HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-26, Page 1ti VOL..III.. NO. 48 4.o.° �o The .sovereign. ,Bank. . .' OP -CANADA TORONTO eP EX OE'FICL31 MONTREAL. O Q — nit ANc11i s IN IaIIDON COON 'I'1,--,1— Exeter, Clinton, Crediton, Zurich - w A general banking businan ess transacted at all brand! offices. Fur- c t7 ers' salos notes collected. Collections made. Loans made to farmers- on Q 0 their own names. ' Q O , • HEAP —OFFICE D.' D.D a. i? o,o D.Q Qp SAVeNOS EMNK DEPARTMENT IV 0 0 This Bank offers special inducements to anyone wanting to save d V. money. One dollar deposited with The Sovereign Bank will give you an h0 4 account in our books., 11 D0 000 Zurich badly Branch Open QQ� (MADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, F. E. kA,RN, I'lianager. QP 40 tbe lberatb J103 DEPARTMflNT Is now fully Egipped for The Oficial Orga ZURICH 0 -E+i3-i3►+3►+3•-43►+3►+3►i3►+3►+3►4E+.43.+3►+3►+3►+3►i3►fi3►43►+3►+3►+3.-+3•0- Book Work. ' Lt Catalogue Work+ -E+•£++ y£+,£P•Eo4E+4E+-f*�+••E$'E+"Ea .£+•£+ .4-40 44-*E0-C++£+4C+<£+-£+4+4E+ +3•4*3•+3•+3• •+3►s3•+3•+3• ..3.+ r * All kinds of Work -c.o.c# E++3.44.(-+-E++3►+3.4*.i+.0,043►.6+ DO not pass your Horne Paper When you want Printing. Our Prices are always the 'Lowest: MOWERS RAKES and BIND13RS.... DEERINGS have taken THE LEAD during PAST SEASONS and this year you will find BETTER THAN EVER : : : We make a specialty of all kinds of HAY HANDLING TOOLS and now is the time to,, get things ready for the coaling harvest. Call and see ray Stock on hand. J. F. Rickbeil, - Zurich. Pure Manitoba Flour. Best Hensall "Flour. Buckwheat and Rye Flours. ....ea■.a. =MEW And in Breakfast Foods We Carry WHEATINE, ROLLED WHEAT, AND OATMEAL. ALSO: International Stock. Foods, Oil Cake and Linseed Meal. Seeds &c., &c. :I am selling Manitoba Flour at $2.25 and all other grades at correspondingly low prices. C. SCHRAG', ZURICH. ( Zeller Block. ) Successor to . . R. Johnston. i��ri��la. and Hay Township LOCAL NEWS Mie. Wm Prit"z, of Crediton, -alts in town on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Jake Kellerman, r of Dashwood, were.in town on Tries - day. Mr. Charley Brown spent Sunday at home with his parents, at Creel. iton. Miss Louie Moir, of Hensall, was the guest of her, cousin, olara Bach- :man. Miss Lydia Faust came home on Tuesday from, a trip to Berlin and other places. Mr..Olivex Johnson and tinnily, of olinton, visited at Mr. Thomas Johnson's on Sunday. Mrs. Wnz. Pinkbeiner, of Milver- ton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and 1Virs, D. S. Faust. Mr. Win. Lamont, of• Stanley, lost a steer recently by death. The animal was valued. at $60. Mrs. Chris. Oswald,, of the Bron Son Line,is spending a few weeks in different parts of Michigan. Mrs. J. D. Merner returned Sat- urday evening from a two weeks' visit with her parents, in Detroit. Mrs. Alfred Moritz, ne Miss Kib- ler, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fritz, and other friends, in town, 4ttpres- ent. Mr. Peter Beaver, of Holyrood, Bruce Co., is visiting his father and brother, at the 14th Conces- sion. The Misses. Minnie and Martha Pheffer, of Milverton, are visiting relatives and friends, -in and around Zurich. Mr. Charrette, who has been in the States for a number of years is visiting his brother ;• Ben., at St. Joseph. Miss Mina Doan, who attendee] the Normal sohool -at; Ottawa, f'or the past six months, returned on: Saturday. Mr. J. W. Ortwein. and family, of Hensall, were in the village, • on Sunday,•and visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wagner. Mr. N. M. oantin and family returned from Montreal this' week and wilt likely remain at St. Joseph, for the summer. The party that took'!), curry -coin b and brush out of Dr.; Harrlilton's stable will please return same as the owner has use for then]. The policies of the Royal -Vic- toria Life Ins. Co. are the most liberal issued by any Company. Bachand & Co., District Agents. Miss M. Handford, who has been taking charge of Mr. ,Jno. Preeter's millinery department, left for her house in Centralia on Saturday last. Hartleib received a large ship- ment of Binder Twine, of the Farm- er's Binder Twine Co., of Walker- ton. Any one wanting • angthing in this line will get it cheap. Aypolicy in the Royal -Victoria Life Insurance Co. furnishes ready cash in the event of death and pro- tects estates from being sacrificed. Bachand & Co., District Agents. Mr. Jerry Curriveau returned to his home'at the Sauble line, recent- ly., He had been employed in ,a shoe store at Chatham, for some months; and later at Port Huron. Weather permitting, it foot -ball match will be played 'here, this (Friday) evening, between the Hen- sel]. and Zurich juniors. An inter- esting and exciting game is expect- ed The Royal -Victoria Lite Insur- ance Co's policies give greaten: benefits at less outlay and in ;feat er variety, than any other form of secure investments. Bachand.' Co., Agents. The guaranteed capital and ac- cumulated assets of the Royal - Victoria Life Insurance Co. for the protection of policy holders now amount to $1,156,218.00. Bachand & Co., District Agents. Mr. Norman Buchanan returned home from Toronto, on Saturday, having finished his medical studies at Toronto University. Norman has completed a brilliant course. at the University, having taken first- class honors at every examination. Farmers be loyal. Patronize home industry by buying the 'Walk- erton' Binder Twine, people who patronize you by using your pro- dnce ; Canada for the Canacliauis ; then leave yotr money in the coun• tri. • Mr. G. Holtzman, of this Village, LS just now engaged in putting up Lightning Rods through the coun- try and will be pleased to do the same for any other parties requring to take preventive Measures of this kind in either village or surround- ing district. ,Mr. R. P. Stelck, principal of our school is coiitliictinp entrance ex- aminations art Hensall this week, and the • principal of oreditou is performing the same duty in town. Quite a large number tiro writing at the mune here, five being frnru our awn School. • successf1.11 quilting bee WAS Icl at, the h'ime of Mrs, Lydia, Bos- senkierry, on Tuesday. afternoon, Alen her friends •assisted her with trAnilt, of the 'Well-knoWn pattern; e ffa.nsns St'►r, which was' pre- Mepted to her by her datnghter, ]11'x•4. l Z-athis, of Kansas ; a very enjoyai h1e tieno was spent, 'A t areeof Foot-hatl-1wes played et the Evangelicaal ohnroh pie -sic, at (rand Bend, on Thursday :rfter- zi.00tx, between the seniors of czedi- ton end our boys, resulting in a. vie- tory for our team by- a score of 2 to 0. It is only fair to say that neith- er elubs had their'1till, team on the .round and were forced to resort to taking the best avatilaabe'xnatterial on t,/4,W kFounds from each of the places n#Ln)ed above, Some one asked in last week's pa- per,' why not reconsider the matter and have a school pie-nic. Well, a school pie'nic is all right when everyone joins in and the crowd stays' together, but when it is a gnat= ter' of a dozen or snore private pie- ties., the public plc-nic is spoiled.— people wish for private pic-nic's by' all means have thein, but on some other clay then the school pic- nic' day.—TEACHER. •KNEW DLL. CHASE IN 1867. One of Dr.Chaise':s oldest patients' in Canada is Mr. G. W. Perish of Sturgeon Bay, Simcoe Co., Ont., Whom he cured of kidney disease in 1867 by means of his now cele- brated Kidney -Liver Pills, Mr. Parish writes that he does not. think there is any medicine half so Food and that he always keeps Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills in the house is a family medicine. Next week we take our annual "week off," and in consequence THE HERALD 'will not be issued.— This is our annual house-cleaning tiine, and if any of our ,subscribers in arrears should receive a " thin- ner" during the next two weeks zve trust they will make a prompt remittance, as it takes money to turn out a newspaper. You will gladden the publisher's heart and " give the devil his due," by send- ing in your little contribution as early as possible. We would ask our correspondents to send in a good budget for our next issue and if any are out of supplies, they will be promptly forwarded, on request. I. -Tie return Football match be- tween Dashwood and Zurich Sen- iors, was ,;played on th'e' grounds here last Friday evening. and result- ed in a victory for the former, the score being 1 to 0. The game was exciting from start to finish a.ncl a large number of the citizens turn- ed out to witness the game. The collection amounted to something over $4, for which the boys wish to thank the on -lookers. After the snatch a supper was spread at mine host, Johnston's, of the Dominion Hotel, for the visitors. The supper was very much enjoyed and highly spoken of. We expect another match before long. On Thursday, of last week, the various organizations of Evangeli- cal Church united to hold a general Evangelical outing. The day was all that -multi be desired. The lake was very calm, and gnite a number did little else except amuse theia- selves with boating. There were about one hundred wlio took in the outing. The ladies, as is custom- ary with them, had amply provided to satisfy the wants of so many.— Fortunately the Crediton Sabbath School held their outing the same day, and after supper all seemed to have enjoyed themselves immense - v. May we all live to enjoy a SIM - Silar outing next year.—Cort euN F- ATED. CANNOT DO WITHOUT IT. Once Dr. Cha.se's Ointment be- comes known, it is indispensable in ' the; hone because of the scores of ways in which it can be used. While this ointment is best known as a positive cure for eczema, salt rheum, itching piles and the most torturing diseases of the skin, it is also unapproached as a treat- ment for chafed, irritated skin, pimples, blackheads, poisoned skin, scalds, burns and sores .of every description; Born. Corriveau.—At the Sauble line, Stanley, on June 21st, the wife of Mr. Frank oorriveau, of a son. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have a large number of First Class ' Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will Ile sold at reasonable prices. For Particu- lars apply to 484f Muut & BaaNDaa, Zarrieli, ri1.HE ROYAL VICTORIA LIFE TN surance Co. issues a Children's En- dowment Polley, wi aoomnulatingprofits and with cash loans, cash values and, paa,icl up insurance guaranteed. B ACHAND & Co. District. Agents, Zurich. A !nasn can be almighty moan to his -wife and yet wipe out the score if he will only remember, when tlie;> are dining in a restatirant: to sad' he eau never eat roast beef e .0ept in his own house. in UR New Spring Stock is comple we have good reasons for feelin r ofour new spring lines, sue, Men and Boye} Ready-made Men and Boys SUITS, I -DRESS Mens and Boys' HATS, of the Ver American Styles MUSLIN~, of all kinds, of thy, newest d Many more, which space does' not perm to mention. We invite you all to come in and see our 11. goods, • whether you buy or not. Ynu rys me to eCOMstudyon the knewowyost Talese atalwawelco` •Prices will be made easy, and produce taken exchange for goods, at °A QST' T the Ladies of Zurich and surrounding country, I' would kindly call your attention to the EMPRESS SHOE the most modern Shoe made in Can= ada, and the best value for the money, OHAS. FR1TZ, THE S HOEllil'A N ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. New and bitewear. --1..-a.. We have in a nice stock of Ladies' whitewear of all descrip- tions. Night Gowns,5 Frtotaii.1a- 0 Dra'wrel•s ts 50e� , From 50cts to $1,50. Underskirts Frcnn 50e. to $1.2.5 CORE.r CSV ER from 20 to 50cts. . We are also showing a large and up-to-date range of New Wash Goods Here is where you get all that is new. We are always.. strictly up to the moment. Call and see for yourselves. Cash paid for Eggs. We close at six o'clock. Teesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. J. PREETER. ZURICH, Ont. MIUNIiSS TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Agency for Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars Try them for your tender -shouldered horse FURNITURE A FULL LINE AL V AVS IN STOCK, III(."r1T (GRADE PIANOS AND OF?GANS A number of second-hand will be sold at BARGAIN PRICKS a"4, zarixzeiczz