Fan- Person; the almost continuous suf- i best suited to his requirements. It is very^
O'0'AM.4N'S Pl.'R21Dil ,9i is ,at -,i/ + ii will be necessary to consider the It is 1064
ray does not' see the, angry, jealous Bering T endured has passed aw!ay, ,
"°^^^"^" — °,^%'"~%^P`""°m`"°""` ' red which rises to his face. olid Life no Monger seems the bur- Inas- suitablo crops to grt3aW. also the like corn it iii
:.O.- &x.J.--O,,,v�, .J. -$,.o, $, .oi,.at.o�,..8., .d rte,.. ..Jr,. Aa,,,r. 42 "But, of course, you do," she goes dem It once did. I knows other wo-
peaiods during +vuicli eucii will be na9uro" .'crud sen
on. "The major, her fatizer, is a ane'n who have been similarly bene- available. Rye, clover, rape, peas and snob as oi` o
"Not always; there is something Then as the major goes off, with friend of yours, isn't he?" 'Oted. and I think thio ills ' are aat,s, vetches, millet, sorghum, and' added tot balance.
--. No, I do not know what it is. a final bow, to bestow his atten- 13e nods p coral will a -ford a satisfactory sup- Soja or soy? beia'
Worth their 'weight in gold to all ply of greew feed all through the- to prove valua(b31
something that has .happened to him tio'xns on Lady Dormer, she leans "Yes, I know him --a; little," he as- who suffer from female complaints summer if sowings are made at suit- districts. Miley; '
lm the past; slut-,' he pauses a mo- back and :chinks with half, . closed sents with a breath of, relief, as he, or genoral prostration,
7, able intervals. - amount of forage
menti- "but I haps, 1 think, that ,eyes sees that she' does not know Qf lois All over the lana are suffering octan i2 sorovn an
be will be happy, that he will learn "Elaine blas had an affairs al;, proposal to Elaine. women who can obtain new health I Rye Sown in the Tall for earn' at the rate
to forget whatever it is that has ready i Does the marquis know' of "Do you like her. what you have and strength through the use of l Will fnrrish the earliest feed in the
cast a shadow over his • life. I would it, I wander ? If not, It may, be seen of her?" she asks, her eyes still these pills. Only the genuine oPmiaig, but its grass is usually abuir- bast variety far C
give my life to make him happy,' useful. It is war to the knife be- fixed an the •maiquis and Elaine. I shogld be taken, and these bear the e4l't at t!,at time,this crop is not wortbir a trial
he adds, simply, and as a matter tr'reen us, my dear cousin; and He glarraes at her sideways suspi full name, "Dr: Williams' Pink Pills likely to be needed unless a complete
of course. But, come, I Must not though you may think yourself se- ciously, but it is evident 'from, her for Pale People" on the wmaPper system of soiling be practised. The
monopolize the belle--" cure, I may win after all. " Irony. tone that silo knows nothing. around ever' box. Sold b clovers where they grow well come Telegraph Not Up on
Elaine laurbe in protest. " , - , N. y y all deal.
beautifully your friend, Sim or Zau- She s she s supposed to be very ors at 5:0 cents a box or six boxes next an the List, and will provide an
"Pardon," he says, with a smile. �„ �� >, A well-known literary. w
"It is What he called you, and, as ti, plays, Lard Nairne . she says Pretty and -.and fetching, he an- for $&r3,0, or sent by mail by writ- abundance of good feed during the over to Michigan last:,
I said, I see with his eyes. You will aloud, as the marquis comes across swers evasively. Ing to the, Dr. Williams' MecL^'icine latter hall of June. Where it is pos-
to her. "What would one's life be ! Fanny tosses her' head contempitu✓' Co., Broek4flle, Ont, olble, to gro'v, lmcorne or alfalfa, it pare her an mer cot.
forgive me ? „ pub pancy during the su
Elaine finds response impossible, without music?" and she Nooks up "That's Y. „ will be found the best of all soiling going she made arra
at him W tth a wistful softness in a mattes' of tastes silo crops. IL can be cut in the spring a1 -
and they go back to the drawing says. commenced her husband to have a,
}ler blue eyes, as iP she load been b.y pretending to be in most as early as rye, and yields .at hold
room. listening to the sonata with all "1•vid'(intly he thinks so," be re- lace, but love has a knack of reveng- seed .should be sown to the acre ; goods packed and f
CHAPTER :LV. marks morosely. Ing himself and turnip the tables; if sown broadcast, double the steamer. •
her heart and soul. a g ,For some reason the s
atoaCo2 y` nestledr n� a siemc+teald oco�-, The marquis seats himself beside i 1,` fav iy o tllixi lips close tightly. and for the first time Panny has amount. Dwarf Essex is the beat delayed, and she wrote '
ser and talks for a. little 'while; ` I suppose she will. be the Marebion- discovered that she has a heart, and variety. Rape produces large •ryuan-
ner of the drawing -room, exchang- but just as it 'vas at the ball, so, ass oP Nairne," he says after, a mo- that she has lost 1t to this man titles of green fosid, and it is one cause of the delay.
Ing ,the deligtfui confidences of Please wire me when
it is now, and Lady Blanchie knows l ment, and trying to carelessly. whom she traced as a dupe. It is not of the best foods for keeping pigs, have been shipped,"
sweethearts. He has learned ilial that though he talks so easily and Fanny turns her head, but not her acting, but genuine pathos that 1 ghee and calves in c1halon. FFA' she sal
j P p good condition. ,
the marquis has instructed his bar- I fluently, his eyes are wandering eyes, from the couple of the bridge. rings in her apeal-that appeal It i,s not satisfactory for Milch cons, The husband went hard to
rister to give him a brief in an im- to where Elaine bends over an al- No, she will not." she says, quietly. which is as old as the world itself, owing to its tendency, to injure the and personally saw the books, hap
portant case, and the young law- bum with' Lady Scott. He looks at her sharply, then says, ".f
you 'will only love me." flavor of 'the milk. ins and other y packed for
yer is in charming anticipation of ",Some one has suggested a drive as indifferently as before, though his g proper'
the opportunity to display Ilia legal to the old abbey toymorraw " he shifty ayes watch Iii r face sideways: (TI - be Continued.) Oats and Peas the trip. Then he went down' to the]
ability,. ' �` dock and saw them safely on board
says. "But I hope no one will go You cpmk pretty confidently, Miss ma,k3 one of the very, best soiling
The major is seated on an otto. T!m�in I dcin't know anything about foie boat. ,
tvbo doesn't care for it. I've not y y g clops for general growth, partieu- Coming back from the river 'he
man beside Lady Blanche, and as it, oP courze, but frown, what I've WOULD AVOID CHURCH. larly for feeding dairy cows. They;
he Is flushed with excitement and seen the abbey since I was a bay, hoard -and from, wliht 'I see" and he stopped at a telegraph office and'
and am ndt s ire that It IS still r should be sown as early as po.slhle sent the message as requested.
champagne, he, too, becomes quite im0. standing ; bu: ll no doubt It will taken rs, "I should say you aro mis' Long-Whided and Vociferous Ulsbop in the spring, and at intervals there- geo
quacious. Site is drawing him taken.°' Lanes and Pill arrive
on ;boort-
, � serve as an �exouse far a picnic. „ , Mound 1rTo k a'. -,r With a Child. after, at the rate of about three boat," he said. "Will arrtva to -mora
out, so to speak, by cleverly i.x- Should you ? she says, drawing a bushels per acre (equal arts, or "
pressed compliments of Elaine. Some will prefer to ride; I w111 or little closer to him and dropping her There is a . certain bishop whose I? row morninig:
p "She is sopbcautitul," says Lady der the big coach. Does your cousin ,,, F G'vo bushels oats to one of peas],. .And this was the way the tele -
ride, de you IcnoRv, Lady Blanche 7" vodee• still lower. ' But I am not. I plety is unquestioned, but who has Vetches or tares are now grown
Blanche, 'With what sounds like gen- d don' know. but I should think wonder what you; would say,if I told an unfortunate habit of ' reaehin grain read when the boy broiigllt It
erous and cousinly adutfration. "I you that I earn prevent her being the p ll in Canada to a considerable extent, to the waiting woman in. the 11#1*
do hope you will Net her come to not," she replies. Poor Elaine has � „ ,ren particularly, for dairymen. They, are Michigan town; '
marehianeiss-a,nc mean, to R Y long sermons. He has, besides, Prove of value la nearly
Delaine. Papa will be so- glad to see not ih=ad many opportunities for He Nooks tit her very miuch as Lady an exceedingly sonorous voice and likely to 8 Lard and Peanuts m board. boat,
Blanche had done. + all the provinces. T,he common spring Will arrive to -morrow mornin "
ber." acquiring accomplishments, I'm ,• g•
The major, forgetting that the afraid." people living anywhere within a; vetch has been most generally, Chicago Tribune.
de- "No?" he says. i "What on earth do you mean T' he block Of his church can hear him 1 grown, but recent experimontelh'ace
earl has not yet expressed any demands with svppx^essed exc!tement. Without takingthe .trouble to antes bllown that the hairy vetch twill
sire to make Elaine's acquaintance, Lady Blanche leans .back with a 'I don't know why I should tell What the Coroner Discovered,
bows and smiles gratefully. smile that may be Interpreted as ypu,,' she says, "but perhaps some the sanctuary. A few Sundays ago Yield a much }anger amount of green
"So good of you," he says, "It will one of atfectiooniite .pity. day -when -when we know each he was announced to preach at a least three crops per season of rich I picked up a paper the other day,
be a great treat for her. She goes "No, poor glrl;'.I fancy she has had other better--" papular church, and the family who feed. It is readily eaten by all kinds umd found the following In lt:. Zine
out iso ,seldom." rather a hard time of It. You see,"Oh, come, Miss Fammy," lie remora entertained him had a little daugb- of live stook, but like other clovers tollowlzg Wats rer-ently rendered In
"And that is such a pity," says -'well, I su,pppose it is no secret- trates, "you may as well tell me ter who was very fond of attending it is apt to cause bloating it care- one of the counties of Indiama -, "A€ -
Lady, Blanche. "She is far too pret- my uncle, the major, has always been the secret, if there is a secret." service. Mrhen the family got ready leissly pastured. In Southern Ontario ter -taring• carefully examined the
ty to i+vasto her sweetness on tlae so poor and in such difficulties.' 'iso, and she shakes tier head. little Elsie flatly refused to go wi;th it usually staaids the winter well, body, sewn, heard and Inspected the
desert air of Barefieid. tiVhy, with "�'es7" he says, and he keeps his •'lyhy should I? But thorn is a se- them. and Iasis for years without reseed- evldemoe adduced iii the premises,
ordinary opportunities Elainemight eyes on the ground, lest they should cret, and I know it, and I mean "I )don't want to go to church," ing. It should be sown in the spring, da find that the true hold .lawful
_ stray toward Elaine with an ex- she declared. aither alone or 'with a light nurse given of ,said person is as above
- She steps, but of course he un- tvhm•;t I say. I can separate those � „ given, to wIt • Andrew itfitz, that hiva
dersL,inde hon« pression which will tell Lady Blanche two as surely as the river separ- ` What's the matter, asked ilia crop of barley, wheat or oats, and ge at the time of his death wAss 53
"Yes, yes," he says with a sigh. too much. ates the opposite bank from us." mother, much surprised; "are you at seed p t twenty
wo et It� is 9. of les fresh, gg000w o years, five feet and• ten inches -high;
"But' Nc IT .t can I do ? You know, my Yes,' she says. "But I think there His heart ]seat fast with the ex- blank hair and dark complexion, and
Is a chance of its coming to an end citement of ]lope and rear. What " I don't like the bishop, confessed gain a foothold, and Should but
not after
door Blanche, here poor -but we P t year, but after thct he chane to his death as fol-
-so speak of that. Yes, with fair -so far as she is concerned, I mean." would he not ,give to brie about he C}illd, ptysturnd the first
g "ph that is very, tenacious of life, and towis: After having the proper wit
play, Elaine might marry well, very "As how?" be asks, without rate- that separation, to prevent this > Elsie, that's ' wicked thing daises, -Which was a son of the de -
in his eyes." haughty, p to .say !' gasped the 'mother. withstands droughts particularly caused, I find that on the 14th day;
`Yell indeed. As it is, he goes on, giv- r g y, stuck -u laid, as he calls " I hate the bisho " insisted the n'�• I
Ing his white handkerchief a com- . � ell,' she replies, with a slight him, from marrying the woman he, little ane. p, Tlai�o may be sown about the first ! of February, A. D. 1803, and about
placent little wave, "as it is, silo I hesitation, "T have heard a rumor Charles l soul, - still loves, Bert .•Tell mother why," said the hos-' of May, for early feeding, and ad-:!! 3 o'clock p. m., 'Mr. Mitzi having
has had chances." lie bends forward that size has received a 'very good cis small soul, while it is tortured , I seen some water in his cellar thought
and drops his voice confidentially-. "I I offer." with the .longing, quakes with the toss, ditiora. sowings may be made at »g
Well," said Elsie, confidently, "the intervals as desired, It is advisable he would walk out to the end of the.
think I may 'tell you, so near a re- 1 He doesn't stall, but he raises els fear lest this sed himitted woman bishop reaches so lop that I can't to sow rape in drills about two cellar dream, which was perhaps a
Cation, that Elaine has already had ,head and looks at her steadily; then, tubo 1Las entangled him should guess P g p hundred a y. g
an offer." i as if her meaning had become clear his secret. keep awake and he preaches so Laud I fact apart, on `itch, well prepared Yards awe After seem
„ that I can't to sic 'As ,the ,land, and to cultivate ate as for turnips. the water coming out of the tile ap-
"Indeedl" says Lady Blanche, and to him, he says; Why should you separate them? u sleep." pa,rcli alright. upon looking
she forces an expression of cousinly, i "Indeed! The man who wins your he asks'with an uneasy laugh. 'They divine tells the story on himself, it's ' If drilled in, one to t'vo pounds of tly g g around
cousin for his wife will be aver haven't done you any wrong; it's probably true. fodder per acre in Ontario, The he saw a rabbit sitting and went to
interest into her face, but her lips y latter is very desirable for soiling the house after bis gun, when he re -
tighten•. Has the marquis repeated � lucky mortal." noliruslness of yours, Aliss Fanny."And e Bally in d districts, and a turned, the Pabbit had gone. So he
his offer in due form? "Yes,' she assents promptly. She he looks with hu¢itgry jealousy at the j y p'
.seems such a dear girl! And T' do two h res standing axm in arm on Allowance for Wives. I pears to be relloh ed by all classes t4ent !rack and just before entering
"Yes," he Continues. "I don't , g „ I of farm ,stock. Owing to the high the Howse thought be would take the
know; whether ,,yyou• noticed a hope she will be happy ! the bridge -the bridge over which he rShould the wife have an d1lowance, + rice of the sped, it will probably; loaded shell from the jgwn, when by,
tel}, fair moan at the ball-perhaps!He inclines his head silently=there was so nearly dtrgpped a few weeks 1 p some means the guns went off. It
a definite sum set apart cut of the be found best to sow veteliee along
seems to be almost a trace of a ago, i kinked back hold the stack of the gun
tai may have Beard his name --a Cap- ++ family income ror herself, or should I with peas, at the rate of one bushel hit him near the rola causin a Ise-
tatn Sherwin ?" � smile upon his Lipa-a.nd,aimost im- ' Tli•at depends, she says slowly. ),v g g
mediately gets up and strolls "Wrong? No,.But-well, I hate her!" she have to ask her husband, as if j c'atch'es, one bushel peas, and two vere merorage. He maylaged to get '
Lady Blancho looks up with ,: . away from . her, Lady Blanche "Elate }lea• 1 Why?" lie exclaim; ! buzheis of oats per acre. This into the housi and took his bed and
flash in her colts blue eyes. This, it were charity, far money with an
every Item or information concern has shot, hal fzrrow at ran- he laughs softly. which to buy her hats, gloves, rib- ! crop for Ju llv find u} August oreedin died from the effects about 30 11our
Ing Elaine, may be of value in the dam and she cannot even I couldn't tell you if I -tried, and later. The accident was peculiar but
coining struggle. I guess Whether it' has 111t tine mark. she could not. "But I mean to do bolls and the thousand and one need- I and If cut early will afford good fatal." i 1
g fu1 trifles? M•en are apt to think pasture afterwards.
"fns, I thluk I gild hear it. Oh, ; Lady Scott comes to her pre- what I lipx,vei said,, ai;rl perhaps I shall P .
sently, and asses boo• to sin and ask cu--" that .l;eeause women do not do the
yes, I remember the man. And he has g"'Well
y � Millet a Good Crop. The Boy's Answer,
to Elaine?" , the ma.riquis is in attendance at the "'Well?" he says, holding his breath•' rvark for which they, the man, are f
proposed nano, ants stands ,with[ bowed head "fir}zatt ?„ L paid; they have no part in earning Millet is another plant that par- 'Mn..ny years ago the Rev. Mr. Itit;� ,
Tire major nods with an air of 1, "T.c hal mo," Ohs finished. ,,Will it and are sooner or later inclined ' tieularly excels as a catch crop. It ohie, of Tarbolton, and the Rev. Ii i'.
rave importance. listening to lien well-traines1,voice. „ F for ask, "Wlzerels tho uarter I ave
g "Yes, home clays ago. It was, t but he allows her itob a surrounded you and she draws still closer to -yam sk,"? q ice' g can• sometimes be sown after a for- Mieldillay, of Coylton, 'were exam
it all together, a very fair by some of the other men, without hien, amd looks up at h1m.yesterday age crop of peas and oats has been Ining the parish School of Annbank
attempting. Ile stares in front of hind with a set liaxriage is a partnership 111 a spec taken off the ground, a.nd if there is [n religious knowledge. In the coursel
offer. Not such a one, .perhaps, as ' to monopolize her, :and 1 face ass if lie feared that some Iran• ,lal sense, in which the Tuan Is gen-
Elaine, considering our family--.: presently able notices that he has moisture enough to start it, will of the examination the word "mor,
t left the romp and disappeared. 1 sient expression would betr:a_y the orally life breast winner; but It by no : yield a fair crop. it sown early, in tel occurred, and the class was ask -
But he is a very decent young Pet- g means follows that the w an is '
„ It is ,to Elaine that he has ono. loon, the buriairi�, interest het`,words � ••-.•—. -
law, with good e�pe tatioua, very g I have roused w•.tuan, hlml mezely an ornament or a doll ar- •
cod, indeed." A few minutes later, with a g auzy tt „ , s a
g "And Elaine refused hint?" asks wrap over her shapely shoulders, i Oh, yes, Ill helrr you if youvo\sst rayed in pretty dresses or House
hvr hand resting lightly on the arm j 3; it," t_ runs. In rile ideal baso the wife �
Lady B.lafrche. . ' h hetix't upon -11e xeplied: W 0 i the li.,�aL.
C %; k
,Tile major xiods again. 1 of the marquis, they pass out upon Though 'why anal how --11 hI ears loon share of the burdens that @I m„
g must coins, it would seam, to us all,
'. the terrace. Re points to the Stze,puts Ileo hand upon his arm.
Yes, she refused hint I was serol P 'Vend down !"• she whispers. 'I Her duties are multifarious, and when t i
at the tine, but-�-well, well, ane ' ';lade t}i'like which of stream is p she has done all see is expected to °� Baa i
never know,+g. Perhaps it was for winding 121:e a band of silver un- think that' are conrinm, this way. I H a d
the beist." Re glances round the der the rays cK the new moon. Will tell you when the. time comes be a companion for her husband and •v'
room, ai1c' Ills eyes rest upon he "Let us go down toward the tell you both, how and Willy I I would to 'be interested In the things in
Marquis, who is standing in tho brlclge," he says, after they hxtve tell you now if--if-1 thought you rvlz!Ch he is interested. And this is
r I stood fbir a moment or two In r,11- cared- :" $lzc s�taps acid sigliq, ''and Just as much contribution to the �ie�$ � ��yEy�ly� �y�qg Loss qy� �g$�ar�Glt--�OO'tOR':r �ayte9d Not
centre of a group. teem 601a11 hand flutters on life. household happiness and comfort as r.
Lady .Blanche follows his glance, once, and as they go he talks to .'Of courani I mare for you, if that's the money tine husband brings homb Melp x lm -A Splel' did `i"t'Sl^1l. tO tO
and her lips grow, compressed again. her in a low voice that tho,ngh no
.What you nl+ecsn;" lie s`1.3*s, "and he every '4Celi. In x•us3nes5 matters the
"She did not care for him 7" she • word of lave Is spoken, is full of �� i .i �,�+
says. � "1Vas that it ?" }r ! "�.--••-•---' puts his aafn round hat• and kisses her. w!fa s�hcixi.d have an aliar4aizce, and � `" G .- '+, ,„ C'+
assents the major, and I BABY'S 'yvl�I,lATi.l� Pa'nnl:i'' Stifles a cry of e�,uitatioat,, sihCuid not have a false sentiment
Yes, i and drolrs hey, head upon his breast.. about asking for It. -Woman's home y
am the .last roan to persuade ' my "-- "You do really -really love. me ?,' Companlbn. When you read such fetters as the 'told ino to try Dr, Chase's Kidney%mi
dear girl against hez' inclinations. I Every mother is anxious for the she .murmurs. following from well-known and high- Liver fills, and said lie knew; they'
The heart -the heart, dear Blanche !" , h,eal.th and welfare of her little ones, "Or course I do," lie sways again, would cure me. I secured a, lax, and
and be waves Nils handkerchief. ' j and Baby's, Own Tablets is the best Only One Wa ly respected people in all parts of
but his tong world have betrayed y' great was my surpx;tse rotten I be -
"Yes," says Lady B}anebe thought- medicine to make baby 'veli and the fo,Nsenesis of Itis avarval if hex 'tin these days," 11e sighed, "it is the country you need no longer won- gap. to feel better. attor using only.
fully. "and Captain •Sherwin -ilo is keep it well. Thousands of mothers anxiety to accept it for truth had iff ult to convince a< irl of ouir der why the sale of Dr: a;litt,se's Incl- the* one box. I continued their use
,still herie In the nnelghlxarhood? keep the tablets danstaotly, In the not 1llunte0ber usual acuteness, d g y ulitil.i boas taken about four boxes
" " "You know I do, And now 'what's ,, '+ n�ey Liver Pills is so far In advance
W-MClt mkada me a, sound wi.n, anti, T
Oh, yes, yes, says ilio major house -they say they' would not iso sincere adaniratian.
Cheerfurlly. Aii(l ire, he and I, are without them. As ,proof of this Mrs. thlsnal}but the marquis and EI --Miss "Iiow so 7 shay asked. . of any similar remedy. When ;also regained MY iusnal w.elglit, 100
still good friends. ,- . Goo; Kilgore, WollwoodI Alan., ,m.ys : Delaine?" "Why, it you taws lien, olhie is pretty' people find out the virtue of this
Pehaps Elaine may, change her " Having used Baby's Own. Tablets "Not to-nlght," she murmurs. y y favorls, I '!Cha say too y -Li in
mind?" suggests Lady* Blanche. i for some time, I can truthfully say '"Don't let us talk of them to-nl ht. she tib Wks You, moan to : infel that ;great medicine they tell their nr Lgh- Payor oT Dr. Chaco , Kidney -Liver
He shrwgis his shoulders. 1 that :they are the best medicine I. I will tell you ,all, everything, soon, she I,� stupid; if you tell hor she is bors a'bou't it, and so the good news I lllw, WIlibl bane done. so niue..li for
'J me. I have roeoniniatnded them to au.
"I -don't think so • Elntne has a hive ever used far llttlo ones, 'I very soon. You shall sec whaat I clever ale asstimos ilial you mean 1 spreads. number of niy friends, and havo neve
wtrtYnlg' mind. Brut still-- He 111olk so hi tzl,y of the Tablets th'alt mean:to do. You think you are go- she Is disagreeable, and if you, tell
glances toward the marquis again. 1 always keel) them in the house." Ing to make a great sacrifice in hell ,sh:e is a,aniaible she concludes that Mr. James Clark, Consecon, Prince tir,u,et'vitll cai�a case wizare tho, ,li(l
g"1�see,,' says Lady Blanche Witt a 1 A medicine like Baby's Own Tab- nv ryln: a mere netrod Tike me, y da riot think slam pmetty" Eulwacti Co., Ont., states; j`Eleven niot ineet with good saooe:,m. X)r '
,,she bas one string to liar : Lets ,which so many mothers praise, I?ut ou silo-- ee ou s •aIl see. it Y`Sttll;' vile said, thoughtfully,' oars a. o I wins taken with pains in dr>ughtiyr, Mrs, Charles I'hiflip:k, has
bow tat any rate." ; is the right one for your little ones, .you ywil,l only sloveyme,"baud IherC "tlzelne is a way to Comv}pea -her on a ymy back, settling in my hips a,i1d tilswo t>acti:cured of a.. severe Htotn4ic5Y
The major la=ughs complacently. 'They are guaranteed to contain are real, ge aliie tears in -her voice 8411 points, One is reasonably; certain extendin * up my spina, Thr pain trotibla by the use of tbe,go pills,
''I suppose we May Put it so," he neither opiates nor othler harmful and 1n ller eyes• ,,You shall not bo what e, Map thinks whom be --•mss' I'
Blanc a drugs, add can bo given to the n belonging "YeIN, es, of eou•rso, he interrupt- ! was gory severe,-n.,n(1 at tunes al- Dr. Lslirlsr+'i 1' idriey 7�ivnr Pills, crud
ia,gsents. OP course, my dear Blanche, ug , g b tt h,amed of itis, no cola belong y.
Is udte antro nous; it is youngest infant wt.th.perfeet saafe,ty, to on shall e ashamed of me; I ed, as its took liar hand and part to I Wa unendurable, able bio, and owes clays fsilt $ close, A rents ;t, box, ;i boxes
this q g y h
' secret, and perhaps I ou ht Good for teething troubtas,. constlpan will sh,o them I can as great a hem the momentouis question. "But," I w,a,� runt able to de duct hour s worts. for �1,(, es all dC:iT rd, or fid
(h71tr,.lti•e s se ,
mentioned It; but tion diarrhoea, simple favors worms laaol w f t • i • f u will ho added. zuf�ter a very busy Intel- My weight w'u,s rntlueod from 180 uriinscrn, lAa,tes �� d o., Toronto. YI'tsr
incl to 21avo znem , t , h Sr y to any ,$ limn-, f l y „ t g to 1G0 pounds, and though I had protect you aagainst fm[tatioai,a tfie
Abu,, tion cciusim---" and alt lila minor aiilnents aP chi-- only lovE, mb+' wad, if tlimts the only way of giving man first-class -lyssa- ortraat alid signature of Dr. A. W.
°'I umdersttand, dear uncle," she dren. ;Sold by druggists, or Iitay, be lller voice -breaks with a � sob, and a girt a oompliznomt that hasn: t a consulted y p p g
t t ; " acs b mail at 25 cents 'a be, ;b }her 1 lyes . The stimg to It, a fellow; hats got, to 130 -lass and tried several advertised me- Chase, the famous receipt book etutli-
murmurs klnito affec iontt el.v... Deter h y eia convu s
0 o he will lsrl ha writing the Dr,'Williamsedfcina old• ada ao� sa a that it Is dang'erouH, sommewhat timgracious and .illiberal to dielnes I could get no relief, or, are 'riff' livery box efhis no*
01all I da l yp s „ Pp i g ' g
i+ahover ria , it gars. Ca,rockvltlo, Ont, y
_ t , t. i . r w to 1?1 3' with edged loofa. Fano ' Icep onxt df troupe."-hitegtr ]'omt "At this time wy, fa then u�la la dies:
' .. _ !'Y,
. - ' .